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March 26, 1971 - Image 42

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-03-26

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U.S. Seen Willing to Concede on Sharm el Sheikh

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Re- lines, pitted pro-Israel forces led iority, insisted on retaining its
Stein, president of the United
to recognize Israel's
liable sources said Wednesday that by Senators Henry M. Jackson leased naval base at Guantanamo, Synagogue of America, who repre- ingness
the United States is prepared to
sented the Presidents Conference.
fenders of Secretary of State
lie reportedly contrasted that de-
Political circles
here said Fr
agree to some form of Israeli con-
Rogers' contention that geographi- day's talk between Eban and They were accompanied by Yehu- ' velopment with the pre-cease-fire
trol over the Sharm el Sheikh
period of 'political futility, mili-
cal advantages are not vital towar- Rogers in Washington was "frank
strongpoint in southern Sinai,
the Jewish leadership group.
tary activity" and the growing
short of permanent sovereignty. fare.
Eban Optimistic Over M. E.
threat of Palestinian terrorism.
been brought t
The source said that, in essence,
Situation; Feels Better
Eban said that Israel's tenacity
Rogers' most ardent supporter
But it was appar About U. S.-Israel Relations
the differences between Washing-
had helped bring about the
here that the gap
ton and Israel over the future in Tuesday's debate on the Senate
NEW YORK (JTA)—Israeli For- change." He said the present situa-
Egyptian-Israeli borders have floor was Sen. J. William Ful- separating the U.S. and Israel was eign Minister Abba Eban express- tion, in terms of pressure on Israel,
been reduced to the form of con-
ed optimism Sunday over the was the "embarrassing conse-
President Nixo
trol over Sharm el Sheikh and a chairman of the Foreign Relations administration, n's order to the present situation in the Middle quence of success."
land connection between it and Is- Committee, who is one of the State Departmen
After a meeting with Secretary
t, not to make East which he described as "bet-
State Department's most vocal
rael proper.
any adverse stat
statements in pub- ter than any alternative except of State William P. Rogers for al-
The problein was discussed at a
lic about Israel' s unwillingness peace." Appearing on the CBS most two hours last Friday, Eban
meeting Tuesday night of Premier
make a total withdrawal from television program "Face the Na- told newsmen that no pressure had
Sen. Fulbright was summoned
Golda • Meir and U.S. Ambassador
Egyptian territo ry, was violated tion," Eban said he felt better been applied on Israel. He said
Walworth Barbour. The U.S. re- to the floor from a committee by Rogers, according
ding to a well now about U. S.-Israel relations "Objectively, there's no deadlock
portedly favors a long-term leas- briefing by Vermont Republican informed source. Although Nixon (after meetings with administra- at all" between Israel, the U.S.
ing of Sharm el Sheikh to Israel George D. Aiken as Washington
took no action against Rogers, tion leaders) than he had 10 days and the Arabs. At another point,
and concedes that an area of Democrat Jackson and New York the order contin
continues in effect. It ago because the two countries' Eban remarked that some elements
undetermined size adjacent to Republican Javits denounced sug- was learned here that Nixon is "mutual respect" has been of national security were so vital
Eilat should be annexed to Israel gestions that Big Power guaran- determined not to exert any pres- "strengthened." He praised Presi- that "we will, if necessary, uphold
for security reasons. The U.S., tees of a Middle East settlement sure on Israel an d also to avoid dent Nixon for having made an and defend them alone."
however, is not convinced that a would make it feasible for Israel
any actions or statements that "enormous contribution" to the
Eban said in a taped interview
could be interpreted as pressure. avoidance of war.
land bridge between Israel and to withdraw from most of the Arab
broadcast by the Israel armed
Eban rejected charges that his forces radio that Israel has demon-
Sharm el Sheikh is vital.
The Nixon administration has
Sen. Fulbright said he agreed put a clamp on public comment on government was .intransigent on strated its independence of Ameri-
Mrs. Meir's meeting with Am-
with Rogers that security gained Israeli Premier Go
bassador Barbour followed For-
Golda Meir's state - the issue of borders. "The word can policy. He said, of his recent
by the retention of territory was ments attacking the e State Depart- non-negotiable does not exist in visit to Washington: "We have
eign Minister Abba Eban's re-
"illusory." He urged Israel to ment's attitude toward a guaran- our vocabulary," he said. He also succeeded in getting the United
port on his meeting in Wash-
reaffirm its support in principle tee of secure borders, informed claimed that Israel's position was States used to the idea that Israel
ington last week with Secretary
of the United Nations Resolution sources said. Priva tely, the sources bearing fruit. "Tenacity on inter- adopts a position of its own, even
of State William P. Rogers and
of Nov. 22, 1967, calling for its said, the administration is irritated ests" plus "flexibility on tactics" if it does not meet with the ap-
White House National Security
withdrawal to "secure and re- by Mrs.. Meir's public comments have resulted in an Egyptian proval of the U. S." He conceded
Affairs Adviser Henry Kissinger.
on the matter, and feels she should "groping" toward peace with Is- that there has been no basic
Mrs. Meir agreed to the request cognized" pre-war borders.
