Kibutz Kfar Iluppin Group to Join Ambassador Rabin in Deseribin0 Israel Developments at Dinner THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS S, 1971-21 ..Friday,Fobreary , Four members of Kibutz Kfar sions of the current situation in Is- URI PESACHOFF: Born in Kfar Ruppin on the Jordanian border rael which they visited recently as will join with Israel ambassador members of a special United Jew- Ruppin, he spent his childhood to the United States Itzhak Rabin, ish Appeal mission. They meet 8 in the kibutz, in the baby home, in addressing the black tie dinner p.m. Thursday at Carlyle Towers, kindergarten and school. He now of the 1971 Allied Jewish Cam- Southfield. Mrs. Robert G. Slatkin is studying in the high school. He also works on the children's paign-Israel Emergency Fund 6:30 is chairman. farm. His main outside interest p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Shaarey Mrs. David Enterman, left, -hostess at the women's Industrial and Automotive Divi- is playing on the football team. Zedek. sion workers will meet 9 a.m. Sun- When he finishes high school, he PaceSetters Allied Jewish Campaign 'steeling, greets Robert St. Jas, A short excerpt from the Harold day at Rascal House. Phillip T. noted author, who spate at the rally. In the center is Mrs. Norman will go into the army. Uri's parents Mayer film, "Never Again To Be Warren is chairman. joined the kibutz In 1942. He has H. Rosenfeld, chairman of PaceSetters. Denied," will be shown. The ex- Education Section of professional two sisters, one married in the • • • • 44. ♦ cerpt presents with detail and ac- division meets 8 p.m., Wednesday, curacy the story of the people of Feb. 17, In the Southfield campus kibutz with two babies. His Women Get Plea for Increased younger sister is studying in Jerus- Kfar Ruppin, their life under fire of the United Hebrew Schools for and their feelings about this life. a workers assignment and orienta- alem. - RACHEL KORATI: Born in 1952 This part of the film is narrated tion meeting. Dr. George Barahal in Kfar Ruppin, she grew up in the A special gifts luncheon of the- "Israel is going to live, Is going by-Jacob Noy, security officer and is chairman. kibutz from baby-house through to grow, is going to prosper—pri- women's division will be held at leader of the kibutz group which Women's Division will have a kindergarten, to high school. In the Franklin will appear at the dinner. special luncheon at the home 1967-68 she spent a year in Boston marily because the Jews of Israel home of Mrs. Joining Noy. who is known as of Mrs. gifts Max M. Fisher, Thursday. with her parents and elder brother. and the Jews of Diaspora are Max M. Fisher, united in their determination to "Czech," will be Mrs. Anima Kor Mrs. D. Lawrence Sherman is In 1968-89 she skipped a grade keep Israel alive," Robert St. John, noon Thursday. ati, wife of a nuclear scientist at chairman, asisted by Mrs. William and finished high school in the noted author, told the more than Mrs. D. Law- Weizmann Institute; Uri Pesachoff, Krasnick, vice chairman, and Mes- Jordan Valley regional Kibutz High 100 women who met at the Pace- rence Sherman is a high school senior; and Rachel Setters meeting of the women's chairman of the Korati, an 18-year-old who works division 1971 Allied Jewish Cam- meeting. The with youth organizations and is meeting is part paign-Israel Emergency Fund. awaiting induction into the Israeli Illustrating the basic importance of a new Wom- Armed Forces. of American Jews to Israel's sur- en's Division pro- Those attending the dinner, vival, St. John repeated a conver- gram to give which is for contributors of $1,000 sation he had with Nasser during added informa- and over, will get two , views of one of their many meetings. The tion and incen- life in Israel — that of the ordin- American author asked the Egyp- tive to contribu- ary citizens who live under fire Kolitz tian president, "Do you really think tors to the cam- on border settlements, and the of- paign. you can defeat Israel?" ficial view as presented by Ambas- Zvi