Russel Linden to Take M. ,Kane Exposes HarveyBlitzWillTake Judith Klavan as Bride Paula Goldstein as Bride WASP Views Refugees From Poland Find Haven in Denmark LONDON (ZINS) — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 19, 1971-31 Despite the DICK STEIN severe housing shortage in Copen- Anti-Defamation League of Bnai- hagen, 2,000 Polish Jewish ref- Brith commissioned a unique study ugees have been accommodated by THE DICK STEIN ORCHESTRA of the 45 social studies texts most the Danish government and have widely used in American high been housed without payment of THE JEEP SMITH ORCHESTRA -schools to examine their current "key money" for a six-month per- Li 7-2770 treatment of Negroes, Jews and iod, according to a dispatch ap- other minorities. pearing in the London Times. The author, Michael B. Kane, Every Jewish refugee receives a daily subsidy for food, and the found that despite past criticism of publishers and authors, "a aged are entitled to the same pen- significant number of texts pub- sion awarded to every Danish I S THE citizen. lished today continue to present a Within a few weeks after their principally whit e, Protestant, their receive arrival, the refugees Anglo-Saxon view of America past FEATURED papers and full civil rights. Al- and present, with the nature and though most of the refugees are problems of minority groups large- BY- sympathetic to Israel, writes the 17 neglected." There is not a Times, they still have decided to single textbook, according to stay on in Denmark. Kane, which presents "a reason- ably complete and undistorted pic- Studio ILAVAN The obscurest epoch is today. nnorrn MISS ture of America's many minority 29505 Northwestern Hwy. MISS PAtILA GOLDSTEIN —Robert Louis Stevenson. groups." Rabbi and Mrs. Israel Mayan Southfield, Mich. Naming publishers and books, of Forest Hills, N.Y. announce the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Gold- Yi Mile N. of 12 Mile Rood stein of Louisville announce the "Minorities in Textbooks" makes engagement of their daughter Ju- Bar Mitzvas the following charges: their daughter engagement of dith Rochelle to Harvey Blitz, son awl spacial. accession Paula Sue to Russel Matthew Lin- While the black man's position of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Blitz of Gerson Zeltzer den, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel in contemporary society is no Sutherland Ave., Oak Park. Thomas J. Hatch Linden of Lancaster Dr., South- longer ignored, textbook treatment Photographer The bride-elect is a graduate of Style Director of inequality and attempts at its Stern College for Women and is field. 547-4805 -orirtrinktrittrfrirktririrtrintlikffl* , Miss Goldstein attends the Uni- eradication is either missing or, presently a student in the masters versity of Michigan. Mr. Linden, with few exceptions, continues to program of occupational therapy at Columbia University. a U. of M. graduate, is continuing be weak and noncommittal. Mr. Blitz received his BA degree graduate studies at U. of M. Treatment of the Jews is still largely confined to an over- at Wayne State. University and his The Best Meat at The Best Prices A May wedding is planned. JD at the University of Chicago. emphasis on their ancient past. Pullets 38c lb. Springer 33c lb. (fresh daily) Only a very few textbooks present Side of Beef (Freezer Pecked 65c 16.) Rib Steaks $1.09 a varied, true-to-life picture of Boarding Jewish Day Parisian Portnoy Has 20215 W. 7 Mee Free Delivery 255-3777 modern Jews. Complaint of His Own Nazi persecution of Jews and High School Named NEW YORK (JTA)-Sponsors of PARIS (ZINS) — Almost over- other minorities is stilt inadequate- the first boarding Jewish day high night, the world of Arnold Portnoy, ly treated. Historical references to Indians school, scheduled to be built in the mild mannered Jewish owner of a Paris- garage, was transformed have improved, but a portrayal of Albany in 1973, have announced the American Indian in contem- that the name of the school, which according. to Thee. magazine. , There were -- anonymous - tele- porary society is either missing or will be coeducational and opeW. to students from all branches. - 'of phosie trigs: bad jokes from - close inaccurate. . tually no im- Judais m; Will• be the.- Kehila There has been viz- =friends and - insinuating remarks provement in the treatment of Academy. , from acquaintances. The decision on the name was' The poor - garage man's prob- Chinese and Japanese Americans. lem's began with the French pub- Some references to these people made. at a meeting.of the Na Specialist in Vedicswagen 6 Porsche lication of "Portnors Complaint," still contribute to iinfasiorable -MO - School- Planning Commission, Ferndale, Mich. beld -at the offices of the American - 1018 W. 9 Witt Rd. Philip Roth's novel about a guilt- Association for Jewish-Education. 