THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 44-hiday, January 22, 1971 17.A - LOTS FOR SALE Prime Lot For Sal. #84. Singer, Riverbank Es- 40-EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE First Beduin to Complete Medical Studies Brings Honor to Negev's Inhabitants with a Jewish student whom he JERUSALEM - A milestone in ed the young physician on his visited in his home. the development of the 25,000 success and his devotion. During the years he was study- Responding, Tunis said that he ing in Jerusalem, Tunis went home Beduin in Israel's Negev was reached when 27-year-old Yunis hoped many other young Beduin for a weekend every month. He Write lox 1003 The Jewish News, 17515 W. 9 Nile Abu-Rabiah, a member of the large would be enrolled in Israel's insti- lived as a Beduin for 24 hours, Rd, Suit* 1153, Southfield, Mich. Beduin tribe of Abu-Rabiab, of- tutions of higher learning. He then his brothers went with him 4887S. ficially completed six years of expressed his gratitude to his on horseback to the bus stop and Farmington Township studies at the Hebrew University- teachers at the Hebrew University Tunis returned to his laboratory 40-A-EMPLOYMENT WANTED We have several desirable lots Hadassah Medical School and be- and all who helped him advance. in Jerusalem and 20th Century in 13-14 Mile. Middlebelt sec- came the first Israeli Beduin to For A Maid In A Jiffi In a remark to one of the life. These regular moves between tion, suitable for fine homes. take up the medical profession. guests, Sheikh Ja'abarl, a ioniser two so different environments did Priced reasonable. CALL JIFFI-MAID He plans to return to the Negev Jordanian cabinet member and not affect him, he says. Transportation provided.m • s t sup- Call DI. 1-1125 to become the physician of the a leading Arab personality on He has now begun his intern- plies f u rn I s it• ru tty insed, Greeter 'tensest teeny Beduin population. A giant Hafleh the West Bank, also expressed screened, dependable service. ur ship at the Negev Central Hos- • (Arabic for "celebration"), one of his gratitude to the university pital in Beersheba, where he will 354-3145 the largest ever held in the for Its role in training Tunis work mainly in the departments Call any day 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Negev, marked the graduation of and added that if more Arab of surgery, internal medicine, CONVALESCENT care, companion, light the Beduin student. housekeeping. 9314887. and Jewish students could study pediatrics and gynecology. He' is Hosting the event, which took together, this might promote bet- the only Arab among 12 students place in a Beduin encampment on understanding. doing internship at the hospital. ter BOOKKEEPING a barren hillside between Beer- One of the first tasks Yunis has Yunis is the second oldest of BY MARYANN Lovely 9/10 acre lot near sheba and the Dead Sea, were eight brothers and three sisters. set for himself is to travel around Complete personalised service Trial Orchard Lake Rd. and Walnut balance, bank reconciliations, pay- Yunis' father Ibrahim, and his Part of his motivation tame from to the thousands of Beduin to lec- roll taxes, quarterly returns, sales uncle Mimed, who is the sheikh his father, who wanted to study ture on hygiene and first aid- He Lake Rd., in fine custom tax. of the 3,000 member Abu-Rabiah but did not manage, and then also has taken upon himself to home area. Owner must sell. Cell 358-4197 tribe. decided that his sons should have improve the life of the Beduin through the recently established Some 400 guests attended the the chance. . 43-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES traditional Beduin banquet, held Yunis' younger brother, Hal, "Association of Friends of Beduin" in a large carpeted tent, in- 25, is now studying law at the which he helped initiate and which 2-8282 MEN'S FURNISHINGS cluding the beads of most of the Hebrew University's Mount Scopus numbers several Hebrew Univer- RETIRING 20 Beduin tribes of the Negev, campus while another brother, sity professors. 18-STORE RENTALS Write Ilex 1002 He is especially interested in Arabs from East Jerusalem, Aref, 23, studies economy and sta- GRATIOT, 9965. Good location. Any The Jewish News, 17515 W. Ramallah and Hebron-the latter tistics at the University of the promoting the Abu-Rabiah tribal business. Attractive building. 