Tel Aviv String Quartet Captures Hearts of Detroit Music Lovers David Rockefeller Dedicates Israel Park THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 19, 1971-35 Part of the secret of success JERUSALEM (JTA)—The presi- in life is to eat what you like and have the skilled accompaniment of Yona Ettlinger, clarinetist. They dent of the Chase Manhattan Bank, let the food fight it out inside.— David Rockefeller, on a recent four- Mark Twain. will long be remembered here. day visit to Israel, dedicated a new Their concert Wednesday eve- 21 ning at Wayne State University's /2-acre park and children's play- Community Arts Auditorium, was ground in East Jerusalem named after his brother, Gov. Nelson A. a marked triumph. (Trimmed, Rite, They began their concert by in- Rockefeller. The funds for the Priced Rite) troducing to the audience that park's construction have been do- nearly filled the auditorium a new nated by one of the governor's 20233 W. 7 Mile composition by a leading Israeli admirers, Robert I. Wishnick of 2 blocks W. of Evergreen New York and the Eli Wishnick musician, Tal's "String Quartet Foundation. cor. Kentfield No. 1." Free Parking KE 4-7522 The park is located next to the Then followed the expert rendi- Rockefeller Museum across the tions of Mozart's "Quartet No. 8" DICK STEIN March 15 — To Mr. and Mrs. and Brahms' "Quintet in B Minor road from the Old City Wall, in an Presents entirely Arab inhabited area and Allan Zumberg (Eileen Harelik), for Clarinet and Strings." THE DICK STEIN ORCHESTRA 23110 Parklawn, Oak Park, a son, Clarinetist Ettlinger provided is visited mainly by Arab children. AND Scott Jeffrey. In the presence of Arab notables, added reason for enthusiasm with * * * THE JEEP SMITH ORCHESTRA which the Israeli musicians were Mayor Teddy Kollek welcomed March 10 — To Dr. and Mrs. greeted here. Rockefeller, his wife and his daugh- LI 7-2770 Gary R. Rosenblatt (Ethel Man- The concert was sponsored by ter Peggy. He said, "This is an dell), 23798 Wendy, Southfield, a the Chamber Music Society of De- example of how things should be son, Marc Howard. troit. Its 27th consecutive season done: A Jew in New York honors * * * gained added endorsement here a gentile in New York by building I wish to express my March 10—To Mr. and Mrs. for sponsoring the ablest artists. a playground in a far-away coun- Michael Corman (Sharon Lee Sal- Dr. Zalman Konikow, president of try for Jewish and Arab children. deepest thanks to all my len), 24250 Geneva, Oak Park, the Chamber Music Society, an- This is a symbolic affair." a daughter, Amy Jennifer Kollek handed Rockefeller a friends and relatives for the nounced that the season's activities * * * will close on April 20 with a sonata medal for presentation to his broth- many cards and gifts they March 9—To Dr. and Mrs. Har- recital by Jaime Laredo, violinist, er, and Rockefeller gave a short address. and Ruth Meckler Laredo, pianist. vey Raimi (Hermaine Klein), sent me during my illness at Rockefeller said that he had —P.S. 27321 Dequindre, Madison Heights, Harper Hospital. found greater desire for peace a son, Michael Sean. BIG BANDS or and more willingness to come * * SMALL COMBOS Mis. D. Reva Schoichit up with constructive and flexible March 6—To Dr. and Mrs. Eu- proposals than ever before in 642-5520 gene L. Fealk (Claudia Selitsky), Cairo, Beirut and Amman. He former Detroiters of Camp Pen- recalled that he had been to dleton, Calif., a daughter, Dawn. Cairo three times in the past WALTHAM, Mass.—For a hand- seven years and had held discus. March 6—To Mr. and Mrs. ful of children with a little known sions with the late President David S. Berman (Janet R. Bil- skin disease, normal exposure to Nasser. let), 15028 Houghton, Livonia, a sunlight is deadly. Rockefeller said there was "rea- son, Jefferey Lawrence. A Brandeis University bio- son for modest hope" in the Arabs' * * chemist, Dr. Lawrence Grossman, new interest in peace. He said he March 4—To Mr. and Mrs. is seeking to understand how this was also encouraged by the greatly Stephen Ziff (Barbara Metz), 1907 disease—Xeroderma pigmentosum weakened position of the extremist Panmenter, Royal Oak, a son, —affects cells in such a way that fedayeen and in the increasingly Brian Matthew. they lack the mechanism whereby moderate stand adopted by even normal cells repair damage done the radical Arab governments. March 4--To,,Mr,, and Mrs. Joel to them by the ultraviolet radia- Rockefeller thought Israel should M. She4::ili*igiaiet Goodman ) , tion of the sun. "seize the opportunity" offered by 17350 .