4041. 4Nrgarar Purely- commentary Expose of Communist Anti-Semitic Trends ... Appeal fbr Knowledgeability to New Left to Reject Holocausts This page is primarily devoted to consideration of two aspects in the historical developments in this century— the Holocaust and the sociological and political extremisms which have divided people and which continue to create discord. Because of the seriousness of both factors which are indelibly recorded in the minds and hearts of an older generation, they serve as admonitions for the younger elements in our midst. The Holocaust warns us not to forget, lest it recur. It keeps reminding us of the barbarities that dominated in a section of the world over a decade; threatening its spread throughout the world. Because it is such a horrifying chapter in our history, it needs the emphases by those who had gone through the hell that preceded their survival. That is why Ka-tzetnik 135633 is so vital to us and why his newest outcry against injustice, "Star Eternal," to which a portion of this page is devoted, is so significant in the consideration of the savageries that transformed people with a lust for power into beasts. Perhaps it is this lust for power that also affects a great nation—the Soviet Union—and causes its rulers to be so cruel in dealing with the Jewish citizens, many of whom have resided in that land much longer than some of the elements who now rule over them heartlessly. Russian Jews played a great role in overthrowing Czarism, in establishing the Socialist regime. Some-Jews were leaders in Communist ranks.. Many 'assimilated- thorz oughly and abandoned Jewiih loyaltitaln the fashion that was practiced by- Leon Trotsky, in the form that was advocated by Nikolai Lenin. Those who became totally linked within the Communist orbit were never Zionists and as Communists they became anti-Zionists. But now they are paying a price they never dreamed of under a vast dictatorship: they who differ with Communist dic- tators or those who are rejected by these dictators are called Zionists and the new campaign of bigotry, even in lands where Jews are practically nonexistent and where Jewish life has been obliterated—Poland and Czechoslo- vakia are major examples—the scapegoats are called Zionists and the drive against Jewry is the anti-Zionist drive. To elaborate upon this factor in the issues under con- sideration we turn to another valuable documentary, an important volume published by Doubleday, written by an authoritative Hungarian-born Austrian political writer, Paul Lendvai. Under the title "Anti-Semitism Without Jews—Communist Eastern Europe," Lendvai exposes the terror that exists in the guise of anti-Zionism in Eastern Europe. In the course of his political and social analyses he also reveals how the Russian anti-Semitic machine functions, how the scapegoat is being dramatized as the Jcw, the Zionist even in the areas where Zionism had no support and where Jews are vanishing, as a result of the Communist persecutions. Lendvai incidentally shows how the New Left has failed, how those who have submitted themselves entirely to Communist influences have been betrayed by their own fellow Communists in the traditional fashion in which those who placed hopes in utopian inter- nationalism found disillusionment in betrayals from ultra -". • Psychological Lessons for the Distressed of All Ages_ ... Warnings to the Misled in New Left ... Data About the Nazis Era Not to Be Ignored by our Youth radical elements, and notably from Jewish antagonists who stood in the way of Jewish libertarian tasks. L•• Paul Lendvai, an historian who is now a London Finan- cial Times correspondent, in "Anti-Semitism Without Jews," which is fully documented to show the treachery to justice from Communists to the Jewish fellow-citizens in Poland and in Czechoslovakia, makes the charge: "For all the differences in vocabulary; when Soviet propagandists refer to the 'Zionists' they are speging to the population in a familiar language. The Zionist is the old, mythical Jew, the faceless enemy, the cunning foe. As a Czech novelist aptly put it at the time of the 'anti- Zionist' campaign in the wake of the invasion of Czecho- slovakia: 'Jews can be set apart and defined more easily than, for instance, the Intellectuals, the opposition, or the deviationists. Neither a janitor nor a mailman can be 100 per cent certain that an attack on the intellectuals is not also aimed at him in a way; the term "opposition" or "those extremist forces" Is even more oblique and flexible; but every Aryan knows quite definitely that he is not a Zionist.' "In other words, 50 years after the October Revolution and more than two decades after the Communist takeover in Eastern Europe, when the spokesmen of the ruling regimes use the euphemism 'Zionists' for the Jewish citi- zens of socialist countries they are merely giving a new 'theoretical' justification for the old stereotype, 'the Jews,' the agents of a closed conspiracy for world control. We are, therefore dealing here not with anti-Judaic, anti-Israeli,, even anti-Zionist strictures in conventional terms, but with modern political atiti-Semitism of the Communist variety. "It is no longer 'an orthodox believer or a shady specu- lator with a Jewish.sounding name who is involved, or even Judaism as .a 'reactionary political force' or Israel as 'an aggressive outpost of imperialism.' The Jews now appear—in- the guise of 