Allon Warns Syria: Stay Out of Jordan; Arafat, Habash Reported to Be Allies TEL AVIV (JTA) — Deputy Premier Yigal Allon warned Syria Sunday not to intervene in the renewed fighting between Jordan- ian forces and Palestinian guer- rillas. He recalled that Syrian forces suffered an ignominious de- feat when they attempted to inter- vene on the side of the guerrillas in last September's civil war in Jordan. Allon said the Syrian invasion attempt was foiled by the Jordan- ian army, the presence of the Is- raeli army on the borders and American intervention in Moscow which kept the Soviets on the side- lines. Egyptians on the west bank of the Suez Canal .have replaced their observation balloons with fire- men's ladders. King Hussein of Jordan vowed to restore order= in his country after 10 days of bloody clasties with Palestinian guerrillas. Ac- cording to reports from Beirut, El Fatah leader Yassir Arafat has given orders for an all-out campaign to topple the Hussein regime and establish Jordan as the main base for guerrilla act- ivities against Israel. Arafat, who is reportedly in Syria, was said to have joined forces with Dr. George Habash, the Marxist leader of the Popu- lar Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP, one - of the most ex- treme of the Arab terrorist groups, was responsible for a rash of aerial hijackings last September. Arafat was said to have linked up with Habash in order to suppress his rivals for power within El Fatah ranks. El Fatah was badly mauled in the Jordanian civil war last Sep- tember and its ranks were deci- mated by mass desertions. The image of the Palestinian guerrilla movement has suffered and it no longer enjoys the popular support it once had in neighboring Arab countries. The Jerusalem Arabic daily Al Kuds reported that the current fighting in Jordan has not pro- duced the same anti-Hussein feel- ings that were prevalent among West Bank Arabs during the Jor- danian civil war. The paper said an anti-Hussein campaign by for- mer Mayor Hamdi Kanaan of Nablus was a complete failure. It's Hard to Gather Minyan in Warsaw, Olini Group Says TEL AVIV (JTA)—Little more than 4,000 Jews remain in Poland, most of them aged and living off meager pensions, according to a group of Jewish immigrants who arrived here from Poland Sunday. They were the first group of emigres from that country in many months although the Warsaw au- thorities began issuing visas en masse to Jews nearly two years ago. Polish Jews numbered more than 30,000 in 1968 when a wave of offi- cial "anti-Zionism" spread over the country in the wake of student unrest and thousands of Jews were purged from their jobs. Jews emi- grated, but mainly to nearby Sweden and Denmark, where they found hospitality and favorable conditions. Relatively few came to Israel which was disturbing to authori- ties here. One elderly couple that arrived recently said there was still a synagogue in Warsaw but it was almost impossible to gather a minyan for worship. Orthodox Must Yield Some Authority—Allon TEL AVIV (JTA) — Deputy Jarring Formula Attacked Premier Yigal Allon warned Is- at Cleveland Appeal Fete rael's Orthodox religious estab- CLEVELAND (JTA)—Sen. Wil- lishment that there would have to Liam B. Saxbe told a record-pledg- be some changes made in the ex- ing Welfare Fund Appeal dinner clusive authority it wields over the meeting here that "I reject the private affairs of Israelis in such Jarring formula seeking to force matters as marriage and divorce. Israel from its present area." Addressing the Labor Party con- In his talk .at the kickoff dinner vention, Allon said, "We are not for the 41st annual Welfare Fund a religious movement, but we are Drive, being conducted with the Is- not anti-religious. However, one rael Emergency Fund Appeal, the cannot accept the situation that Ohio Reptiblican senior senator, the fate of individuals in this coun- just back from a. trip to the Middle try is in the hands of those whose thinking and way of life is obso- East declared: "I have y it . to find an instance lete - " Allan said the problem was not Where President (Anwar) Sadat of Egypt has told his own people that one of separation between state at some point they would have to and religion "but the creation of of legal conditions by which every live in peace with Israel." Saxbe paid tribute to the Cleve- cne in this country will be able