ssia tong . (Continued from Page 1) Zivs contended that the majority of Soviet Jews "are satisfied with the existence they lead." He said 3,000 Jews emigrated in 1969 and 1970 but added that of the 3,000,000 Jews in Russia, only "a few thou- sand" want to leave. He said the procedure for issuing exit permits was complicated by the fact that there are no diplomatic relations between Israel and the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Brussels world conference office here re- ceived cables from Soviet Jews in Moscow and Oriel wishing it suc- cess and "fruitful results." °wile secretariat preparing for the conference announced that it had received a cable of good wishes signed by six Moscow Jews: Meir Selland, Alexander Balabanov, Lev Freidin, Jacob Roninson, Joseph Kerley and Karl Malkin. A second cable wishing the con. ference "success and unity" came from Karl and Raya Frusin of Oriel, the conference reported. A conference spokesman said that Tass erred when it described the forthcoming gathering as an "anti-Soviet provocation." He said it was not directed against the Soviet Union but would demon- strate the solidarity of the Jewish people with the 3,000,000 Jews in Russia. In Geneva, Dr. Nahum Gold- mann said Tuesday that he wel- comed and lent his "fullest sup- port" to the world conference on Soviet Jewry. The president of the World Jewish Congress issued a statement clarifying his views on the problem of Soviet Jewry after he was criticized by spokesmen for the Brussels conference Mon- day for alleged remarks attribute- ed to him in press reports of a speech he made recently in Zurich. Dr. Goldmann said the reports were "erroneous." They had quot- ezlhim as saying that the problem of Soviet Jewry was being "over- dramatized." In his statement is- sued here Tuesday, the Jewish leader said, "Next to the survival and well being of the state of Is. reel, I have always regarded the fate of Soviet Jewry as the chief priority of world Jewish concern. I do not believe that the plight of 3,500,000 Soviet Jews can be exag- gerated or 'overdramatized' as I have been misrepresented as say- ing." Dr. Goldmann went on to ob- serve that Soviet Jews were not in danger of physical persecution "but of enforced assimilation which threatens the spiritual. re- kgious and cultural survival of the second largest Jewish community in the world." Aerologists to - Brussels der Solzhenitsyn, is scheduled to tour America in December. The Soviet Union said Rostropo- vich's original schedule was can- celed because he was too busy in Russia with concerts. Detroit was on his itinerary. The Jewish Labor Committee wrote to U Thant, secretary-gen- eral of the United Nations, sharply calling his attention to the Soviet the UN's Universal Declaration of Union's violation of Article 13 of Human Rights which states, "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country." Charles S. Zimmerman, president of the Jewish Labor Committee, stated that the Soviet Union has denied its Jewish citizens the right to emigrate from that country. Zimmerma'n's letter further said, "I am puzzled that as the secre- tary-general of the United Nations. and a highly vocal and eloquent one on many occasions, you have never thought it appropriate to call attention to the violations of the UN's Declaration of Human Rights by the Soviet Union. I am puzzled that you have never thought it ap- propriate to call attention to the ugly anti-Semitic propaganda dis- seminated in the Soviet Union and elsewhere by the Soviet authorities. Are the human rights of Jews of less concern to you, I wonder, than the human rights of others?" Some 3,000 Persons in N.Y. Stage Rally to Dramatize Plight of Soviet Jews LONG ISLAND (JTA) — About 3,000 Long Island resdidents of all faiths participated Sunday in a unique "Prison Camp Supper" to dramatically protest Soviet oppres- sion of Jews. Document Testifies Jews Played Big Role in Lithuanian Underground JERUSALEM (JTA) — A docu- ment attesting to the significant Dart played by Jewish partisans has been published here in a doc- toral dissertation on "Jewish Participation in Lithuania in the Struggle Against the Germans During the Second World War." delivered at the Hebrew Univer- sity by Dov Levin. The document, written in Rus- sian, gives personal details on each of the 76 men and women partisans in the "Struggle" Bri- gade. Cited are details not only on the military activities of the brigade's members, but also on their nation. ality, their civilian occupations, their education. Dated Aug. 7, 1944, it is signed by the brigade's commanding of- ficer, a Ukrainian Jewish captain, whose Jewish origins were known only to some of those who served under him, and by the assistant to the chief of staff of the Lithu- anian partisan movement. Dr. Levin-received the docu- ment some years ago from a former partisan, today an Is- 'raeli citizen who wishes to re- main anonymous, who brought it with him from Russia. In analyzing this information, Dr. Levin=timself a former parti- san—found that 80 Der cent of the brigade was Jewish, with almost all the other members being Rus- sian. The proportion of Jewish women involved was eight times larger than that of the non-Jewish warn- en, while Jews had also served the longest within the brigade's ranks. However, only three of its 11 officers were Jewish. since the Jewish members had little experi- MOSCOW — Another appeal to ence in military training