548 3926 Even less attention is paid to ridden, sexeblessed young lawyer. Allen CI: Rams Beersee Uvulae 'II Pieurne Complained the Parisian Port- the nation's Spanish-speaking peo- Leo Phaff of Albany, commission . noy: "My .wife read the book and ples. The Mexican American has chairman,-saidthit the name "best very nearly had a nervous break- replaced the black man as the "in- describes the visionary goal and program of total -community in- down. I have two daughters at the visible American." volvement" in the development of and their friends thought Sorbonne, the sehoc it a great joke to. say,- "What- a Al ecipp's Attempt Participating _Organizationat_ in- - SPEOAL GROUP RATE (5 10011K - Olt MOM father you- haver. - - - clude the _ (Conservative) .United Portnoy took his Complaint, to a to Hans It Up Gets Synagogue .of America, the_ (Re,. - -Pails- civil 'court in elk -attempt to form) Union of American,-Hebrew . bar Gallhnard,. the publishing Paper's•ensure AT THERHAIITIRIL EBSTER YOUR OUTOF- TOVI house, from Jelling anymore Copies • Al Capps humor has waned, as Congregations, the =Wet Organi- zation of America, the•AA= and until the hero's name la: changed. - far as one, Publisher of his Li'l the "Aimerieazi nebulas Amnia- -But_Judge,AnchurIbimmettle Vitae Abner cartoon strip is concerned. Lincoln O'Brien, 'pubic:her of .this Jdsdly bested Vs pariah:mien, N.1L, Daily :'limes. Restairief anted reported that he has suspended • • Arsi67.714ioitedly SAUNA; *moot root- WIDILFOOL, ETC. publication temporarily of the strip eljeVItIPS (avenues aiect deer at adelhoure grow tri par visit) Buying Israeli. 1 tote berause of the "anti-Semitie na- -Su Ndpsra, e.-.dear Aimee Trnspariathe Available JEllU8ALE31,--Hundreallefeep- ture" of the current episode:- The Oak Park SYmPhony Or- 548-8877 14380.W. 8 *ILE, OAK. PARK In last Friday's cartoon, Capp chestra - will hold its spring . eon- lings ,froin-Asyrish National , Fund nurseries grace. the gardens of had Abner talking to Israel's cert 3:30 p.m. March 9 at Oak Arab cities and-the palaces of Arab defense :minister, Koehn Dayan. Park High School.' The orchestra, royalty, according: lo merchaati 111" Abner Dayan his son under the direction of __Jerome from', Judea end Saniarir Who Put- want* ear ham sandvridi, and Day= Rosen, will have ANNIE KAMA: chase.- the yramg trees_ and trans- =SW :5'11 be honest with you — FIAN, "violin soloist as guest art Port them over the Jordan Wan; sonneritives ao do V' ist. There will _be .a reception O'Brien said tbe comic strip "will lowing the concert-in honor of Miss The best, customers, are Kuwait, be.omilteit,for a few days on the Kavafbm. Tickets are available at. Saddiat 'Arabiii 4Inian.:-whidi grew& ef poor taste," He said he the - Oak Park Community Center, favor the, because felt -"sense- readers' find the anti- J. L. Hudson - Stores, and - Mum= of their remittance toAlsease. The' Semitic nature of the strip offen- ford Music and at- the door. There mercbints abaci do a brisk business are student rates.; - ' - - Capp, who is Jewish, was =- the -Arab countries Umber !,- Fifty girl scout troop! from the bought from the JNF. ;I available for comment. Southfield area take Part In "GIRL SCOUTS IN ACTION" day. Saturday at Tel-Tvielve MalL Ac cording to , Fay Menzel, Southfield area 4.thalrinan,-- -the girl Scouts want to communicate - to the corn- enmity that, they-• re involved- in many- service functions. ' • I- PI, L. "THE THING Wait- Design Call 357-0410 , Gonik's Kosher that;Fish & Poultry - - Classified Ads Results HAYING A WEDDING :et BAl11IZVAl EMBASSY MOTEL COLOR Tr - , *ion- ' Backstage Crew Pali Off `Odd Couple' i!= a SOUTHFIELD 'JUNIOR SYM- PHONY, Conducted - by . RiChard Brown; will perform at' Southfield High School 3 p.m. Sunday. - eld-Lathrup• .-.Schbor students - Maury •Oktin, irealbOnitt and Richard LOU; _pianist, will be soloist*. For-tickets; esilltra..Ifeis chaireia* "rt.' Adhlaffi inntirssn,' Zrekt41111he Inalber,AllailKareser. Lem lle 1 1 41041-4 = Adrosa, luta — 0in sii.14. - Gdaiwasseeempeimovisaasorra. - Rhirlariri:11134;111 t- 35.3-.1183: Proceeds IrilrbeliOltAlse Southfille'PubIlepbriry.'/ --`' Ilandes hishl ineeess- fill .-- orndnelhir ; eE"TAICTUFFE", surati'dewnteaus;Lerlts-Deitreitli, tiAk %Alto :ingsgesieitteb.- 24 Nil. ire. Nerds*. ' rid ow.