to land community which announced live according to his own belief." a record-breaking opening dinner Labor Party leaders are report- campaign pledge of $9,149,000 for edly considering the introduction both its regular and IEF appeals of legislation that would provide from 20 divisions in the campaign - civil marriages for Israelis who which closes April 29. want them. Most Israelis Back Govt. Position on Talks, Poll Shows THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Is Admired by Air Force Men NEW YORK (JTA) — An over- whelming majority of Israelis sup- port their government's position in negotiations with the Arabs, ac- cording to a Louis Harris poll commissioned by Time magazine and made public in its new issue out this week. Harris, who conducted the poll jointly with Public Opinion Re- search, an Israeli firm, found that 85 per cent of Israeli Jews believe the Meir government "is doing all it should to negotiate a peace treaty." Only 7 per cent of those ques- tioned felt the government should be more flexible in negotiating with the Arabs, Time reported. ST. LOUIS (JTA) — A survey a new sense of pride, "particularly of more than 3,000 air force of- since it opened up a dialogue and ficers, enlisted men, and chaplains rapport with their Christian col- shows they expressed a deep sym- leagues." These Jewish families, pathy and understanding of Israel's Rabbi Rubin said, were proud of military position in the Middle the Jewish campaign to help Soviet East. At the same time, they ex- Jews. pressed a moral dilemma, like the rest of the nation, regarding the Vietnam War. These were the findings of Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin of Temple Israel after a nine-day tour of five air At Mid-America's fabulous resort ... force bases in Alaska as part of a playtime paradise where you'll enjoy: an interfaith research team for the • • Terrific food air force chief of chaplains. Rabbi • Beautiful heated pool and patio Rubin said that in his conversa- • All sports tions, he found both Christian and • Gala floor shows Other polls conducted or com- Jewish military personnel admiring • FREE GOLF the "guts" of Israel in standing missioned by Time to probe Is- UNTIL JULY 1 raeli attitude found that only up for its rights in the Middle New Low Roles! 25 per cent of Israeli Jews ad- East. He said that many an air WHERE VACATION DREAMS COME TRUEr mit that prejudice exists against force member told him that, "We Arabs. But "the highest govern- know Israel is the only country ment job the majority is willing that we can count on." to give an Arab at the present At a special service with a con- time is a low-level civil service SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN gregational group in Anchorage, Phone 637-511$ Wes 116) position," Time said. Alaska, Rabbi Rubin said that Jew- The magazine also reported a ish military personnel and their lessening religious commitment by families said that Israel gave them Israeli Jews. Only 13 per cent of those polled defined themselves as religious; 40 per cent said they were nonreligious and 47 per cent described themselves as "tradi- tionalists" who observed at least the major holy days. "Of college graduates, 53 per cent think re- ligion plays too great a role in Israel. Less educated Jews are $960 for 7 Full and Exciting Weeks for High School less complaining." Students Ages 15'/2 to 18. Round Trip by Jet. The poll on foreign policy showed that Israeli Jews "give ■ Visit Biblical landmarks and holy places stunning support to the govern- ■ Meet government officials ment position that the occupied ■ Socialize with Israeli youth territories of East Jerusalem, the ■ Travel and Tour the land Golan Heights and Sharm el-Sheikh ■ Work on a Kibbutz with pioneers should be retained by Israel in any- ■ Shabbat and Kashrut Observed settlement," Time reported. "If any U.S., Soviet or Arab policymakers assume that there is Sponsored by Hadassah Zionist Youth Commisslog, a significant dove faction in Is- in cooperation with the American Zionist Youth Foundation, Inc. and the Jewish Agency (Jerusalem) rael they appear sorely mistaken," it said. for broc h ure ure and further information, write or call; - c ISRAEL Tour for TEENAGERS Fleas are, like the remainder of the universe, a divine mystery. —Anatole France. 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