40—Friday, December 25, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boris Smolar's 'Between You ...and Me' (Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA) (Copyright 1970, JTA Inc.) KHRUSHCHEV'S CONFESSIONS: Is there anti-Semitism today in the Soviet Union? . . . Does the Soviet government now discourage anti-Jewish feelings in the country; does she act against anti-Semitism? Nikita IChrushchev, the deposed Soviet premier, answers startlingly these and other pertinent questions concerning Jews in the USSR in his book "Khrushchev Remembers" published this week by Little, Brown and Company. He also gives an insight into the Kremlin's policy with regard to Israel. Khrushchev's book is one of half-truths. He tells all about Stalin's brutal anti-Semitism, but not the full truth about himself. He attempts to pose as a friend of _Soviet Jewry, but conveniently forgets a few things. He avoids mentioning the role he personally played in en- couraging the nationalistic feelings of the Ukrainians against Jews when he was the "big boss" in the Ukraine as head of the Communist Party there. He ignores the fact that it was he who did not permit the erection of a monument at Babi Yar for the tens of thousands of Kiev Jews who were mowed down in the ravine there by the Nazis when they entered Kiev; and that even later, when he was the ruler in the Kremlin, he still maintained this policy of not permitting the putting up of monuments on mass graves of Jewish victims of the Nazi occupation forces. Khrushchev also avoids mentioning the anti-Jewish sentiments he expressed when asked about discrimination against Jews in the Soviet Union by foreign statesmen and even by Communist Party delegations from Canada and France who wanted to know the truth about the treatment of Soviet Jewry. He does not relate that during his visit to Poland as premier of the Soviet Union, he bluntly told the head of the Polish government. Wladyslaw Gomulka, that "there are too many Abramoviches" holding posts in the Polish government system. However, the deposed Soviet Premier deals at great length with Stalin's anti-Semitic feelings and actions. He reveals many facts show- ing Stalin's hatred of Jews. He emphasizes that while Stalin was careful not to appear in his writings or public expressions as an anti-Semite, he unreservedly displayed his dislike for the Jews when talking in the Kremlin to the men around him. From a Jewish pointe of view, the most confessing statement by Khrushchev in his book is where he writes: "After Stalin came to power, instead of setting an example of how to liquidate anti-Semitism at its roots, he helped spread it. Anti-Semitism grew like a growth Mayen David Adom's Valuable Services Are Related on Its 40th Anniversary By ELIAHU SALPETER (Copyright Ig7e. JTA, Inc.) It was a landmark occasion for Magen David Adorn, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross, now celebrating its 40th year of existence in this country, when it received its first helicopter-ambu- lance. It was a gift, as are the more than 300 conentional four- wheel ambulances providing emer- gency transport for the sick and wounded throughout the country. When there is a bad traffic acci- dent or when somebody has a heart stack, the first thing one hears is the call "Phone the Magen David Adorn, quick!" Next thing, however, people often realize—as they wait and wait for the ambu- lance or even after it arrives— that the Magen David Adorn does not quite manage to cope with the expanding demands thrust upon it. The scope of activities of the organization — a voluntary outfit, many of whose 4,000 doctors, nurses and drivers (particularly in small communities) contribute their services free of charge — is broad, indeed. First-aid stations in any of its 63 branches provide help in disasters small and large; from treating ankles sprained at a boy scout soccer match to saving lives of fire or flood victims. The Red Magen David ambulance or first-aid tent is a familiar sight at parades, mass meetings, folk festivals or any other events. Most familiar to the public, of course, are the ambulances—which are both the most important and sometimes the most controversial services provided by the organiza- tion. Complaints or not, Magen David Adorn ambulances are the standard transportation to hospitals - in all new-immigrant settlements, particularly of expectant mothers rushed to the nearest maternity ward. Sometimes, the call comes a inside Stalin's own brains. After Stalin's death, we arrested the little late, and the new Israeli is spread a bit, but cnly arrested it. Unfortunately, the germs of anti- born on wheels. In Jerusalem re- Semitism remained in our system, and apparently there still isn't cently, one of the ambulance drivers celebrated the delivery of the the necessary discouragement of it and resistance to it." hundreth baby born in the car. ANTI-JEWISH REVELATIONS: Khrushchev's book includes a full All in all, last year 160,000 calls