'Monists'--as the carriers of both financial conspiracy and imperialist encirclement as the incarnation of the foreign enemy, made more powerful by their international connections: in short as a world danger. "In accordance with both the classic use of the scape- goat and the constant suspicion that distinguishes the totalitarian system, the corporate Jew is a symbol of external danger. "The references to the Joint (JDC), Western Intelligence agencies, and political penetration into the 'socialist' countries, coupled with the heavy hints about 'citizens of Jewish origin' evoke the memory of Stalin's last years— the 'Doctors' Plot' and the Slansky trial in Prague . . . The 'murderers in white aprons,' nine professors of medi- cine (six of them Jews), were publicly accused on Jan. 13, 1953, of having poisoned some of their patients among the rulers of the Kremlin and of planning farther attempts on the lives of several Soviet marshals and generals, acting on behalf of the British and American security services and the 'international Jewish bourgeois nationalist orga- nization,' the Joint, which had given them orders to 'wipe out the leading cadres of the Soviet Union.' "ft is important to remember that, as always, the openly anti-Jewish campaign was not an end in itself, but only a means to an end, to a last great purge 'finishing off,' among others, the old members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party. Equally significant, anti-Semitism had become the single most important catalytic agent for all the strains in the system. As Isaac Deutscher, a by no Bk. : 111114- : - Slomovitz- -• means unsympathetic observer of Soviet affairs put it: 'If the intrigue had been allowed to run. its course, if the trial of the doctors had been held, It could have only one sequel—a nationwide pogrom.' " There are these explanatory comments in Lendvai's study of Communist techniques for the continued anti- Jewish campaigns in Communist countries, undoubtedly under the inspiration of the Kremlin: "The question is not whether Stalin or Klumsfichev or Brezhnev disliked Jews more or less, but whether they allowed the violation of one of the hallowed tenets of Marx- ist socialism which recognizes neither Jew, Moslem, nor Christian buronly classes and class interest. While anti- Semitism in the Soviet Union as everYwhere else has many and varied sources, the crucial point is that the operative logic of the Soviet system, doctrinal considerations, and, last but not least, coldly calculated 'reasons of 'date' have led and still lead Soviet rulers to consider the Jews a security-risk group. , . . "By its very nature, a totalitarian system cannot tole- rate any form of ethnic, religious, or commnaldwiditiaritY, any diversity of culture, any plurality of views fir political currents. It must also create artificial outlets' within the state for the dissatisfaction that inevitably. develops. The Jews, a unique minority with international traditions; a . worldwide religion and emotional or cultural ties to their 'co-religionists' beyond the borders (mainly in 'hostile' countries) are a natural target. "But the troubled history of the Jews under Communism ,shows that the Jewish Question has never existed in a void; it must be viewed in the wider context of general policies. If it is true that the fate of Jewry has always been em- bedded in the structure of Soviet lodety; then the- re- . kindling of latent anti-Semitism: is a concomitant of the rise of social tensions in a conservative society,which for a variety of reasons (loss of inner ,dYnaMillak ■ iionsiset -of major unsolved problems; a political vacuum- sit ,the step, the threat of China, and the growing • strains .111 Eastern Europe) in periods of insecurity whips als party ilMelpline and heroic traditions, nationalism -and xenophobia, racial- ism and the hatred and fear of the alien." "It is not in spite but because of the nature of Soviet Communism that the technique of scapegoats, in this case anti-Semitism, is applied as a calculated device to release the tensions, conflicts and struggles within the sYstem." To indicate how the bias against Jews is carried on, Lendvai presents figures regarding the Jewish populations in various Communist countries. While these may not be totally accurate they certainly approach the nearly correct data regarding Jews in the lands enumerated as follows: JEWISH POPULATION STATISTICS 1968 Prewar (in % of pop.) 1945 5,000 49,000 48,000 (0.8%) Bulgaria 12,000 51,000 360,000 (2.5%) Czechoslovakia 100,000 140,000 444,000 (5.1%) Hungary 25,000 50,000 3,350,000 (9.7%) Poland 100,000 428,000 757,000 (4.2%) Romania • 6,000 . 