Leningrad Trial Under Way; Local Protest Set LONDON (JTA)—A group of Dr. William A. Wexler, chair- Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Jews went on trial in Leningrad man of the Conference of Presi- Colombia, Costa Rica and Gua- giving day bombing of the Aero- Anti-Zionist Campaign Tuesday, according to unofficial dents of Major American Jewish temala. The students stated their flot building in New York, this Intensified in Czechoslovakia "vigorously denounced by NEW YORK (JTA)—The anti- reports reaching here. Organizations, in a joint state- support of Israel's efforts for was all responsible Jewish and Zion- Zionist, anti-Jewish campaign of The reports did not state the ment called upon the "civilized peace in the Middle East and urged ist organizations." It was re- the Soviet-run Czech media has in- number of Jews. Nine Jews have world" to not stand by in silence the United Nations to intercede on been jailed there since last June while "these victims, now marked behalf of Soviet Jewry. The con- called that when the Moiseyev tensified, according to information Dance Company performed 15 when, it was charged, they at- for purging in Leningrad, are vention condemned the Soviet poli- in from sources at the World Jewish tempted to hijack a Soviet airliner made martyrs for their zeal for cy of denying Jews the right to emi- Washington and Baltimore, Jew- Congress, the American Jewish ish students disrupted the start Committee and others. at Smolny Airport. According to freedom." grate to Israel. of the programs by blowing sho- The basis for the current series Jewish sources, a total of more called for an outpouring 1,000 Soviet Jews Defy fans and singing Hebrew songs of broadcasts and press articles is than 30 Jews in several cities have of They condemnation of such "atroci- KGB to Hold Memorial but there was no threat to the a translation of the book "Beware: been incarcerated since then on ties in the name of justice," a personal safety of any of the Zionism," written last year by a charges relating to the ailed hi- cry of such "magnitude and inten- Observance for Nazi Victims performers. NEW YORK (JTA)—The Ameri- Russian, Yuri Ivanov. The con- jacking attempt or for other al- sity" that the rulers of the Soviet Beam had gone to the Soviet trolled publishing house Epochs leged offenses. All are said to be Union will not be able to disre- can Conference on Soviet Jewry re- lated that 1,000 Soviet Jews re- Union Foreign Ministry to present has run off 20,000 copies. facing trial. gard iL cently defied Soviet police to con- a strongly worded statement pro- In an epilogue by another writer, Jewish sources have claimed They warned that "not only the duct a memorial observance at the testing the actions by Soviet pol- former Czech leader Alexander that all of the defendants are be- lives of the innocent scapegoats, mass grave of 30,000 Jews slaugh- ing held on unsubstantiated evi- but the fate of all Soviet Jewry tered by the Nazis in 1942 in Rum- ice in repeatedly denying Rigerman Dubeek and Czech Jewish liberal access to the U.S. Embassy on Dr. Frantisek Kriegel are accused dence manufactured by the KGB, may well be at stake." boli Forest on the outskirts of Riga, "legitimate consular business." of being in league with alleged the Soviet secret police, for the Rabbi Schacter and Dr. Wexler Latvia. Rigerman, 30, was detained for Zionist spies. It is alleged that purpose of a "show trial" in- declared that the world, remem- According to the report, this the fourth time in three months many former Czechs who moved tended to intimidate other Rus- bering the "show trials" of the latest demonstration of the heroic while attempting to reach the em- to Israel have returned as trained sian Jews demanding the right Stalin era, will not be taken in determination of Soviet Jews to as- bassy in Moscow Dec. 10. spies "to carry out subversive to emigrate. But there has been by "this latest mockery of judicial sert their Jewishness despite of- As American officials, foreign work." a surprising absence of informa- procedure." ficial harassment was given by newsmen and Soviet police stood The newspaper Bratislava tion or commentary in the Soviet "The prisoners being tried in mourners gathered Nov. 29, on the waiting at the periphery of the Pravda, which has been running press, which might have been ex- excerpts from the book, claims embassy, other