• 16—Friday, April 23, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Claims Cold Cure in 24 Hours 3 Army Officers Killed in Mining Incident TEL AVIV (JTA) — Funeral Elimelech Avner Nedivi, one of services were held at the military the early Hagana commanders who cemetery here Wednesday - for later became one of the first gen- three army officers killed Tues- erals in the Israel army. The colo- day when their car hit a mine on nel himself was a Hagana veteran a muddy road south of Beit Jubrin and commanded a regiment dur- in the Hebron area. ing the Six-Day war. Four soldiers injured by the ex- Army experts said the fatal plosion have been hospitalized. mine was of a water resistant Security forces are searching plastic type that was apparent- the area for evidence that would ly planted by terrorists in a mud lead to the terrorists who planted puddle formed by the recent the mine. Defense Minister Moshe heavy rains. A jeep that pre- Dayan visited the site Wednes- ceded the officers command car day. missed touching the mine, but the driver of the command car The victims were Col. Mordecai was unable to see the device Nedivi, 47, commander of the Tel Aviv Region; Maj. Mordecai under a layer of mud and de- Lustig, 42, of Tel Aviv, and Lt. tonated it, causing the fatal ex- Baruch Rosen, 39, a reserve offi- plosion. The road is one fre- cer who was a lawyer in civilian quently used by military patrols and by tourists visiting the an- life. cient site of Tel Maresha. Col. Nedivi was a son of Gen. A tragedy involving school chil- dren was narrowly avoided when a bus driver who didn't like the Hebron's Arab Mayor looks of the muddy stretch of Warns Jordan Not to road took a detour a half hour the mining incident. The Meddle in College Plan before bus was carrying schoolchildren JERUSALEM (JTA) — Sheikh on their annual outing to Tel Mohammad Ali Jaabari, the mayor Maresha. of Hebron, warned the Jordanian A Nablus military tribunal pro- government not to interfere with nounced a life sentence on a ter- plans by West Bank Arab leaders rorist ring leader Wednesday. The to establish an Arab university on defendant, Abu Shaban, 27, was the west bank. Jaabari spoke in reply to a charge made by the Jordanian education minister in Amman Sat- urday that '•all those who take part in planning the university are traitors and collaborators with the Israelis. The Hebron mayor, who is one of the most influential West Bank leaders, said, "We do not want to give the JordaniaEts any trouble, Dr. 'Paul Gordon injects a mouse with isoprinosine, a drug but they ask_for itWe can do it _ - he says knocks out the common cold in 24 hours, in the University easily." - - of Chicago laboratory where he and a team of doctors discovered A congress of leading West Bank it. The-,drug also is said to act against viral diseases such as the flu. educators met last month and de- i Bided to establish a commission • • • • • • ito examine the feasibility of found- ing an Arab university for West Bank high school graduates. Israeli LONDON (JTA) — Menahem jointly with the Stern Gang, or _ authorities favor the idea. Begin claimed in an article pub- "Lehi," brought a loudspeaker van lished in the Times that no mas- to the hills near Deir Yassin and sacre occurred at Deir Yassin in warned all civilians to leave. Private Clubs - Expected April 1948, and attributed "hypo- "Many did so and were not hurt to End Bias in Decade crisy" to anyone drawing analogies and were handed over to the Red NEW YORK—A leading -indus- between that incident and the My Cross," he wrote. "Iraqi soldiers Lai massacre in Indo-China of were in Deir Yassin helping local trialist predicted Tuesday that racial and religious discrimination March 1968. bands. Our men suffered unpre- in private social clubS: in the Deir Yassin, an Arab village on cedented casualties. Civilians were United States would be elirninatepl the western approaches to Jeru- killed because the battle was within 10 years. salem, was occupied by units of fierce. From almost every house Roger P. Sonnabend, president the Irgun and Stern Gang, extrem- built of solid stone our men were ist underground Jewish organiza- fired at. To overcome the enemy's , of Sonesta International Hotels Corp.. explained to a news confer- tions, on April 9. 1948, following deadly fire, they had no option ence at the national headquarterS- . a heavy attack in which many but to toss grenades into houses of the American Jewish Committee' civilians 'includin g ,s,•,cirtien and . . . The next day as we received that legal and moral pressures to children were killed. the first news about civilian cas- end such discrimination were ualties, we publicly expressed our Begin, now leader of the Gahal bound to escalate as a result of opposition party in Israel, was deep regret. This is what hap- the Supreme Court's recent de- commander of the Irgun at the pened at the battle of Deir Yas- cision to review whether a private sin," Begin said. time. club in Pennsylvania might be de- Heron wrote in the Times, "it prived of its liquor license for His article in the Times was a reply to one published by the can of course be argued that the practicing discrimination. paper's deputy editor Louis Heron situation was entirely different Sonnabend. a member of the April 16 in which he referred to to that of My Lai. Unlike Lt. Cal- American Jewish Committee's na- ley and his men, the Jews were Deir Yassin as "Israel's My Lai." tional executive council, made his "It was neither a Jewish My fighting for their lives as well as remarks in connection with pub- Lai nor a Jewish Amritsar," Be- the establishment of a Jewish lication of an overview Of social gin wrote. "The reason is simple. State . . . Deir Yassin was cer- discrimination in America; "Bette -r No massacre was either ordered tainly different in that none of Than You." by Mrs. Terry Morris. - the allegedly mitigating arguments The paperback is one' of -a - series or carried out at Deir Yassin." On April 11, 1948, the Jewish in defense of Calley applied. It published by the Conimittee's In- Agency Executive, then the de was not the work of a confused stitute of Human Relations Press facto government of Jews in young man but a carefully plan- in memory of Sonnabend's. father, Palestine, bitterly condemned the ned operation with a clear polit- A. M. Sonnabend, AJC's 12th • • Deir Yassin affair. It • said that I ical objective. No effort was made president, who died in 1964. after learning the full details of to hush it up." Sonnabend cited four other ------- the occupation of Deir Yassin "it I cases—in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland and the state' must express its horror and dis- Helping Brain-Damaged of Washington—where -1 ,effortS gust . . . at the barbarous man- NEW YORK (JTA) — A group are being made to r ev oke the ner in which this action was car- therapist at the Jewish Home and liquor licenses or 'tax-exempt ried out . . Such brutalities by Hospital has described the tech- status of private clubs that ex it:V.'S arc repLi.:znant 1.0 niques she uses to help brain-ria- elude specific racial or rill i.t ice (Jewish Palcsruic)2• The J.A. Ex.! rnaged aged residents: in a program tf,retrps_ Lc u:i ve also _grit a cable to King broadcast over Radio Free Eumpe. 1- lo arlded that -art! Abdutiab ut Jordan, expressing the institution has reported. N•l's. sorrow ocer the events at Deir Anna Sten told an interviewer how organizations were placing in- crinFed pressure on exclioni:t Yassin. she uses all forms of psycho- c1iMs by cancelling tlienlb•i ships According to Begin, the village therapy, including singing, thine- ; was OCCUPird I:IC*72111Se it "kept the lug and role•playing. oficiai and by t•efusing to hold meetings only road to Jerusalem under of Radio Free Europe informed and social functions at such clubs. Lire" and was the base for repeat- the institution that it had been Put an end once and for all to ed attacks on the . western sub- impressed by Mrs. Sten's method:: this discussion of what a Jeru sakm. said the to tiiettii.: tiie Lvc and improve n man shoi - f7.'e and be one good %till* vas then - —.Marcus Au relius found guilty of membership in a terrorist organization, armed penetration into Israel and firing on Israeli forces. 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