. ,_ r . Abe Lincohi Signature Is in Rare Album Found `Tribute to the Don r ':.iqfpris College Scholarshi*,.iilm'.... ,by the American Jewish Historical Society "It was th aid of World .4 War JERUSALEM — Denmark's res- Solomons, also a leading founder WALTHAM, Mass.—A rare auto- ployes of the U.S. Treasury De- U when I realized :bow. complac- graph album containing the signa- tures of Abraham Lincoln, mem- bers of his cabinet and members of Congress, auctioned in 1864 at a fair for the benefit of the U.S. Sanitary Commission, a forerunner of the American Red Cross, has been discovered by the American Jewish Historical Society. Rabbi Abram Vossen Goodman of Lawrence. N.Y., the Historical Society's president, said that the volume was obtained through a private collector. Rabbi Goodman noted that, "The album dramatizes the humanitarian traits of Mr. Lin- Vein and other members of his government at a time when ten- sions were rising during the Civil War." The autograph album, bound in red morocco leather, belonged to Adolphus S. Solomons, a part- ner in Philip and Solomons, dis- tinguished Washington booksel- lers and stationery company. The firm, a gathering place for Washington intellectuals and writ- ers, constituted the leading sup- plier for the White House and Congress. The 270 signatures in the album were collected by the women em- - partment The autographs, in addi- tion to Mr. Lincoln's, include those of his vice president, Hannibal Hamlin, his private secretaries, John G. Nicolay and John Hay, as well as that of a former law part- ner in Springfield, Ill., John T. Stuart Solomons, then a Jewish leader in Washington, also supervised the last photographic portrait taken of Mr. Lincoln four days prior to his assassination. The picture was posed in the studios of Philip and Solomons by the famous photographer, Alexan- der Gardner. This final portrait was reproduced in great quantity because it portrayed a smiling Lincoln. Many copies were sold with a reproduced inscription in Mr. Lin- coln's handwriting, "Your obedient servant, A. Lincoln." Solomons achieved national ac- claim as one of the founders of the American Red Cross, organized in 1881 and ratified by President Chester A. Arthur in 1882. He worked closely with Clara Barton and served as vice president and treasurer of the Red Cross for a number of years. Name of Catholic Woman Added to List of Righteous Gentiles in Israel JERUSALEM — Yad Vashem, atop Jerusalem's Hill of Remem- brance, is the most universal mem- orial in a land of memorials. This looming stone and concrete shrine to the six million is living testa- ment to the ashes from which Is- rael rose 23 years ago. Massive iron doors carrying an abstractly sculptured barbed wire grill open onto a stark chamber . . . an iron clad eternal flame at the center of the room casts flick- ering light over a mosaic tiled floor. As eyes adjust, the inscrip- tions spelled by those tiles become legible as the names of every Nazi death camp — in Hebrew and in English. Archives house thousands of vol- umes of information in detail on the years of horror — and record the names of 1,500,000 of those graveless martyrs: It was from these files that much of the evi- dence presented at the Eichmann trial was drawn and compiled. Leading to the Yad Vashem Memorial is a winding, shaded path lined with straight young trees. At the base of each tree, a gracefully lettered mosaic melaque honors the name of a heroic non-Jew who saved Jew- ish lives from brutal extinction — at the risk of certain death. A former Belgian school teach- er, Jeanne Daman Scaglione, planted her young sapling here, on Jan. 31, and joined the row of honor. Now the wife of an internation- ally known professor of literature, Aldo Scaglione of the University of North Carolina, this Catholic woman is in her 25th year of ser- vice to the United Jewish Appeal as a widely-traveled speaker in be- half of the people of Israel and the cause of Jewish survival. In the words of her own report To the Yad Vashem committee, "I was first introduced to Jewish life In 1942, at the age of 23 . . . until then, I had never had contact with the Jewish world." When prevailed upon by her close friend, Mrs. Chaim Perelman, to assist in dir- ecting a Jewish kindergarten in Brussels, Mrs. Scaglione recalls that "having been brought up in an anti-fiscist atmosphere. it was essentially a question of adopting political position, of solidarity with the victims of Nazism and of -r compassionate interest in the As parents were arrested, aban- doned children began to present the kind of problem that demand- ed immediate attention. Jeanne Daman became the architect of a vast plan to hide these children, for the duration of the war, with Gentile farniliei and religious schools outside the city. At war's end,'she enlisted her- self in the service of concentra- tion camo survivors. After arriv- ing in the United States, she joined forces with several Jew- ish organizations and, in her own words, "as a non-Jewish witness of both the tragedy and the survivors' just claims, I took an active part in the struggle led by former resistors for the cre- ation of the state of Israel." Mrs. Scaglione was in Israel as a member of a mission from the women's division of the United Jew- ish Appeal. Prior to their arrival in Israel the women had visited the site of the Nazi camp at Mauthausen, Aus- tria. It was at this camp that Al- fred Daman, uncle of Jeanne, was killed in