▪ • CE-ICY1 A Tweed ,vabhi ZW1V H21731. 1103730 NI Outcries Yielding Results for Russian Jewry (Continued from Page 1) alleged attempt at airplane hijack- ing in Leningrad." Symes wrote that the State De- partment believes "the Soviet fail- ure to accept the basic right of free movement was at the root of the Leningrad trial" last month at which 11 Jews received severe prison sentences. Two of the ac- cused received the death penalty, later commuted to 15 years' impris- Dirt ✓ 1- nnouncernents Jan. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Neal Zalenko (Esther Silver), 13330 Sherwood, Huntington Woods, a daughter, Jennifer Wynne. • • • Jan. 20—To Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Benjamin (Barbara Deimon), 24523 Pierce, Southfield, a daugh- ter, Karen Beth. Jan. 19—To Mr. an d Mrs. How- ard S. Becker (Diane Granat of Detroit), of Miles, Ill., a daugh- ter, Stacy Robin. Jan. 16—To Mr. an d Mrs. David C. Berg (Mick Grossberg), 12921 Dartmouth, Oak P a r k, a son, Joshua Lewis. • • • Jan. 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Safron (Sandra Stearn), 19740 Dorset, Southfield, a daughter, Deborah Jeannine. • • • Jan. 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis Roth (Donna Weingarten), 213 N. Ingalls, Ann Arbor, a daughter, Rachel Rebecca. • • • Jan. 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossen (Linda Goodman), 1020 Is- land Dr., Ann Arbor, a son, Jeremy David. • • • Dec. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Myerson (Charlene Genser of Oak Park) of Las Vegas, a daughter, Alissa Faith. • • • Dec. 28—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Traurig (Mitzi Lowenthal), 15210 Rosemary, Oak Park, a son, Jeffery Milton. • • • Dec. 19—To Mr. and Mrs. Jer- ome Avrushin (Marsha Leopold), 23241 Geneva, Oak Park, a daugh- ter, Judith Michelle. • • • To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frankel (Judy Shetzer), 831 Redding, Birm- ingham, an adopted daughter, Caren Ann. • • • To Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nadler (Joyce Rosenthal), 21670 Church, Oak Park, a daughter, Kasi Ann. ZAREAR IASH 341-1595 MOHEL RABBI LEO GOLDMAN Expert Aloha! serene Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 U 1-9769 36—friday, Jarsary. 29, 1971 onment after a worldwide outcry. without protest action, Soviet Jews Symes' letter was accompanied by would be given long jail terms "or three statements recently made worse." - by U. S. spokesmen regarding the In the second hour of the pro- treatment of Soviet Jews. gram, f our "Establishment" Jewish leaders condemned the Scientist Gets Permit, JDL for "counter-productive" Family Goes to Israel tactics. Morris Abram, former LONDON (JTA)—Boris Tsuker- president of Brandeis University, man, noted physicist and a prom- declared: "You cannot force the inent Soviet Jewish activist, was on Soviet Union to change its miser- his way to Israel Tuesday with his able policy by the use of sporad- wife and two children. The family ic violence in the United States." left Moscow Airport Monday where He said "Jews cannot prosper about 50 Jews gathered to see them under a system of lawlessness," off. The Tsukermans stopped brief- and called Rabbi Kahane a ly at Vienna before going on to "childish" man who engaged in Tel Aviv. _ "mad antics." Tsukenman, was one-of a group Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, in- of dissenters working under Prof. Andrei Saldiarov. lie was granted terreligious affairs director of the American Jewish Committee, said an emigration visa for himself and his family about two weeks ago. the JDL's "effectiveness is virtual- ly inconsequential" within the Jewish sources said he had become a source of embarrassment to So- American Jewish community. "Rabbi Kahane," he said, "was viet authorities because he was continually challenging repressive actually riding on the coattails of the established Jewish organiza- edicts in the Soviet courts. Vitaly Svichinsky, another Jew- tions." Rabbi Tanenbaum said Jews ish activist who was promised an did not need "violent antics" to exit visa at the same time as Tsuk- "assert their authentic manhood," erman, has not left Russia al- and observed of the Kremlin that though he was supposed to have "a proud government will not sub- departed for Israel on Jan. 23. mit to that kind of intimidation." Rabbi Arthur Schneier of Park According to Jewish sources his visa was held up last week without East Synagogue, which is located explanation. Reports from Moscow across the street from the Soviet Tuesday stated it was held up be- Mission to the United Nations, re- cause of formalities following the ported that on his several visits to birth of a child. It is not known the USSR as