881.4801. achool, which stems from British headed by its mayor, Sheikh 9 Mile Rd., Southfield, Michi- Negev in Beersheba. mandatory times and now has 300 Mohammed All Ja'abarl. gan 48075. The young Beduin doctor had 19-OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Among the other guests were his secondary schooling at the pupils, including 20 girls-and this ranking military and police of- Terra Sancta High School in Naz- year, for the first time, has a PRIME LOCATION, at Maple and SO-BUSINESS CARDS Orchard Lake Rd. 9 new suites, ficers; Uri Stendel, deputy ad- areth-"I did not learn enough tenth grade, with 25 students. 85.00 per sq. ft. per month, includes Among Tunis' main goals is viser on Arab affairs in the prime Hebrew then, at least not for uni- DISTINCTIVE air-conditioning, heating, carpeting, drapes, janitorial service. Ample minister's office; prominent health versity studies, but I taught my- to impress on his people to send PAINTING CO. parking. their daughters to school, to Custom wallpapering, painting in- and education authorities of the self the language gradually." . terior and exterior. Residential and have Hebrew University faculty area; the mayor of the near-by commercial. Guaranteed satisfac- After a year of biology stu,dies lecture before Beduin youth ea town of Arad; Hebrew University tion. at the Hebrew University of Jeru- education at high school and Rend & Insuranced representatives headed by Prof. Birmingham 646-6000 564 - 6000 salem he was accepted at the KE 7-5167 255-4327 university levels and show bow Jonathan Magnes, dean of the medical school in 1963. In his women should handle children, medical school; and a large num- PANELING, partitions, floors and cell. year, he studied together 23-11-LAND CONTRACTS Inge tiled. Also small jobs. Reasonable. ber of fellow students and friends fourth , do housework, cook and sew. with African and Asian students 5. He is trying to enlist help in SEASONED land contract for sale. 7% Ron. LI 34574 after of Yunis. who are taught medicine at the starting a campaign for increas- interest. Call after 5. 642-6103. EXPERT paperhanging and interior Beduin horsemen directed and university as part of its policy painting. Charles Cadotte, 874-3281. ing the small school library with escorted the scores of cars of of assisting developing countries. 30.A-INSTRUCTIONS FURNITURE refinished and repaired. guests along the winding path lead- books in' English, Hebrew and There was one ,other Arab stu- Arabic on such subjects as educa- Free estimates. 4744953. BAR-MITZVA, synagogue, Hebrew tu- ing from the highway uphill. In dent in Yunis' class of 60 stu- tor. 342-9254. JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. the tent, the guests were seated dents. (20 Arabs have graduated- tion, 'geography, history - and gen- eral literature. . TUTORING all elementary subjects. Local and Long Distance STORAGE. on long rows of colorful cushions. from the medical school since BS. & M.A. Experienced teacher. 356- Packing, pianos, appliances, household Addressing the audience, Sheikh 1953). furnishings, office furniture. 1918. Hamed said that Yunis had set 8829 Northend-Ferndale For three years Yunis and an- an example for all Beduin chil- other Arab student at the uni- 543-4832 BAR MITZVA dren and that he hoped their versity have received the Magnes PLUMBING. Expert home repair spe- parents would draw the con- You West to Bea Mee? Fellowship, named after the first cialist, garbage disposals. repaired and clusion. He expressed his gratitude president of the university, Dr. I will teach you bow fa all )bases. serviced. Call UN 44928. Call aleralags bp to 16 a. m. or to all who were helping in the Judah L. Magnes. He also had evenings. Dr. Esther Aisenstadt, a former LARKINS MOVING CO. education of Beduin youth • and part-time work in the university's - U 5-1595 singled out the Hebrew University public relations department, as a college professor who recently Household and Office emigrated from the Soviet Union for enabling Yunis to study. Furniture security guard on its Givat Ram MODERN math tutoring, all grades. Prof. Magnes said that this event, campus and as an assistant in a to Israel, will be the guest of the MA.. B.S. degrees. Certified experi- Local and Long-Oistanc• Jewish Community Council at a enced teacher. 