Russian agents pected to try to arouse public picked up the young physicist and that "After having weakened opinion against the defendants in Jewish youth organization, with the support Of the Jewish his mother as they waited for a the influence and control of the advance of a "show trial." Community Council, will hold a mass picketing demonstration bus going toward the American Party (in the Soviet invasion of One source here said that trials compound. They were taken to two August 1968), the Zionist and against the initiation of the Leningrad Trials, noon Wednesday in the Soviet Union for alleged police stations. pro-Zionist forces strove to dis- in Kennedy Square. The demonstration purposely was called on offenses against the state are of- the first day of Hanuka, the Festival of Lights, to call attention rupt the Communist system and At the first, Rigerman was ten held without publicity and the stir up the masses." to the issue of freedoms being denied to Soviet Jewry. told that he resembled some- Soviet press is informed only af- Dr. Kriegel and his supposed one who had robbed a store, and terward. The theory that Soviet at the second, he was warned Zionist clique, the charges con- authorities have a show trial in Leningrad today, like others await- tinue, "gradually seized key posi- against further attempts to reach 28th anniversary of the deaths of mind stems from the nature of the ing trial on trumped-up charges, the embassy. The Rigermans had tions in the party and state" with charges and the swiftness with are not criminals," they said. the holocaust victims. received a written invitation to the aid of Israeli intelligence for- A plainclothesman of the KGB, visit which Jews were rounded up in "They have been chosen by the the embassy from the U.S. ces. other cities after the alleged hi- cynical Soviet regime to be made the Soviet secret police, attempted consul, "The illegal activity of Zionism Peter B. Swiers. to silence a speaker at the gather- jack attempt in Leningrad. object lessons to the 3,500,000 Jews New York City Commissioner in the country did not stop" with Documents published in the Rus- in the Soviet Union of what can ing. The plainclothesman withdrew Daniel the Soviet takeover, it is alleged. Greer, who is acting as the sian Jewish underground news- happen to Jews who have the when the crowd protested. Uni- Rigermans' The Jews of Czechoslovakia — volunteer lawyer, an- paper Exodus smuggled out of the termerity to ask permission, un- formed police then moved through nounced a 1,000-year-old community that that he had sent an ur- USSR recently claimed that the der Soviet law, to leave the Soviet the throng, taking photographs. gent telegram to U.S. Secretary of has dwindled from 170.000 before Evidence of participation in dem- hijacking charge was never sub- Union and go to Israel." World War II to 8-10,000 — was onstrations disapproved by the au- State William Rogers, requesting stantiated to the satisfaction of In Los Angeles, the Gavriil Der- thorities has often been used as a prompt confirmation of the family's subjected to similar charges by any unbiased observer. the Stalinists in the late 1940s chavin, the first Soviet freighter citizenship. They noted that the KGB ar- ever to dock at the harbor, was basis for dismissal of individuals American Greer stated: "The State Depart- and early 1950s, and most re- rested Jews all over Russia and besieged on land, water and air- by from jabs or other punishment in ment has adequate information in cently this past summer. searched the homes of many more, student demonstrators demanding the USSR. But the mourners re- In August. Bratislava Pravda file to immediately confirm ostensibly because they were col- justice for Soviet Jews facing trial. fused to be intimidated and none its their American citizenship and ex- and Radio Prague accused Prof. left, according to the AJCSJ. laborators of the would-be hi- Eduard Goldstuecker, the first While nervous police, coastguard- A petition drawn by 38 Riga tend to them the full protection to Czech ambassador to Israel, of jackers. But the arrests and men and harbor police tried to keep they are entitled. Any fur- searches were made within an hour the youngsters away from the ves- mothers in September has finally which "defeatism and cowardice." Other ther delay, especially in light of after the arrests at Smolny Air- sel, one• demonstrator managed to arrived from behind the Iron Cur- Lithuanian seaman incident Czech Zionist leaders were simi- port, too short a time to gather break through police lines to affix tain and has been sent to the UN the larly accused on the basis of al- Human Rights Commission's Com- and President Nixon's response to legations in the book "Zionism evidence or transmit instructions an Israeli flag to her hull. it, would put the Rigermans in unless the entire operation was and Anti-Semitism," by Frantisek A Russian sailor pulled it off mittee on the status of women. serious jeopardy." The desperate appeal, "to help planned beforehand. and threw it into the water. Since Nov. 9. when Rieerman J. Kolar. The Knesset cancelled all busi- Dr. Goldstuecker reportedly left The demonstration was organ- us break the sinister silence . . . was arrested while attempting to ness Wednesday for a special ses- ized by the Southern California help us return to Israel, to our enter the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, the country after the Soviet in- sion to discuss the Leningrad Council for Soviet Jews and the Home," was brought to national more than 25 members of the Sen- vasion znd after being subjected to Trial. California Students for Soviet Jews. headquarters in New York of Ha- ate and 70 members of the House charges of "disgusting Jew" and The session, attended by Presi- Two of the students, Tom Burns dassah, the Women's Zionist Or- have urged the State Department "Zionist hyena." He was chair- dent Zalman Shazar. heard an im- and Zev Yaroslaysky, tried to ap- ganization of America, by a tour- to man of the Czech Writers Union. proceed without delay- passioned plea by Deputy Premi- proach the freighter in a rowboat ist for transmittal to the UN com- Some 4.000 other Czech Jews Greer continued: "The demand were er Yigal Allon to the Soviet govern- to paint slogans on her hull but mittee. also reported to have left the by our State Department that the ment to permit its Jewish citizens were blocked by harbor police. At great risk, the women at- country after the invasion. Rigermans actually appear at the Jewish Leaders Protest to emigrate to Israel if they wish. Meanwhile, a rented helicopter tached their names and addres- Moscow U.S. Embassy with their Presence of 2 Top Jews He said the Soviet Union was buzzed the ship, dragging a banner ses to the petition, which des- claim of citizenship places them Denying Soviet Depression obliged to do this under the Human that read, "Let The Jews Go." cribes how they. are neither al- in a cruel dilemma. On the one Rights Convention, of which it is a About 50 students picketed outside lowed to educate their children BUENOS AIRES (JTA)—Jewish hand, they are not being per- leaders signatory. in the Jewish culture and re- the dock gates. here were up in arms over mitted by the State Department Speaking of the Leningrad Trial, ligion, nor to leave the Soviet the presence in Montevideo, Uru- A Soviet Jewry Counter-Circus to confirm their citizenship with- guay of two prominent Russian Allon said "of the 11 accused, nine provided competition to the open- Union for their homeland in out going to the embassy. But Jews allegedly sent by the Moscow names are known and seven of ing of the Moscow Circus on Ice Israel. at the same time they are be- authorities to counteract protests them are undoubtedly Jewish. But at New York City's Madison Square Cancellation by the Soviet gov- even if there is a number of non- Garden Center. The Counter-Cir- ernment of a tour next May in the ing forcibly prevented by the against the mistreatment of Jews Jews among the accused — and cus, entitled "Judaism Under Ice" United States by the Bolshoi Bal- Soviet authorities from appear- in the Soviet Union. our hearts bleed for them as well and staged by the Student Strugele let and opera troupe was re- ing. Speakers at the fourth plenary "You must not permit procedur- session of the Latin American Jew- — nothing can disguise the out- for Soviet Jewry, detailed the garded here as "a flimsy excuse" spokenly anti-Semitic character of plight of the Russian Jewish com- to avert possible defections by So- al red tape to place these two ish Congress meeting here warned Americans in any further jeopardy that the two emissaries, Brig. Gen. this trial." munity. viet artists. Under the Soviet criminal code, The Soviet Union has lodged a Jacob