THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Assoclaton of Engleh-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 885, Southfield, Mich. 410075. Phone 25041400 Subscription MI a year. Foreign $9. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARM1 M. SLOMOVITZ Business Editor and Publisher CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Hol HaMoed Sukot Scriptural Selections Saturday: Pentateuchal portions, Erocl. 33:12-34:26, Num. 29:17-22; Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 38:18-39-16. Sunday, Num. 29:20-28. Monday, Num. 29:23 - 31. Tuesday, Num. 29:26-34. Wednesday, lioshana Raba. Num. 29:26.24. Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah Selections Pentateuchal portions: Thursday, Deut. 14:22-16:17, !slum. 29:35-30:1. Friday, Deut. 33:1-34:12, Gen. 1:1-2:3, Num. 29:35-30:1. Prophetical portions, Thursday. I Kings 8:54-66; Friday; Joshua 1:1-18. VOL. LVIII. No. 5 Page Four October 16, 1970 Inspiration of Suka, Legacy of Sukot Immediately after Yom Kippur, observant Jews who follow the tradition of building sukot at their homes for the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles commence the joy- ous task of erecting the booths to mark Sukot. In Israel and in communities throughout the world, the suka-building project is a mark of peace, of hope for security, of reten- tion of the ideas and ideals imbedded in the great tradition. The aim is a simple one: the perpetuation of the right of all people to a home, and the suka signifies the interim period that occurs between the hope for the home and the reali- zation of the aspiration. While the suka is the temporary home, it directs all hopes and ideas towards guaran- teeing the security of a home for peace-loving home-builders. What Jews are doing today, in the process of building the sukot, is to reaffirm the right to home building and to reject home- lessness. This is an especially firm resolve today as Israel asserts its just position in a home built after abandoning the homelessness of the Galut. Elsewhere the suka retains memories of the time when it was a temporary abode— and it speaks to mankind in terms of re- minders that freedom-loving people can re- tain memories of a homeless past while rejecting perpetuation of enslavement to a life of wandering without abodes. Sukot thus is primarily the festival of planting and of building and of abandoning the despair of those who are robbed of the joys of sharing in the bounties of the earth. Before Israel had regained sovereignty and independence, a noted woman poet, Jes- sie E. Sampter, left her American home and settled in Israel. She was an inspired woman who sang the glories of Sukot in these verses: We live in narrow alleys Where hovels stand in rows---, Our hearts are in the valleys Where rose of Sharon grows. - From battering, peddling, selling, We seek a moment's calm— Our hearts today are dwelling Where citron grows with palm. We come from stinting, suffering, From streets that pennies yield, And bring the Lord our-offering, The produce of the field Untended, robbed and driven And happy to escape, Our dreams today are given To farm and flock and grape. In many a stone-bound city Still roofed beneath the skies, The Lord of boundless pity Lets little flowers rise. And in those tabernacles— The wanderer's blessed relief— He turns our heavy shackles To strings of fruit and leaf. Who bring in want and sorrow The stranger's fruit with psalms Shall plant in joy tomorrow Their citrons and their palms. Now we live in the realities of a Sukot marked by recollections of the desert booths and the insecurity of the homelessness of a long Exile_ while ascertaining the joys of sharing in creative labors in the farmlands of Israel. It is for the security of these re- deemed legacies of freedom that we affirm with dignity the lesson of the suka and the inspiration of Sukot. Red Cross Must Probe Charges Israel has constantly turned to the Inter- tortured, are "the result of a 'limited one- national Red Cross with requests to sub- man inquiry.' " Now the international community is con- stantiate charges of alleged torture and mis- fronted with basic facts relating to the tortur- treatment of prisoners by Israel. The Red Cross also has been asked to ing of prisoners. The murder of Lt. Moshe negotiate exchange of prisoners between Goldwasser demands an immediate investiga- Israel and the Arab states, and the efforts -tion. „Israeli physicians have established that the pilot who had been held prisoner by Egyp- have proven futile. Because of incredible accusations made tians was treated cruelly and that the torture frequently against Israel that Israel has tor- led to his death. There should be an end to such inhuman tured Arab detainees, it is urgent that the Red Cross should not delay action in investigating treatment, just as there must be an end to the falsehoods leveled against Israel. The the charges. The Guardian of London saw fit to pub- Red Cross is the proper agency to do the lish such charges by a Jerusalem Committee investigating, and it is sincerely to be hoped which it described as "a British pro:Palestin- that the medievalism practiced out of hatred ian Arab group." The incredibility of such for Israel will end quickly. The International Red Cross faced many charges is further attested to by the Guard- challenges in the past few months. The hijack- ian's report of this committee's admission that its accusations, that 10 Arabs were ings and the civil war in Jordan placed serious responsibilities upon the world organization to provide relief