26—Friday, April 2, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS am am name -Pm than H6ME SERVICE FOR SABBATH AND FESTIVALS .1.1•••1111, We part from the Sabbath ceremoniously, even as we bid it welcome. 7'he bounty for which we hope during the week is symbolized by the overflowing cu p of wine; the kindling of fires was forbidden during the Sabbath, and (he renewal of it, use during the week inspires the Braha over the fire; and the depressoir, id spirit occasioned by the departure of the Sabbath is to be mitigated by the Professional Entertainment iihyDALOtH HAVDALAH of the we part from the Sabbath ceremoniously, even as we bid it u,icomt. The bount& for which we hype during the week is symboltsed by the mrrflowing cup of wine; the kindling fires ryas forbidden during the Sabbath, and the r•neuxil of its use during th, k inspires the Bohn over the _fire: and the depression of spirit occasioned •1, partun• nj the Sabbath is to be mitigated by the use of the ,r 'w THE spires: • Behold, in God I will find deliverance. Trusting in Him, I am unafraid. The Lord is my strength and my song. He is my un- failing help. Come, draw joyfully from the fountains of deliver- ance. For in God is our help. 0 Lord, may Thy blessing be upon Thy people always. The Lord of hosts is with us: The God of Jacob is our Strong- hold. 0 Lord of hosts, happy is the man who trusts in Thee. Lord, save us. May our King heed our prayer when we call unto Him. In days gdne by the children of Israel knew light and joy, gladness and honor. So may it be with us. As I lift up the cup in remembrance of our deliverance, I will call in the mine of the Lord. Praised be Thou, 0 Lord our God, King of the universe, who createst the fruit of the vine. *Praised be Thou, 0 Lord our God, King of the universe, who createst the various spices. 4.1 5i-aised be Thou, 0 Lord our Clod, King of the universe, who createst the light of fire. Praised be Thou, 0 Lord our God, King of the un ∎ erse, who hast set a distinction between the holy and the mundane, between the light and the dark, between Israel and the other peoples of the world, between the seventh day and the six days of the week. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who hest set a distinction between the holy and the mundane. r7Pil tA.51 nt4t3 , 71F17,7 '51,; Mr* .rurt77.71 7, 7 7PP 1trt7? Er.P 01.79/511 -701 Featuring Television Personality, Singer Vicki Carroll 255-1540 71n xtP3,7 n1k9* .715P IPP 532 ; ice .1; r-t❑t ❑-A4 ,nix❑4 7.7 .7.17p ,:pr. 7:5N n ix rtr7,-7, .1.1r7 1;17: 715p73 ;71S1'pr1 7130;144k; nib' olz x5, p D ,nrptil .1, 47k; .1pF ,❑7is.n7 17t; ,nn Tr; .trr4; arliz ,c171:27 171; ,1.17.5. ,malt xttt,TI —AiKp x112 ,a7ir7 17n ,r;:f5§ ,rtntc 7.11. r tr/V 570, 1 1 4717 Vt.:4 ,urti ,71rPe '111 nr;:p ❑ i' 1'; g ❑ og7 5trIr ,7Ttr,77 nix It; ,5f17 .1t17 tV 1'; 457777 -. 7 'rir rit3 -ritfPci '07V7 V 2PP 352-0937 ; 'At the conclusion of a Festival omit these Seymour Marcus "For The Best Deal & Quick Qualify Service" JEROME CADILLAC CO. 675 S. Saginaw Dot. U 6-626S Bra*. • • • • • • • How Jewish Law Helped Solve a Civil Suit • • • His grandson has described • of descent a n d distribution as • Michael Karmann's silver spice enounced by our statute III which • box as one man's claim to poster- would, in effect, give ownership • • ity. Certainly, in legal annals, it in common to the spice box to • • has made its mark. all four grandchildren equally. • And it's one case District Court This would, as a practical matter, s . Judge S. James Clarkson won't destroy the objective of insuring • •Al the conclusion of a Festival -omit these Brahot. SHELDON Ron ORCHESTRA Tronsiallon by Bas IDA • Bokser in The Prayer Book," ,lisblOhed by Hebrew Publuhiog Co., N. soon forget. Judge Clarkson, former mayor of Southfield, delved into talmudic law — as well as civil law — to determine who of two cousins should come into possession of .the treasured spicebox, crafted of Rus- sian rubles by their grandfather when he was a boy of 15 - in JUDGE S. JAMES CLARKSON Rom ania. As a youth, Michael had presen- klar of Shaarey Zedek, who had ted his father the silver "hodos," spoken with Michael Karmann a spice container resembling a when the latter was in the Home tower, which is used in the tradi- for Aged. tional Havdala ceremony when the Another was Rabbi Mordecai Sabbath is ended. Halpern of Cong. Beth Shalom, When his father died, Michael's who related the talmudic law that mother took the box with her would apply to the case. to Egypt. Some 35 years ago, In his statement, Judge Clark- she, too, passed away, first son quoted the r a b b i as saying directing that the hodos be re- that disposition of artifacts of turned to its maker. ritual significance "devolved from Michael, who had immigrated father to oldest son and that this to the United States in 1886, kept tradition, custom and law was the box in his possession until he deeply rooted in the Talmud." died, in the Jewish H o m e for Judge Clarkson added: Aged, in 1955. "The use of Jewish law in the Michael's elder son, Herman, determination of disputes is well somehow came into possession