Purely Commentary Lessons of the Past for Today's Decisions Re-Emergence of Bigotry in Our Universities Where Ancient Lies May Be Revived . . Urgency of Cease Fire Continuation . . . Diplomats Exposed By Philip Slornovitz Sinking Into a State of Medievalism ? Could University Students Possibly Be In this enlightened age we often are confronted with so many incredible occur- rences that one wonders whether a walk on the moon is not counteracted on our solid ground by ignorance about the very basic realities in life. Racism, anti-Semitism, prejudices among men who probably applaud good will in churches and other religious environments, and upon leaving their house of worship shout hate against neighbors, all too often create human distress. There were occasions, in the periods of Ford, Coughlin, Winrod, G. L. K. Smith and other spreaders of hate, when we studied propaganda techniques. The social scientists thought then that they had arrived at con- clusions that explained why men hated. Now we have evidence again of a re- emerging anti-Semitism, and as in the days of Theodor Herzl (who fought a duel with a fellow student) and later under Hitler, it was in the universities that anti-Semitism created cells wherefrom developed the mass Two Diplomats and Their Sense of Justice hysteria against Jews everywhere. In the speculation over possible peacemakers we must test the sense In recent years, we were witnesses to of justice of statement. the emergence of this type of hatred in In the attempts to counteract Israel's appeals for direct peace nego- American universities. College papers be- tiations, for realistic evaluations of existing conditions, there remains came the media for hate spreading. Israel on the scene an element that would take the peace-making roles away and Zionism became targets, stemming from from the representatives of the nations directly involved—Israel and attacks launched primarily from the Krem- her neighbors—and turn the case back again either to the UN Security lin. Indeed, they reached out to this coun- Council or to the Big Four. The former is known for its being stacked try from Moscow. against any reasonable approach to Israel's position. The latter also is We have a typical example of ignorance stacked: it includes the USSR and France, both antagonistic to Israel; and there were doubts about the British position. There also emerge that could.inspire hatred in a piece entitled "A Look at Jews" which appeared in Focus: on the scene, frequently, Americans not to be trusted. the Oakland University newspaper Here is proof of what Israel can expect from "friends"—the other Oakland, published on the Rochester, Mich., campus. two in the Big Four. Here is what this piece did: it quoted— . From the current issue of Atlas magazine we quote the following, so the editor stated in an introductory note— which was described as "strong-minded," about a distinguished Ameri- from a book published in 1920 in Cleveland can: and it described Jews living in large cities "Creating Israel at the apex of three Arab countries was noth- in the United States. It conceded that there ing short of lunacy," believes stubborn, strong-minded Dean are Jews who are professionals, "many very Acheson. That is, he believed this in 1947 and he still believes it. patriotic," but that "in the congested dis- As secretary of state at the time, Acheson urged President Tru- tricts of our large cities the Jews make up This is the deadline. Decisions are to be reached today whether the cease fire is to be extended or whether there is to be renewal of warfare between Egypt and Israel. Will the lessons of 1970 suffice to induce an end to the war? Fig- ures made public by Israeli army spokesmen showed that last year 237 Israelis died as a result of enemy firing-181 soldiers and 56 civilians. Wounded reported for 1970 numbered 782-825 soldiers and 157 civil- ians. They were mostly losses along the Suez where 8,078 incidents of battles with Egyptians were recorded. In the occupied territories, 39 Arabs were killed and 734 were wounded as a result of Arab attacks. The editor of Near East Report summarizes these figures by stating: "U.S. casualties in Vietnam for 1970 were 4,180 dead and 30,425 wounded. "Since Israel's total population is 2,800,000, Israel's casualty rate is the equivalent of 17,183 Americans dead and 56,695 wounded." There are no accurate reports as yet of losses that were sustained by Egypt, but they certainly are sizable. In view of such tragedies, is it reasonable to believe that Egypt still will insist upon renewal of warfare and rejection of appeals for extension of the cease fire? Reason seems to argue to the contrary. • • • a large element that live more like animals than human beings, are uneducated and