Do Israelis Create Hardships for,Cqnverts? NEWS THE DETROIT J Fainuay:Ilt- I 43 Jewish Refugees Arrive in America - population and Jews all gdfer.the NEW YORK (jTA)—An unusual world would not tolerate such a Sri "cross-s ctional" flight of 43 e situation. r reingees and migrants arrived The newspaper Haaretz wrote ish at Kennedy Airport, it was report- that the resolution of the Israel ed by United Hiss Service, the Chief Rabbinate is interfering with the aliya from Eastern Europe worldwide Jew ion migration and other countries. There is a agency. contrast between the Israeli de- The charter flight from Rome mand, "Let my people go," and and Brussels brought new arrivals the attitude of the chief rabbinate from Egypt, Morocco, Rumania, to the conversions in Vienna. Alio, Hungary, Poland and even Cuba, the change of attitude among some all coming to be reunited with their leaders of Mafdal is not in the families. interests of the Jewish people. The The youngest aboard was 3, and interests of Jews in Eastern Europe require an - end to arguing over the oldest 68. this delicate matter and to stop Among the occupations were: ..Fine Clothes Tor Over.31Xiiers . changing the "Law of Return," watchmaker, chemist, artist, mu- w;-, 7:-1141L11-eo. Wks. East of ornende which has been approved with the sician, bookkeeper, engineer and Open Daily 11:30 -,to a support of the Mafdal members in welder. The newcomers will be re- settled In Cleveland, Newark, Los omen . •• ■ • s••••••••• the Knesset. • seserng: - - !mows • Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Election ef the Two Montreal. Israel Chief Rabbis The term of the two chief rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman and Rabbi Itzhak Nis- sim, is nearing its end, but there will not be early election for this office. Rabbis Unterman and Nissim were elected seven years ago for a five-year term under the statutes of-a temporary law, but until now no stable law for the election of Open for business the two Chief Rabbis could be for Appt. 398-4788 or 545-9503 Call adopted, owing to differences of opinion between the Labor Party Owned and Operated by and Mafdal over this issue.. When the term of the Chief Rab- bis ended two years ago, the Min- 13805 W. 9 Mile Rd. ister for Religious Affairs Dr. Zerha Warhaftig appealed to the Knesset to prolong the term for another two years. lAr Now, new difficulties come up. According to the proposed law, there could not be any candidates over the age of 75. Both present Chief Rabbis have passed this age limit_ Mafdal wishes, therefore, to put off the elections as far as possible, in order not to infringe on the honor of the two Chief Rabbis. Dr. Warhaftig proposes to put off the elections at least until 1972 when, the Knesset would be - For Tax Return for Anyone - able to adopt the final election law. Army (Zahal) Chief Rabbi (includes City, State, Fed. & Approximately one third of JDC's Shlomo Goren, one of the most NEW YORK—Malben, the Joint Distribution Committee w el f are annual budget of $23,000,000 is favored candidates for the office itemizing of all your -bills) program in Israel, is moving to spent in Israel, Haber noted. Near- of Chief Rabbi, is satisfied with erase the distinction its institutions ly $5,000,000 is allocated to the this situation, as the military Professionally Prepared by Our Tax Experts for the aged have had to make be- JDC/Malben program for the aged. authorities have asked him to tween new immigrants and long- Most of these funds come from the carry on with his job in' the army- term residents of Israel, Samuel L. canipaigns of the United Jewish Rabbi Goren was elected two years Haber; JDC executive vice chair- Appeal. ago as Chief Rebbi of Tel Aviv, man announced. To attack the problem of the but did not accept this office, as he Haber noted that under the aged among the general population, wishes to be a candidate for Chief 12925 Woodviard Ave. terms of an agreement made in JDC has launched a major re- Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Goren de- 1949, JDC/Malben was mandated orientation of its health and wel- cided 'to remain 'in ttie . army and BR 3-5150 or 883-0474 :Higlillanek to care for aged, sick and handi- fare programs in—.Israel, Haber wait chance until the:elec- 11e/leii Rabin Istorpriso* ' caped newcomers who were pour- said. He noted that the program tions for the two Chief Rabbis' of ing into the new state by the thou- for the aged was moving in two Israel will take place. sands. directions: - "We were faced with an emer- Helping regional and local agen- gency and we met it," Haber cies fill in the gaps which exist in said. "What Israel needs now the nation's network of institutions are services for the Israeli who and community services for the have grown old—the pioneers,. aned. and - kibutzniks and sabris who built Reorganizing JDC/Malben's pies- the nation. Today 180,000 of Is- ent- homes and hospital for the rael's 2,600,000 Jews are 65 year* aged to serve the aged in.the'lacal of age or older. Due:third of 'communities in which the institu- them live In poverty or on the tions happen to be located. . edge of poverty. Thousands of Haber estimated thatthe-rear,- them suffer from lack of the of JDC/Malben institu- facilities they need to keep ,thedi ganization tions no decline in, standards healthy and to care for' them either ; with for the 2,500 old people who when they fall ill." AdmihOrtation. now live in them or - the aged in cooperation-with the -Techrtiort- Faculty, among immigrants arriving in tile. future, will make 2,000 more beds available to the general populati in the next five years. It's Nice $825 per _person ..:double occupancy "However, it is not just *Apt- .. To Deal With ter of adding more- beds; even: transportation from New Iretic' by 'Jet — Deluxe Noteis — Daily Israeli Breakfast — Gala Reception and Dinner at Dan Carmel for faculty members and Israeli Government Officials — critically-needed beds for the in- -all. tlps and . services — baggage handling — professional guide — comfortable airdltIoned firm and seriously Ill," be 'said. . buses: . 10000 Northland "It is equally imperative'—, and Briefing 'meeting February - 24, at 8:00 p.m. at Reynolds- . Drive, Southfield, with representatives, from El-Al and Elkin Travel Agency. far less expensive — to expand, DEXTER improve and coordinate the kind Via El Al Airlines Offerhig- of services which help healthy CHEVROLET aged people to go on living in Fennel dedication of the flew".Detroit Mechanical Engineering Campion _ w the community." •la Visits to Israel Major Industrial Plants 20811 W 8 Mile Last year, JDC/Malhen initiated Complete sightseeing of ell highlights of Israel, including Masada & Telegr•ph between The Fate Includes the creation of a national voluntary Association for the Planning and For worn details and reservations, please call — 358-3070 , Development of Services for the 534-1400 asaossesbers ere woken*. . Aged. JDC undertook to provide • Sondoor awl "ftur of tihe'"rechiaiew facilities Our Promise To You: half of its $10,000,000 budget over arreeisesseeplry WOW TRAVEL IIK*IIIIII:?01111 • • BETTER SERV10E! a period of five years, with the rest coming from cooperating local 1 bodies. By MOSHE RON Special Jewish News Israel Correspondent TEL AVIV—When, a few years ago, mixed couples of olim arrived from Eastern Europe in Israel, the late Mafdal leader, Moshe Chaim Shapiro, and Israeli Chief Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman agreed to acknowledge a conversion outside Israel, in order to spare hardships for such olim in Israel. The con- version procedure abroad is much easier than in Israel. In Vienna a special conversion court was established under the control of Chief Rabbi Akiba Eisen- berg of Vienna, Chaim Grunfeld and the chairman of the Sohnut, (Jewish Agency) Rabbi Alter Stein- mek. During the last two years more than 300 conversions were reported in Vienna. All went well until the extreme Agudists in Vienna "crowned" their own rabbi, Rabbi Jacob Stern from Australia, and established their own religious court, for ritual slaughtering, etc., and therefore Rabbi Grunfeld left the special court of conversion for new ;Aim. In his place the religious leader of Poalei Agudat Israel, Breuner, was co-opted into the con- version court, which caused great excitement among the extreme Aguda circles. These appealed to the Chief Rabbinate in Israel and requested strong action against the conversions in Vienna. At the beginning, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate did not interfere. The Mafdal was in a tight posi- tion, as the plan of establishing a special conversion court in Vienna was originally put for- ward by the Mafdal leader of the Jewish Agency, Rabbi Mor- dehal Kirshblum. The conver- sion action. in Vienna was also supported by Israel Minister for Religious Affairs Dr. Zerab Warhaftig, in order in avid ..a religious crisis in Israel, over, this delicate matter. But now the Israeli Chief Rab- binate has decided to intervene and the conversion of new olim in Vienna and Marseilles were tem- porarily suspended. This came just at a time when many mixed cou- ples are coming as olim to Israel from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and have to pass through the extremely difficult and long conversion procedure in Is- rael. In the meantime, their chil- dren might join the Israel army and fight on the front while their mothers are not yet accepted as members of the Jewish community. The campaign against conver- sions has spread from Neturei Karts and Agudat Israel to certain leaders of the Medal who dissent from the conversion action of their colleagues, Dr. Warhaftig and Rabbi Kirshblum, in Vienna. Last week the Chief Rabbinate of Israel decided to send two spe- cial emissaries to Vienna, Rabbis Kalik and Kook, to e x a mine whether the 300 conversions were carried out according to Jewish law. Should they find otherwise, there would, without doubt, be a new internal crisis in Israel on religious, grounds, like the one two and a half years ago, about the question "Who is a Jew?" Be- cause then the Chief Rabbinate could demand the annulment of these conversions and more than 300 olim would be compelled to undergo another conversion in Israel. This would lead to an uproar in Israel, because nowadays new olim arrive daily from East- ern Europe and the Soviet Union, who have waited for years for the permit to go to Israel, and now they will have to undergo all the hardships of the Israeli conversion procedure. The majority of the zs e • • ' RUDI'S BARBER ,SHOP and EXECUTIVE MEN'S HAIR STYLING . RUDI LEISER JDC Program in Israel Moves to Assist All Aged in Need :Parker Bros.' Tat - "Service * . aro. MAY - 4 TO MAY 17„197,1. - - -