40—Friday; Maro 26, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ,RNSISSIMMINIZMIENO JWV Haber Predicts World Acceptance of ORT Prircples in Peace Era; David Page Reads Men's Chapter Montreal Jewish Agency LA Family Service Aids Offers French Lessons Victims of Quake Trauma MONTREAL (JTA) — Lessons LOS ANGEL'S (JTA) — The in French are being given twice Jewish Family Service has an- BALE POST will meet 8:15 p.m. weekly at the offices of the Allied nounced its services are available Tuesday at JWV headquarters. Jewish Community Services, the to Jewish parents who find they Jack Kutnick will speak on "Drug central agency for Montreal Jew- are unable to deal with anxieties Predicting that in an era of ing included Morris Pelavin of Abuse." Refreshments. The adult peace the entire Middle East will Flint, who is active in forming a education series will begin 8 p.m. ry, in line with recommendations their children are suffering as a adopt the ORT program of rehabil- similar group in his city: Torn April 29 at the Oak Park Com- of a special AJCS committee aimed result of the massive earthquake itating the underprivileged and Cook of Ann Arbor. a graduate munity Center. Topic for the eve- at "adjusting the Jewish commun- that struck the city. Harry Rub- ity to the eventual predominance that a new approach thereby will from the ORT school in Kherson, ning is "Soviet Jewry" with guest of the French language" in Que- enstein, JFS assistant executive be made to elevating the standards Russia, and Jack Rader, associate speaker Daniel G. Berk. Moderator bee. director, in announcing the serv- of the impoverished who are in director of ORT in New York. ice, said that the children "may will be Bale Post member and need of self-help through proper The AJCS Committee on the be anxious about leaving home for In a brief report on national Jewish Community Council Vice training. Dr. William Haber, inter- activities, Rader reported that President Hubert Sidlow. Judge French Fact was set up in Jan- school in the morning, have trouble there now are 24 men's clubs in Lawrence Gubow will report on uary 1970, to find means of re- sleeping at night or fantacize ter- this country serving the ORT the world conference in Brussels. solving the problems of increasing rible scenes." He said the "un- cause with a total membership of Refreshments. The 15th annual pressures on Jews in the province usual set of circumstances" cre- 18,000. golf outing will be June 8 at Shen- developing from the Canadian ated by the disastrous quake had He also reported that of the andoah Golf and Country Club. French-speaking minority's cam- shaken the children much more paign for equality in Canadian than the parents and "no parent 60,000 students in ORT schools, Featured is all-day golf, swimming , should feel inadequate if he feels 40,000 are studying in Israeli contests, dinner, prizes and enter- national life. he needs to seek help." tainment. For reservation and installations. David K. Page, the chapter's registration forms, call the JWV Science Knows No Enmity Classified Ads Get Quick Results new president, a native Detroiter, office, 255-4743. REHOVOT (ZINS) — Dr. Moshe * * studied at Dartmouth College Greenspan of the Weizmann In- ZIONIST ORGANIZATION where he graduated as an honor stitute has received a personal in- student in 1955. He received his OF DETROIT vitation to visit Egypt from Salah law degree from Harvard in 1958. Ya-Alal, scientific editor of the He studied on a Fulbright Scholar- ea ing Egyptian daily Ahram. ship in the London ,School of Jack Schwartz, past commander . The two scientists met last SUNDAY, APRIL 4-7 P.M. Economics and upon his return to of the Jewish War Veterans De- month in India, where they par- preview 5-7 p.m. this country, joined the law Honigman, partment of Michigan, as well as 1 ticipated in a scientific confer- Miller, Schwartz, Cohn firm in Morton S i I v e r m a n Post. was ence. At that meeting, Ya-Alal 1 845 1 W. 10 Mile Rd. 1963. He is a member of the board awarded the 1970 Veteran of the displayed great interest in the admission $1.00 DAVID K. PAGE of Allied Supermarkets, serves on Year Trophy and Golden Award at work of