Mari, Odic 36, 11174-43 Over 3,000 Jews Lose Jobs After Applying T"E'"'oR "WI linn for Exit, Rabbi Says; 2 Young People Arrested SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. (JTA)— her the right to hold the ceremony Soria Union Ignored Stern because A New York rabbi who recently in prison. it was an official mouthpiece. returned from a visit to Russia Rabbi Schacter said: "Ruth is In New York, Mischa Benya, a said here that the refusal of Soviet the 34th Jew to be arrested in re- Lithuanian-born former singer of authorities to permit Jews to leave cent months, and we are very con- Hebrew and Yiddish songs, told has no parallel in history since cerned about these developments. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the pharaohs of Egypt. We are very saddened by Ruth's that Lithuanian Jews are "very According to Rabbi Steven Ris- arrest, but we also have attained anxious to live in Israel," but have kin, of the Lincoln Square Syna- renewed strength to continue the "no hope whatsoever to get out" Back from a visit to Vilna, gogue, "Over 3,000 Jews have re- fight for which she had unjustly cently applied for exit visas and and Immorally been Imprisoned." she said the Jews of her native In another development, Soviet country "are so anxious to hear have suffered the consequences of this move—they have lost their authorities have for the first time what is going on outside the Iron jobs, they have lost their homes, arrested persons for distributing Curtain in Jewish circles," and and have been deprived of any leaflets demanding Jewish emigra- in fact are "interested - in every- tion rights, according to the Stu- thing" pertaining to IsraeL "They source of income." Struggle. are very proud to be Jews," she Rabbi Riskin made his remarks dent Based on information received at a communitywide Simhat Torah from SMOG, the Sweden-based or- said, "even proud of the (Jewish) rally on behalf of Soviet Jewry ganization concerned with Soviet Defense League. "Lithuanian Jews were always held at Seton Hall University, a Jewry, a Swedish woman and two Jewish-minded, especially Zionist- Roman-Catholic institution. male French students were arrest- minded. But they feel so trapped Sen. Harrison A. Williams of ed Oct. 14 for handing out some there- If they do apply (for emi- New Jersey, told the gathering that 50 leaflets in the large GUM de- gration permission) there's the rallies on behalf of Soviet Jewry partment store. The leaflets con- danger, of losing their jobs." had an impact on Soviet authori- demned Soviet "persecution" and Miss Beaya, who visited her ties. He recalled that several years "forcible detention" of Jews, and "very few thin relatives I. ago they finally gave in to pres- called the denial of emigration per- sure of public opinion abroad and mission a "violation of the Declara- Vilna," said that residents el permitted Russian Jews to bake tion of Human Rights of the Diane, the site of a Soviet atomic reactor, "are not permit- matzot for Passover. USSR." ted to get any mail from The New Jersey Democrat said la London, a recent Jewish abroad." he was told by a former Russian visitor in the Soviet Umbra has A cousin of Miss Benya's in Jew now living in Israel that "the branded as a 'propaganda ex- Kovno was deported to Siberia at most important thing that has hap- ercise" an announcement by the age of 11, along with her pened to Russian Jews in the past Russian authorities that the Yid- 75 years is learning that both Jews dish weekly, Stern, published in father, who died there of starva- and non-Jews in the United States Bfrobidjan, was being cbanged tion, and her mother. The cousin is now married to a Russian non- and in other free world countries to a daily. Jew. have awakened to their plight." He said the intent was to show Miss Benya said that Lithuanian Rabbi Zev Segal, conference that contrary to Jewish claims, Jews have been the chief victims chairman, called on American Jews Yiddish language organs were not of Soviet persecution, with more to "speak out, again and again, forbidden but actually encouraged than 90 per cent of them "killed until our voices are heard. Until in the USSR. off." Most of the survivors live in the last of our Russian brethren The observer said there were Vilna, she said. is free of persecution, until those actually a few Yiddish readers left Sbnhat Torah Marked in Moscow; who wish to leave the country are in Birobidjan, which , was ,estab- Largest Number in Recent Years permitted to do so, until complete lished as an autonomous Jewish LONDON (JTA) — About 15,000 religious freedom is restored, we republic in Soviet Asia during the Jews gathered in front of Moscow's cannot say we have done enough," 1920s. Choral Synagogue Oct. 22 in cele- he said. He said Jews elsewhere in the bration of Simhat Torah — the Te arrest of two Soviet Jews largest number of celebrants to for distrib.tins "Maoist" ma- do so in recent years. terial was reported is the Jewish Israel Numbers Eleventh According to eye-witness reports, Telegraphic Agency and was con- Among World Scientists Soviet police did not interfere as TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Israel oc- firmed to the JTA by authori- thousands of young people sang cupies 11th place within the in- tative foreign sources. and danced in the streets, watched According to Rabbi Herschel ternational community of pure by thousands more elderly persons. Schacter, chairman of the Ameri- scientists. But Professor Yuval But according to one source, the can Jewish Conference on Soviet Neeman believes that the com- neighborhood was "dotted with Jewry, the victims are Michael ing decade Israel will be the secret agents." Shepshelovich and Ruth