Beam, U.S. ambassador to of their liberty. In view of Presi- David Dragunskv, the highest- they could face the death penalty comPlaint with Secretary General the Soviet Union, was informed of dent Nixon's strong assurances, ranking Jew in the Soviet armed if convicted. U Thant over the invasion of the the cancellation while hg was pro- stated again in his news conference forces, and Prof. Pauline Gelman, Allon claimed that the Soviet Soviet UN Mission premises Nov. testing the prevention of a visit to of Dec. 10 that our government is were intent on "propagandizing regime was resorting to repression 29 by a "group of Zionist hooli- the embassy in Moscow of a Soviet taking appropriate steps to pre- and dividing the Jewish masses." and intimidation because it failed gans." In a letter to Thant, Ambas- Jew, Leonid Rigerman, who is vent any reoccurrence of the type They urged Jewish leaders to "op- in other methods to force Jews to sador Jacob Malik, permanent rep- seeking to establish U.S. citizen- of incident involving the Lithu- pose this maneuver." The Russian visitors denied in assimilate. He said the Soviet gov- resentative of the Soviet Union to ship. Later, Izvestia charged the anian seaman, it would be highly ernment claimed that only a small the UN, demanded that the United cancellation was caused by the inconsistent for you as secretary Uruguay that an anti-Jewish cam- fraction of Russian Jews wanted States Mission and U.S. authorities actions of "Zionist extremists" of state to place any further tech- paign exists in the USSR. Asked to go Israel. "If that is so. why take "all necessary steps" to "pro- who threatened "the personal nical obstacles in the way of ef- about the arrests of more than 30 then is this small fraction denied tect" the Soviet Mission "from sim- safety of Soviet citizens." Dr. forts by the Rigermans who are Russian Jews for allegedly plotting permission to emigrate? Why does ilar raids by bandits and intrusions Isaac Franck, executive vice presi- American citizens to secure the to hijack a Soviet airliner last protection of the United States. spring, Gen. Dragunsky replied at Kosygin not keep his promise?" he by hostile elements." dent of the Jewish Community "American and world public a press conference that they were asked. Malik. charged New York pol- Council of Greater Washington, In related developments, the Is- ice witilillaxity. On Nov. 29 a said "The real reason for the opinion would be shocked by any not arrested as. Jews but "as ban- rael Students Association called on group of youths of the World canceling probably has gone on further delay in this matter and Isaac Goldenberg, chairman of Pope Paul and leaders of the West- Union of Jewish Students entered tour outside of Russia one or more the Soviet Union would no doubt interpret such inaction as a sign the WJC's executive warned at the ern Powers to protest against the the mission to protest Soviet of the troupe have de- of weakness and apathy by our session that "our first priority is Leningrad Trials and intervene treatment of Jews. The young members fected. They are afraid of losing with Soviet authorities. people Later assembled on the more people. Moreover, there nev- government, belying President Nix- to save our brethren in Russia which today is the prime source Classes at the Hebrew Universi- steps of the Park East Synagogue er has been any violence in con- on's own assurance." Rigerman's citizenship claim is of anti-Semitiim." A resolution ty were suspended for two hours across the street front the mis- nection with the Bolshoi. There based on the fact that his mother was adopted urging the Soviet gov- for a demonstration of solidarity sion for a further demonstration. have been legitimate community is American-born and his father with the accused in Leningrad. In Buenos Aires, an extraordin- protests against the oppression of is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He ernment to cancel the trials and an appeal was made to world Rabbi Herschel Scheeler, chair- ary convention of the Federation Soviet Jewry." has lived In Russia all of his life. opinion in this connection. man of the Americas Jewish of Ziordst Students of Latin Ameri- , Conference ma Soviet Jewry, oat ca included representatives from Dr. Franck said if the Soviets were referring to the pre-Thanks- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Decarbar 11,1970-45