the Weizmann Institute'', the recent inaugural ball of the and followed this with a formal in- qI MI NM HI ani mei MI is 4 national president of ORT, ad- the board of Temple Beth El, is Allied Veterans Council of Wayne vitation to Dr. Greenspan to come dressing the annual meeting of - a member of the Young Leader Counts, . to Egypt and observe the latest the Detroit Men's CRT Chapter ship Cabinet of the United Jewish e eszkiewicz, president of the eve opments there in science. Sunday morning, at the Jewish Cen- Appeal, serves on the board of Jewish Community Center and council, made the presentation in ter, told of vast advances again the Jish is active on committees of the Jew- recognition of Schwartz's leader- Young Marrieds Group made by the ORT movement. Dr. Haber called for under- ish Welfare Federation and the ship in organizing and planning standing of the issues that confront Council of Jewish Federations and hospital functions in the Veterans' to Meet at Beth Moses not only Israel in the Middle East Welfare Funds. He is a member Administration hospitals serviced The recently formed Young Mar- but also the student bodies on of Knollwood Country Club and by the council, a coordinatin g or- rieds Group of Cons , Beth Moses ganization of 27 veteran groups in will meet at the synagogue 7 p.m. Standard Club. He is married to American campuses. Michigan State April • the former Andrea Burdick and metropolitan Detroit "There is pea:0 on the cam- they have two sons. Schwartz, an elected delegate to All Jewish young . marrieds are pus," he ,stated, - and he told of Fairgrounds the council from the JWV, is serv- welcome. evidence of renewed identifica- I ing as Veterans' Administration Community Arts Bldg. I tion with their people by young i officer and hospital hosptal chair- char- Jews, especially in their empha- man man of the AVC. He is a past tic interest in the plight of Rus- I April 2, 3, 4 BETH SHALOM MEN'S CLUB president of the council and has sian Jewry. By will hold an auction 8:30 p.m. Sat- provided service to veterans and I Dr. Haber reviewed the various DANNY JAMES 1 p,m, to 10-pimi.. - Featuring An Organ for proposals for an intended peace urday at the synagogue. All are their families for 20 years. Today's New Sound welcome, and refreshments will be II 65 Dealers in the Middle East and he pointed Adni. $1.25 We also do house parties (Adm. $1.00 with ad) out how damaging some of them served. To donate items, call Jack 271-4679 Lovinger, 544-3444. r1.111 are. He endorsed the stand taken 1•11 by Golda Meir and warned that the reopening of the Suez Canal could Carl Lichtenstein Heads bring Russian fleets closer to the Men's Clubs Region Buddy Hackett and Anthony Southeast Asian conflict, thus en- Newley will be the entertainers Shippan Point, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Carl R. Lichtenstein was elected 8:30 p.m. April 26 when Joseph L. Tel.: 203-325-2231 dangering the U.S. position. M. Schwarschild, Director president of the Great Lakes Reg- Bale Auxiliary holds its second A report on the Detroit Men's ion, National Federation of Jewish annual cystic fibrosis benefit at ORT Chapter's activities was pre- Men's Clubs, Inc., at the recent the Fisher Theater. sented by the retiring president, spring convention hosted by the GRADES 9-12. POST GRADUATE Proceeds will go to the Cystic Harry Platt, who reported that the men's club of Cong. Bnai Moshe. American Jewish Home Life—Only 45 minutes from New York City Fibrosis Summer Camp of Cleve- chapter's membership exceeds • Faculty Student ratio 1 to 7 Lichtenstein is a member of the land. For reservations and infor- —Supervised Study Help • 1,100, making it the largest ORT men's club of Adas Shalom S Individualized Scheduling—Stress on Fundamentals yna- mation, call the JWV headquarters, • Remedial and Progressive Programming chapter in the country and the gogue, as is Emanuel Feinberg, 255-4743. • Cultural, Athletic and Recreational Programs largest men's group in Michigan. who was elected recording secre- INFORMATION AND INTERVIEW WITH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: A resolution unanimously adopt- tart'. Mr. Paul Rubenstein • ed expressed gratitude to Platt for Other Detroit area residents. New Greenwald Post Home Tel. 3 1 3-542-1 83 4 his efforts as organizing president chosen by the delegates from Mich- of JWV Named for of the group since 1964, and Dr. igan, Ohio and Ontario were vice ■ 4:" Haber presented him. in behalf of ; presidents Allan Rosenberg of Vietnam War Victim national. ORT, with an Israel Men- Beth Achim Men's Club and Abe _. A: new Jewish War Veterans ts ,, ;Glui El se da4naezt orah engraved with his name. post, Katzman, Shaarey Zedek Men's al the 419- hiVie, David K. Page was elected C 1 u b; and treasurer David , named for a young Detroiter who 4pP411 president of the ORT *Men's - Schwartz of Bnai Moshe Men's , died in Vietnam, has been in- augurated in Southfield and is Club. Chapter. Platt was named honor- I ar : seeking members in the area. any chairman. Jerome C. Hirsch, '4,t/ . 447 V a4Claifee reen The organization's name, Dennis Richard Kux, Malcolm Lowen- 220 Israelis to Serve Deis G orno tv4 . eld Post 72 stein and Judge Lawrence Gu- at Summer Youth Camps memorializes a soldier who died in bow were elected vice presi- NEW YORK (JTA)—Israeli ed- November 1967, two days before dents. Mark Shaevsky was ucators will arrive here during his 19th birthday. He received, named treasurer and Dr. Murray the latter part of June and will Posthumously, the Bronze Star Shekter, secretary. Mon. & Thurs. 9: 30 -9 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9 :30-6 Newly elected board members serve as counselors and program with Valor. the Purple Heart and Sat. 10-5:30 specialists in a variety of summer a Medal of Honor from Vietnam. are Jay Allen, Dr. Conrad Giles. John Greenberg and Mark Shaev- youth camps under the auspices Sidney Lantz JWV Mich iga n of the American Zionist Youth Post commander, organized the sky for three-year terms and Paul Foundation, it was announced post, and Ruth Greenwald. Den- Just a few spaces available for Borman, Aaron Gershenson and here by William Levine, execu- ; nis' mother, is organizing the David term. Herrnelin for a one-year tive director of the American auxiliary. Mayor Norman Feder of Zionist Youth Foundation. Southfield will he an honorary post following were re-elected for , The arrangements in Israel for member, and Mrs. Feder has a three-year term as members of ; the program, now in its seventh joined the auxiliary. A truly outstanding four led by the board: Harry Aronow, Louis year, have been made by the youth For information on post or auxil- Berry, Stanley Barhoff, Dr. Harvey ' and hehalutz department of the iary, membership — the who is Firestone, Earl Gilman, Harry Jewish Agency in Jerusalem. heir' , open to an . r Platt, Abe Shiffmarr, Samuel Sim- Approximately 60 of the 220 Is- related to a veteran — call Mrs. IN ISRAEL mer and Philip Slomovitz. raeli educators will serve on staffs Greenwald, 358-6262, or Toby MAY 13 -JUNE 3 The terms of 10 other board of the seven Ramah camps of the Lantz, 647-6262. members expire in 1972 and 13 Conservative movement, 20 Mas- Deluxe Accommodations - King David - Dan Hotel - Dan Carmel. Israeli more serve until 1973. sada camps, 80 communal camps breakfast and dinner daily. All tours in private air-conditioned bus with Platt reported in the course of sponsored by Jewish centers English speaking guide. A flight to Eilat. A boat trip along the Sinai HELP KEEP AMERICA the proceedings that scholarships through the National Jewish Wel- coast and much more. STRONG are being assured in ORT schools fare Board, 15 in youth camps of through the William Haber Schol- the Reform movement, 20 in camps Total Cost — $940 00 arship Fund set up by the Detroit of Zionist youth movements and INVEST IN Men's Chapter. the rest in other institutions in the U. S. SAVINGS BONDS, For Information: Guests at Sunday's annual meet- U.S. and Canada. Veterans Honor jack Schwartz ART AUCTION I ANTIQUE I SHOW 1 SALE r Men's Clubs MUSIC - Bale Auxiliary Sets Benefit at Fisher II THE ROOSEVELT SCHOOL College Preparatory School UUUUUUUU 1•111.1.111•1.1111M : . ... 43 ?'" ...... ... .......... .. mix Norman Allan 8c 'ISRAEL IN DEPTH' RABBI HERBERT S. ESKIN 21 DAYS FREEDOM SHARES 352-3463