2 Spies, 2 Terrorists Get Life Sentences Fanon's Hate for Anti-Semitism Related in Biography by Geismar tors; they, too, were Jewish. There are references to Jews in "Anti- Semitism hits me head- There was a promising career (Fanon's medical reforms, on: I am enraged. I am bled Geismar's "Fanon." He related: though very basic and not en- AVIV (JTA) — Four life for Peter Geismar. At 31 he had "Fanon attached great importance white by an appalling battle, I tirely original, were attracting am deprived of the .possibility entences entences were pronounced by Is- already held a history professor's to the visit with Sartre because, attention in Europe. Some young aeli military courts in Gaza and post at Stevens Institute in Brook- first of all, he had always respect- of being a man, I cannot dis- Italian interns had come to Tunis ebron. The Gaza tribunal sen- lyn. He died last August of cancer ed the man's philosophical tracts sociate myself from the future to interview him. Perhaps they enced two Bedouins, Mouhammed just as he had received the proofs as well as his fiction. Sartre's that is proposed for my brother." were Jewish)." "The dossier against Fanon Abu Souwarka, 31, and Hassan All for his biography, "Fanon," which writings on anti-Semitism had Thus, in Geismar's "Fanon," we Halafat, 22, to life terms for spy- came off the Dial Press last month. stirred Fanon considerably at the maintained that he was part of Son of Maxwell Geismar, emi- are confronted by the revolution- a Jewish clique in the hospital ing for Egypt. nent literary critic and author of time that he was putting together that was continually having ary trends, by the courage of the The pair was captured in Sinai "Mark Twain — An American `Black Skin, White Skin' . . . " secret meetings. (It had worked hero of this biography and the while on a sabotage mission Prophet," Peter Geismar won his Fanon, at the Hospital Charles out that way: Often when Fanon issues that arose in the era of against Nahal Dikla, an Israeli laurels in his own right for his called a staff meeting to discuss this noted revolutionary's activi- Nicolle, was which was directed settlement in the northern end of widely acclaimed writings. changes in hospital policy, only ties. Fanon died of leukemia. To by M. Ben Soltan was called "The the peninsula. They were both re- In "Fanon" he expresses his Nigger" by the doctors. The ques- the two Jewish doctors on the his dying day he is portrayed as portedly trained in intelligence deep concern for the Martinique- a brave fighter for his revolution- work and sabotage. They confessed born Negro who was light-skinned, tion of Zionism and anti-Semitism staff cared to attend.) Secondly, ary ideas in the life story written Fanon had been visited at Ma- arose. On this score we read in all the charges after initially to who believed he was part of the Geismar's book this account of nouba by some European doc- by another young man, a young denying them at their trial. Jew who also was a victom of white world and learned the con- Fanon's difficulties at the hospital Sentenced by the Hebron court trary. cancer. and with Ben Soltan: were Ali Ashtrait, 31, and Mah- Fanon was with the Free French Diamonds Put Sparkle the director accused 1959, In moud Danhash, 21, members of forces in the last war. He was the Spectacles a terrorist gang that kidnapped leader among the rebels at the Fanon of being an undercover Into Israel Economy With a Spectacular Guarantee and murdered seven Arab elders University of Lyons who expressed agent spying on both the Tu- as Sales Rise Again nisians and Algerians for the from Halhoul village in order to his anger over inequities. Diamonds are RAMAT GAN state of Israel! He was to be breed "respect' for their gang. It is as the dedicated revolu- among Israel's best friends—and, ousted from the hospital as a They were captured in a clash tionary that Fanon is the hero PRESCRIPTION OPTICAL CO. Zionist and a threat to Tunisia's in fact, are this country's largest with an. Israeli patrol during 543-3343 of Geismar's biography. 26001 Coolidge export item recording its second case which one Israeli officer was Fanon had. studied psychiatric internal security. The $200,000,000 year in 1970. was killed. Other members of medicine and his studies led him against Fanon was built on his Worldwide diamond export sales FENBY - CARR the gang received shorter sen- to direct experiences with the na- writings, for example his first dipped approximately 30 per cent books, where he had said (in tives of Algeria and Tunisia where EDDIE SCHICK tences. in 1970, due principally to Amer- `Black Skin, White Marks'): WARNEY RUHL Five Arab terrorists, captured his social conflicts emerged. ican economic conditions. But the Jan. 1, on the shores of Akhziv, JOE ODDO Israelis report exports of $202,000,- 000 for the year, off by less than north of Nahariya in northern Is- STEVE MOORE 7 per cent from the industry's rec- rael, were also sentenced to long JERRY FENBY prison terms. Four received sen- PHILADELPHIA — While pro- its kind in the United States ord $215,000,000 in 1969. The U.S., MUSIC FOR BAR MITZVAHS tences of 25 years, while one re- fessionals with PhD degrees in en- completely dedicated to the it is noted, remains the largest WEDDINGS and PARTIES study of Hebrew, biblical and market, with $70-80,000,000 in an- ceived a 15-year sentence. The gineering, physics, mathematics, Middle East languages and cul- nual imports from Israel. five were found guilty of attempt- hitsory and other academic levels GAIL efe RICE Sales rises during the last months ing to enter Israel by sea for are wanting for job opportunities, tures, and for higher Jewish of 1970 and in January, according the purpose of kidnapping an Is- there is an acute shortage of education. raeli citizen who was to be ex- PhDs qualified in the field of There are now approximately to Moshe Schnitzer, president of changed in return for the release Hebraica and Jewish studies with 100 full-time professors at Drop- the Israel Diamond Exchange and 962-2934 of