• Marilyn Fisch to Marry Jerome Isler of Denver LETTER BOX Judy Robinson to Be Bride of Richard Kepes Backs Rebbe's Position That Demonstrations Hurt Soviet Jewry _ MISS MARILYN FISCH Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisch of Burgess Ave. announce the engage- ment of their daughter Marilyn to Jerome Isler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Isler of Denver. Miss Fisch attended Eastern Michigan University. Her fiance is a senior at the University of Colo- rado. The couple will be married in August. I Men's Clubs AESCULAPIAN PHARMACEU- TICAL ASSOCIATION will meet 9 p.m. Monday at Whitehall Apart- ments clubhouse. 0 * * Men's ORT to Elect Officers at Brunch Detroit Men's Chapter, American ORT Federation, will hold its an- nual membership meeting and complimentary brunch 10 a.m. March 21 at the Jewish Center. Dr. William Haber, president of the World ORT Union, will be principal speaker. Following the brunch, the board of directors will elect new chapter officers. Outgoing president Harry H. Platt - will be honored at the brunch. C Men's Fashion Show From Israel Set in NY NEW YORK—The first collective showing in the U.S. of men's fashions from Israel, will open Monday at the American Trade and Industrial Development with Israel, Inc. showrooms here. The display will feature outer- wear, rainwear and sportswear collections by 11 leading Israeli manufacturers in this field. Ac- cessories, such as ties and belts, will also be included. JWV SOL YETZ - MORRIS COHEN POST and AUXILIARY will elect officers 8:30 p.m. Monday at the JWV headquarters, announc e President Yetta Glass and Com- mander Ray Weiss. The post will serve refreshments. Raye Weimer, hospital chairman, is arranging a party to be given at the Ann Arbor Veterans Hospital March 21. Those wishing to assist may call Mrs. Weimer, KE 2-5274. MURRAY M. CHOTINER re- signed from the White House staff to join a private law firm and President Nixon assured him he would continue—to call for his as- sistance. Their long political rela- tionship is believed not to have been broken by Chotiner's new association. Editor, The Jewish News: It seems to me that many of the Current statements concerning'Sov- iet Jewry are nothing more than emotion - laden rhetoric. At this point, I want to deal with the false premise asserting that those who wish- to preserve their dignity. The promulgator of this position against demonstrations is the Lub- twitcher Rebbe, Rabbi M.M. Schneerson. Those who give even a cursory examination to all his policies will see that he is not afraid Of what the world may say. On every issue, the rebbe has adopted a stand based on Halakha and rational , argumentation, de- spite its unpopularity . . . Today, the issue at stake is the validity of active demonstra- tions in behalf of Soviet Jewry. The Rebbe does not condemn those who attend these rallies through sincere belief. However, the leaders who repeat the false slogans — the leaders who re- dundantly dedamate half truths concerning the real harm which is being caused by these dem- onstrations — these are the people who must be condemned. It is true that during World War II we should have screamed loudly, demonstrating en masse for the U.S. to bomb the railroads to Auschwitz. But it is ludicruos to assume that the government we were dealing with then is even faintly -similar to the Russian &iv- ernment of today. For then, we were dealing with the United States government, a democracy sensi- tive to its citizens. Today, however, we are dealing with the Russian government, an anti-Semitic dicta- torship which is sensitive to no one. The fact of the matter is that public protests have had harmful effects on the Jews in the Soviet Union. Further action along these lines may cause even more harm. It is true that Russian Jews suf- fer, in Moscow is 'certainly bet- ter than to slave in Siberia or per- ish in the gas chamber. It is time that euphonic forensic speakers set out clearly; What did the demonstrations accomplish? Haven't they harmed the Soviet Jew? It is time to reveal the truth to this equivocal policy. It is time to stop hiding behind rhetorical aphorisms. It is time to reveal the truth!!! JEFF FREEDLAND • Wants-Jews to Vote GOP Editor, The Jewish News: With reference to the Israeli daily newspaper, Davar, and its appraisal of President Nixon, I'm sorry more space and emphasis wasn't given to that report. (It appeared on Page 22, somewhat lost, in your March 5 issue.) This is especially so, since Davar is a Labor newspaper, not usually friendly to a Republican admin- istration. I hope this type of factual news, not myths, will help to convince the majority of our Jewish voters (who are mainly Democrats) that they have an open invitation to join the Republican Party. In this way they will help to conserve our traditional American freedoms — essential to the Jew — if they will just look at the record. A. I. MORRISON activities -in Society Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schultz of McKinney Dr., Franklin Village, entertained relatives and friends recently at a buffet luncheon in their home for their son Lowell's fiancee, Shelly Handelsman. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zelig Handelsman of Oxley Rd., Southfield. The Ruda Family Club will hold a Purim party 7:45 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wolfe, 19810 Magnolia, Southfield. Arab Population Growth Threat to Jewish Majority THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS Friday, March 12, 1971-31 REHOVOT (ZINS)—Unless Israel Michigan has more than 11,000 receives 60,000 new Jewish immi- inland lakes and more than 36,000 grants each year, the Arabs will miles of streams. soon outnumber Israel's Jews, said Prof. Hans Linder of the Weizmann FENBY - CARR Institute at a symposium for jour- EDDIE SCHICK nalists. WARNEY RUHL In 1948, Israel's Arabs numbered JOE ODDO nearly 150,000 but by 1967 had in- STEVE MOORE creased to 400,000. "This is a popu- lation growth s without precedent, JERRY FENBY matched only by the population ex- MUSIC FOR BAR MITZVAHS plosion of Hong Kong," said Prof. WEDDINGS and PARTIES Linder. "Not only is the Arab birth rate much higher. but even their mortality rate is lower than that of the Jews," Prof. Linder added. Jewish mortality rate is 6.7 per 1,000, while that of the Arabs is only 6 per 1,000. MISS JUDY ROBINSON Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Robinson of .Henley Dr., Huntington Woods, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Judy to Richard Bruce Kepes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kepes of Lancaster Rd., Southfield. Miss Robinson is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where she was an officer of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority. Mr. Kepes was graduated from U. of M. and its law schbol. The couple will wed in July. Oral Law Seminars to Be a First for U.S. NEW YORK (JTA) — A com- mittee headed by Dr. Itzhak Rap- hael, a member of the Israel Par- liament, plans to organize assem- blies for Torah She-b'al Peh (oral law) in the U.S.• For the past 13 years such as- semblies have taken place in Is- rael for the purpose of clarifying problems brought about by modern life. Their success created the idea of organizing similar assemblies in the U.S. with the participation of local rabbis and scholars and guests from Israel. The first such assembly is sched- uled to take place at the end of this year. Prof. MARVIN EISENBERG, head of the art history depart- ment at the University of Michi- gan, will discuss the "Craft of Early Italian Painting," March 24 at the Burton Elementary School, under the auspices of the city of Huntington Woods and the Hun- tington Woods Art League. The public is invited at no charge. The chief rabbi of France, DR. JACOB KAPLAN, - was recently awarded the City of Paris medal for "distinguished services to Paris, its civilizations and culture." The presentation was made by Didier Delfour, president of the Municipal Council, who traced Dr. Kaplan's career from his wounding in the Battle of Verdun in 1916. Baron Alain de Rothschild; prasident of the French Central Consistory, and Israel Ambassador Asher Ben- Natan attended. MUSIC BY GAIL Cr' RICE TALENT 962-2934 4, * All THE NEWEST HAIRCUTS * BLOWER CUTS ile 4I .I, * * * * • * .1c -R lc 4. -o FEATURED * * * * . FUNKY—LONG-SHAG BY * air res i gn r. * Studio * * • LI 1-2563 * Thomas .1. Hatch Style Director Yitr**** 273 -1863 THE ROOSEVELT SCHOOL College Preparatory School GRADES 9-12. POST GRADUATE American Jewish Home Life—Only 45 minutes from New York City Facidry. Student ratio 1 to 7—Supervised Study Help Individualized Scheduling—Stress on Fundamentals Remedial and Progressive . Programming Cultural, Athletic and Recreational Programs INFORMATION AND INTERVIEW WITH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: Mr. Paul Rubenstein • Home Tek. 313-542-1834 we have moved... hoping to see you at the new studio! IPERNORALIZED ATTENTION IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE) [1141111-GENE] COUTURE FASHIONS inc. 175211 in 1Z mile road 4AT FAIINTAINSIDE OFFICE CENTRE) 3521-57-fin irene & maurice batchko 4c 4. 4, * 4c - Shippan Point, Stamford, Conn. 06902 Tel.: 203-325-2231 M. Schmarschild, Director • • • • 4C it 4t At 4c Ic *-frenter FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE—DRAPERIES • INTERIOR DECORATING ' 15335 W.7 MILE 4C 4, 4c : 29 505 Northwestern Hwy. * Southfield, Mich. * Yr Vs Mile 14. of 12 Mile Road * SAM BARNETT * • Call 357-0410 AND HIS ORCHESTRA 4c ic 4c