president of the Ap- peal of Conscience Foundation, when Svichinsky will leave. "hundreds" of Soviet Jews had Former Soviet Jew, Brought said to him of Rabbi Kahane that to U.S. by JDL, Calls "whatever he is doing is harmfuL" Violent Protests Unavoidable Arnold Forster, general counsel NEW YORK (JTA)—A. former Soviet Jew brought to the United to the Anti-Defamation League of Baal Beth, stated that the JDLers States by the Jewish Defense League to speak in its behalf said were "terrorists" like the Black Panthers and that the Kremlin was in a television interview here that "we must increase the pressure" "using the Jewish Defense League on the Kremlin to free Soviet Jews. as an excuse" for repression. The Dov Sperling, an Israeli who is four Jewish leaders agreed that not a member of the JDL, said "world opinion" sparked by the also that it would be "helpful" if established Jewish organizations, President Nixon spoke out force- not JDL actions, had effected the fully on the question of Soviet anti- communication of the two Lenin- Semitism. He added that while "it grad death sentences. Jewish sources here reported re- would be beautiful" to carry out anti-Soviet demonstrations without ceiving five new letters from Rus- violence, "we can't". Sperling, who sian Jews appealing to public said he was a friend of Yasha opinion for support of their demand Kazakov, the young Jew who fasted for emigration rights. The sources outside the United Nations for told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency eight days to dramatize the plight that three of the letters were pe- 17.f Soviet Jewry, appeared on titions signed by scores of persons. WNEW - TV's "David Susskind The letters were smuggled out of Show" in the first half of a two- Russia by tourists. According to hour consideration of the JDL and the sources, several of the new the problems of Soviet Jewry. letters came from Riga where four Joining him on the panel were Jews are awaiting trial for al- Rabbi Meir Kahane, JDL chair- leged anti-Soviet activities. Con- man; Bertram Zweibon, JDL gen- trary to reports received last week eral counsel; and Joshua Joffe, of by the Israel Broadcasting Service the JDL youth movement. from a Jewish family in Moscow, The interview was taped the the trial in Riga has not started, evening before Jan. 19, the day according to Jewish sources here Rabbi Kahane agreed to halt tem- The Student Struggle for Soviet porarily the JDL's harassment of Jewry released three impassioned Soviet personnel Sperling was one statements by Soviet Jews seeking of eight former Soviet Jews now to emigrate to IsraeL One was an resident in Israel who last week essay by Lev Sheinkar. a Moscow cabled American Jewish leaders Hebrew teacher who, JTA learned, protesting their denunciations of was arrested there after making the JDL and calling the League's a live radio broadcast to Israel by activities "most effective." telephone. In the TV interview, Rabbi Ka- Another was an appeal for emi- hane said JDL opponents should gration rights addressed to Soviet not be "so uptight about violence." Communist Party Chief Leonid I. While "we don't counsel violence," Brezhnev by Arkady Shpilberg of he said, his group would do "what- Riga, who was arrested on Aug. ever has to be done" to aid Soviet 4 and is one of four Jews slated to Jewry, and "that includes a multi- stand trial in Riga. The third tude of sins." Asked by Susskind document was an appeal to the whether JDL, which has applauded Soviet Prosecutor General R. Ru- the recent smashing of the windows denko by the families of nine Jews of the Soviet Aeroflot-Intourlst who are defendants in the second building, was actually responsible Leningrad trial which opened on for it, Rabbi Kahane replied: Jan. 6 and was suddenly ad- "Heaven forbid!" He rejected the journed. label of rightist suggested by Suss- Sheinkar publicly proclaimed kind, and denied a New York himself a Zionist, "not as a matter Times item that he had worked for of party membership, but as a the House Committee on Un-Amer- matter of conviction" because he ican Activities. Kahane and is "a Jew who is convinced that bon differed on one significant there is no life without Israel ei- point that was not followed up by ther for him or his people, the Susskind. The JDL lawyer said SSSJ said. the long prison sentences meted (See Commentary, Page 2) out to two Leningrad defendants Shpilberg apparently got no reply would be worse than the originally announced executions; but the JDL from Brezhnev. His arrest in Au- chairman later contended that gust was in connection with the alleged plot to hijack a Soviet air- THE DETROIT MISR NM liner at Leningrad. The appeal to Rudenko, dated Aug. 19, was signed by the mothers, wives or sisters of eight of the Leningrad 11 defendants. It claimed that the arrests on June 15 and Aug. 5, 1970 "were made on the basis of charges that could be the result only of a monstrous mistake." A 21-year-old Soviet Jewish emigre said here that peaceful American demonstrations against Soviet repression were "wonder- ful," but that violent tactics "make publicity for Rabbi (Meir) Kahane but not for Soviet Jewry.