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April 09, 1971 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-04-09

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May, April 9, 1971



Adults, Children Will Recall
Soviet Weaponry Holocaust Lessons at Meetings

[•engthens Egypt's Arsenal

3ntinued from Page 17)
Nations at the time of the Six-Day
her equipment: The Israeli War, lashed out at critics of Israel
are the best trained in the who claim it is not sufficiently
flexible in negotiating with the
ptian air defenses have been
Goldberg, a former U.S. Supreme
d with the most powerful
sophisticated Soviet, equip- Court Justice, addressed the Israel
it was reported by the Brit- Labor Party convention. Goldberg
stitute of Strategic Studies. endorsed virtually every position
ear alone the Kremlin deny- taken by the Israeli government.
to the UAR $2.500,000,000
itary supplies, includin i,;- 75
advanced SAM-2 and SAM-3
3s, 200 Russian pilots, 15,000
icians" and 4,000 "advis-


ts annual global review of
al and military balances of
the institute report con-
that 1970 saw the USSR
strengthening its position in
iddle East at the expense
'erica, whose position was
pondingly weakened.
cribing the USSR interest in
fiddle East, Newsweek states
current issue: "one of its
itellites was kept in space
days, shifting orbit twice.
Israel, it operated its long-
camera in 'real time,' trans-
; pictures instantaneously
to earth. Usually, they are
for later transmission or

Israel scientists are work
round the clock to provide
nological answers" to the
:ages posed by sophisticated
t weapons in Egyptian
;, according to Dr. Zeev
head of 'Rafael," the
rity dealing with the de-
ment of military equipment.

k interview published in the
on Weekly, Bonnen said
hall be able to provide the
Army with the right and
replies to everything the
ns can place before us."
said the arms development
ity worked on highly comp-
weapons such as Israel's
'Gabriel" surface-to-surface
issile and relatively simple
nical devices for loading
• shells. It is also develop-
ctronic armament for planes
)phisticated communications

Embassy Official Hedges;
Department Mum on
;ht's Attack on Israel

sy official told the Jewish
aghic Agency that "Of
, we fully agree" with -a
by Sen. J. William Ful-
that certain small countries
resorting to "Communist-
humbugery" to manipulate
an foreign policy in their

Arkansas Democrat, chair-
f the Senate Foreign Rela-
3ommittee, mentioned Israel
uth Vietnam in that context
address to Yale University
ts. But Alexander Yefsta-
ress counselor at the Soviet
sy here, hedged when the
3porter pressed him to say
r he thought Israel was
ng "Communist-baiting"
rged by Fuibright. "I better
naient," Yefstafyev replied.

Reflects on Jewish
Life in America

Editor, The Jewish News:
The hour is 12:30 a.m. In a few
hours I'll leave the city in which
I have spent about 50 years, most-
ly fruitful. I am leaving the city
with mixed feelings. To me, the
United States in general, and De-
troit in particular, is not a Galut
where the Jews are being ill-
treated, persecuted, falsely ac-
cused in committing vicious crimes
as we have experienced in the days
of the Czar, in Russia, in Ger-
many and in Poland. This country
gave us freedom, taught us democ-
racy, enabled us to make a liveli-
hood, to educate ourselves and our
children . . .

Notwithstanding all that, Esther
and I are very excited to settle
in Israel, to join our children
there, to realize the dream of
1,900 years and to' fulfill the
words of our immortal prophets.

In my day and night dreams, I
see a long chain consisting of many
links from the days of Abraham or
before him to our day. Many of
the links have been solidified by
our prayers and poets, such as
Yehuda Halevy, Bialik and others,
but recently several of the links
have fallen out or have weakened.
The chain of tradition is dwindling.
We have forgotten our language,
our meaningful customs and cul-
ture. They have been absorbed by
the greater and larger society,
called America.
At first, the American cultural
society penetrated the Reform
movement, but now it has reached
even the Orthodox. Oh, how well
I remember the manifold Yiddish
theaters, press and other vital
institutions. They have all van-
ished . . .
I could visualize a period in the
near future when peace and se-
curity will be established in Israel:
many Jews who are worried about
the decline of our spiritual and
cultural values will follow the
Russian Jewry and migrate to
Israel, thereby rescuing their fami-
lies from total assimilation and
help in the upbuilding of a Jewish
national home.
Nathanya, Israel

Golden Agers Invite
Singers to Join Choir

Editor, The Jewish News:
We, of the Golden Age Choral
Group, would like people to know
that we have a very fine choral
group and we need men to join as
we have enough women. Of course,
we would accept anyone interested
in singing for pleasure.
Our cantor, Nicholas Fenakel,
directs the group and we sing for
many nursing homes. The group
meets 11 a.m. Tuesdays at the
refused to say whether he Center main branch.
with Fulbright's judgment GOLDEN AGE. CHORAL GROUP
Vere it not for the fact that
re Communists—and there-
Detroiter MRS. AARON SHIF-
)ad' people—while we are MAN was elected a vice president
!ans—and therefore 'good' of the national women's division
L-our (U.S. and Soviet) of the American Jewish Congress

e Department sources ad-
newsmen that they
Idn't expect any practical
ise" to Fuibright's charges
official quarters. The de-
ent's spokesman, Charles
maintained a perfect
I of "no comment" on the
ight statement and other
a East related matters at
iy's news briefing.

would be nearly indistin- at the division's biennial conven-
le" in the Middle East. tion in Boston. MRS. HOWARD
ur J. Goldberg, who was LEVINE of West Orange, N.J.
mbassador to the United is the president.

Shaarit Haplaytah (Survivors of
1945) will sponsor its annual Me-
morial Academy in tribute to the
Six Million 8 p.m. April 21 at
Cong. Bnai David.
Included in the program are a
talk by Rabbi Herbert Eskin and
a candle-lighting ceremony by sur-
vivors of the concentration camps
and ghettos, led by program chair-
man Mrs. Leon Popowski.
Cantor Hyman Adler will lead
in the musical
gram, along with Gloria Kleinman,
who will present violin solos.
Photographic exhibits will be on
display. The community is asked
to attend by Shaarit Haplaytah
President Leon Halpern.

Hillel Day School, which is cur-
rently in the midst of a study on
the Holocaust, will hold a Holo-
caust memorial assembly 1:15
p.m. Wednesday at the school. It
is believed to be the first time
that such a full-scale program has
been presented in a Jewish school
There will be exhibits, an intro-
duction by Rabbi Joshua Kronen-
berg, headmaster, and a film on
the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The
children will present dramatiza-
tions and a symbolic candle-light-
ing ceremony.
Recitation of the El Mole Raha-
mim and Kadish will be led by
Cantor Louis Klein of Cong. Bnai
Sculptor David Bergman will

speak on his experiences as a
boy in Auschwitz and will show
his scale model of the camp. Dr.
John Mames will tell of the role
of righteous Gentiles, and children
will sing ghetto songs, led by Mrs.
Herbert Eskin musical director.

I saw few die of hunger; of
e a t in g-100,000. — Benjamin



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