13,011 68,000 10.5%) Yugoslavia 248,000 731;000 5,027,000 Total "Prewar figures refer to prewar borders and postwar statistics to postwar borders. Official censuses of 1930 for Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania, of 1931 for Yugo- - slavia, of 1934 for Bulgaria and 1939 calculations based on the 1931 census for Poland. The 1945 figure for Poland (Continued on Page 44) Ka-tzetnik Reminds Us Again of the Terror That Robbed People of Their Human Dignity . . . Woe Unto Those Who Forget the Indignities of the Nazi Barbarities His name is Yehiet De-Nur and he lives in Tel Aviv with his wife Nina De-Nur. He is the idealist who has been laboring in this country and in Israel for the creation of amity between Jews and Arabs. He is better known as Ka-tzetnik 135633. Ka-Tut is how the Germans pronounce the letters K. Z. which stand for Kon- zentration Zenter—Concentration Camp. Every inmate of a K. Z. was a Ka-tzetnik and be bad a number—the one that was branded into his left arm by the Nazis. Ka-tzetnik 135633 Wrote "House of Dolls," a story of terror, of innocent Jewish girls placed in brothels for Nazi officers. He also authored "Atrocity" and "Phoenix Over the Galilee." Now he provides us with a -work so stirring, so heart-rending, that, upon those who read it, it will leave indelible memories never to forget the Nazi crimes. "Star Eternal," which first appeared in Hebrew has now been issued by Arbor House in New York, in a translation by his wife. World Publishers are distribut- ing the book for Arbor House. De-Nur reconstructs the Ka-Tzet story in all its aspects. We meet the victim and the would-be victor, the sufferer and the tyrant, the man who would resist and the rabbi who believed that relief would emerge from the wrestling by Jacob with the angel. It all begins "where your cradle stood," on Park Street in the Polish commu- nity, and when the survivor returns to Park Street, after the horrors, the Auschwitz- agonies, "there's no longer anything here for hirn." • - The mass graves, dug by the people themselves who are-about to be murdered, 2—Friday, February 12, 1971 leather straps on top. The gold imprint My sister, now they want to give me the earth opening up on orders from on the steep arch glitters in the face money for you. But I don't know how Germans toying with our fear .. ." many German marks -your curls should of the sun. The Aktlon against children, against Nearby— bring. parentless and other children, is among "Whose hair is it, little goldilocks?" the cruelties, among the distress-reported A lime-spattered workman's shoe. "My mother's .. " recollections of "Operation Children" rec- The sun peers into it as into the mouth "Mother, Mother, what do you say— orded here. of a cavern hacked into barren moun- how much is your little goldilock's hair Then there is the road to Auschwitz. tain rock. to the crematoria, "the bearing of the worth?" Nearby— There also were the shoes—his father's last flicker of your life to Death's hinter. A mountaineer's shoe, its toe wedged land. And the "midnight silence of and others' who had been robbed, mur- in the side of the mountain, as if the Auschwitz ... No one here dares breathe dered, humiliated! Ka-Tzetnik weeps today: climber had paused in mid-ascent, Among tens of thousands of shoes I'd a word. Words are no more. Sparks slim breathless: "Oh, what a view! . - ." out of the smokestack . . . Naked feet. recognize a shoe of yours, father! Nearby— You can't bear their steps . .. Nothing Your heels were never crooked. A leg with a shoe on its foot— is yours anymore. Even your head's hair Father, your step was always straight. prothesis to the groin. Tronseriess, naked has been taken away from you . Each day a new mountain of shoes to the sun. It is about the hair that Ka-Tzetnik De- piles up on the compound of the crema- We weep with De-Nur when he cries Nur makes the most serious accusation torium. Remember when I was little? The out for the world to remember, recalling exposing the inhumanity of man to man: first time you let me shine your shoes, "Before my sister was burned in the I polished them tops and bottoms. - Oh, that his sister was among the "Dolls" in the Hitler carnage, admonishing all of us crematorium of Auschwitz, they shaved how you laughed at me then: off her hair. Seventeen year the golden "There is, sonny, a dirty side as well, as he writes in the final chapter about Wledergutmachung: Reparations: locks lengthened on my sister's head . on which a man must tread. When you're "How can I take money for my sister Long locks of gold. Seventeen years. In big you'll understand." the "Field _Whore" from you—and not a shipment of hair, in sacks, or in Father, I'm big now. be a pimp? rectangular bales, tight-pressed like The sun bends over the slope of the Give me— cotton from rich plantations, my sister's tall shoe-mountain, illuminating it for hair was sent to Germany. It w as Give me back one single hair of my me as with a flashlight: sister's golden curls ! unloaded at a factory to make: blankets Shoes! —soft club-chairs--upholstery Give me back one shoe of my father's; Shoes without end ! A broken wheel from my little broth- The indictment persists. The Ka-Tzutnik A torn baby-shoe--like ad- infant's addresses himself to the.Germans of today: open mouth, eager for the full spoon in er's skates; And --a mote of dust that on my Somewhere, in Germany, a young mother's hand; a torn baby-shoe—aa fraulehi now covers herself with a mother rested- infant's head, eyes -bugging from the blanket. A single hair of gold, unpro- shoe-mountain to .the - sun shining on .-Bow can one forget? Why should one cessed, thrusts out of the blanket's •earth. forget . ? How can the great crime be - weave. The Fraulein stretches out a Nearby— ignored in this hour of Israel's struggle bare arm, pulls, pulls- A narrow, delicate woman's - -shoe. to .sitrvive, when Ka-Tzetnik strived as he - • "Fraulein ! Give me back that hair: high and slender heeled, brovnaialed. did to tell: his tale of woe? Woe unto those It's out of my sister's golden locks—" Open on all sides. Several Ada- tined Who forget ! ' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS