Jack Siegel's New Novel Poses QuestionsAbootTempted Youth THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, May 7, 1971 "The Right Time" is impressive notorious occurrences. Jack Siegel, an executive on the retained in a unique memory of as autobiography, and it mirrors Judge Hoffman, Kunstler, Seale, Sportsman to Get events and people. staff of JTA and currently also life in the current era as viewed Rubin and the other members of a In all honesty, to clarify the editor of Seven Arts Feature Syn- of characters who electrified USO's Annual Award record and to prove that he did by an able and an observant jour- cast dicate, has writ- the legal scene, pass in review in PHILADELPHIA — David Zin- nalist. not make light of an offense for * * ten two novels this account of an event that made koff, winner of many awards for which he was given a five-year that have had In "The Great Conspiracy Trial," legal history. his role in sports, his sponsorship jail sentence in Virginia and was good sales as The Democratic National Con- of athletic events issued as a Random House Vintage paroled after 18 months, Golden paperbacks. He included in his autobiography an paperback, Jason Epstein, a Ran- vention's experiences in 1968 are in Israel and his has authored a article by Judith Crist. He was dom House vice president, gives related to the story as accounted organizational ef- third which has arrested as Harry L. Goldhurst a thorough account of the Chicago in this record of a notorious "con- forts with the fa- been issued, like and got his new start as Harry trial that shook the nation with its spiracy trial." —P.S. mous Harlem the previous ones, Globetrotters, has L. Golden, and "Only in Amer- by Pyramid been awarded ica" proved his claim and the Publications. His the annual USO American principle that there is newest paper- Award which justice in Americans' treatment back touches Siegel will be presented of their fellow men. upon youth aspirations and prom- to him at a din- He was honored by President, in ises to get another large distribu- organization which Delegates of Jewish Community local youth ner June 8 in +.Dn with its appeal to those who special messages by the Kennedys, Council member organizations will has made a significant and out- Zinkoff Philadelphia. in Israel, by all faiths, and his do not fear the sex revolt in con- standing contribution in the area Notification of the award stated: pay tribute to retiring president successes have more than offset temporary literature as well as of communty service. "Your many devoted years of Judge Lawrence Gubow 8:30 p.m. the searchers for exploration of an early blunder. dedicated service to our armed Wednesday at the Council's final Delegates will have the oppor- the mind of youth. delegate assembly of the current tunity to meet representatives of forces is judged worthy of recog- Siegel's "The Groovy Genius" season in the Jewish Center. organizations which have affiliated nition." deals with a 15-year-old Italian Following the assembly pro- with Council during the past year. Zinkoff helped introduce basket- science genius, Noah Glganti, who gram a reception will honor the ball in Israel and has assisted Presidents of the following member suddenly emerges into the lime- three years of service by Judge groups will be introduced: Ameri- many other efforts in advancing light as one of the great minds Gubow. Hostesses will be the can Red Mogen Dovid for Israel; sports for youth there. of our time but who shuns oppor- Jewish War Veterans Women's Bnai Brith Sholem Aleichem He was a close associate for 15 tunity to get involved in the space BOSTON (JTA)—Sen. Henry M. operations or higher scientific ex- Jackson urged that the U.S. gov- Auxiliary. Judge Gubow has Brotherhood, Samuel Grant, Eddie years of Abraham Saperstein, plorations. He craves the role in ernment drop the "formula" of served for many years as a Jacobson, Motor City and Albert founder of the Globetrotters, and D. Tucker lodges and Masada and had been honored by the NBA baseball and does not respond to Secretary of State William P. Rog- JWV delegate to Council. Delegates will elect a slate of Dov Frankel chapters; Metropoli- numerous times. tempting offers for college careers ers as a means to resolve the Council officers and representa- tan Detroit Federation of Reform or big business offers in the area issues in the Middle East. tives to the executive committee. Synagogues; National Federation that compute the magnificence of "If we wish to promote serious Nominated to succeed Judge Gub- of Temple Sisterhoods District 11; z:onquering the air. Candy Centerpieces negotiations in the Middle East we ow as president is Hubert J. Sid- Women's American ORT Balmor- When he leaves his home in must drop the Rogers formula," low, who currently serves as a al, Vera Bramson, Harmony, Oak- Personalized Party the upper fringes of Harlem for the Washington Democrat said in an adventurous afternoon uptown a speech here before the World vice president and chairman of field, Parkwood, South Acres and Mementos Council's internal relations com- Southwoods chapters; and Town and does not return overnight, Affairs Council. and Country Club. the headlines blared that a Invitations and Party Ac- Jackson said that continued sup- mittee. Another feature of the assembly genius has been kidnaped and port for the "Rogers formula" has cessories for all occasions. the suspicion is that a foreign now become "the major obstacle will be the presentation of a special citation to Cantor Harold Orbach power had gotten hold of the to progress in the efforts to nego- great mind. tiate stable peace in the Middle of Temple Israel. Cantor Orbach's Orchestra and Entertainment What happened actually was that East." He added that the formula's many contributions to Council pro- ack- he had been threatened by two "principal effect has been to shake graming efforts will be 646-6138 holdup men, he knocked one out, the confidence of our friends, deep- nowledged, especially his role as and as he left an 18-year-old, the en the intransigence of our ene- host on Council's weekly radio pro- heroine in the story, Abbey, en- mies a n d discourage genuine gram, "Hear Our Voice." Council Executive