in many ways undesirable. This class are con- sumers, rather than producers. Of the over 3,000,000 Jews in the United States only about 10,000 are farmers. The Jews are wonderfully shrewd businessmen and ac- cumulators of money. The great extravagance of the American people and the Jewish clev- erness for dangling before the eyes of the spendthrift Americans articles of fashions, of fads and the vanities makes it an easy matter for the Jews to separate American men and women from their money. The Jews practically control, in this country, the gar- ment business for men, women and children. The Jetvs have been a much persecuted race but have thrived throughout it all, in every age both ancient and modern." We quote this nonsensical garbage for one basic reason: it is taken from a book published in 1920.. Suppose, in 2020, 50 years from now, someone were to quote the stupidities of G.L.K. Smith or the non- sense of Coughlin and Ford, or the anti- Semitic libels of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Hitler's "Mein Kampf." Wouldn't we say that in the 21st Century reasoning man was degraded and dragged back into the nonsense and brutalities of the Middle Ages? By the same token, isn't the Focus: Oak- land piece in the same category? Is it possible that a college newspaper could possibly sink into the banality of Mid- dle Age. barbarism? An anti-Semitic book—how else could one describe the source for the above preju- dices?—is quoted 50 years later as if it had recorded facts. They were lies at the very outset, yet a university periodical labels it as "A Look at Jews." Once again, students of propaganda tech- niques are confronted with a problem that could well be studied with a query whether college students can possibly sink into a state of barbarism and medievalism. man not to support the idea. Consistent with this, he takes a dim view of the cease fire initiative masterminded by U.S. Secretary of Russia Yields to Public Pressure - State William Rogers which led to the present off-again and, hope- The JDL on Many Fronts A sizable Jewish family arrived in New fully, on-again peace talks. What does the great statesman of yes- Jewish Defense League affiliates let York from Russia this week. A number of terday propose? An "open arms policy," under which Washington themselves be heard in the past week in and Moscow would sell arms to anyone who would buy them. And Israel and in Australia, in demonstrations Jews who played important rolesin demands let the Arabs and Israelis fight it out. against neo-Nazism and the "New Left." for exit visas and in their support of Israel Now we turn to the views of an Englishman. From Time we quote Meanwhile, the JDL activities are being con- have reached Lydda Airport. While the Soviet a piece that appeared under the heading, "Lord Caradon Assails demned by the "establishments" in Jewish Union is registering protests against the JDL Israel": communities, which is not helpful by any and the "Zionists" within the U.S. govern- ment, it is, at the same time, apparently Lord Caradon, former chief British delegate to the UN in the means. If results are to be attained against not ignoring Jewish demands and protests. Labor government, strongly scored Israel last month in a speech any and all manifestations of bigotry and anti- to the UN Students Association at Oxford. Lord Caradon spoke of Semitism, they will need an understanding Worldwide expressions definitely have their "the barbed wire of the Zionist state." He went on to say: "The toward a measure of unity for action. Dis- effects upon Russian public and governmen- tal opinion and the results already are grati- Palestinians turned to violence and perhaps revenge. I doubt if ruption only leads to reduction of desired any of us would have done differently . If the Israelis intend to results. fying. hold on to Jerusalem by force, then there is no hope for peace." Foreign office sources indicated they are embarrassed by Lord Holy Land." The prime movers of the service are Metropolitan There ARE Concerned Caradon's anti-Israel speeches, especially when there is a chance Philip Saliba of New York City, primate of the Syrian Orthodox Jeivish College Youth of Israel's returning to the Jarring talks. They also expressed Church whose headquarters are in Damascus, Syria, and Dr. Frank surprise that one of the drafters of and canvassers for Security Proof is accumulating that our Maria, who heads that Arab church's Near East program which college Council Resolution 242 has now apparently embarked on a cam- youth is not as it has been has supported the Palestine Liberation movement. paign to discredit it. described—as yielded to the anti- Israel New Left and as support- In February 1970, Metropolitan Saliba wrote a