THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 19,000th Pint of Blood Wins a Trip Miley, Mowry 19, 1971 - 47 Bnai Brith I Activiti es The Illetflipolitan - Debylt Baal With Connell and the Baal Brith Women's Callen of Maiwipolitan Detroit have recorded their 19,000th donor of blood to the Blood Bank. He is Michael S. Minix (horizontal) of LaBelle Ave., Oak Park. As the 19,080th donor, Mintz receives a vacation for two in Freeport, Bahamas: He is a member of Detroit Louis D. Brandeis Lodge and a regular contributor to the Bnai Brith Blood Bank. Pictured with Mintz are. (from left) Mrs. Isadore Perl- mutter, blood bank chairman for the Baal Brith Women's Council; Mrs. Joseph Feldman, Baal Brith .volunteer for the American Red Cross; and Harry Cohn, chairman for the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Council. The next blood bank rally at Pepper School, Oak Park, will be held March - 15 and 16. ' Aaron Drooek, Pisgah Pa- st President, to Be Honored on His 80th Birthday Pisgah Lodge and Chapter, Bnai was active in behalf of the Amed- Brith, will hold a dinner-dance can Jewish Conference. He served as a member of a job anti-dis- March 22, at Cong. Bnai David, in crimination committee by appoint- honor of the 80th birthday of meat of President Roosevelt. Aaron Droock, oldest living past He joined Temple Beth El over president of Pisgah Lodge and of half a century ago and served on the board of trustees. A practicing District Grand Lodge 6. attorney,. he served as chairman Droock has been a member of of the Michigan Bar Association's Baia Brith since 1915, the yeear committee against illegal prac- he was graduated from the Uni- tices and turned down an appoint- versity of -Michigan's law school, ment to the Circuit Court bench with the degree of doctor of juris- offered by the late Gov. Fred prudence. Green. He joined Pisgah when it.,,htid 300 members and was the only Bnai Brith Lodge in Detroit. Since then, Droock has devoted 56 years CENTENNIAL CHAPTER will hold an election night dinner 7 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harold Nosan, 19135 Silvercrest, Southfield. A fashion show will be presented. To respond, call'hies- dames Sam Goldstein,' 399-1899; Sherwin Sokolov, 353-5350; or My- ron Gruskin, 547-0364. • • • LOUIS' MARSHALL CHAPTER will elect officers 8 p.m. Tuesday at'Cong. Bnai David. Guest speak- er Daniel Berk will speak on "The Survival of. Jews in the Soviet Union." Refreshments will be served. • GREEN-8 ,'ONLY SHOP SUNDAY 9AM TO6PM. 1 HENRY MORGENTHAU CHAP- TER will elect officers 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Carlyle Apartments clubhouse. Refreshments and en- te. tainment will 'follow the elec- tion. The afternoon bowling league sill serve as host. Hostess Coats! Robes! Sleepwear! Heads BB 'Messenger' LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Rabbi Sidney .1. Jacobs, who retired last Year as spiritual leader of Niles Township Jewish Congregation in Skokie, has been appointed manag.: ing editor of the Bnai Brith Mes- senger, effective March 1. A native Chicagoan, Rabbi Ja- cobs hosted the Chicago Board of Rabbis' "Of Cabbages and Kings" television series the past three years.. He has served as president of the Rabbinial Fellowship of, Niles Township and as instructor at the College of Jewish Studies in Chicago. He has received awards from the Catholic Interracial Council and the United Synajogue of America. Choice of the House ! NOW EXACTLY' 2 PRICE regularly $9 to $32 A riot of colors, prints, and styles in quilts, moires, bro- caaes and other dazzling fab- rics.. Sizes small, medium, large and petite! It's the robe event"Wthe year. DON'T MISS W" SHIPMENT JUST R EIVED! Mrs. Hauser Sees Female Revolt WASHINGTON—A feminine rev- lems and deMonstrate more con- olution.ii under way in the. United cerned interest before change will States, Mrs. Rita E..Hauser, U.S fully 'Come about." representative on the United Na- Mrs Hauser commented on the lions Commission on Human Rights, remarkable effect that world in- told the'' Bnai Brith Women con- recent trial in Leningrad of Jews venison here. _ terest and concern had on tite Mrs. Hauser said she was refer- who were attempting to - flte- the ring not to street demonstrations, country w 1 th.o-tt f --permission, but to "the growing view of Amer- whic.h..10.4fre USSR is punishable ican women of all walks of life-and ._as tgason. It was the expression all ages,--that -wornea are %stilled of world opinion, Mrs.