Knesset Committees Meet With Rogers Today at His Request; Tour Peaceful JERUSALEM (JTA)—Secretary terms for an over-all settlement , meeting was the highest-level of State William P. Rogers, at his Sapir said he had a peace "map' ' meeting in the Egyptian capital own request, will address the Knes- —but only in his mind, not on between officials of the two na- set foreign affairs and security paper. tions since Egypt broke diplo- committee here today and will Regarding his personal future, th e matic relations with the U.S. in answer questions from members. minister said he would not be a 1967 because of American support Rogers arrived in Israel at noon candidate for another term. He also for Israel in the Six-Day War. Thursday from Cairo. insisted that if he were offered the Neither Israel nor the United The U.S. Secretary of State re- premiership, which earlier reports States has adopted any final quested the . meeting through the considered likely, he would em- position on terms for an interim usual foreign ministry channels phatically decline it. arrangement to reopen the Suez Referring to his peace "map" Canal, it was stressed by Foreign which brought the matter to the Sapir said that it was in line with Minister Abba Eban on a radio committee's attention. Committee chairman Haim Za- the rest of the so-called oral doe interview and was elaborated on dok is cutting short a visit to South trine of the Labor Party—a united by reliable sources following a Jerusalem, a territorial link to America in order to attend. Deputy cabinet meeting. chairman Moshe Carmel is han- Sharm el-Sheikh and the Jordan The sources said that the note dling arrangements in his absence. River as Israel's security border The meeting will be a working with the Gaza Strip to remain on the subject which Premier Meir handed Barbour two weeks luncheon session in the Knesset under Israeli control. ago for conveyance to Washington chambers. On the Israeli side, only Israeli and American sec- and subsequently to Cairo, was not committee members will attend. urity agents were on the alert Secretary Rogers will be accom- for the arrival of Secretary Israel's final word and may be panied by members of his party Rogers. At the same time, groups amended in light of the forth- coming talks with Rogers. The who include Assistant Secretary which insist that Israel retains sources said Barbour stressed that of State for Near Eastern Affairs all of the Arab territories an- his government has not rejected Joseph J. Sisco. Some observers nounced that they planned dem- all of the points in Israel's position. said that Rogers' desire to address onstrations against the Rogers On the contrary, the U.S. has ac- key Israeli legislators in private plan. The "Greater Israel cepted some of them, expressed paralleled Foreign Minister Abba League" sent out pickets with disagreement with others and ask- Eban's now famous breakfast meet- posters demanding that Rogers ed for clarification 'of still others, ing with 40 U.S. senators when he abandon his plan which calls the sources said. was last in Washington. At that for the restoration of Israel's pre- Eban said that Washington was meeting, Eban explained Israel's June 1967 borders. position in the Middle East con- The "All Party Anti-Retreat vague on certain points that are flict, apparently with some success. Committee" held a mass meeting vital to Israel and require exact It was doubted here, however, that here Wednesday. The Moscow definitions. One of these was what Rogers would try to or could con- oriented R al a c h Communists the U.S. would want to and would vert Knesset members to his views. arranged for an anti-Vietnam War be able to do to reassure Israel Rogers 'first full-fledged work- demonstration outside the U.S. Em- that acceptance of an agreement ing session with Premier Golda bassy in Tel Aviv Saturday but to reopen the Suez Canal would Meir and senior cabinet ministers said Rogers' visit to Israel was just not result in Egyptian or Soviet was held Thursday afternoon, incidental. forces crossing the waterway. shortly after his arrival. He is Israel's ambassador to Washing- Rogers will be the first foreign scheduled to make a brief air tour ton Gen. Yitzhak Rabin arrived of Galilee and the Golan Heights national to attend a meeting of the here to be present during the visit Knesset foreign affairs committee. on Friday after a television inter- of Secretary of State William P. Government circles denied press view. He will lunch at the Knesset Rogers. He told newsmen that he reports that Rogers had been de- and will hold "summing up" talks shared Rogers' own stated view with Premier Meir, probably at- nied a request to address the cab- that no material results should be inet. They said the U.S. Secre- tended by Eban, Deputy Premier expected from the American diplo- Yigal Allon and Defense Minister tary of State would meet with all mat's current Mid East tour al- Moshe Dayan in Tel Aviv. Rogers or most members of the cabinet though he hoped for a change in may also have a private meeting zt working sessions with Mrs. the present situation. with Mrs. Meir before he leaves Meir's inner council or at the Asked if there was a chance for two formal dinners scheduled a partial agreement between Is- on Saturday for Rome. during his visit. "The secretary of state will rael and Egypt to reopen the Suez Reliable reports indicated that Canal, Rabin replied, "We shall spend his two nights in Israel at the residence of U.S. Ambassador Rogers made little headway in all be wiser after his (Rogers') Walworth Barbour in Herzlia Pi- Cairo on an interim settlement to visit." Rabin agreed that the posi- tuah. Observers here noted that reopen the Suez Canal, with tions of the U.S. and Egypt had lingers' visit has elicited none of Egypt standing firm on its demand drawn closer since • January on the threats from Palestinian ter- that its forces cross the canal and some subjects but apart from that rorists that greeted Assistant Sec- reoccupy the zone that Israel retary Sisco's trip to Israel and evacuates under an interim agree- there has been no reapprochement. ment. The reports pointed out Pope Paul Ready to Work Arab countries last year. The American diplomat came to that the canal revenues of $240,- to Achieve Mid East Peace ROME (JTA) — Pope Paul VI Cairo Tuesday after visits to Saudi 000,000 a year have been made Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon that up by the oil-rich Arab countries received the new Egyptian ambas- were free of incidents. Anti-Amer- in the form of subsidies to Egypt. sador to the Vatican, Salah El Din ican demonstrations expected in .Egyptian commentators consider Mohamed Wasly, and expressed Beirut, where popular support for it unlikely that the canal will he his hope for peace in the Middle the Palestinians runs high, failed reopened in the near future but East. He said he was ready to to materialize. they welcomed Rogers' assertion work with all nations toward that Israel has asked the United that peace must be based on the goal. The pontiff stated he has States to obtain a Soviet commit- Security Council's Resolution 242. been following peace efforts from According to reports. Rogers the beginning and honed that ment that no Soviet troops would cross the Suez Canal after an said on arrival in Cairo that the "courage and wisdom will meet Israeli pullback, the JTA learned U.S. is prepared to explore with harmoniously from both sides to this week from a reliable source. Israel and Egypt ways of reopen- arrive at a satisfactory solution The request, it was understood, ing the canal. He paid tribute to and establish a durable peace." was one of the subjects discussed the late President Nasser for his The Pope said, "Today, more here April 28 by Premier Golda acceptance of the U.S. peace in- than ever, this seems to many the Meir and Ambassador Barbour. itiative and to Sadat's "positive" favorable moment to engage in a Israel, it was understood, feels response to suggestions by Am- decisive way. For our part . . . we are ready to work tirelessly that an Egyptian promise that no bassador Gunnar V. Jarring. Rogers also met with Egyptian to further a fruitful agreement Soviet troops would cross the canal would be worthless without a clear Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad between all these parties in full Soviet commitment to that effect. and pledged American efforts to respect for freedom and the leg- Such a commitment pertains to the aid in a settlement with Israel. This itimate rights of everyone." situation that would arise after an Israeli withdrawal from the east- Create Special Programs Israel Aids Refugees ern bank of the canal as part of LONDON (JTA)—Israel is among an interim settlement under which to Involve Jewish Youth the 53 nations that have pledged the waterway would be reopened. TORONTO (JTA) — Two new contributions to the 1971 assistance In a broadcast interview April projects have been reported by program of the United Nations 29, Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir Toronto Jewish communal leaders High Commission for Refugees. 1 said it was essential in any interim in efforts to involve local Jewish Only Tunisia and Morocco among solution that Israeli withdrawal young people more deeply into the the Arab countries and only Yugo- not extend beyond a point from life of the Jewish community. One slavia among the Communist which the Israelis could not see was an all-day tour, under United countries have made pledges. any activity in and along the canal. Jewish Welfare Fund sponsorship, Another essential condition, Sapir for 40 young men who visited many We must remember that the said, was that Israel have free- Jewish community agencies. The machinery of government would not dom of navigation all along the other was the creation of a Toronto work if it were not allowed a little canal on ...a.,..c. , .,ij-4,,, legiglite on 1 ;Vi 18—Friday, May 7, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JTA to Establish European, Mid East News Bureaus; Arnow Is Re-Elected NEW YORK (JTA)—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency will soon es- tablish a European news bureau with headquarters in Paris and a Middle East news bureau with headquarters in Jerusalem, it was announced by Robert H. Arnow, JTA president. Arnow said the ap- proval for this development was given by the JTA board of direc- tors at its meeting April 14. He noted that this, along with the launching four months ago of a daily French News Bulletin, was part of the continuing expansion of the world-wide coverage by JTA. The board also approved a num- ber of recommendations dealing with structural and editorial inno- vations. The recommendations in- cluded election of board of direc- tors members for one, two and three year terms to allow for rota- tion and mobility; the creation of standing committees to deal with finance and development, editorial services, personnel practices and overseas liaison. The board of di- rectors represents the Jewish com- munities in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and France. Re-elected to one-year terms as officers of the JTA were: Robert H. Arnow of New York, his fifth year in office, as president; Ed- ward Ginsberg of Cleveland, vice president; Philip Slomovitz of De- troit, vice president; Abraham Goodman of New York, treasurer; Isidor Schifrin of Cincinnati, secre- tary; Eleazar Lipsky of New York, board chairman; and Jerold C. Hoffberger of Baltimore, executive committee chairman. Michel Topiol, president of the Appel Juif Unifie de France (United Jewish Appeal), the cen- tral French fund-raising body, and active in the French Jewish com- munity, told the board that the French JTA Bulletin has been well received by the French Jewish community, especially since it car- ries news about Jewish affairs and community services not covered by the general press. Topiol said it was expected that the news carried in the Bulletin would be used by the general press. THE PAP TEST The Pap test is a quick, simple, painless test for uterine cancer. The American Cancer Society says this early detection technique could help save your life. Classified Ads Get Quick Results Business & Professional • FREE • 3 Months • Postage Meters • 342.7800 ^ staiLUULLSLUSis_2.9 SLILSULLSUuuss A.SULSISJULLSULQUALL222p: Gingiss Formal Wear Adds Elegance to Your Special Occasion .Select from highly styled or traditional formalweor. 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