rael that many thought impossible change in U. S. policy on boundary
Sen. Fulbright charged that the be more discreet in them.
by the American officials that Is-
Secretary of State Rogers, emerg - a year ago, the Israel foreign issues since the Rogers Plan of
rael supply the U.S. with more Israelis were nardening" their
concrete details of the principles position on withdrawal because ing from a two-h our appearance minister said. He observed that December 1969, which was unac-
that would guide Israel's terri- they believe that the U.S. and the before the House Foreign Affairs "the Arab mind is in a state of ceptable to Israel. He said it was
torial claims, once actual peace Senate "will be completely at Committee, would say only that flux." Eban noted that historically hoped however, that the U. S.
negotiations get under way. Mrs. their disposal" no matter what the matter was one for "discussion Jews have been more idealistic would continue to adhere to the
than practical but said thit Is- position that there should be no im-
Meir took pains to scotch rumors position they take. Israel should with the government t of Israel, with rael's policy
was "based on very posed settlement in the Middle
ndly- relations."
that she gave Ambassador Bar-
pragmatic security ideas." He re- East.
bour a territorial map. Her politi- so much for granted," Sen. Ful- The State Depart meat rejected a ferred specifically to
the Sharm Sir Alec: Government
Soviet protest against peaceful
cal secretary, Simcha Dinitz, bright warned.
Sen. Fulbright drew an angry anti-Soviet activitie s in Washing- t-Sheikh strongpoint in southern to Take Initiative if Opening
phoned newspaper editors Tuesday
Sinai where, he said, there must Stalled In Jarring Talks
night stressing that no maps of response from Sen. Javits when ton by the Jewish Defense League. be an "effective and physical
LONDON (JTA)—Foreign Secre-
any kind had changed hands.
raeli presence and control." Eban
' Thefe-was no indication whether they (Israel) do have the influence termed the protes t a "red her- rejected American emphasis on an tary Sir Alec Douglas-Home told
the U.S has or will suport Israel's in Congress to support them" but
international peace-keeping force the House of Commons Monday
claims to control of Sharm el "If they create the impression of
Reports emanating from. Cairo instead of geographical security. that the British government would
being too determined not to ne- that the United States had used
Sheikh at the Big Four meeting
He referred to the failure of such be quick to take the initiative if
in New York, although some ob- gotiate, they run a great risk of the tactic of withholding arms forces in the past, adding that for the "slightest opening" appeared in
servers claim that the American losing the suport they heretofore deliveries to get Israel to return Israel, "it is a matter of mem- the stalled Jarring peace talks. "It
is now more necessary than ever
to the Jarring talks last Decem-
stand is responsible for the con- had."
Sen. Javits claimed that by de- ber were discounted by a State ory."
that these negotiations should be
tinuing impasse in the Four Pow-
enabled to make progress and the
Department spokesman. The
er deliberations. It was not known manding an Israel commitment
government will continue to play
whether - Egypt has been sounded to withdrawal prior to negotia- spokesman, Charles Bray, also
Nations, appearing on the NBC- their full part in encouraging the
out.btthe U.S. on the possibility tions, the U.S. would be "loading dismissed a Cairo report that the
TV program "Meet the Press," parties to this end, both in bila-
of leasing Sharm el Sheikh to Is- the negotiations in advance on a U. S. had assured Egypt that
asserted that a peace-keeping teral discussions and through the
rael. Nor was it known whether pro-Arab and therefore pro-Soviet Israel would not be permitted to
force could have "a very useful Four Power talks in New York,"
such an arrengement is, indeed,
role" in the Mid East but that Sir Alec said.
Rogers asked to appear before ports were brought up by news-
acceptable to Israel.
"we are not putting pressure on
men at Monday's press briefing.
Reliable sources said there were
differences in the cabinet over the sent his views on the Middle East. The report on arms deliveries
Bush said that in his conversa- Russian Arms Spending
was attributed by Cairo to re-
extent of the projected land bridge Ex-Sen. McCarthy Says Meir
Newsweek explains "Where the
with Eban, the Israeli foreign
marks allegedly made in Israel
between Israel proper and Sharm Right in Rejecting State
Military Ruble Goes" as follows
by that country's Ambassador to
el Sheikh. Ministers described as Dept. Border Guarantees
nor adamant" on border issues. in this week's issue: "The Pena-
TEL AVIV (JTA) —FOrmer Washington, Itzhak Rabin.