captured Arab terrorists. many university posts left unfilled. sie engaged in teaching Hebrew of the World Congress of Diamond Bourses, indicate another per- According to Dr. Abraham I. and Judaic courses, including Israeli police are investigating two killings in Gaza Strip refugee Katsh, president of Dropsie Uni- Bible studies and Hebrew litera- formance close to that of 1969. This camps. An Israeli patrol shot to versity here, the growing demand ture, in addition to a larger num- will bring Israel's diamond exports death a resident of Rafah when for teachers of Hebrew in Amer- ber of part-time instructors. A nearer to Belgium's number one he tried< to escape after being ican institutions of higher learning major problem, said Dr. Katsh position, which he and other in- stopped as a curfew violator. has created a marked shortage of pointing out the many existing dustry leaders are confident will Police are seeking unknown as- qualified pofessors and lecturers. vacancies, is the limited supply of be reached by 1975. The Israel diamond finishing "The shortage of teachers with competent teachers in the field, sassins after the body of a 30-year- industry supplies one of every old man was found near his home PhD degrees in this field is acute," both from a scholarly as well as a three diamonds sold anywhere said Dr. Katsh. "Since the creation pedagogic background. in the Shatti refugee camp. in the world and more than 80 Dr. Katsh said that in the past per cent of the small to medium The body of a 25-year-old man of the state of Israel, there has been a major trend toward em- five years there has been a signifi- was found in the Nuezeirah re- size (melee) brilliants. phasis on the study of Hebrew cant increase of over 35 per cent fugee camp. There are more than 400 plants language, culture and civilization." in the number of schools teaching and workshops and approximately MAX SCH RUT The nontheological, nonsec- Hebrew studies. A number of Am- 9,000 skilled workers in the Israel tarian Dropsie University is the erican colleges and universities, Your Bar Mitzva or Wedding For Good Photographs diamond finishing industry. only post-graduate institution of including New York University, and Prompt Service A new building is being erected ROSENBLAT Call Me at Wisconsin, Rutgers, Manitoba and near the Israel Diamond Exchange ORCHESTRA others, maintain separate depart- which, in one location, will include Rochester U. Students The best in Adult Music & of Jewish studies. In the the showrooms and sales outlets Entertainment Start Jewish Curriculum ments main, however, Hebraic language of most of the Israel diamond and KE 8-1291 UN 4-0237 N.Y. (JTA) — A ROCHESTER, Weddings - Bar Mitzvas and literature courses are attached core group of students under the to other departments in their curri- fine jewelry firms catering to tourists and local customers. We Como to Your Homo leadership of Robert Ganz, student culum. Hebrew is offered in 245 With Samples coordinator, have developed a Free institutions, including 61 colleges, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS UN 4-6845 5-8805 TY Portraits by School of Jewish Studies at the 72 universities and 112 seminaries. 34—Friday, March 19, 1971 University of Rochester, Rabbi Jo- seph H. Levine, director of the university's Bnai Brith Hillel Bill to Aid Yeshivot eoundation, has announced. Classes Over 300 people have enrolled Sunday Secular as always fine NEW YORK (JTA) — A bill to in courses ranging from "Zionism quality photography and Modern Israel" to "Classical permit the yeshivot to count their Merrillwood Bldg. Mall Hebrew Literature," from "Jew- Sunday secular classes in comput- ish Cookery" to "Modern Jewish ing the funds to which they are Birmingham Thought and Social Problems." entitled under the Mandated Serv- 251 Merrill, cor. Woodward There also are courses in Yiddish ices Act was submitted to the 647-5730 language and in conversational New York State Legislature by Governor Nelson Rockefeller, it Hebrew. was announced by Rabbi Moshe Sherer, executive president of Agudath Israel of America. According to Rabbi Sherer, the governor's new amendment will enable New York State yeshivot to Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request. obtain more than $200,000 which the present law denied them. IN ALGONQUIN PARK, ONTARIO MY 35th YEAR The governor took this unusual step of introducing an amend- RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO I ment to the Mandated Services Act, which reimburses non-pub- lic schools for their examination and inspection activities, after Rabbi Sherer brought to his at- ORDER YOUR 1971 CAR yeshivot would be deprived of JUNE 29th . JULY 19th AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE cne-sixth of the monies to which JULY 20th . AUG. 9th PRICE FROM THE SALES they are entitled because the LEADERS. state education department re- AUG. 10th - AUG. 30th ALL MAKES—ALL MODELS fuses to recognize Sunday classes 200 BOYS and GIRLS, 7-15 Years for apportionment of funds. I Manny Lober Benis Joe PER SESSION In a memorandum to the legis- lie Also Handle Choose 1-2 or 3 Sessions • $100 per Week lature in support of his bill, Rocke- Trade-Ins — You Save Both Ways! feller points out that the Jewish Highest Standards of American and CALL US TO BUY OR LEASE! schools hold their secular classes Canadian Camping Association. on Sundays instead of Friday af- WE OFFER: Swimming, Sailing, Tennis ternoons, because the schools must Canoe Trips, Watersking, Archery, Boxing, close early on Fridays to enable Baseball, Fishing, Dramatics, Music, Art, etc. their students and faculty to ob- Di 1-6550 *OUTSTATE SHIPPING AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION serve the Jewish Sabbath which Write Lou Handler, 9141 Monica, Detroit, Michigan 48204 begins at sundown. PHONES: (313) 933-4450 or (313) 352-3098 . — Katsh Cites Lack of PhDs in Hebrew TALENT BLAIR STUDIO Makes PASSOVER more delicious! - 741 Uamplaitialzuva aiee. ,c,e- REGISTER . 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