chapter on Stalin's anti-Semitism with many details never known answered by Magen David before. He relates that the venerated Jewish actor Mikhoels, who was were Adam ambulances traveling a total the head of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committse, was not killed when of over 5,000,000 kilometers. Thai he fell in front of a truck — as reported — but was actually thrown means that 5 per cent of all Is- out of the truck at Stalin's instructions. Mikhoels, he claims, had raelis benefit directly from this been killed secretly "like a beast" and his murderers were rewarded. service each year. Khrushchev also reveals that when he became the head of the The organization also holds first government,. after Stalin's death, he extracted from the archives of aid courses for volunteers as weh the Soviet Ministry of State Security information that the Soviet secret political police had also planned to murder Maxim Litvinov, Soviet foreign minister for many years and eliminated from this post by Stalin shortly before the Stalin-Hitler pact of 1939, because he was a Jew. Litvinov was, according to discovered documents, to have been ambushed and killed on the road while he was traveling from Moscow to his summer place on the outskirts of the city. For some reason the assassination was not carried out, and Litvinov died later from natural causes. Khrushchev also relates how Stalin ordered him to organise a pogrom on Jewish workers in an aviation factory in Moscow by the non-Jewish workers of that factory at the end of the working day when trouble had developed in that factory. The order was given to him by Stalin in the presence of Molotov, Beria and Malenkov. Khrush- chev says he did not carry out the order, not only because he con- sidered it a disgrace, but also because he was afraid that it might Soviet Republic within the Soviet Union. The entire Tartar popula- tion was at that time deported from the Crimea because of collabora- tion with the Nazis during the oc- cupation. Stalin, according to Khrushchev, saw behind this pro- posal "the hand of American Zion- ists." He declared that the Com- mittee members wet e trying "to set up a Jewish state in Crimea in order to wrest the Crimea away from the Soviet Union and to estab- lish an outpost of American im- perialism on our shores." The result was that all who were in- volved in the activities of the Jew. ish Anti-Fascist Committee — in- cluding high-standing members of the Communist Party—were either executed or deported to camps in remote parts of Siberia. Included among the latter was also Molo- tov's wife, who was Jewish. He also goes into great length about the notorious "Doctors' Plot," the trial of which was planned by Stalin as an excuse for mass- deportation of Jews from the Euro- pean part of the Soviet Union to Siberia. Fortunately, the trial never took place because of Stalin's sudden death. The accused physi- cians were freed and exonerated. Khrushchev devotes also a chap- ter to the Arab-Israel conflict. He later boomerang against him. "Even though Stalin had given me a direct order," Khrushchev writes, "I knew that if something like what be suggested were done, and if it were to become public knowledge, a commission would no doubt be appointed and the culprits would be severely punished. Stalin would have stopped at nothing to punish anti-Semitism publicly. Orders or no orders, he would have strangled anyone whose actions would have discredited his name, especially with something as in- defensible and shameful as anti-Semitism." Khrushchev describes how Stalin had, in his presence, indicated his anti-Jewish feelings to two top Soviet leaders in the Ukraine who were themselves far from being friendly to Jews, thus encouraging them to start intensified anti-Jewish propaganda in the Ukraine. When Stalin spoke to Kremlin leaders about Jews, Khrushchev relates, he often imitated the exaggerated,accent the way Jews talk, in the same way people who despise Jews talk when they mock the negative Jewish traits. LOVE FOR NASSER: Of great interest is the part of Khrushchev'a book in which he tells of Stalin's order to liquidate the Jewish Anti- Fascist Committee, which culminated in the mass-arrest and the mass-killing of several hundred Jewish writers and intellectuals who were active in this committee. shows a lot of ignorance but dis- The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee had been formed when the plays great love for Nasser and Nazis declared war against the Soviet Union. Its aim was to strengthen Jewish sympathy the world over — especially in the United States — toward Russia in fighting the Nazis as a common enemy. The Soviet government, including Khrushchev, considered the work of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee "indispensable" to the interests of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev says. After the defeat of the German armies at Stalingrad, and their retreat from the Ukraine, members