THE DETROIT JEW'S!. NEWS 40—Fridey, October 9, 1970 'Soledad Brother': Irate Prison Letters CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS In an introduction to "Soledad Brother—The Prison Letters of George Jackson," the Brazilian Jean Genet states "Here is a book, tough and sure, both a Mr. and Mrs. Custer S. L. Hong, weapon - of liberation and a love proprietors of the China City Res. poem. In this case I see no mir- taurant No. 1, at 1070 W. Huron, acle except the miracle of truth were accused of- killing a white guard at California's Soledad Prison. A lot has happened to George Jackson in the 10 years between his ludicrous "deal" and the pres- ent charge which, if he is convict- Pontiac, announce the grand open- itself, the naked truth revealed." ed, holds a mandatory death sen- ing of China City Restaurant No. This essay (translated by Richard tence. "Soledad Brother" is a fiery, moving and very personal China City No. 2 Open in Southfield 2 at 2453.5 W. 12 Mile, Southfield. Cuisine includes full-course Chin- ese and American-style luncheons and dinners served in an authen- tic Chinese decor. There are faci- lities for private parties, sweet sixteen parties, showers and busi- ness meetings. Mayor Norman Feder presented the Hongs with a key to the city of Southfield. Among the congratula- tory messages were cables from U.S. Senator Robert Griffith, Con- gressman William Broomfield and Governor Milliken, who compli- mented the proprietors on their public spirit in contributing to the beauty of Southfield. Howard) introduced an important chronicle of the maturation of a series of letters in the volume pub- black racial leader in a virtual lished by Coward-McCann. laboratory of racism. To Angela In 1960, 18-year-old George Davis, Jackson writes Jackson, accused of stealing $70 "They've created in me one from a California gas station, ac- cepted a deal. "I agreed to con- irate, resentful nigger—and it's fess and space the country court building—to what climax? The na- costs in return for a light county tion's undertakers have grown jail sentence. I confessed, but wealthy on black examples, but I when the time came for sentenc- want you to believe in me, Angela. ing, they tossed me into the peni- I'm going to make a very poor tentiary for one to life . . . I've example, no one will profit from been there ever since." Early this my immolation. When that day year, Jackson 's name broke comes they'll have to bury ten through when he and two other thousand of their own with full inmates, who have come to be military honors. They'll have known as the Soledad Brothers, earned it." The letters date from 1964 to this summer, when his younger brother Jonathan was killed in a tragic attempt to help the Soledad Brothers by kidnapping a white lirward 2 blks. S. 15 Mt. judge in San Rafael. They include BLOOMFIELD MI 4-6006 letters to his parents, beseeching Returned by popular request! "ITS A MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD" them to abandon the outworn hopes of past generations of blacks, with an all star cast Shown Mon. Thru Thur. Eves. at 8:00 of frightened men and women who only. FRI. 7:00, 9:55. SAT. 1:30, 4:30, 7 :30, "apparently do not care how well 10:30. SUN. 2:00, 5:00 and 11:00. MATINEE EVERY WED. AT 2:00 they live, but are -only concerned 1 showing only with how long they are able to CAMELOT W. WarreAlat Miller Road live. " MOVIE GUIDE DOW PI TOW N FOX 2211 Woodward—WO 1-9494 Held Over 2nd Big Week With "TROG" and "DRACULA" the HORROR begins I Joan Crawford in "TROG" plus "TASTE OF BLOOD OF DRACULA" Both In Color Every WEDNESDAY Ladles Day Late Show FRIDAY and SATURDAY For Schedule Information Call WO 1-7917 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 sai. ,17:. Greenfield4:2 1. 