• Mrs. Alla Milkina Rusinek, an Israeli citizen, in the United States for a campus speaking tour ar- ranged by the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry, said of peaceful demonstrations: "Of course they help . . . Everytime we heard something it was a holi- day." But, she added, "bombing is something else." Mrs. Rusinek made her com- ments in an informal discussion with correspondents of three publi- cations, including the Jewish Tele- graphic Agency. She recalled that she had been forced to join the Komsomol, the Soviet Communist youth organization, at age 14 and was very active in it, but was ex- pelled six years later and harassed at work for allegedly "anti-Soviet statements" that she denied being involved in. "The atmosphere (at work) was very tense and every- one was afraid to speak with me," she said, noting that she had been accused of "organizing a Zionist conspiracy" within her depart- ment at the Research Institute for Information on Standardization, where she worked as a clerk. Mrs. Rusinek rioted that she was not fired from her job because So- viet law prohibits the firing of orphans, but that the pressures on her within the institute were in- tense—"I think you call it black- mail." She managed to smuggle out protest letters to the Israeli government, and when one of them was read over the Israeli Radio she felt she was safe from Soviet har- assment because of the public knowledge of her case. She met her future husband, a chemical- plant laborer, in Riga and they were married last Oct. 1. Both she and his family had applied of- ten and unsuccessfully for exit visas for IsraeL When Mrs. Rusinek's application was finally approved—to remove a thorn in the Kremlin's side, she believed—it was on condition that her husband remain. They decided that if she left ib might make it easier for him to leave eventually too. "I hope it was the right thing (to do)," she said. Her older sister "doesn't have the desire to leave now," but as far as young Soviet Jewry is concerned: "They're not afraid. They're tired of waiting. How many years can they wait?" The tragic situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union war- rants top priority on the agenda of the world community, Rabbi Israel Miller, president of the American Zionist Federation, said. Presenting his views to the AZF executive council, be stated that the trials in Leningrad and the death sentences which were handed down bat later commuted "are but one manifestation of-a ruthless program by the Soviet government to obliterate- the Jewishness of 3,000,000 of its citizens." Rabbi Kahane had announced that JDL was calling an "indefinite moratorium" on further harass. ments but warned that it would re- vert to that policy "if we don't see any results." In another statement Rabbi Kahane said the JDL will conduct a consumer boycott against products of American companies doing business with the Soviet Union and would conduct "non- violent actions" against organiza- tions engaged in cultural exchange programs with the Soviet Union. Rabbi Miller observed that the "most unhappy consequence of vio- lent tactics" is that is aids the So- viet Union "in diverting attention away from the fact that Jews of all political and ideological persua- sions—as well as numerous Christ- ians—are actively denouncing the Soviet persecution of Jews." It permits, he added,- the Soviet au- thorities "to act aa - if only Zionist thugs and hoodlums are involved instead of being forced to face the reality that the entire Jewish com- mtmity is involved, as well as mil- lions of non-Jews throughout the world including leading Commun- ists, in a unified denunciation of the Soviet Union." Rabbi Miller also denounced the references to Zionism in the gov- ernment-controlled Soviet press and attempts to make Zionism "the scapegoat for, all that is wrong with Soviet policy. Their attacks on Zionism becloud the true issues, and to perverted minds encourages attitudes and acts of anti-Semitism. To them, anti-Zionism has become the code word for anti-Semitism." . SPEED Is Essential "Red Hot" over the J.T.A. comes the latest news of the Jewish World. "Hot Type" means "hot news" in your home every • Friday. The Jewish News needs PAK mechanics who can bock up brilliant writing. Printers of The Jewish News S th666