- Hauser to equal pay, equal -eonliaeration held, that caused the Soviets to and not go forward, to date, for employment' with other previously announced and job promo- trials. tion, equal edu- cational o p p o r- - Seven hundred Bnai Brith Wo- I u_n i t i e s, and 'men delegates, from the United ti, above all, equal States, Canada, Israel, South Amer- participation in ica and Europe, met at the Wash- the centers of ington Hilton. AARON BROOCH power of Ameri- Baal Brith Women contributed to the enrichment of Bnai Brith can life."- 4... ,., $250 MO Monday for construction The Nixon ed-.' and to the community. The dinner-' of a new building for older trou- is dance will be on behalf of Israel ministration bled boys at its Children's home Bonds. Samuel W. Leib, past dis- keenly aware of I - in ' Jerusalem. the inequities wo- trict Grand Lodge president, will The new building will open in be chairman. Droock was an of- men still face," Mrs. Hauser September for the treatment of 20 Mrs. Hauser de- will include ficer in the U.S. Army, serving in dared, citing Justice Department boys age 15 to 18. It France and Germany in the First suits to eliminate job discrimina- a gymnasium, music and science World War, and rose to the rank tion, and support of bills to give rooms, a ' library, psychotherapy of captain.., -< husbands and children of federally facilities, a clinic and a sickroom. Coming _horne, he ''plunged. into employed women the same death Latin American chapters of Bnai activities for Bisal-Hrith and the and other benefits that widows of Brith Women will finance the new community. He served as presi- federally employed men now get, addition to the 'children's home, dent of Pisgah in the 1920's and "thereby recognizing that in famil- which was foundedin 1943 to treat led in organizing Louis Marshall, ies where husband and wife both victims of the Holocaust. , Detroit and East Side lodges. Pres- work, both are contributors 'to the Yecheskiel Cohen, director of the ident of District Grand Lodge 6, family standard of living and that Children's Home, told the Jewish in 193940, he was instrumental in the- wife is not just earning pin Telegraphic Agency that the *in , grooming future district presi- money." stitution now houses 70 boys and girls age 9 to 14. " We not only dents. Mrs. Hauser contended that the seek to educate and treat our chil- Droock headed the Anti-Defama- tion League in the area and served status of Israe •- wir.rn----"sure'Y dren," he said, "but to create a on the board of .ggyerma's of-the influeneee;Palestiaian welnen, new life for them." Cohen said he and , his staff includinieHaila-bom hijacker Leila Supreme Lodge.: z He has been active in the Khaled — to revolt for equal rights "realize the shortcomings of an but noted: "As far as institution," United Jewish Charities and in with men. I can judge, these disturbed boys the Jewish Welfare Fedepition Mrs. 'Hauser sounded an opti- cannot go to foster homes. They for 50 years and was associated mistic note on the prospects for are too aggressive, have no trust with the late Fred Butiel Jewish community work. He was less sex discrimination in business in anyone, and can't have a rela- industry' and; predicted "action lion with a small family because a founder of the , Jewish the family can't stand them in munity Council and serves aa'" soon of child their aggressiveness." The new president ,. of .the • ouneklewri..., years_ He also aided t he _vas*: ..daYEciiriTeenters. She -warned. wing will be devoted largely to t..!'"Wonsea may have ; to boys who are failing in foster Its orginliptiarai. Foungilgea the, • - 4w0b- homes. Trciti0k During; 3Todd SUNDAY ! CHOICE OF THE HOUSE! Every Winter Dress! 11 Pant Dress! Jump Suit! II -Pant Coat! Pant Suit! 0 1 .1 NOW REDUCED 50,0 , a & MUCH MORE! 11111XXXXXX•XXXXXXXXXXXXIIIXIX 1/INXIXXIIIXXIII ■ XXIIIXXIIIXXXXIIIMXWA a MANY NEW SPRING - a DRESSES ! PANT DRESSES ! COSTUMES ! a X a REDUCED • AI II a X NI 2 0% 1 • SUNDAY ! 1 MI 01111111111111$11.11111111111•1 1111111. 1111111111111111 Juliet GREEN-8 CENTER Greenfleld/8 Mile Roads Sunday 9 a.m. to • 6 p.m. CHARGE IT! Security. Juliet. Ba rira Amecard