44.44 0 At Popular Prices Nowt AMERICANA Barbra Streisand, Yves Niemand, Bob Newhart ". . . Brilliantly done, devastatingly funny!" "JOE" Week Nights 6:15, 2:15, 10:15. SAT. and SUN. 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, •:00, 10:00. WED. MATINEE at 1:00 only, $1. MAI Plymouth Rd. KAI at Farmington Rd. GA 7-0403 & /CE 4-6400 Exclusive Michigan Engagement "CATCH-22" (1) "ON A CLEAR DAY, YOU CAN SEE FOREVER" Mon., Tues., Thurs. 7:10, 9:30. Wed. Mat. 1:30, Eve. 7:10, 9:30. Sat. and Sun. 1:30, 3:45, 6:05, San, 10:40. With Alan Arkin FRI. 6.00 , II:20, 10:43. SAT. 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:20, 10:43. SUN. 2:311, 4:30. EVE. 7:00, 9:30. MON., TUES., THURS. 7:00, 9:30. WED. 12:10, 2:30. EVE. 7:00, 9:30. MAIN, ROYAL OAKN1''LI 1.011180M"e Exclusive Area 1st. Run ATLAS On Plymouth Rd., VII 5-0630 3 blks. W. of Gre•neld Elliott Gould, Candice Bergen In "GETTING STRAIGHT" WK. DAYS 1:45 only. SAT. II:35 only. SUN. 1:00 only. Plus Geo. Segal, Eva Marie Saint in "LOVING" WIC. NIGHTS 7:10, 10:50. SAT. 7:00, 10:40. SUN. 6:20, 10:00. Starts WED. Gee. Scott In "PATTON" Metro, and Entertainment Coupons Accepted BERKLEY "MONTE WALSH" With Lee Marvin, Jack Pelance SAT. and SUN. Spec. Children's Mat. "The Magic Land of Mother Goose". Doors Open 11:30 All Seats 75e . REDFOil Lahser at Grand River KE 7-2340--Free Parking Candice Bergen, Peter Straus 5:45, 5:05, 10:15. SAT. 4:05, - 6:05, 0:15, 10:15. SUN. 1:20, 3:20, 5:25, 7:25, HON., TUES., WED., THURS. 7:30, 9:35. ROYAL OAK 31S W. Fou rth, R. 0. LI 1-2512 Final Daysl A Jack Lernmen Double Header 12 Mile-Coolidge, LI 2-8330 Elliott Gould, Donald Sutherland in "MASH" WK. NIGHTS open 6:45 'hewn 7:00, 9115. SAT. EVE. Re-open 6:45 shown 7:00, 9:05. SUN. Re-open 4:43 shown 5:00, 7:00, 9:05. SAT, and SUN. Spec. Children's Matinee All Seats 75c "3 STOOGES COMEDIES" 1:20 and 3:25 "SLEEPING BEAUTY" 3:15. 4-3C Birmingham 7.1 S. 1 Woodward at Maple "THE LANDLORD" (R) With Beau Bridges MON. thru THURS. 9:25 only. FRI., SAT. 8:25 only. SUN. 3:00, 7:15. Plus Charlton Heston In "THE HAWAIIANS" MON. thru THURS. 7:00 only. FRI., SAT. 6:00, 10:25. SUN. 5:00, 9:10. SAT. and SUN. Matinee All Seats 75c "SOLDIER BLUE" FRI. 9:35. "THE OUT OF TOWNERS" WK. NIGHT 11:00 ONLY. FRI. 9:05. SAT. 2:03, 5:33, 9:03. SUN. 1:03, 4:30, 0:05 P lus "THE ODD COUPLE" WIC. NIGHTS 6:15, 9:10. FRI. 7:15, 10:40. SAT. 3:40, 7:10, 10:45. SUN. 2:40, 6:10, 9:45. WASHINGTON Roya LIO :k. Mich. Limited Engagement, Last S Daysl Elliott Gould, Candice Bergen "GETTING STRAIGHT" FRI., MON., TUES. 0:40 only. SAT. and SUN. 7:10, 10:45. Plus Geo. Segal, Eve Marie Saint In "LOVING" FRI., MON., TUES. 7:10, 10:43. SAT, and SUN. 5:40, 110. Spec. Children's Matinee SAT. and SUN. All Seats 75c Doors Open 12 Noon Big 3 Unit Program SLEEPING BEAUTY" Two "SLEEPING BEAUTY" "3 STOOGES COMEDIES" Shown SAT. 12:30 and 2:20. SUN. at 12:31 only. Doors Open 12:00 Neon Color cartoons Starts WED. Three Geo. C. Scott In "PATTON' Henry K. Martin Presents "BAG IT" Hit Comedy Revue Associate Producer Gave R 'Absolutely funniest, most enjoyable show ir litlown" BOB TALBERT Detroit Free Press Skillful Satire — Funny & Frightening Tool CHUCK THURSTON Detroit Free Press Wad. A Thurs. sae p.m. — Frt. II:30 & ISM P.m. W. 0:30 A 10:30 COMING SOON... "BALD" THE in Musical Satire ZODIAC THEATER 12 Mile at Northwestern A 1.4.1""*" Ticket Information 358-0226 Frankness Seen in Book on Lib Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m. Wednesday. For rates and information .. . CALL 356-8400 ID—ROOMS FOR RENT I3—FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM for gentleman. Kitchen priv- ileges. Blackstone Manor. 