Kolitz, Broadway producer Nasser replied, "Israel is surviv- sador Rabin. Rabin spent his youth Anna Korati Rachel Sundt Jacob Noy Uri Pomba! - ing because of the Jews of Amer- and motion picture director, will studying for a career in pioneer ica. Some day the American Jews speak. farming but, instead, devoted his dames Arnold Aronoff, Jerome School will grow tired of supporting Israel, life to the defense of his country. Halperin, Aaron R. Ross, Douglas This year, she is serving the kib- and then we will move in." He was the strategist of brilliant A, Schubot Alvin Spector, Norman utz movement as youth group lead- But, St. John pointed out, the tactics in the Six-Day War. Joel oel Tauberand, Norman er in Ramat Gan. Next year she American Jewish community Presiding at the meeting will Wachter, committee members. Zvi will enter the army. stronger each year in its be Lewis S. Grossman and David Kolitz, Israeli author, producer of MRS. ANNA KORATI: Rachel's grows support. He called upon the wom- S. Mondry, pre-campaign chair- "The Deputy," will speak. - mother, she was born in Prague, en present to greatly increase men; Samuel Frankel and Milton their gifts in 1971. Czechoslovakia, in 1921, lived in a TO J. Miller, campaign vice chairmen. Kibutzniks at Dinner cultured, Women at the meeting in the well-to-do Zionist home. Dinner guests will meet the guest JACOB NOY: Born in 1921 in In her youth she was an active Franklin home of Mrs. David Em- speakers at a reception prior to Czechoslovakia, at the age of two member in the Zionist Youth move- erman pledged a total of $29,000. the dinner, beginning at 6:30 p.m. he lost both parents, grew up in a ment. The same women last year gave Assisting with the dinner arrange- Catholic orphanage and later was In 1939: the Nazis ' occupied $19,000. Mrs. Norman H. Rosen- ments are Paul Borman, Warren transferred to a Jewish orphan- feld, PaceSetters chairman, intro- 'April 7-AprU as Czechoslovakia. After the occupa- D. Greenstone, Daniel M.' Honig- age. At 14, he started to learn 3 weeks ducing St. John, related that among man, Harold S. Victor and George gardening in preparation for tion, Mrs. Korati left for Palestine his many books on the Middle East All Inclusive with a Zinnict Youth group. The M. Zeltzer, pre-campaign vice- halutzin (pioneering) in Palestine. March 2f-April If 5075 are the official biographies of both British mandatory government did 3 weeks chairmen. Ben-Gurion and Nasser. In 1939, he left Czechoslovakia 7 inclusiv e Meyer M. Fishman and Max M. with a group from the Zionist not issue certificates of entry to Assisting Mrs. Rosenfeld were • Palestine. Mrs. Korea's ,ship Passover-Independence Day Tour was Shaye announce additional Cam- Youth Movement. Upon arriving Mrs. Paul Borman, Mrs. Irving E. April 7-May 2 s,140 stranded without fuel, food or paign meetings to take place this in Palestine — then a British man- Goldman, Mrs. Maurice Kurzmann Days water and brought from Cyprus to week: I v•••....1••••••• and Mrs. Ernest J. Schwartz, vice date — he was deported with two Attorneys' Section of the pro- other transports of Jews from Haifa. After a short stay In Independence Day guarded camp, they were deported chairmen of PaceSetters. T our fessional division Mrs. Morris J. Brandwine, wom- Europe, to Mauritius — a British to Mauritius, a small island in the April a: ay 17 will have as guest 3 wks. All colony in the Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean. During her intern- en's division campaign chairman speaker Bernard • Round Trip via Jet In 1941 he enlisted as a volunteer ment in that detainment camp she spoke to the women about many • 1st Class Hotels with 3 meals Cherrick, execu- in the Czech Awny (a branch of worked as a nurse in the camp of the local agencies which their a day during Passover, at ?Ur gifts will benefit. tive vice presi- Ettion and mint the British forces). hospital, where many Jews died of • Two Meals a day at other times dent of Hebrew He arrived in Palestine with the typhoid and malaria. After World • Two Seders