- Dorset, -' Southfield, a son In victims of Xeroderma pigmen- the new trend in the Arab world. veiny Noah. tosum, this repair mechanism, A just peace, said Rockefeller, which. Dr. Grossman calls the would give proper recognition to March 2 — To Mr. and Mrs. "error - correcting mechanism," the sovereign rights of all the Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request. Michael Lesnick (Mona Rothstein), does not function, and the lesions states in the area. 24581 Rensselaer, Oak Park, a which result from exposure to Asked about Arab feelings to- daughter, Stacey Susan. sunlight become cancerous. The wards the United States, Rocke- children eventually die, never hav- "1" March 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ing reached adulthood. There are feller said they were largely hos- ard Rosenberg (Susan Shlim), about 150 reported cases of the tile due to what they considered • Family Portraits to be overwhelming American sup- 16209 Templar Cir., Southfield, a disease worldwide. • Custom weddings port for Israel at the expense of son, Adam David. • Executive Portraiture • Restorations "For those patients who have the Arabs. For this reason there survived 20 some odd years," Dr. • Framing • Commercial March 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Alex , Grossman said, "their unpleasant was no chance for resumption of diplomatic relations between Cairo Weiler (Vera Klein of Detroit), existence is accompanied by in- and Washington until a settlement of Brooklyn, a son, Jason David. cessant numbers of operations to had been reached, he said. remove the tumors. Exposure to Rockefeller took umbrage at the Feb. 8—To Mr. and Mrs. David sunlight is deadly. Hersh Bryman (Susan Bartmas- "Children cannot play outside, repeated insinuations by newsmen ser), former Detroiters, of Los and must be covered when they that his interest in the Middle East Angeles, a d a u g h t e r, Janis do go out. There are salves was motivated by oil and finance. Michelle. which do block out some of the He agreed that the region's enor- 25211 TELEGRAPH ROAD radiation, but they are really mous oil resources were a factor 354-1677 that "cannot be overlooked" al- To Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Dvorin , very ineffectual." There are no (across from Raleigh House) (Lorraine Saginaw), former De- other alternatives at present. though it was of far greater im- Closed Monday troiters of - Rochester, N.Y., a son, One in the usual series of en- portance to western Europe and Michael Jonathan. Japan than to the U.S. zymes within the error-correcting, But any possible question of oil mechanism is missing or not func- tioning in the Xeroderma pigmen- property expropriation, he said, tosum cells, making the series in- was totally eclipsed by the much more profound question of peace. operative. Dr. Grossman's research team has succeeded in isolating and S. Oakland Concert Group purifying four of these enzymes. to Bring In Luboff Choir They believe there are at least five. "The next question is whether During 25th Season The Southern Oakland Commu- the introduction of a specific en- BRING YOUR MINK STOLES, MINK JACK- RABBI SHAIALL zyme or the genes for making these nity Concerts Association will cele- brate its 25th season next year by enzymes now lacking in the cells ETS, FUR TRIMMED SWEATERS, etc., To Our can eventually influence cancer bringing in the Norman Luboff Choir. formation," he said. With all of the enzyme cata- Newly Expanded This concert, and three others to lysts present, Xeroderma cell be announced after the artists' theoretically could repair dam- selection meeting April 3, will be age done to its genetic material for all who join the association arising from ultraviolet radiation during its campaign week of Rev. and certain mutation-producing March 29-April 3. We can sell your Mink Coats, Jackets, Stoles, Fun HERSHL ROTH agents. Campaign headquarters will be Furs, Certified Mohel Persians, Broadtails, etc. with FAST RESULTS To solve the problem of Xeroder- at the former Salvation Army Southfield ma pigmentosum, the virus which building, 703 S. Center, Royal Oak, Eleanor Heyman Marion Feuerman contains the right sequence of nu- 399-8780. Before that time, Mrs. 352-3186 cleotides and which, therefore, Robert Davis, membership chair- could direct the synthesis of the man, can be reached at 542-7583. missing enzyme, must be found. RABBI LEO Before joining the Brandeis fac- 17520 W. 12 Mile Mountainside Center ulty, Dr. Grossman was a research SHARE IN * biochemist at the National Insti- Suite 103 Southfield FREEDOM Expert rilo het tutes of Health. The NIH recently Mon. Thru Fri. 11 to 4 Serving Hospitals and Homes honored Dr. Grossman with its Ca- L S Savings Bonds U 2-4444 reer Award for work he has done LI 1-9769 * No Phone Calls Please rt?edorn Shares while at Brandeis. It is called Tel Aviv String Quar- tet. Its composition of tried mu- sicians, all members of the widely acclaimed Israel Philharmonic Or- chestra. Its members, Chaim Taub and Menahem Breu- er, violinists; Daniel Benyamini, violinist, and Uzi Wiesel, cellist, FELDBRO QUALITY MEATS announcements to HAL GORDON MUSIC For All Occasions Brandeis Scientist Seeks Answer to Deadly Disease your PASSOVER chef— so you can enjoy! FINE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AtIACK fiVORIWK studio of photography Classified Ads Get Quick Results Quick Sale on Your Used Furs ZACHARIASH 34114595 MOHEL USED FUR SHOP El-Mars Furs GOLDMAN -