of founded in the common law and the spicebox and held it for a to some extent, and at the time, number of years. It was Herman's further proficient in application. daughter, Doris, who brought suit See Concise History of the Com- against her cousin, Dr. Myron mon Law, by Pluncknett, 5th Bakst, claiming that he had bor- edition, pa g e 605, wherein the rowed the object from her father author says and, while the Jews and never returned it. She argued were in England, we have a more that she was entitled to the box satisfactory state. They had their as part of her deceased father's own laws and customs and the estate. As proof of title, she cited crown maintained a special court an order by the Wayne County (a division of the Exchequer) for Probate Court, handed down last their enforcement . . . fall when Miss Karmann paid the "Application of the rabbinical funeral expenses for her father. law is followed in the state of Dr. Bakst, in turn, argued that Michigan, said Judge Clarkson, his grandfather had promised him "especially, wherein those cases the spicebox many years earlier, it arises as part of the testi- when Myron was still a boy. mony, as the case at bar, and After Dr. Bakst borrowed the there is ample evidence to sup- spicebox from his uncle in 1968 port its cognizance by the par- for a Shaarey Zedek art exhibit, ties. See Congregation Bnai he said — Herman tried for some Sholom vs. Martin, 11 Mich Ap- time to secure its return, with the peals 261." aid of several rabbis. Their ef- Judge Clarkson continued: forts were to no avail. "Actually the concept of primo- An Episcopalian, Judge Clark- genitor promulgated in the feudal son, in his 10-page written system can be found in the Torah. opinion, stressed t h e religious This was related to the court by symbolism, rather than the mon- witness Rabbi Mordecai Halpern etary value, of the hodos as who received his _degree from being of prime importance to Columbia University, majoring in both the plaintiff and the defen- Jewish Law and Tradition. Hala- dant. kha, the Hebrew word meaning, Because there was no proof that "what is the law," is found in the Michael Karmann had made a Talmud. And, in the case at bar, gift of the spice box either to his would firmly vest title to the spice son Herman or to his grandson box in Herman Karmann, as the Myron, Judge Clarkson had to oldest son of Michael Karmann. 1 to other sources for a ruling. _ ‘The •ourt, therefore, adopts number of rabbis testified, the application of the JeWish . Ija w r. g them Cantor Jacob Sonen- to this. extent and rejects the law , the ownership of the spice box for the benefit of the male lineal heirs in accordance with rabbi- nical law. "The court having found, as a matter of law, that title vested in Herman Karman, therefore, is left with only deciding the right of the present plaintiff in said artifact." Judge Clarkson ruled that the probate order in Miss Kar- mann's possession gave her superior right of title over her cousin and awarded the box to her. However, the court denied her any right to damages, "having failed to prove that the 'defendant. Dr. Myron Bakst, acted with malice, recklessness or fraudulent intent or that she sustained any actual damages." Dance Lessons colt in Your Home JACK BARNES 576-0359 between 5 & 7 p.m. Pontiac, Mich. Pont. FE 3-7021 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 •• •• • • MAN • • • A OF • • • • TIIIE • • • • • - YEAR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MELVIN WEISZ, C.L.U. • • • : It is a pleasure to announce the selection of Melvin Weisz, C.L.U. 3 • : as the Man of the Year for the Detroit-Gold Agency In 1970. • i • • • During 1970, 1970 Mr. Weisz placed over $2,278 ,000 of personal and : • business insurance, qualifying him for the exclusive Massachusetts : • : Mutual Inner Circle. He is a life and qualifying member of,the • ._ • Million Dollar Round Table. He also has been the :feviiiig -,'10- : • Disability Income Producer for our Agency three consecutive _-* - , ---- -.• . years. Mel is a charter member of the National Sales Achieve * 0,_.:_ - • merit Award, he has been recipient of the National Quality • -kwaid--_-..:r C I° • for nine consecutive years and recently was -awarded an - tst-1 te .- 6 --c, - • • • Planning CertifiCate from the American College of Life Ilnirier! ._ • writers. • "..--• • • ,_ , • _ L.,111 .- '= - ;,.. • • • Ruben Gold, C.L.U. Agency Ma-ssachusetts Mutual Life • S • Insurance Company • 16900 W. Eight Mile Road Springfield, • - • • • Southfield, Michigan 48075 Massachusetts • Phone: 354-6630 Organized 1851 • • • • %• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e Monday, April 5, Is Election Day for Southfield Voters Keep INTEGRITY in. Southfield • Keep Mayor FEDER! ■■■ inunn11111111111111111111linum ■ um A RECORD OF SOLID ACCOMPLISHMENT Mayor of Southfield since January, 1969 • Council Member • President, Southfield Council • Member, Southfield Zoning Board of Appeals • Attorney at Law • Past National Chancellor, Tau Epsi- lon Rho, National Law Fraternity Keep Integrity! Keep Mayor Norman W. FEDER :" - VOTE MONDAY, APRIL_ 5