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February 26, 1971 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-02-26

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Prof. Otto Schneld is a remark- having been revimiect in - these
able man. He is a noted artist— columns, He is a teacher and a
his illustration of "Ruili,','. pub- lecturer, -A poet and a philosopher.
lished by Source Books Of Toronto , His "The Man-Made Hell — A

Temple for Deaf Damaged in Quake

vey by the Union of American
Hebrew Congregations shows that
the worst damage suffered by any
of its Reform temples during the
recent earthquake was at the syna-
gogue serving the Jewish deaf
and their families in southern
California. Temple Beth Solomon
of the Deaf in the San Fernando
Valley sustained damages, which
Alvin Klugman, president, describ-
ed as "a heavy blow to the unique
congregation which five years ago
became the only deaf group in the
world to own Its own synagogue
Klugman said that the coogre-
gents are determined toctarry on

Birmingham Traces
Sephardic Background

In "The Grandees: America's
Sephardle Elite," Stephen Birm-
ingham, author of the best-seller
. "Our Crowd," turns to the ances-
try and history of the American
Sephardim—a small elite group
who considered themselves the
"nobility Of Jewry." It will be pub-
lished March 17 by Harper & Now.
"The old Sephardic families con-
tinue to compose a tight-knit,
proud, and aristocratic elite who
know who is 'one of us' and who is
- not," Binninghetn writes. 'They
lead lives of -wealth, exclusivity,
privacy, a privacy so deep and so
_complete that 'few _people reniem-
ber that they still exist—which is
Just what the Sephardim prefer,
for the Sephardim have. by nature
been shy, .reticent, the opposite
- pushy."
Birmingham traces the Sephar-
- die Jews back to their Origini in
medieval Spain and Portugal where
they were Spain's scientists, philos-
phers, poets; and - advisers to the
royal courts until the Inquisition
when they were expelled - from
In many American familia; —
Livingstais... Van
Reintselaeri. 17t12:or" 18th cen-
tury Sephardie - ancestor appears.
One of the conspicioul Sigures in
lifirmingham'i-lxitik tie Vriah Levy,
whose life-long battle:against
ton/tent embarrassment to his
family.' -


Jewish `.Centel Ready -.
for Stinainer Fun Feet
nrocheres . describing Use- sum-

me• progriuns of the Jewish Center
are- now available by calling the
group services division, DI 14200.
Registraeon applications are in-
Included in this -year's activities
are Summer Mother-Toddlers,.
Playland Jr. for preschoolers,
_Playland for kindergartners, Mini-
Camp for 1st-6th graders,,Funtime
for lst-3rd graders, Day Camp for
lot graders-age 101/2, Safari Jr.,
a travel program for age 101/2-1 2,
Sports Skills Camp for 5th-7th
graders, Camp of the Arts for 6tit-
11th graders aitcr'Safari "ri, a
travel program for 7th-9th grOdsra:
Activities are open to non-ment-
ben. Transportation is induced, po

and make up some of the loss,
which he estimated was at least
The purpose of an initial fund-
raising effort, he said, will be to
rebuild part of the religious school
where the debris has been cleared
away and classes continue as
An earlier report by Albert
Bronstein, executive director of the
Jewish Federation Council of
Greater Los Angeles, said that
damage to the Jewish community
shops, centers and synagogues and
private homes was relatively


Peaceful coexistence opportuni-
ties between Arabs and Jews in
Israel are documented in "BE-
YOND THE MIRAGE," a new half-
hour color motion picture with
Lorne Greene, star of NBC's "Bo-
nanza," as narrator. This film is
being distributed by the Israel
Histadrut Campaign of Metropoli-
tan Detroit, 541-7040.
• • •
Dorothy Goldberg, new president
INC., announces that it will meet
7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Veter-
ans Memorial Building. Rose
Cowan recently was elected trustee
of the. Wayne County group. For
information, call Mrs. Goldberg,
UN 2-6610.

• •
PAUL FREEMAN, Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra's conductor-ffi-
residence, will make an appear-
ance 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Ford
Auditorium. MORTON GOULD
will conduct a program of light
classics at the Symphony's annual
"Thank You" concert for eoutai-
butors 3:30 p.m. 'Sunday.

• • •

TAdthansa German Airlines wiLL

Search for Rescue," also a Source .
Book, reveals his historic sense,
his approach to world issues, his
psychological analyses.
In this extensive outline of
major occurrences in the world
he deals with every conceivable
problem. The development of
human approaches receives at-
tention in every sphere, among
all peoples and all faiths, and in
his religious references he is
deeply moved by ethical needs
and the obstacles to higher goals.
Thus, whether he deals with the
problem of slavery that still exists
in Arab lands or with the nuclear
threats, he is the thorough student,
the well informed educator.
Nuclear war and the alternatives
are touched upon, degeneration of
sex Is deplored, there are expres-
sions of "deep distress" over is-
sues that affect all areas, that in-
volve social and ethnic as well as
political and religious problems.
Dr. Scimeid's book is thought-
provoking and provides reasoning
toward facing the issues that dis-
turb man in a world of change and
frightening transformations. —P.S.