"minimalists" in their demands,
said "we have not gotten down gon's bookkeepers have for the
Bray had no comment on a re-
were said to be satisfied with a
discussions" on peace-keep- first time ventured some official
land connecton running from Eilat Carthy said here that Premier port that Cairo has told Washing- ing forces either in the Big Four estimates on Soviet spending for
at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba Golda Meir was right in rejecting, ton that it would resume shooting meetings or elsewhere, pending an military aid. Since 1955, they fig-
to Sharm el Sheikh, along the east- on the basis of previous experi- in the Suez Canal zone in five days agreement on substantive issues ure, Moscow has laid out close to
ern shore of the Sinai Peninsula. ence, the U. S. State Department's unless more diplomatic progress between the parties. But Bush ex- $14, 000 ,000,000—$4,500,000,000 to
Others, said to include Defense proposal for border guarantees. Re- was made. A State Department plained that the kind of peace- Egypt, $5,000,000,000 to Eastern
Minister Moshe Dyan, want a garding an international police source said later that he didn't be- keeping force the U. S. envifioned Europe, $1,300,000,000 to China
mush broader connection. They force, McCarthy said at Lydda Air- lieve the U. S. has been informed was hardly the equivalent of the (before the break) and almost $3,-
envision a line running from a port that while the U. S. position to this effect by Egypt. Bray also UN force that Secretary General 000,000,000 to Hanoi. During the
point near El Arish on the Medi- on that was unclear to him, such a said he was not aware that Eban U Thant withdrew from the region same period the U.S. has spent
terranean coast to Sharm el force would be a mistake because planned to return to Washington in May 1967. He said the proposed some $40,000,000,000 — including
after a trip to Mexico but wouldn't
Sheikh. Dayan himself reportedly it could precipitate a world war.
$20,000,000,000 for Europe, $2,-
McCarthy, the Minnesota Demo- exclude the possibility. He said new force would not be susceptible 000,000,000 for the-Mid East, $10,-
is undecided on the location or
shape of such a line. The differ- crat who challenged President Secretary of State Rogers had "no our having something to say about 000,000,000 for Asia and $1,000,-
ence between a straight line from Johnson in 1968 and voluntarily present plans" to visit the Middle it" through America's veto power 000,000 for Latin America. Viet-
El Arish to Sharm el Sheikh and left the Senate last year, warned East. But he acknowledged that in the Security Council. Bush said nam, including American opera-
a curved line could involve a dif- against external pressures on the Rogers would be in Ankara, Tur- he was "reasonably optimistic" on tions, has so far cost $100,000,-
ference of some 10,000 square Middle East parties. As to Secre- key, April 29, for a meeting of Mid East peace prospects, adding 000,000."
tary of State William P. Rogers' CENTO.
"We don't view it as a crisis" or
statement that "geography" was
(In Jerusalem, a foreign minis-
(In an interview with Saturday
unessential in a Mid East solution, try spokesman said that Secretary expect the Jarring talks to break Torah Saved From Nazis
Review appearing in the current the former legislator remarked
down. He described UN mediator
issue, Israel's former Prime Min- curtly: "Even the American ad- Rogers may visit Israel and other Dr. Gunnar V. Jarring as "a very to Be Given to Day School
ister David Ben-Gurion reiterated ministration does not evade the
useful, dedicated man and we sup-
his view favoring withdrawal from question of territories when it con- near future. He said Rogers would port him." Bush said that since Attorney General David T. Wil-
occupied territories. He favors re- cerns its policy in Southeast Asia." probably be accompanied by As- taking over his UN post three entz will present a Torah rescued
taining all of Jerusalem and the McCarthy was in Israel for a week- sistant Secretary of State for Near weeks ago he saw no evidence of a from the Nazis to Perth Amboy's
Hillel Academy April 3.
Golan Heights but stated: "Sinai? long visit as a guest of the foreign Eastern Affairs Joseph J. Sisco dominant Soviet-Arab bloc whose
The presentation will be the fo-
who is scheduled to visit Turkey position was reflected by Thant.
Sharm el-Sheikh? Gaza? The West ministry. He attended a dinner in
cal pont of ceremonies that eve-
Bank? Let them go. Peace is more in his honor at Tel Aviv Univer-
Eban's television statements ning to mark the launching of
Assistant Secretary of State Jo- reflected in substance what he
important than real estate. We sity.
seph Sisco met for 2 1/2 hours with apparently told the Conference major fund-raising campaign by
don't need the territory.")
Political sources also sought to the two vice chairmen of the Con-
the day school. Hillel is celebrat-
Senate Split on Rogers' View
soften Secretary of State Rogers' ference of Presidents of Major of Presidents of Major American ing its 18th anniversary.
That 'Geography' Not Vital
recent remarks on territorial ac-
The Torah had originally come
WASHINGTON (JTA) — The quisitions. They noted that he drew American Jewish Organizations in meeting last week. The JTA from the Polish town of Mishlo-
U.S. Senate is not of one mind a clear distinction between "use"
exchange of view on the Middle ish leaders that while "the Arab vitz ,on the Polish-German bor-
over the State Department's po- and "acquisition" of a territory,
East scene, and the American role movement from radicalism to der before World War II. Rabbi
sition on future boundaries and implying that Israel could very
David Twersky, the academy's
in current peace efforts." The de-
international peace-keeping forces well use Sharm el-Sheikh without scription was given by Rabbi Israel realism was not yet completed, dean, made arrangements for it
in the Middle East.
to be brought to Perth Amboy.
acquiring it. They recalled that the Miller, chairman of the American
The split, which crosses party U.S. with its technological super- Zionist Federation, and Jacob
Friday, March 26, 1971-43

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