as coon. Soviet authorities by 200 Jews seek- paredwith their non-Jewish col- ing the right to emigrate to Israel leagues. * was made known here, its signa- tories hailing from Moscow, Lenin- Hebrew U. Helps Burma grad, Vilna and other cities. The typewritten document ap- Develop Anti-Snake Drug JERUSALEM — Two Burmese parently was drafted several weeks ago, since some of the signers have venom experts recently have taken already received permission in the up specialized studies at the He- last two weeks to leave for Israel. brew University to develop a more Many of the 200 have put their potent anti-snake serum than those names on other petitions. now available. This document said: "We express According to U Han Sein, assist- the hope that the 24th party of the ant manager of the biological lab- oopntry, will oblige the state or- oratory in the Burma Pharma- gans of the USSR in the shortest ceutical Industry, Rangoon, and period of time to put an end to the U Thein Han, deputy manager of atmosphere in which Jews, despair- the BPI veterinary department, ing of obtaining the realization of their country has one of the their natural right to emigrate to world's highest snake bite mor- Israel, may turn to extreme meas- tality rates. ures, not always in accord with the The two Burmese, who have law." joined the staff of the university's The latter statement recalls the department of entomology and Leningrad Trials, in which Jews venomous animals for a four- Were accused of plotting to hijack month period, estimate that every a plane in their search for a way year some 2,000 of their country- to Israel men reportedly are bitten by Soviet. Jewish.' alibi Mattalay snakes. Itostreporich, WNW concert tour Before serum was introduced in et the United _was post- Burma, approximately 50 per . cent poned Mier be midst est on be- of the victims died, and the- num- half et Mission neVellat Alexan- ber of persons succumbing - , to snake venom is still relatively high. For several years, Burma re- - ceived anti-serum from the Haffkine Institute in Bombay, but since 1961, the country has Its own production, which, how- ever, meets only 40 per cent of the demand. The event, staged at Mitchell Field in Garden City, sponsored by the Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry, attempted to focus attention on the entire Soviet Jew- ry problem and the intolerable conditions under which Soviet pris- oners live. According to Inez Weissman, co- ordinator of the "Prison Supper," all participants "assumed the sta- tus of Soviet prison camp inmates, in order to create a spirit of shay_ ing the suffering of Soviet Jewry." Entire families, under the eyes of "camp guards," ate a 300-calorie meal, consisting of beet soup and black bread. Every man, woman and child received facsimile identi- fication cards which all Russian Jews must carry and will keep these cards as a symbolic link with all Soviet Jews. In an interview by George Fried- man, JTA staff reporter, 30-year- old Leonid Rigerman described 'what it is like to come "home" to America'. The Soviet Jew, whose efforts to break the Krem- lin's emigration barriers had brought him widespread attention and encouragement in the West, alighted with his mother. Mrs. Esther Rigerman, from a Pan American jet at Kennedy Interna- tional Airport midnight last Satur- day. He had been expected to arrive at 10.p.m., but the flight was de- layed because of what a Pan Am spokesman said had been "me- chanical troubles in Moscow." Friedman said the emigre, born to a Brooklynite mother whose so. cialist husband had insisted before Leonid's birth that his wife live with him in the "Soviet Paradise," became so aware of his Jewish heritage that he began to agitate for his freedom from what he deemed official Soviet anti-Semit- ism. Several months ago, he tried to enter the ITS. Embassy in Moscow to assert AMerican citizenship on the grounds that his mother was Samples of Burmese snakes are to be sent fo the university in order to milk their venom here and also use fresh venom for study and immunization. As a precau- tionary measure for protecting the visiting scientists during the milk- ing process, experimental anti- serum will be used—a gift to the department from the Pasteur In- stitute in Paris. The Burmese plan to take home some 1,500 sample ampules, pro- duced in Jerusalem. especially geared to the needs of their coun- try. They are studying in Israel on World Health Organization schol- American-born. arships, coupled with a grant from The Soviet government had the the international cooperation divi- sion of the Israel Foreign Minis- authorities block him physically. But due to the efforts of the try. U.S. State Department—goaded by legislators, Jewish leaders, public $52 Million Credit Pact opinion and Rigerman's lawyer, New York City official Daniel for Surplus Food Greer—the Soviet Jew was grant- Concluded with U. S. ed U.S. citizenship last Dec; 19. JERUSALEM (JTA) — Deputy Rigerman told the JTA he had Finance Minister Zevi Dinstein told not yet made arrangements for the Knesset that Israel's foreign permanent living quarters or em- trade deficit would total $1,450,- ployment. He. said he had already 000,000 by the end of this year and met his 57-year-old uncle, Louis that the country's foreign debt Michael of the Bronx, but not his would reach the unprecedented ill. 87-year-old grandfather, Jacob amount of $1,125 per capita. Michael, also of the