University in Jen • Complete Sightseeing Czech army in 1942, joined Kibutz War II, the detainees were us a lem noon, Kfar Ruppin and Haganab, was a granted certificates and brought to OUR TOUR RIPRESINTATIVIS Feb. 15 at the member of the Palmach for four Palestine. In Jerusalem and Tel Aviv will Detroit Hilton mete yew at the airport and • iv* years, and helped organize illegal Mrs. Korati stayed for a short any assistance a you need. Hotel Joel G. immigration of Jews from Cyprus. time with relatives, studied Heb- Ten Days In Israel at $34•.011 Jacob is chair- Mrs of ether winter trips at During the War of Independence, rew and worked in a hospitaL Cherriek r•altreed prices are available. man. he fought in the Palmach group When her husband came back from Accountants' Section of the pro- that opened the way to Jerusalem. the army, she joined Kibutz Kfar For further information call fessional division will meet for After the war, he came back to Ruppin where she worked as a or write. brunch 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 14, the kibutz as an active member. nurse, later became interested in . at Rascal House, Guest speaker For seven years, he has been re- education, and worked, with child- 141101::TOI1S will be Yehuda Hellman, director sponsible for security in the Mil- :2"125 of the Conference of Presidents of itia and as liaison man with the studied psychology, mostly ajt Malec American Jewish Organiza- army. Noy is married, has a son, 11, seminars- And througliCymcmgjers/_ ,' ti•n". ilarry, L. Silverman is sec- down_ courses. In 418/8/11411Valtii-' and two daughters, 3 and I "Hon' chairman. His nickname "Caselt" 4 dates *Pent a Year in BoidnieWlinee'llihe Wooten'' Pre-Climbable Section wathect as a vohmtearliMial-vinthr , of Sender Division will have as from Palmach, as a cover-name er with the Jewish -Family . sad • MAX Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mad- from the British Counter Intelli- Children Service. Her Inithand din who will share their impres- gence Department. , - was In Boston on an UNESCO • • a • Weizmann Institute project. She has three children — Gil, who is married and lives in Efar WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC Ruppin and manages the sugar CALL SOS. MI 4-1530 RES. 642-6836 beet crop; Eran, who is doing his 1390 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM military service in the air force; and RacheL At present, Mrs. Korati serves as secretary of the education com- mittee of the kibutz, ' and works at a kibutz child guidance clinic in For American Sophomores and/or Juniors Tiberias. . Students currently In the ninth or tenth grades of high school marilualifY Gifts; Kolitz to Address Division Feb. 11 MIZRACHI TOURS ISRAEL PASSOVER TOILS 196 899 T • • Detroiter on 'Operation Israel' at Suez A YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL IN ISRAEL Photographed at the Great Sitter Lake at the Saes Canal dories the recent United Jewish Appeal "Operation Israel" are Detroiter' Dr. Lees Fill, Harry Renbenfire, Abel J. Senors, Irwin Kahn and Irving Sefinsky. The peep is flanked by two Israeli Army soldiers and a young girl soldier In the center. "Operation Iskel" gives con- tributors to the 1971 Allied Jewish Casapalgs—Israel Emergency Pond a chance to see meatless In Israel at this time. Defining a Zionist ". . a Zionist Is a person .. . a Jell;. who knows that he belongs to this part of the world. His knows that In Arad, - or in the Negev, or on the borders, that he has to be Were and be _Las to help, one way or another . . ." Mrs. -Levi Eshkol for a second and/or third year of ACCREDIT= STUDY (117142) at a leading academic high school in Israel. American high school courses plus Jewish Studies Includes preparatory Hebrew Ulnas starting In min- A ugust _ ALONE! YITZIIAK Boarding School (10th & llth) . $1440 including tuition, board tours Kibbutz KFAR BLUM Regional School (10th) America - Israel Secondory School Proorom DEPT. of EDUCATION IA CULTURE • 311111011111ENCI 515 Pork, N.T. 10122 (212) Pl. 24141 Est 3511