Habonim to Discuss Arab Refugees; Planning Its First General Assembly n11 INIT1101T JEWISM ISMS Mir, °dew 16, 1970-111 Habonim Labor Zionist Youth is the Middle East Situation, Its Fu- youth from 10 through college age afternoons and for youth age 15 inviting high school and college- • and up on Friday nights. For in- are invited. age youth to its meeting 8 p.m. Guide to Free Literature Israeli dancing and a "kumsitz" On Oct. 23, at 8 p.m., the first formation, call Dan Drachler, today in the Workmen's Circle Cen- on Vocations Is 'Issued will'follow. 645-9116. Asefa Klatt, general assembly, ter, where the discussion topic will Baal Brith Vocational Service is of the ken (local branch) will be Habonim will hold a special be "The Palestinian Refugee Prob- Academy Applications offering young people "A 'Starter' held. At the Meta Wait, the Sukot activity 2:30 p.m. Sunday lem—Its History, Its Impact on Congressman William S. Broom- File of Free Ocuppational Litera- at the home of Bev Salinger, 15700 highest decision-making body of the ken, all memberhave voting field announced that he will accept ture," a list of pamphlets provid- Jeanette, Southfield. All Jewish privileges. Any wishes to applications to the U. S. service ing information on 103 occupations, including teaching, journalism, the voice his oPiniOn Invited to academies until Nov. 6. Youth Symphony Plans speak in the same way that the Broomfield indicated that stu- civil service, Jewish social work, kibntz democratically decides dents who want to compete for a personnel work, electronics, con- to Hold Auditions matters affecting the running of nomination to the air force, naval servation and criminal justice. Shaarey Zedek Youth Symphony the settlement. The guide is available for $1.25 military or merchant marine acad- Orchestra will inaugurate its 10th The year's second issue of Ka- emy for September 1971 admission ' from Bnai Brith Vocational Ser- season with rehearsals and audi- should contact him prior to his vice, 1640 Rhode Island NW, dima—Voice of Afikim, Detroit tions 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the youth Washington, D.C. 20036. Haboilim's newspaper, will be dis- November application deadline. lounge. tributed at this meeting. The orchestra, organized in 1961 Regular meetings for young peo- by Jerome Stasson, is the only Tween Hostelers Set Jewish youth orchestra in the area ple age 10-14 are held Sunday Many local artists have received for Horseback Riding training in orchestra and solo per- The Jewish Center's Tween Hos CARS TO BE DRIVEN formance techniques. telers will begin the season Nov. 8 To say stets. Also drivers funsish- Each season Jewish and Israeli with horseback riding and a cook- od to drive your ear" arrywhore. compositions, as well as standard out at the Drake Rd. site. Legally insured mod hosesed orchestra repertoire are performed. Tfie Tween Hostelers meet on The orchestra has presented more DRIVEAWAY SERVICE alternate Sundays for such activi- than 50 major programs and many 9970 Grand River ties as bicycling, canoeing, hiking, festival and holiday concerts. PILLAR ROCK SOCKEYE RED overnight campouts and horseback Detroit, Mich. 48204 Interested musicians may contact Salmon is the best—for flavor... riding. Larry Stern or Mrs. Rose Rubin at and is good for you—too! Even WE 1-0620-21-22 more—it has 0 ! No other The group is open to Center Cong. Shaarey Zedek. major brand of canned salmon tweens in 7th, 8th and 9th grades. can make this statement! Each trip is limited to 20 partici- Use PILLAR Rocx SOCKEYE RED Salmon for party pants. snacks and salads, or eat it right out of the can (delicious seasoned lightly with red wine vinegar and served with Future outings include a five- sliced raw Bermuda onions). mile hike on the nature trail. and PILLAR RocK SOCKEYE RED Salmon is low in calories, a cookout at Kensington Park, too—ideal for weight control time, party time, snack time, Nov. 22; ice skating and tobog- meal time, any time. QUALITY? THE VERY BEST! Lincoln Shopping Center ganing at Cass Lake, Dec. 6; and 10 1/2 - Greenfield — SEND FOR FREE RECIPE BOOKLET TODAY !---- skiing and a cookout at Mt. Holly, (Formerly at 7 Mile - Schaefer) Dec. 20. PILLAR ROCK SOCKEYE RED SALMON, Nefco, Pier 89.-Seattle, Washington, 98119 For information, call group Beef and Iamb shish kabob, steak patties Please send me your free, full color, 18 page canned services, DI 1.4200. Only PILLAR ROCK SOCKEYE RED Insist on Salmon has PILLAR ROCK Brand-gain assurance of Quality,Flavor t ,lidegrity Carl's Kosher Meat & Poultry Market • • • Families to Play _Games, Do Stunts on 'Night Out' The Jewish Center's monthly Saturday Family Night Out pro- gram will begin on Nov. 21 with a Truth-Or-Consequences evening. The evening will feature family- style audience participation in games, stunts , and contests. The master of ceremonies will be Milce Freedman. Prizes will be awarded, and a social hour will follow the program. Reservations are limited to 25 families, who include at least one Center member. Parents must be accompanied by their children Future Saturday Fan-illy Night Out programs include: a mystery bus ride, Dec. 19; old time movies and swim night, Jan. 23; "Beat the Clock" nite, Feb. 20; and family quiz bowl and swim night, March 20. For information, call Fred Rose in group services, DI 1-4200. UNICEF 'Begs' Funds for Indigent Children "Trick or Treating for UNICEF" will again be done this Halloween by young people to raise money for the United Nations Children's Fund. Volunteers will be given canisters to collect gifts. The orange and black canisters are available at both Jewish cen- ters. Before pick-up, call the main Center, DI 1-4200. Meyers branch hours will be Monday-Friday 3-5 p.m., or on Sunday 1.5. Oak Park branch hours are Monday-Thursday 3-7, Friday 3-5, or Sunday 1-5. A single penny given to UNICEF will provide six glasses of milk to a child. A nickel buys penicillin to combat crippling diseases. They Made The Grade Southfield-Lathrup Senior High School has two National Merit Finalists: STEVEN SCHWIUMER and LAWRENCE TOWER. Both are eligible for the prestigious scholarships. Charlene Bogner, Thomas Davis, Mitchell Koss and Daniel Podoisky received certifi- cates of commendation for scoring in the top 2 per cent of high school graduates in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Member Detroit Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Anat. CARL CARSON and lamb riblets, veal scallopini, mock chicken, veal patties, fondue meat. Member Detroit Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Assoc. OPEN SUNDAY 542-7450 salmon recipe booklet. Name Address )0 Zip State City Produced and marketed by NEFCO3 the world's leading producer of canned salmon `Have you visited our Delicatessen? (At Tel-12 Mall orll Mile Rd. at Troy,Royal Oak.) Fresh Bagels 79c, Corned Bumf Lb. Oil Pickles Quart 49 Sour Cream 18 NOW OPEN! Hen Turkeys . Avg.. Another Chatham Located at 271 Ell Mile Rd. Hot Dogs at "toy Kosher Franks 79c in Royal Oak Kosher Sabmi Plain, Egg, Salt or Onion Dozen ' Sliced to Orcrer, Regular 269 Raskin Kosher White Star Enipire Kosher Feinberg. Kosher Feinberg Chicago ' Int* 10to16-Lb. Cockt4 12-0z. - 79c Pkg.