Alexand- seventh-ranking nation in numbers An estimated 1,500 young British rovitch, both 24, of Riga, Latvia. of pure scientists, according to a Jews attended services at Marble They were among nine Jews ar- report that appeared in Israel's Arch. Synagogue in London to rested in Riga since last June's Maariv. demonstrate their solidarity with Quoting outside sources, Prof. Soviet Jewry. They stood in silence alleged attempt to hijack a Soviet Neeman reported that there are as letters were read from Russian airliner at Leningrad airport. Rabbi Schacter said that all of some 126,000 pure scientists in the Jews protesting the refusal of those arrested had requested per- whole world. More than 52,000 live Soviet authorities to let them emi- misaion to emigrate to Israel and and work in the United States. grate to IsraeL Second place is held by Eng- had signed petitions to that effect Brooklyn Borough President Se- He said that the latest arrests land, with 13,000 scientists. The bastian Leone ordered streets ad- USSR is third with 10,500 and brought to 34 the number of Jewish joining Orthodox synagogues closed Germany fourth with 8,400. political prisoners in the USSR. to vehicular traffic to accommodate Next in line are France, 6,990; Jews observing Simhat Torah and A Hasidic rabbi in Brooklyn claimed that Sen. Charles Goodell, Japan, 5,200; Canada, 4,000; In- proclaimed the day a "Day of the Republican senatorial candidate dia, 2,900; Italy, 2,700; and Aus- Prayer and Meditation" by Brook- In New York, was instrumental in tria, 2,000. lyn Jews for the Jews of the Soviet In the next group are several Union. arranging the release from prison and the emigration of more than countries with approximately The proclamation designated Oct. 1,70e scientists each: Switzer- 22 "as a day on which Jews all 100 Jews from Iron Curtain coun- land, Czechoslovakia and Swe- over the world together with all tries. den. free people symbolize and express Rabbi Wieser Portugal, known In the third category of nations their sympathy and solidarity with to his Hasidic followers as the having more than 1,000 scientists Jews living in the Soviet Union." &Lasser rabbi, said the senator It said "we implore the Sovi et had carried mat his efforts in each are: • Holland, 1,400; Poland, secret to assure them success. 1,300; Israel, 1,100 and Hungary, government to permit these people 1,050. to leave that country if that be He said that details if the aera- According to Prof. Neeman, Is- their desire or permit all th e tion casuist be revealed because rael has not only achieved a rank people of the Soviet Union to prac - negotiations with cerbda tartly above many comparably small tice their religion as all free men governments are aviumdss. Miss Alexandrovitch forma 11 y but developed countries (such as do anywhere else in our world." WASHINGTON — Soviet signed several petitions on behalf Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Ro- Foreign Meister Andrei A. Gro- of Soviet Jews seeking to leave for mania, Finland, South Africa and myko got a cool reception from Israel. Reports on her arrest were Spain), all of whom have larger some 41 Jewish students protest- received from the Student Struggle populations, but also provides it- ing the treatment of Jews In for Soviet Jewry here and from self on having more pure scien- tists than are to be found in all Russia when he arrived at the Los Angeles-based California Stu- White House last week for a dents for Soviet Jews. She was de- the countries of Latin America put meeting with President Nixon. tained in July on her return from together. As for Egypt, according to The youthful protestors, repro a vacation in Odessa, allegedly on suspicion of carrying cholera Prof. Neeman, the proportion is senting the Washington Counci to pure scientists for every for Release of Captive Russian germs, and was formally arrested Oct. 7 on charges of anti-Soviet 1,000,000 of population, while Israel Jewry, the latest of many group s —by contrast—has one scientist that have formed in recent months activities and "slander." to demand better treatment fo r That is the same charge levied for every 500 cifi7ens.- Soviet Jews, assembled in Lafay against Boris Kochubiyevsky, the Consultations ette Park facing the White Hous e Kiev engineer sentenced last year The wise physician, if he has to await Gromyko's arrival. The y to three years at hard labor. The Latvian KGB (secret police) failed to cure, looks out for some- raised their placards and the denied Miss Alexandrovitch the one who, under the name of con- voices when his limousine show right to proceed with her scheduled sultation, may help him carry up, but the demonstration was Oct. 14 wedding and also denied out the corpse.--Baltasar Grecian. peaceful. 4_, 1 ZAN GILBERT I am: Fe ORCHESIllA "Distiactim Sfyilag kr Mask to Your Isdividwal Taste Call 354-1153 Smart Styles Zress Sizop is moving Monday, Nov. 2, 1970 From . . . 10460 W. 9 Milo, Oak Park to . . . 26400 Southfield Rd., Lathrup Village (2 blacks N. of 1014 Mg. Rd. east side of the semen 49-R9 Interior Designs by Gordon Rouff .hat. Special. Jou& 1400 N. Woodward - - Royal Oak 543-6777 Adas Shalom Synagogue Nursery School Will Hold an OPEN HOUSE On Sunday, Nov. 11th, 1970, 3-5 p.m. at 29700 W. 13 Mile Rd. Farmington, Mich. Everyone Is Invited Refreshments Will Be Served JUST OPENED! Arnie Lesterre Art Galleries 28911 Southfield Road Lathrup Village Original Oil Paintings of Distinction by the Masters of tomorrow Also a large selection of abstracts (new arrivals) Priced Very Attractively Just Browse Around You Are Welcome Daily 10 to 6 Thurs., Fri., Sat., 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment • Call 354-3972