Center Orchestra- to Perform
`New Sounds' at Music Festival


"New Sounds in Jewish Music"
will be the theme of the Center
Symphony Orchestra's 1971 Jew-
ish Music Festival 3 p.m. March 7
at the Jewish Center.
Julius Chajes will conduct the
orchestra in works by Mendels-
sohn, Bloch, Marc Lavry, Chajes,
Saint-Saens, Abraham Kilstein and
Soloists will be mezzo soprano
Annette Chajes, tenor Harold Or-

Dallas Family Agency
to Study Growing
Youth Drug Problem

Over 7,000,000 black people-66
DALLAS (ITA)—The president per cent of all Blacks of voting
that they had regis-
of the Jewish Family Service of
Dallas, has reported evidence that tered to vote in 1968. -
"drug usage is a. problem for our
Jewish families - and in our Jew-
For ow amiss of
ish community and can no longer
Swab Entortolasanse
be looked upon as a problem for

the general community only." He
-has announced creation - of a com-


mittee to study the problem and
make recommendations to the
agenCy's board on what the agency
could do to help' parents and their
children to cope with the problem.
J. A. Rosenfeld, the president,
cited the findings of •a study of
applications to the agency for
service front Nov. 1, 1989 to Sept.
1, 1970, said that 27 applications .
or inquries for service were



e- IiiiiitaMit ieidi*si
i r ,W a, ,


k r


For Your Bar Mitzva er
Wedding., etc. . . .




OrssolleN aliss

hY Poly More?


dining that period in
whicli the problem was the use cc
intepeeted use offdrugs- by young

. • . . -

CaN for iota*


They .1T Hade
the- Grade


students at Wayne State Univer-
sity, recently were initiated into
Beta Mu chapter of Theta Sigma
Phi, the professional women's
journalism and communications
fraternity. Miss Allweiss and Miss
Penner will serve the group as
vice' president and secretary, re-


• Dubb's Country Kitchen
• Sherri's
• Bros Prescriptions
• Fabulous Star Bakery
• Bud Rollins Shoes
The Rooky
trickiwick Shops
.10 Isles. Nair Fashions
rally Shoe Service
4 Ala% Barber Shop
tees At The Beitem

Israel Study Program
Gets College Backing


announced' the dean of faculties.
Harry - Albaum.
BIN- Scholar***
2% The summer institute is • the
A veteran. Orthe soti.or daughter find' inoperative venture between
of a veteran.- is eligibl
e fo Vitt 7the-.11ehrew University and a unit
of New
' Jewish War YneerAnk.;-DiDurigneut at _Abe, cityf

abea d c


Windsor's Jewish community,
continuing a tradition of leader-
ship In Canada, purchased ;100,000
in Israel Bonds.
The check was signed by Gerald
Freed, president of the Windsor
Jewish Community Council, in the
presence of Joseph Eisenberg, ex-
ecutive director of the council; and
Maurice Skolnick, director of the
Ontario Region State of Israel

Tl+s data included,- he :reported,
pawsent during Mirth 'art rePr° -
dictions f a m o,u s DUTC H. in the newsletter; that
MASTEILS• OF THE 11TH.-CEN- the-. sages- .et- the -"tong People
TURY. Each 'weekday ii-:=-tliffer- walEhetwess ► -15 _nM17.21 and that
the easels -incited 'Jewish -
eat work will be displayed -le the ts
were -
Lufthansa -Office window. -down- *di;
marijuann,....:LSD. 'speed and other
"soft drugs.": The findings„ indi-
cated -that- ••so evidence 01 hard
drug usage such as heroin was

Focusing e6 #Latid and etii-
tares of Israel," students-will have


Students :ntiesnling7,`Inititittiens i - chance to take cputnes,In Eng-
on a college level, as *0 " lish ; analyzing the, histnrY, -Pug-
and cultuiril structure of
January pr. Juno gradupting-4. ,_
study Drieks Variens ethnic
may . api1y . -

back and Shaul Ben-heir on the
The conductor orchestrated two
numbers especially for this con-
cert: "Boa Dodd (Come, My Be-
loved)' by Lavry and Chajes' own
"Palestinian Nights."

Windsor Council
Buys $100,000
in Israel Bonds

NEW YORK (JTA)—Brooklyn
College and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem will cosponsor a
Slimmer institute :- allowing stu-
the fee for most programs and dents the opportunity to :earn up
to eight credits studying Israel,
within a limited area. : ,

. of Michigan TiillisiaL:achoianthipi:.
Two scholarihipi --.ofliBISC -esitis are

Merv, Mowry 26, 1971-37



Schueicl, Man-Made Hell' Seeks Rescue

WHEN YOU• TRAVEL this seasoklihertrs' -
recommends that you see IsnieLliist:%But —
wherever - yoU go — .see Sheiri's -first'

491; 4114:-Inab'ze

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