Army Colonel Takes Command of Campaign to Woo U.S. Jews to Israel; Cites Align Rise By CHARLOTTE DUBIN At 52, Col. Nahum Golan hasn't lost a battle yet, and he's not about to start. Especially in a civilian job, entrusted with what he considers the number one priority for Israel: aliya. With a military career going back to the Hagana and inclu g the founding of the famous lani Brigade in the War of Ind end- ence and the commanding o the Syrian front in the Sinai am- paign, Col. Golan could well af- ford to sit back and tell war stories, or farm apples, on the kibutz he helped found, Mar Szold. But Golan, in his own words, likes to be "on the forward front," so he accepted his gov- ernment's assignment last year to direct the Israel Aliya Center in the U.S. and Canada. He's mapped the field of opera- tions with the precision of an army man and has projected big goals for American Jewry, who already have doubled their num- bers of immigrants to Israel in three years. Golan was in Detroit this week to promote aliya among a cross- section of Jewish leadership and to encourage their participation in an Aliya Conference here in February. Aliya, the traditional word for ascent into Israel, is, literally, on the ascendancy, judging by the figures Golan quotes. In 1968, 4,300 North Americans emigrated to Israel; in '69, there were 6,500; and in 1970, more than 8,000. Prior to the Six-Day War, the average annual figure was 1,200. For the first time, they com- prise the largest group (20 per cent) of "olim," immigrants, in Israel. Determined to top that figure, Golan is planning to add another two regional aliya centers to the dozen already operating through- out the United States and Canada. Detroit. which has no center of its own but which saw 120 resi- dents make aliya in a brief, eight- month span, is not designated for an office next year, "but it won't take long," he added. Until then, potential emigrants are assisted by the Jewish Cen- ter's Hebrew department, which puts them in contact with the Aliya center in Cleveland. Golan said he is impressed with the quality of American Jew that is seeking to emigrate. "Perhaps they realize," he said, "that life is more than two cars and a house in the suburbs. They are seeking a Jewish en- 132-Year-Old Cemetery Rededicated in Venezuela MARACAIBO, Venezuela (JTA) —A 132-year-old Jewish cemetery, one of the oldest on the South Am- erican continent, recently was re- dedicated at Coro near here after restoration by the government with funds provided by the Seph- ardic community. The ceremonies were attended by Dr. Jose Curie!, minister of public works, who is himself of Jewish origin. Dr. Curiel is a des- cendant of Joseph Curie!, a Jew from Curacao, N.W.I. who was a friend of Gen. Simon Bolivar, the national hero who liberated Vene- zuela from Spanish rule. The land for the cemetery was purchased by Joseph Curie! in 1838 after his daughter died of typhus. The Jewish community that he founded at Coro survived for 80 years, but disappeared as a result of its Isolation and intermar- riage. The burial ground has been declared a national monument. 4ter -70 s NAHUM GOLAN vironment for themselves and their children." Compared to olim before the Six-Day War, they are younger (age 24 -36) and better educated. Many are unaffiliated with any Jewish, much less Zionist, organ- ization. Although the largest num- ber come from the 10 most popu- lous cities, running a close second are ohm from cities of 1,000 Jews oi• less—cities like Chattanooga, Tenn., and others in the South. Why the sudden spurt? The motivations are many, including that, expressed by some observers, of fear. Social conditions in the United States have been far from perfect, and Jews are among the first to feel the shock waves. A touchy school situation, or a glut on the job market; could be why teachers represented the largest grouping among 882 Americans who made aliya in September. But, in promoting aliya, Golan prefers to emphasize the positive motivations. He suggests that, were the new ohm simply leaving a bad situation, they could more easily emigrate to Canada, or to Australia. "They haven't chosen Israel by accident; there is a definite at- traction," he said. "You take the average engineer in the United States. He's a small screw in a tremendous apparatus. In Israel, he finds himself. We have had tremendous development in engi- neering." What professions are repre- sented in the Influx? Among the 882 olim in September, there were c o m pute r programers, nurses, rabbis, journalists, phys- icists and doctors, as well as engineers and academicians. To the engineer, the doctor and the social worker, Golan says, Come now. We'll find a place for you. To the lawyer, he concedes, his counsel is tempered. The at- torney with time and capital can learn the Israeli law and pass the required exams. Most, how- ever, are cautioned to seek out another skill, a profession or busi- ness in