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March 12, 1971 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-03-12

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Recordiareaking Bond Sale of $107,200,000
Reported as Shazar Launches Campaign

US's Coffee House 'sef ma °Mort
Friday, Mardi 12, 1971-11
for Saturday. Night Rally


Central Region, United Syna-
gogue Youth, will hold a rally this
'MIAMI—President Zalman Sha- wherever they live will have to interest and $250,000,000 of Third weekend, featuring a coffee house
zar of Israel called last weekend fight alone for their freedom."
Development Investment Bonds for 9 p.m. Saturday at Cong. Shaarey
for a just peace in the Middle East
In describing the enlarged banks and institutions of various Zedek. There is a nominal charge,
that would "end the hatred" as well scope
kinds. The latter pay 51/2 per cent.
as the fighting between Arabs and stated that Leo Bernstein, excu- The goal for this year is $400,000,- and all youth are invited.
Jews. Israel's president told 2,000 tive vice president and chief 000 with the rest to be sold there-
delegates at the international inau- executive officer, would have the after.
gural Israel Bond conference that chief responsibility for the con-
The Israel Bond reception for
a just peace "means defensive bor- duct of the $400,000,000 cam-
Detroiters in Florida hosted by
ders for Israel and a decent settle- paign. Under Bernstein's direc-
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Green realiz-
ment of the Arab refugee ques- tion, the 1970 drive produced
"For The Best Deal &
ed a total of $730,000 in Israel
Bond subscriptions. Berry made
sales of $211,000,000, the second
However, Shazar emphasized largest total ever realized by the
the sales appeal; and Shimon
Quick Quality Service"
Alexandroni, economic minister
that the refugee problem must not annual Bond drive.
be solved at the expense of the
The inaugural conference initiat- of the state of Israel to the
character of Israel," ed the sale of two new Israel Bond United States, spoke.
which requires that "all of Jeru- issues amounting to $1,000,000,000.
Pontiac, Mich.
675 S. Saginaw
salem" remain the capital of Israel. The issues consist of Fifth Develop-
Man is not born wicked; he be-
Pont. FE 3-7021
Dot. U 6-6265
He added that the Jews in Israel ment Bonds in the amount of comes so, as he becomes sick.
and the rest of the world "demand $750,000,000, which pay 4 per cent
that Jerusalem shall never be di-
vided again."

The president of Israel called

for greater support "through the
splendid means of State of
Israel Bonds" to prepare Israel
to receive Jews from Soviet Rus-
sia and the Arab meanies,
Sam Rothberg, general chairman
of the Israel Bond Organization,
who presided at the :dinner, an-
nounced that pre-conference sales
activities had produced a record-
setting total of $107,200,000 in Is-
rael Bond subscriptions for the
opening" of this year's unprecedent-
ed $400,000,000 campaign.
Rothberg said that the Israel
Bond proceeds would be used to
sustain Israel's economy at a time
when its own resources must cover
massive defense costs to provide
housing and jobs for 50,000 immi-
grants this year and to enable Is-
rael to receive and establish as
self-supporting citizens those Jews
who may be permitted to leave the
Soviet Union.
Emphasizing that the 1971 goal
of $400,000,000 constitutes a figure
almost twice the amount realized
in any previous year of the bond
campaign, he called for the adop-
tion of new standards of coopera-
tion on the part of Jewish com-
munities. He also urged the expan-
sion of the campaign within the
non-sectarian community which,
he said, ricognizes the "important
role of Is el in protecting the in-
terests of e United States in the
Middle East."
The Isiael president; who 'air-
rived in !the United Staates to
inaugurate %I Oared Biid,.cim-
Paige, made an imiassioned plea
for Jerusalem , as the..-nadivIded
capital of-In a- '
President Shazar - said that the
people of Israel also are united in
their demand that the Jews of Rus-
sia and the Arab countries be
permitted to emigrate to Israel.
"Their choked cry stirs the con-
Commonwealth has other high-interest
And it can be done easily at any Bank of
science of the world," the Israeli
savings plans, too. The two-year Maxi-Money
the Commonwealth office. Today, a savings
leader declared. He emphasized
that the conscience: of -the. Jewish
certificate .pays 51/2%, and the one-year cer-
plan paying 53% interest is getting awfully
People, as well, must be stirred by
tificate pays 5 1/4%. And remember, any one
hard to find, but we still have It ... our Maxi-
the need to prepare Israel to re-
ceive them. It was important that
of these qualifies you for a free checking
Money Savings Certificate.. Maxi-Money is
the Israel Bond campaign provide
account. That alone can save you $20 to $30
just what it says. The most interest for your
the economic, technological and
social conditions necessary to give
a year.
money. And it's the highest interest earner
Persecuted Jews a new home in
Different savings plans for different
Israel, the president declared.
available in banks today.
Praising. American Jewry as the
budgets . . . and our Maxi-Money Savings
Maxi-Money is a three-year certificate,
chief source of strength for Israel,
Certificates are just three of the ways you can
offered in amounts of $1000 or more. Take
the president paid warm tribute to
earn more money with your money at Bank
Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, who di-
advantage of this exclusive bank rate while
rected mass rescue and settlement
of the Commonwealth.
it's still available.
in Europe and Israel before, during
and after World War II. He also
lauded Dr. Schwartz's subsequent
efforts In support of the redemption
of Israel through his 15 years of
leadership in the-Israel Bond Or-
ganization. He retired last year as
the organization's chief executive
Louis H. Boyar, chairman of the
ember federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
board of governors of the Israel
Bond Organization, presented Dr.
Get your Maxi-Money Certificates at one of the following locations:
Schwartz, who was guest of honor,
with a Twelve Tribes of Israel
Uvemols-Santa Maria
Grand River-Fenton
7 Mile-Jamas Couzens
Award in tribute to his 40 years of
Southfield-13 Mile.
historic service to the Jewish people
(Beverly Hills)
Grand River-Outer Drive
throughout the world.
Dr. Schwartz said in his address
that as long as there is an Israel,
"no Jews will be alone and no Jews


Seymour Marcus



That% why we call ourselves Bank One

Bank:of- -the Commonwealth

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