of the Committee addressed a memorandum to Stalin suggesting that the Crimea be made a Jewish the Egyptians. He feels quite un- comfortable with the fact that in the Six-Day War, Egypt was so badly defeated by the "Israeli ag- gressors," but claims that his pol- icy with regard to Egypt, when he was premier of the Soviet Union, "has already borne fruit for the Soviet people." as lectures in schools and factories. driver. Not only is he not qualified But its greatest pride, so say its officials, is the blood bank, which now supplies 70 per cent of all plasma used In transfusions in this country. During the nerve-wrack- ing days of the Egyptian buildup before the Six-Day War, a large part of the ambulance corps was parked in public squares collecting blood for emergency wards and for the army. Long, long lines of donors were in front of each collection station. The blood bank is actually organized as a kind of "mutual loan society." Each donor is given a "credit," and he or his family is entitled, within 12 months from the donation, to any plasma needed. Others, except needy cases, have to pay a standard fee. Payment for services provided is part of the income paying the budgets of the organization. Con- tributions, membership dues and income from annual raffles, pro- vide most of the rest. Except for the national services, each branch has its separate budget, most of which must be covered locally. Municipalities provide up to one third of the local budgets. As the Israeli correspondent of the International Red Cross, Magen David Adam acts in Israel and on her behalf in all humanitarian mat- ters such as mail and parcels to war prisoners, exchange of civilians stranded on the other side of the cease-fire lines, efforts to arrange exchanges of wounded prisoners, international disaster aid, etc. It is, however, tasks that are not common for Red Cross orga- nizations in advanced countries— like being the main source for ambulances to transport emer- gency cases to hospitals—that tax most heavily Magen David Adom's strained budgets and also mar its favorable image in the public eye. The most frequent complaint is that it takes too long for the am- bulance to arrive, when each min- ute may be vital. Regulations that require (but fortunately are not always observed) that the call for an ambulance be made by a doctor, contribute to the delays. It is particularly absurd in a country which has an abundance of doctors in the cities but who are unwilling to make house calls after hours. Another frequent complaint is that the only first aid personnel arriv- ing with an ambulance is the to provide medical help, but he is simply unable to move the pa- tient to the car without the help of neighbors, who of course are not always available and very seldom trained in the proper way of moving sick or wounded. In part, this is of course a ques- tion of budgets, which are always strained. But people now begin to ask whether it makes sense at all to demand all these community services from a voluntary organi- zation which in fact depends pri- marily on charity to finance its vital functions. JDL Harassment of Federation Must End, Court Orders NEW YORK .(JTA)—The Jew- ish Defense League is under a state Supreme Court order against harassing the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, a recent target of actions by the JDL. An injunction issued Friday by Justice Edward Greenfield de- clared that the JDL "had no right to interfere with the home lives or private businesses of of- ficers and trustees" of the feder- ation. The justice accepted the basic contention of the federation that the JDL had illegally disrupted several federation fund-raising ac- tivities and picketed private busi- nesses of federation officials. The specifics of Justice Green- field's order will be -spelled out later in legal papers scheduled to be submitted to him by the JDL and the federation. The jurist declared, in his ruling, that there were indica- tions that the JDL had "trans- cended the bounds of permiss- ible conduct and threatens to do so in the future." He said that the court "cannot be drawn . into the controversy as to what is a proper purpose for Jewish phil- anthropy." Justice Greenfield also held that "the right to disagree freely does not encompass the right to impose one's will on others through illegal coercion or disruption." NaBlaliEla NEW EXPRESSIONS :•ires ,Ipn nes Metap einno n'sex .:151•11 ;Ta•i loon S e n5airi51 (CARGO) CONTAINER 5?c,7 assmons nne are ritIZI;irn ?,an e'e 51a7 0 22 5a5 ow inn nr, AM? -min? Pvtcs WM? 5rm) nis,m 1i13 loon 123 trn•Inv ran nip this eri-sroi Irwin% , s rn - - PALLET (171:73% 31.171 -r n'2ie i170a inzon ,PlIZN) rip ix wary: rrin ii5nn nipna n1.11n1 wine Malin :Wien FORK (LIFI) TRUCK CRANE nerlux Rips riunn'nx 5 ,reen ran ono ix ompithi nine nixie 'Az. Mann AVIV, Dipno e'-min zwiin ix Arlin n'aa in, 11•1•33,131 WPM .1110 ,asap 1:11 331 •23 5s CONVEYER i')litinvt Caftan Caravan.. TARIIUTH FOUNDATION