Director cULAR.SMISULUMS-Q-9-9 -MASJUUSS-9 -CLASI ticed him with offers to join her negotiations." Walter E. Klein will summarize cultist group. That's where Siegel Jackson described the formula We Make Our Own Glasses programs and actions undertak- introduces the reader to the new as providing that "any settle- en during the past year. In ad- element that has emerged and ment should be based on Israeli HEADQUARTERS FOR dition, Council's annual Youth describes the temptations which withdrawal from virtually all oc- • LATEST DOMESTIC AND Award will be presented to the include Noah's being drawn also cupied territory." He said that IMPORTED FRAME FASHIONS into Abbey's_bed. He returns home, "only a failure to appreciate still uncertain about his future, Israel's determination to negoti• • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES but reunited with his family. There ate secure and defensible borders ACCURATELY FILLED is a celebration arranged for him can explain the administration's by family and neighbors but he persistence in this shortsighted • Reasonably Priced • Immediate Repair shuns notoriety, even with offers plan." He also said that "our The Michigan Star Ball is ex- yet to make good on the diamond. energetic diplomacy aimed at pected to draw some 1,200 dance Siegel's concocted tale has a reopening the Suez Canal is ex- enthusiasts to the Oak Park Corn- considerable amount of sex and tremely dangerous." 13720 W. 9 MILE nr. COOLIDGE munity Center 8 p.m. Saturday to if it were not for Noah's genius Jackson observed that "once the cheer for their favorite competi- LI 7-5068 OAK PARK, MICH. and his height the reader would canal is opened the effectiveness tor and to dance to Panchito and question whether a 15-year-old can of the growing Soviet military and his orchestra. p.m. 9:30 .m. to 6 Hours: Daily and Saturday command so much mind and body merchant fleets would be doubled" A U.S. Ball Room Council Dance energy for a story filled with sex and contribute to the "ongoing So- Championship, the Michigan Star desires. The author justifies his viet penetration of Africa." Ball, was organized in 1961 and scientific approach by using many became one of the largest dance equations the key to which appear competitions in North America. Dr. Max Rosenberg as an addendum at the very end of With the cooperation of Detroit the book. The reader should have been guided to those lines before Honored With Listing dance schools and several in sur- rounding states, the Michigan Star reading the book in its entirety. in Biog ra phy Volume Ball will feature five hours of con- This is certain: Jack Siegel ably Dr. Max Rosenberg of Oak Park tinuous dancing, and contestants weaves a good plot and raises many questions regarding the has been honored by inclusion in from all North America are in- status of youth in our time, vis-a- the Dictionary of International vited to compete for the Michigan t■tIt/It tsi. ° S 14 vis the temptations our age poses Biography. Educator and writer, Star Trophy. General dancing will • pitt- Dr. Rosenberg is editor of Quest: be interspersed with the competi- for them. too, • riqs, Detroit Public Schools Staff Jour- tions. For tickets and information, con- Goi nal. Golden's Autobiography %Ns f Dr. Rosenberg has written much tact Jack Barnes, 4921 Crooks, in Pyramid Paperback C in the fields of philosophy and Royal Oak, or the Oak Park Corn- OCKTAIL Pyramid Publications this week education. He is the author of munity Center. DREssEs • Ge also reissued "The Right Time," "Introduction to Philosophy" pub- the autobiography of Harry Golden, lished by Philosophical Library, Brides Maid's Gowns £ Gowns for the Mothers NY Federation Reaffirms as a paperback. and "Evaluation of School Princi- It is a family chronicle as much pals" published by Croft Educa- Commitment to Education EXTRA GOOD NEWS FOR YOU: as the personal account of an tion Publications. He has de- NEW YORK (JTA)—Overwhelm- interesting life that began on New Extra Special Savings on ingly reaffirming the historic in- • • York's East, Side and led to the veloped criteria for evaluating minority group treatment in text- volvement in Jewish education of All New Merchandise author's present popularity and his books and other curriculum ma- Federation of Jewish Philanthro- More Dressing Rooms great success in producing best terials. A feature writer for several pies, the organization's board ap- More Sales Girls sellers. proved the recommendation of its national educational publications, Replete with anecdotes, marked he wrote a weekly feature column executive committee "that all ave- More Merchandise by many stories about his refusal which ran for five years in the nues be searched to find addition- Ban kAmericard Honored al funds required" in the effort to join in race hatred, Golden tells Detroit News. Personal Attention From to increase support for Jewish Alpert how he defied the mores of the Sylvia Both in public schools and in South and cast his lot with those Jewish religious schools, Dr. Rosen- education, as well as other Jewish who fought for civil rights and for berg has served as teacher and ad- communal services. The committee's report, as an- justice to the Negroes. r:ninistrator. He held the position 354-3554 26571 W. '12 Mile Rd., Southfield, Mich. Many important personalities of principal in the Detroit Public nounced by Federation President 0/2 Block West of Northwestern Hwy.) pass in review in the Golden story Schools, Yeshivah Chachmey -Lub- George H. Heyman, Jr., acknowl- Mon.-Sat. 10 'til 5:30 of a caree r. that was filled with lin and Temple Emanuel. He has edged Federation's constant and in- . titvdd this- week' -‘.• 4s,in Tem, on sibility J'eM,sh sd -• -t-k-cre- • I. . - • • action a • Nti-m • - • 1144101aiWrkP°i S .wki,34ada.ittilarriftztierealfni• saw ssts the able writer 1 Wiwi/4 itbar,Niiik xd experienc e fleiW9I, .artoil3nui .191:130 briz a9ild .11ficialcM. iszt ,'1M " •••• Council Delegate Assembly to Honor Outgoing President, Elect New One Jackson Urges Dropping Rogers Formula on M.E. Larry Freedman MARCIA MASSERMAN 647-2367 Dancers to Vie in Michigan Ball ROS1EN OPTICAL SIRVICE HOT NEW MERCHANDISE IS HERE* l ' l*s Sylvia's Fashions 110W 17