which they can start a new life in Israel. Golan is not snubbing the semi- skilled and unskilled laborer, either. In that September group, along with the secretaries and the busi- nessmen, were a masseuse, two pilots, a waitress, a watchmaker, a chef and a stockbroker. Even a travel agent. No one, Golan said, is turned down. "The main pro- fession we are seeking is Jews," he said. Forty-one university students also made the crossing, having ex- pressed the intention to remain in Israel for a year or longer. Golan has not forgotten the post- Six-Day War drug fallout that descended with the horde of young American volunteers. But he is optimistic that Israel can handle "the problem." "American students do bring some problems," he said care- fully, "but we won't stop them from coming." In the Israeli en- vironment, he said, "they will change." Students, like all other olim, first must go through a medical checkup before leaving for Israel, he added. To woo American Jews, the modate such a population? Golan Israel government is offering at- smiled. "You send the people. We tractive enticements. There is no have plenty of room." customs duty on household items • • • brought into the country; the im- migrant is provided with hous- Aliya Group Claims ing and Hebrew lessons for the 2,000 Immigrants first six months, if he needs them; his children are entitled to three Settled in 3 Months yfflars of high school without NEW YORK—More than 2,000 charge, a benefit denied to natives new immigrants, members of the who get only the first year free. Association of Americans and Can- At one time, the American im- adians for Aliya, successfully set- migrant could get tied up in red tled in Israel during August, Sep- tape that would reach to Israel tember and October. and back. His was a lonely battle, The statistics were presented at with little comfort from the Jew- the national executive committee ish Agency. meeting of the association, by Mrs. Today, he is carefully guided on Olga Rachmilevitch, executive di- his way—from his initial inquiry rector. at an Israel aliya center until his The immigrants include doctors, arrival at the absorption center in la w y e r s, engineers, teachers, chemists and social workers. Israel. During the same period, mem- The grassroots movement, Amer- icans and Canadians for Aliya, also bership in the organization has in- has smoothed the way for its mem- creased from 2,000 member units bers, all of whom are committed to almost 4,000 units, she said. According to a separate report to make aliya within three years by David Berezin, national field of joining. director, "We expect member. During that period, the potential emigrant is assisted in finding a ship to increase to over 10,000 by job, an apartment, a school for his the end of 1971, and with this tre- children. He also can use the time mendous upsurge in aliya, we to acquire the language. Knowing have expanded the services pro- that others share in the experience vided to potential immigrants." can strengthen the emigrant's own The organization is the only resolve. "grass roots" national aliya move- The current Detroit chairman, ment to facilitate the settling of Paul Stark, is planning to lead a Americans and Canadians in Is- group of local olim. rael. What it all adds up to is an The association provides advice army of American Jews, who, in and counsel on living in Israel; as- seeking a meaningful Jewish life. sistance in obtaining employment can add an important ingredient to and adequate housing; and coordin- the Israeli population, nearing the ation of contacts between member 3,000,000 mark. groups and visiting Israeli employ. If there were 4,000,000 Jews in er representatives. The group is Israel today, the colonel mused, headquartered at 515 Park Ave., the Middle East picture would be New York, and can be reached in much brighter. Can Israel accom- Detroit through the Jewish Center. I 1111 111113111711119111 NEWS 20--1,Nday, linvallaw 13.1919 More Jewish Draftees Getting CO Status NEW YORK (JTA)—The Jewish Peace Fellowship, which provides draft counseling to Jewish youth, has reported a "dramatic in- crease" in the number of Jewish conscientious objectors who ob- tained alternative service clas- sifications from their draft boards. In its current newsletter, the JPF said that in November 1968, it knew of 38 Jewish draftees who were accepted by their draft boards as conscientious objectors and assigned to "national service under civilian direction," as pro- vided under the Selective Service law. By September 1969, the JPF said, there were 51, and by Jan- uary 1970, the total of COs had risen to 73. The JPF said it was "reasonable to assume that there are by now—September 1970—well over 100 Jewish COs" in such alternative service. It's Nice To Deal With • DEXTER CHEVROLET 2051 1 W. 8 Mil, Teleqr.,p', 534-1400 Our lorogrris• To You: BETTER 5E2vva! 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