reprisal for the Jewish resistance work of his daughter Leonid. In a letter home to her aunt, written the night of her return to Mauthausen, Jeanne Daman Sca- glione — the newest heroine of Yad Vashem — wrote that she found no grave beside which to kneel, and pray. The autograph album will be- come part of the society's com- prehensive Adolphus S. Solomon collection and may be displayed to historical societies, univer- sities and museums throughout the country. The American Jewish Historical Society has been the leading con- server of archival information cov- ering all dimensions of almost four centuries of Jewish life in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1892, the society's headquarters on the campus of Brandeis Univer- sity contain more than 43,000 vol- umes and 3,000,000 manuscripts on the multiple activities of American Jews and their institutions. BANIAS — Since completing a road along the western slope of Mt. Hermon, the Jewish National Fund has embarked upon further development projects in the region. JNF workers have begun the construction of a panorama watch- tower near the lower section of the road and a monument has been erected in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives combating the terrorists while the road was being built. The site is earmarked to become a tourist center in the future. Another JNF enterprise In the area to facilitate access to tourist attractions is the recently com- menced construction of a motor road, leading to the ruins of the Crusader Fortress Qala'at Ninirud THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS cue of its Jewish population from annihilation by the Nazis in 1943 is the cause for the American- sponsored academic scholarships for Danes to study in Israel. During the 1970-71 academic year, the U.S. organization "trib- ute to the Danes," founded and headed by Dr. Elias L. Gechman, of Ne* York, for the first time has allocated scholarships to Danish students . in order that they can pursue their studies at the Hebrew University. At a recent visit to the Hebrew University, Dr. Gechman explained the background of this project which he initiated some years ago but only implemented recently. Born in Russia he himself had been avictim of the Holocaust. He survived a Nazi concentration camp in Poland, and after the war. became chief medical officer of UNRWA ih Vienna, specializing in internal medicine. He immigrat- ed to the United States where he has been a practicing physician in New York since 1948, connected with the Mt. Sinai Hospital. !rit'se lro dr:sd . " w enats in and the ilialekleta ramwri4th 5 ' traction of atria peopte,",. hailing that Dr. GeelunitiO. - 'this overiAsillobteld1 fete initial joy of mY liliceil ara , Y-tiiat his faith He went on in humanity 'aria irestdred when he learned abotn iglio Mailish - rescue of 1943 whed the entire Danish-Jewish5 1fclobbintnitY, ' some 7,000 persons;:' h1,1itilped by the Danish restifaii ruthed away on boats to 'Ssiedilitil "Tribute to the Danes" sponsors include David Ben-Gurion, Arthur Goldberg, Leonard Bernstein, Dr. Jonas Salk, Ogden R. Reid, Harry Golden, Max Lerner, Emanuel Cel- ler and Hebrew Uniiiersity Presi- dent Avraham :Harman; . This year's'sdlic9irship recipients are Ulla Grid:lain: , 25, a Copen- hagen-born studdzit- Of Judaic* and French at the Hebrew University and Mogen Reinie.r Jensen, 21, a -- Copenhagen student 'at the univer- sity's preparatory-year course. Rosten's Newest Work Deals With Eminent Personalities, Including False Messiahs Leo Rosten, famed for "The Edu- cation of H*Y*51*A*N K*A*P*- L*A*N" and "The Joys of Yid- dish," gives an account of notables to his liking and some famous per- sonalities in his newest work, "People I Have Loved, Known or Admired," published by McGraw- The reader will take to this col- lection of essays at once, primarily because of the very warm account he gives of his father in the second chapter which concludes with: "How very much of him lives on in my mind—so vividly; and portions of him rush into tm- -Tected recollection at the odd- s moments. And then I hear ro •1 crying, 'Oh Papa, Papa, you .-.ere a prince.' " Rosten offers an explanation of his approach to his thesis: "Most of the characters, drawn from what is mushily called 'real life,' have greatly enriched the unreal life of my imagination." Retaining his love for the legen- dary, Rosten quotes from "Der Goldener Mozzik," author unknown; Vaysichvaus Press, Chicago, 1911: ". . - and all he did was tell tales, and multitudes came to hear him; and some left honey and myrrh for the pleasure he had given them. But whether the things he recounted had truly transpired, or were spun from the golden strands of his fancy, or were the sorcerer's own sweet blend of both, no man could say save the sagaman himself. And once when asked where truth did end, and table begin, he looked puzzled, then sighed, 'But much is true that doth not happen, and much that happens gaineth not in verity because of blind occur- rence.' " His heroes are numerous. Some Mt. Hermon Memorial are dealt with at length; others Among Regional Projects very briefly. In all instances, there children." She recalls the first "roundups." I which overlooks the Hula Valley. 