545.3898. in the middle of the desert, was biology research unit. Also storage. special meeting 8 p.m. Thursday witness to the fact that a Beduin BAR-MITZVA, Hebrew, modern tutor- 894-4587 In the beginning, Tunis ex- at the Jewish Center. ing, experienced, synagogue. ME 3-9656. son had made great strides with be had a difficult time, plains, Dr. Aisenstadt has been lecturing his own streneth and will to study. PAINTING - Light plumbing, work- especially socially, because of throughout the country on behalf Concluding his remarks, Prof. 31-TRANSPORTATION guaranteed. TY 74501. his different cultural background of Soviet Jewry and has been out- Magnes handed Yunis a special SHARE . driving, expenses to MiamL ELECTRIC repairs - reasonable. Ap- but as he began laboratory work spoken on what she feels should medallion struck at the dedica- pllances. 354-1574. My car. Feb. 399-0643. be the role of American Jewry in tion of the Hadassah-Hebrew he came in contact with Jewish ODD jobs, electrical, carpentry, plumb- fellow students and became relation to the problem. ing. etc. Free estimates. 399-4172, 542- University Medical Center in Ein 31-A-TRANSPORTATION Judge Lawrence Gubow, presi- friendly with them. They studied 6231. Karem a decade ago. WANTED dent of the Jewish Community together, and in the student Stendel recalled when Yunis had WOMAN needs driver to and from ODD jobs. Electric work. No Saturday Council, will chair the meeting. dormitory he shared a room come to him years ago and said, work. 13 Mlle - Greenfield to Llvernois calls. LI 2-1680. - 7 Nile. 353-4539. LADIES alterations. Good service. Rea- "I want to be a doctor." Ile pram- tates off Bell Rd. 110x130 ft. $22,000 less, builders allow- ance. 391-7IH14 DIRECTOR Per summer day camp in suburban Detroit area Jewish treditienal oriented. WEST BLOOMFIELD DRAKE REALTY • .D1. chamberlain Soviet Emigre, Prof. Aisenstadt, to Speak Here sonable. 538-4030. 40-EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE LEARN TO Ray, Sell & Appraise Real Estate Through The Michigan Real Estate Academy For a career with a highly re- spected firm. Will train ambitious men and women for full and part- time positions. Classes now form- ing, call for interview. 342-11600 366-7070 499-3000 Northwest Northeast East ELDERLY woman wants companion, beautiful room with private bath. Must live in. Top wages. 3584110, LI 4-7570, 3884200. General Office Worker With bookkeeping experience want- ed for small office. Give full par. titulars.- Write lox 1005 The Jewish News, 11S15 W. 9 Mlle Rd.„ Suit* 86$,Soulilibild, Mich. 41147S. REAL ESTATE SALEPEOPLE Earn SAM or mare with the Lash let_eaba& test anew. ILA- mass la MINN. WV means. MallIllas. sop oppmemIlles her ambIllesmme. sae to /WM .a.sermit•IMIL an' EselWri- g st w Ai raV .fri a eeedhrDell etestal terr BENJ. NCH HERALD ROOFING CO. Lead Independent Roofer Fres Estimates Het Ter or Residential Shingles 534-5100 or Res. 676-5070 56-ANTIQUES TEL-TWELVE MALL ANTIQUE SHOW Feb. 1st. thru 10th. Mon. thru Sat. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sun. Noon till 5 P.M. Free Admission Free Parking 'telegraph & 12 Milo .Reads Israel Ready to Absorb Million Soviet Jews in One Year, Sapir Says Northville Children Treated to Party KIRYAT GAT (ZINS) - Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir declared at a mass meeting here that Israel is ready to receive up to 1,000,000 Jews from the Soviet Union in a single year. It would be no small task, said the minister, but Israel is able to meet that challenge. Sapir revealed that 130,000 new Immigrants arrived in the last 42 months, and be expressed opti- mism for further immigration from the Soviet Union. He said be is confident that Russia will one day open its gates for Jewish emigre- doe. Mr. Sapir was also optimistic on extension of the current cease- fire. For the Brat time since the S-Day War, said Mr. Sapir, there Is a real chance for a peaceful conclusion to the Arab-Israel war. 1117-.4FOR SALII--11041SEHOLD 1110006 AND FURNISHINGS - 11011logrmtable and tealltta eith- Members of Oddest! Cutoff Ledge -et Baal Wilk, led by- Presi- ded .11auriee weenier,: reeeugy eateciailed:stastissally • disturbed and retarded Mitre& at Ike. Wayne. amerarld Derckgmea Coo- ter at -Nestirville. There was .a.stagle puppet skew, and sack alid received a large package of /nice. Cearataalti sat Veterais &Tr- ials adman Allred Melia was assistad - Par Onacti CVS chairman Bab Selma 4,01 eedadrupaa . likeritiaa Gekbeia, Lenard.glasid, their wine sad 'Air mires from °Wand Century, kseladieg Doris lase& and gierwia.getssasa..11, 1stsseedi with two el the &Wm are • _Mow left). 111114.1ballatilti:VitkilditiPMituis amitellat had- - =