Bronx. He He said that due mainly to recent had been greeted by numerous American loans Israel was able to other relatives here; he said, and maintain its foreign currency re- on the way to the interview had serves. strolled along some of the city's streets with Greer. Dinstein disclosed that in the last few days Israel has con- cluded a $52,000,000 credit agreement with the U.S. for the purchase of surplus food and was expecting approval of a new $35,000,000 loan from the Ameri- can Export-Import Bank. These monies are apart from the $500,000,000 credit extended to Israel by the U.S. last year for military purchases. Dinstein said treasury experts forecast a slowdown in the growth of Israel's imports this year be- cause of reduced defense needs. Imports increased by $340,000,000 last year but are expected to rise by only $30,000,000 this year. He said the government might consider raising the price of fuel 20 per cent in order to reduce con- sumption and further reduce im- ports. He said more than $20,000,- 000 was saved by concluding long- range contracts for the transporta- tion of oil by sea. Dinstein said the Eilat-Ashkelon oil pipeline was already yielding considerable income in foreign cur- rency and was turning Israel into a "not insignificant factor" in the world's oil business. THE DETROIT . JEWISH NEWS 42—Friday, February 26, 1971 Sydney G. Gumpertz; Won Medal of Honor NEW YORK — Sydney G. Gum- pertz, a World War I winner of the Medal of Honor and a retired ad- vertising man, died Jan. 16, at age 91. Mr. Gumpertz was awarded the - medal when he and two compan- ions captured a series of German machine gun positions and took 80 prisoners. In 1921, Mr. Gumpertz headed the Jewish Valor Legion, formed to discredit doubts of Jewish patrio- tism circulated by the late Henry Ford. Mr. Gumpertz authored the book, "The Jewish Legion of Valor" telling of courageous Jews who have fought in the U .S. armed forces. Nathan Miller, Motel Owner, 73 Nathan Miller, retired owner of the Bon Lynn Motel, 4100 Wood- ward, died Wednesday at age 73. Mr. Miller, 27369 Pierce, South- field, was born in Russia and lived in the Detroit area 57 years. He was a member of Adas Shalom and Downtown synagogues and the United Hebrew Schools: Surviving are his wife, Sarah; two sons, Erwin and Martin; a daughter, Mrs. Harold .(Harriet) Cohen of University 'Heights, 0.; a brother, Abe of Beverly Hills, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Sam (Vivian) Shulman and Mrs. Jack (Lillian) Silver; and seven grand- children. Italian Links Red Policy on Soviet Jewry, M.E. 'ROME (JTA)—A leader of the Italian Republican Party chided Italy's powerful Communist Party for refusing to acknowledge the connection between Moscow's Mid- dle East policy and anti-Semi- tism in the Soviet Union. On one hand the Italian Com- munists praise Soviet anti-Israel penetration into the' 'fiddle East, and on the otherl hind -they pro- test against -the Leningrad trial and sentences, Ugo Lamalfa. sec- retary of the Republican Party, said in an. interview published in the Bulletin of the Rome Jewish Community. ' "There is not much sense in de- nouncing the Leningrad trial with- out asking why anti-Semitism is a recurrent phentnnen in the USSR and thus a structural oart of the Soviet regime," Lamalfa said. "There is doubtless a connec- tion between the anti-Israel poli- cy of Moscow and the internal anti- Semitism. The battle to en- circle Israel and defeat its poll- ' tically stirs Russian Jews to solidarity with Israel and this is then used as a pretext for further repression by the re- gime," Lamalfa said. 'He conceded that his party rep- resents only abotit three per cent of the Italian electorate but said that its friendship toward Israel was - shared by the Italian govern- ment. - According to Lamalga. Italy views efforts to destroy Israel as not - morally reprehensible but an ' tit to alter the balance of adOin Point' in the Mediterranean. Rigerman offered thanks to the State Denartment for its aid. But he scored the United Nations as a do-nothing organization that has been - particularly ineffective in ameliorating the plight of Soviet Jews. He said that probably around 400.000 of the estimated 3,500,000 Soviet Jests were anxious to leave their country Immediately, but were being rebuffed by. Red tape. Asked whether that meant that the great majority of Soviet Jews want to stay where they are, Ri- Report Russia Sending german demurred. They are, be said, "just Waiting for us to break Syria SAM-2i, -3s the way out," . and - assert TEL AVIV. (JTA)—Reports pub- themselves "as soon as they know lished in Lebanese papers indi- that nothing is going to happen to- rate that Russia has begun sup- them." • plying Syria with Russian-made Rigerman discounted claims by SAM-2 missiles batteries. Israeli the Jewish Defense League that political observers have suggested all Soviet Jews endorse the tactics that this new arrangement may of that militant organization. Jew- have resulted from Syrian leader ry, he noted, is not monolithic. General Hafez Assad's recent trip Asked how Americans can help- to Moscow, - - the cause of Soviet Jews, he urged According to the .reports, Russia them to "speak out" and create a also has supplied the Syrians with wave of verbal and diplomatic SAM-34, but - Israeli political pressure that the image-conscious circles expressed doubts as to the Kremlin cannot ignore. truth of this statement. -