4R—irlday, Sobriety 19, 1971 of Conservative Judaism in this country, helped to establish the Jewish Theological Seminary As- sociation (known today as the Jew- ish Theological Seminary of Amer- ica.) He was offered the post of gov- ernor of the District of Columbia by President Ulysses S. Grant, but declined on the grounds that his official duties would interfere with his observance of the Sabbath. is the warmth of Rosten's evalua- tions that makes the collective work enjoyable reading. There is an extensive essay on Sigmund Freud and it is a tribute to a great man which concludes: "He was the Columbus of psy- chology, which still awaits its Euclid." And there are the briefer ones. For instance, there is the tribute in the essay "A Handful of He- roes,". about Harry S Truman. Rosten commends the courage of the former President, giving these reasons: "Harry S Truman, not only because of his spunk and dedica- tion, as President, to doing what he believed to be the right thing;' not only because of the clarity and vigor of his foreign policy but because, at the age of 111, looking back ea bin bong. stanza and tragically eroded. efforts to establish a lasting peace, Mr. Truman concluded: 'Memories are short; appetites for power and glory are insatia- ble. Old tyrants depart. New ones take their place. It is all very baffling and " with a 9th Ce:ntury traveler, but he introduces him, at least, to a ancient history for his chapter "Front Men for God" in which be deals with the False Messiahs. He commences with a Jewish traveler who was born in 880 and died in 940 and disposes of him, thus: "In the 9th Century, a religious rabble-rouser named Eldad Ha- Dani proclaimed that the Ten Lost Tribes having been located, he was authorized to inaugurate the Messianic Age. Since the Lost Tribes remain unfound to this very day, and signs of the Messianic Age were as missing in Eldad Ha- Dani's time as they are today, I can only conclude that Eldad Ha- Dani, who sounds like a magician of the Old Palace, was a dip." Perhaps Rotten takes liberties voice from Heaven"- commanding him to convert noneother than generally uninformed reading pub- lic that may seek more informa- tion about Ha-Dant and his time after reading the .above. Then Rosten turns to a Spanish Rosten draws upon episodes in Jew named Abulana who "heard a CJFWF Awards $17,000 in Grants to Cam Projects NEW YORK — Grants totaling $17,000, including a $10,000 grant to the Jewish Student Press Service for the development of a national campus press service, were award- ed by the Council of Jewish Feder- ations and Welfare Funds' (CJFWF) committee on funding national cam- pus projects, it was announced by Louis J. Fox of Baltimore, com- mittee chairman. Grants of $3,000 each were awarded to the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, a nationwide stu- dent organization which functions as a constituent agency of the American Conference on Soviet Jewry, and to Response magazine, an independent quarterly journal of the student community circu- lated in 36 states, and in six foreign countries. The Hebrew House Program at Oberlin be College in Ohio was awarded a $1,000 grant for use toward a month's study in Israel for 40 students. The 17 members of the CJFWF committee include Prof. Martin Herman of Wayne State University: Earlier, budgets of six national Jewish organizations totalling $5,- 276,000 were reviewed and vali- dated by the-Large City Budgeting Conference (LCBC) at its recent meeting in New York City, an but completing the cycle of. budgetary reviews of major national Jewish agencies begun at the CJFWF's 39th - general assembly in -Kansas CA, last November. Pope Nicholas III. :So, to quote Rosten: "By sheer sincerity, persis-' fence, courage and hutzpa, gen- tle Abulafla succeeded in gain- ing an audience with the Pope; but when His Holiness sensed the general drift of what Abu- lafia was up to, he (Nicholas) condemned him (Abel:411a) to the stake. Abulatia escaped ustula- tion because soon after ordering Abulafla to burn, the Pope dropped dead." At this point Rosten turns to another false Messiah, to David Reuveni or Reubeni, who, in 1524, made his way to Pope Clement VII and proposed that a joint crusade be conducted by Reubeni and the Pope's forces to trap the Islamic infidels and to free the Holy Land from the Turks. Clement VII was excited by the plan, be deputized the dwarf Reubeni to -enlist other nations, Reubeni succeeded in get- ting a good response from Portugal. It was a messianic excitement which gained followers for Reubeni as a messenger to regain the Holy Land for the Jew, and some Mar- ranos followed,. May;' including a Marrano Diego PIrsia etito assumed ' Molchio or the name • (Sinlith Molko, undervient eirtnincision and soon announced? *inaelf• as the Messiah ... 14 5 1, 40, Unied at the stake and thaCenolled *slither mes- sianic elfort: 1 I 11 Then they: °5011•Ylli119 of the even more-. 14 Messiah; kw.` elided Ms Sabbatai Zvi t4r crusade by saving' his life throng's conversion to Islam. - Rosten narrates this story at great length and concludes:- "Sabbatai Zvi died quite Ai; scnrely, in 1676, but pockets of stout believers in his mission , still grace Greece; Turkey, Mit- tel Europe and Brooklyn to thie- very day." This is a bit of an exaggeration, yet the story emerges with great aplomb in the Rosten book. Curiously, dealing with heaven- stormers, Rosten states that his favorite "always will be the ineffa- ble Father Divine." Thus, the stories in the "People I Have Loved . . ." et cetera are replete with variety of much at- traction, adding another notable achievement to ILItighly successful list of popular books. —P. S.