20—Friday, October 23, 1970 /NE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ewry on the Air This Week's Radio and Television Prqgrams HIGHLIGHTS Time: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Station: Channel 2 Feature: "A Letter to the Soviet Itfaraohs." a musical piece by Gershon Kingsley based on the correspondence of a Jew living in the Soviet Union. Boris Kochubi- yevsky's poignant plea to migrate to Israel is illuminated through the music and visuals of the pro- gram. Participating are Cantor Harold Orbach of Temple Israel, Shirley Benyas, Annette Chajes, Minister Agrees: Christians Share Israel's Burden Robert Angt4Z"Sidney Resnick and Bella Goldberg. Rube Weiss nar- rates. The program is produced by Evelyn Orbach of the Jewish Community Council of Metropoli- tan Detroit • • • HEAR OUR VOICE Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday Station: WCAR Feature: "Choir of Union Tem- ple." Cantor Paul Kwartin and Joseph A. Hansen, director of , music and organist at Union Tem- ple. will sing a series_of liturgical selections, to be interpreted and commented upon by Cantor Flar old Orbach. * * * HANEY'S PEOPLE Time: 1 p.m. Sunday Station: Channel 7 Feature: Don Haney hosts a panel discussion on the Middle East, with participants from both sides of the Israel-Arab issue. (The program will be rebroadcast 8:30 p.m. Nov. 8 on WXYZ radio.) • • • NEW YORK — (JTA) — Assur- ing the survival of the state of Is- rael and its people is the respon- sibility of both Christians and Jews, a rabbi and a minister agreed in a radio discussion pro- gram on the NBC radio network. • They also agreed that to unravel IN CONTACT the "tangled skein of claim and Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday counter-claim of Arab and Israeli," Station: WJR it was necessary to "look to the Feature: Hal Youngblood, with future" rather than to the past. leading religious and moral fig- The agreements were voiced by ures. hosts the weekly program Rabbi Seymour Siegel, professor whose premise is to place religion of theology at the Jewish Theologi- and man in contact. cal Seminary of America, and the * • • Rev. Dr. Ernest Campbell, preach- ETERNAL LIGHT ing minister of Riverside Church Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday in New York, as they t.ppeared on Station: WWJ the Seminary - produced "Eternal Feature: "Judaism and Christia- Light" program. nity: Divergence and Agreement." Sunday's program, "The Church Dr. Ben Zion Bokser, rabbi of the and the State of Israel," was the Forest Hills, N.Y. Jewish Center third of a series of four Jewish- and Dr. Rosemary Reuther, assist.. Christian dialogues. ant professor of historical theology Rabbi Siegel said Jews feel that at Howard University, will discuss Christians do not understand "the the theological-scholarly conflicts significance of the state of Israel" and similarities between the two for them. "The covenant made i religions. with Israel in the Bible is also made with the land of Israel," he said. They believe, he added, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Talk survival of Judaism as a way of Heard on Detroit Radio life requires the establishment of a NEW YORK — Tens of thou- state in "the ancestral homeland" sands of Jews in many parts of both to "rescue Jews still in dan- the world tuned in to the public ger" and to "rescue Jewish life address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, from assimilation." Rabbi Menachem M. Schneeerson, deliverd by the rebbe at Lubavitch While Jews recognize there are many defects in the politi- world headquarters in New York. cal, social, economic and mili- Through a special telephone tary structure of Israel, Rabbi communications system, the Siegel said, they react strongly rebbe's talk was heard live in to criticism because Israel's very Israel, Australia, England, existence is threatened, and the France, Italy, West Germany, distinction between "opposing Canada and several cities in the Israel's policies and opposing Is- United States, including Detroit. rael is sometimes a very thin The occasion was the sixth one and difficult to sustain." Yarzeit of the rebbe's mother, Re- The Rev. Dr. Campbell said that betzin Chana Schneerson. Among the various topics of his Israel was a political reality and should be viewed as a political address, which lasted about 31/2 reality without any theological' hours, the rebbe spoke about the overtones. "When a religious group obligation of parents in rearing forms a nation," he said, "they their children. must allow themselves to be open to the judgments and reactions of Cincinnati Job Service the world community without rais- ing the charge that the people cri- Helps Emigres Find Jobs CINCINNATI (JTA)—The Jewish ticizing are anti-Jewish or anti- Vocational Service reported that Israel." during 1970 it had placed 22 Jewish Agreeing with Rabbi Siegel re- 1 garding Christian responsibility to emigres in jobs to enable them to secure the survival of Israel, Dr. become self-sufficient. Almost all of them had been un- Campbell spoke of the "enormous guilt" Western Christians feel able to speak or understand Eng- lish on their arrival here. Many of about "what we did not do during the years of Hitler's ascendancy," the newcomer families were re- adding "I just don't see how we settled by United Hias and spon- sored locally by the Cincinnati can defend our silence." Dr. Campbell said the problems Committee for refugees. The Jewish Family Service pro- of the Middle East are so "inter- laced with claims and counter- vides casework and housing ar- claims" that to achieve peace it rangements, and the Jewish Hos- was necessary to "start from where pital gives medical examinations we are and move out from there in and treatment when that is requir- ed. good faith." IF you're unhappy %, •ittli the phone company, well get you action." "It happens. "Sometimes people have a legiti- mate complaint against the phone com- pany. "But too often they go to someone else for an answer. When we should be the first to hear about it. "We're service and repair repre- sentatives at Michigan Bell, and if you need an answer for a slip up, call one of us first. "We have a new way to handle complaints and unusual service requests much faster. Now if you should ever have a question for the phone company, you don't have to contact someone else. 'To take care of these hang ups, Michigan Bell has set up 'Special Action Forces in its local offices. "Our 'Special Action Forces' are made up of specially trained people. "They know the best ways to track down misplaced orders. To answer un- common questions. To process even the most complicated service and- repair- requests. "So if you ever have a telephone repair problem, just dial repair service; for any other service requests, call your service representative at your local Michigan Bell business office. If we can't solve your problem Through regular channels, we'll turn it over to our 'Special Action Forces'. "Now, if you contact us first, you'll get faster action." Michigan Bell JEWISH NATIONAL FUND PLANT TREES IN ISRAEL FOR ALL OCCASION PHONE 399-082n OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS., 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9 to 4; CLOSED SUNDAY DURING JULY & AUG. . t -.. •