for the needy. It is -because of these duties that the Red Cross, representing the major—perhaps the Rioting in American communities, polar- only—means of contact between nations that ization of forces divided on racial Nees, vi- are either at war or do not have proper olence on campuses and bomb throwing in diplomatic relations, must act in time of crisis. Many crises have arisen and more can be what should be peaceful America place re- sponsibility for orderliness, for observance anticipated. Especially in instances that can of laws and for expression of differing views be solved so simply and promptly as those of above party differences. The entire nation exchange of prisoners between Israel and her is obligated to find a way out of the current enemies, it is inexcusable that there should American tragedy, and anyone injecting the be delays and that brutalities should be per- issue on the basis of party lines harms Ameri- mitted. It is urgent that the Red Cross should ca and fails to bring about peace in our act without delay in the current Middle East obligations. communities. Above Party Lines - 71D 4nEtEriae, •■■ 42neiR Klausner Biography Describes Dramatic Palestine Occurrences Rabbi Simcha Kling of Louisville, Ky., who in addition to holding a pulpit teaches sociology of religion at the University of Louisville, has added a valuable biography to his collected works with his pre- sentation'of the life story of Prof. Joseph Klausner. Author of biographies of Menahem Ussishkin and Nahum Sokolow, Rabbi .Kling, in "Joseph Klausner," published by Thomas Yoseloff, traces the activities of the eminent historian and Zionist from his ear- liest childhood and presents a thorough account of the noted Scholar's -- life in all its aspects. In Rabbi Kling's "Joseph Klausner" we have a valuable review of the events that marked life in Israel during the trying days when Jews debated issues involving Arab-Jewish relations, the question of the partition of Palestine, the emergence of the Hebrew University and numerous other significant historical occurrences. Dr. Klausner is depicted here as a controversial figure. He differ- ed with Chaim Weizmann over the question of partition. He was at odds with Judah L. Magnes over the question of Arab relations. He had his differences with Chaim Nahman Malik and others. He also disagreed on occasions with Ahad HaAm. His close friends were Menahem Ussishkiu and the eminent poet Saul Tschernichovsky, and in spite of having differed with them, he was close to Ahad HaAm and Malik and admired and respected Dr. Magnes. He followed a Revisionist line and was an associate of Vladimir Jabotinsky, edited the Betar magazine, and supported the Irgun policies. While the manner of approach to the character of Prof. Klausner - depicts him here as a man who always quarreled, the ideas Promul; gated serve, however, to present the issues as they emerged during the crucial years of the eminent historian's residence in Israel and his services to the Jewish community and to the Hebrew University. He attained his goal as head of the Hebrew University's history department, but because he had to start as professor and head of the department of Hebrew literature, he was distressed. But in the latter assignment, he also rendered great service. His writings, on Jesus and Paul, on the history of Hebrew litera- ture and on the messianic idea, remain noteworthy, yet his "Life of Jesus" was cause for many debates, and Rabbi Kling's analysis will be found of immense interest. While reviewing the life of Dr. Klausner, the biographer also deals with the literary contributions made by the eminent leader who was as devoted to Jewry's political needs as he was to the development of a literary atmosphere in the Palestine of pre-Israel days. The analyses of his writings emerge as a splendid factor in this biography. Especially interesting is the chapter dedicated to Tschernichovsky. Rabbi Kling offers a Very interesting comparison between Klausner and Tschernichovsky, two distinctly different personalities yet the best of friends. He writes on the question of their dissimilarity: "Klausner was strongly rooted in traditional Judaism; his poet- friend was not. Klausner was reserved and dignified; Tscher- nichovsky was uninhibited and indifferent to many of society's accepted norms. The scholar was religiously observant; the poet was not bound by any religious discipline. Klausner took an active role in Zionist affairs; Tschernicbovsky believed in Zionism but took no part in its practical or organizational functions." Dr. Klausner is portrayed as the Hebraist whii, with Ussishkin, was an anti-Yiddishist. While tracing all of Dr. Klausner's qualities, and his manner of differing with his associates in Zionism and in the Palestinian Jewish community, Rabbi Kling provides an interesting portrait of the pro- fessor as an observant Jew who adhered to the dietary laws, sanctified the Sabbath, attended synagogue services. He describes him as akin to a Conservative Jew in America. Yet Dr. -Klausner is the humanist It is as a Zionist that he emerges especially supreme in this story —as a man who was fearless, who spoke out stubbornly on issues he chose to support, opposing those he could not accept. The non-Jewish world recognized his merits and while disapprov- ing of his theme on Jesus he was nevertheless highly respected, and Christians as well as Jews honored him for his creative efforts. In Rabbi Kling's biography, Prof. Klausner, worshiped by his bio: grapher, appears as one of the great Jewish figures of this century.