letter to the Such is the idealism and the diplomacy of men, one of whom would National Council of Churches and to the US. Catholic Bishops ing the destructive forces. create a war and another whose bias is so outrageously damaging! Conference attacking "the Zionist State of Israel as a violation of is a radical youth. It craves And with such men Israel must deal in the quest for peace! And the ethics of prophetic monotheism." Dr. Maria, who serves on the for It an end to injustice, for solu- from such sources—what is one to expect? Yet we retain hope for a general board of the National Council of Churches, told the San prolonged cease fire and for an eventual accord that will reject the Francisco Chronicle on Aug. 22, 1970, "The Creation of Israel tions to the racial problems, for the fight on poyerty. It hopes for prejudices of diplomats and will cause those involved to emerge self- was a steal' and a slaughter." a solution of the Middle East ref- liberating—in defiance of (Instructive statesmanship! Of course, by now one accepts as routine such inflammatory ugee problem, and for Arab-Jew- • • re. statements by Arab extremist spokesmen. Indeed, the fact that ish amity. But it is proving by three Jews formerly associated with the anti-Zionist American its mass actions — negating the Tanenbaum's Expose of Devilish Bedfellows Council for Judaism are the only Jewish sponsors of this alleged work of a handful—that it will There are strange bedfellows in the ranks of Israel's enemies. And hsterreligious service, serving side by side with a small group of defend_Israel and will support the once again we have evidence of self-hating Jews creating a fraternity known anti-Israel Christian missionaries and propagandists, is also Zionist liberation idea. of hatred. to be expected. There Is -cause for concern only Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, in a radio address last week over WINS- What is difficult to comprehend, however, is the fact that when there is ignorance. If we Westinghouse in New York told of a saddening development in such several nationally prominent Christian and political leaders known can bring to our youth the knowl- a partnership of hatred and misunderstanding. His expose is so impor- for their generally liberal and balanced view - should agree to lend edge - that the elders themselves tant in its revelations that we present his complete statement herewith: their prestige to such an obviously.one-sided program, whose only lack, about past and present, then consequence can be further polarization in the:Mlddle East and in an appreciation of the needs for The preoccupation of the Jewish community with the plight of this country. The Palestinian Arabs and Israelis bath have claims the future will not be lacking. Russian Jews during the past several weeks has nearly diverted of justice and rights, bit these inn be reconciled only if there is • • attention from recent significant developments in the Middle East. permanent peace. It is now clear that that legitimate and necessary diversion has Sociability Needs provided a vacuum into which other forces have rushed, with the One can only hopi that-ote . geielnely fiir4tinded among the A basic need has been over- possibility of disturbing the delicate balances which must be pre- sponsors of the Waddsgleia:isialleCwill•be - :etteptely sensitive 'to served If _the Jarring talks_ are to move -forward to actual peace - the fragileness of thiehleKiiiiiilli-hisr heal/ -ir their responsibil- looked -in our •commimities—the urgency to organize cultural and ity not to impede in any Waillso..growth of trust and confidence negotiations. who - grad- between Arabs and Israelis,.WIllinit which. the . Jarring talks and social groups for - those uate from the teen-age stage A prime example of the partisan forces which have moved to peace Itself will be jeopardized: • . -- Parents are justifiably distressed seen in the so-called inter. be this lull in attention is to t exploit This statement and its revelationsispeak.for . themselves. Hew de- that youth in the twenties must religious public service to be held Wednesday evening, January 27, at the Washington National Cathedral in our nation's capitol. The plorable that clergymen should be..PartnerS . in .hate:spreading! 'And go outside Jewislf:1;inksjor so- theme of the service is "A Plea for Justice for the People of the how serious emerge again the obligations all of us have to refute the ciabiLity.. This must be corrected lies and to strive for truthful evaloatien •• of serious world problems! • at all costs, in our ,community center* and .synagolisms.: ith time! THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Our burdens as Jews become more persblisg:W 7.—FrMiry, February 3, 1971 • •