931-3455, 341.. 3889. ROSEWOOD MANOR APT. 10000 W. 9 Mi., Oak Park 2 bedrooms, carpeting & drapes, air conditioned. $185 per mo. Adults. Call Manager 541-2544 ROOM for gentleman. Oak Park. Near transportation. LI 5-2684. NICE clean room for lady. All priv- ileges. DI 1-0873. ROOM — employed lady. Northgate Apts. Privileges. 541-4092, 541-6395. ROOM for working woman in widows home, Kosher kitchen. Board or priv- ileges. 7 Mile-Southfield area. ICE 1- 5850. 1 WINDSOR PARK APT. I Spacious 1 & 2 Bednn. Avail. Immediately I • Central Air Cond. BEAUTIFUL furnished large room. Double closet. Working lady. Reason- able. Privileges. Oak Park. 353-8482 or 399-3779 . - I 10-F—WANTED ROOM AND BOARD, 1 • Pally carpeted I • Garage parking I • All elec. kitchen I • Dishwasher I • Swimming Pool 1 • Elevators REFINED retired gentleman desires room (with meals if possible) near transportation. 398-9787, 352-1855 Eve- nings. 11 TO SHARE LIVING QUARTERS PROFESSIONAL woman seeking room- mate 25 to 30, either to share existing 2 bedroom apartment or will seek new quarters in Oak Park or Southfield. LI 8-1975, after 6 p.m. ELDERLY lady in Windsor willing to share kosher home with suitable com- panion. Free room and board in ex- change for, very light duties. 531-1754, ICE 5-5081. 11-A—WANTED TO SHARE LIVING QUARTERS Included in the series of articles on the Women's Liberation Move- SCHOOL teacher d e sir es roommate with apartment. Oak Park-Southfield ment, in "Sisterhood Is Power- area. Call 549.0758, after 3:30. ful," edited by Robin Morgan, is GIRL 24, desires roommate with apart- an essay by a 15-year-old high ment or look for new location to- school girl, Connie Dvorkin. gether. 531-8684. Writing in this Random House book on "The Suburban Scene," 12—EXTERMINATORS Connie explains her pacifism and states: APT. BUILDERS "I became a pacifist simply be- Can't be bothered with insects & cause I do not believe that wars rodents — - get what they want solve anything but only create new from ones such as new hates, refugees, etc. That is also why I think that ERADICO TO. 5-7900 Joan Boaz is correct in saying that all the New Left has is anger and 13 FOR RENT APARTMENTS that anger doesn't solve anything, just as war doesn't . . . My be- BRIAR HOUSE APTS lief as a vegetarian has grown • 3 Bdrms., 2 Full_Baths out of my belief as a pacifist and • With Balconies a lover of life." 2400 Parnsenter, Royal Oak There are many poems—in- Bet. Coolidge & Crooks ltd., 1 China." This well coordinated anthology contains thorough analyses of the views of noted women and of rank- and-file spokesmen for the "51 per cent minority." It is a strong presentation for the Lib Movement, contains lists of films to be seen and periodicals to be read, his- torical documents and an assist- ing bibliography. 'The Seven Minutes' Out in -Paperback For 20 weeks a best seller, draw- ing widest attention in its expose of the manner in which censorship can work in the controversy over pornography, "The Seven Min- utes," by Irving Wallace, is made available by Simon and Schuster as a pocket book and must be rated among the most popular and still best selling paperbacks. Defense and prosecution, the court actions, the developments behind the scenes that throw light on the much-debated issue of pornography, combine to make Wallace's a significant novel for our- time. Good painting is like good cook- ing—it can be tasted, but not ex- plained.—Maurice de Vlaminck. I I I -I 16200 W. 9 Mi., SeelBSeld I (near Greenfield) I P SITITON PLACE... SO UNLIKE THE OTHERS. setting of huts, In a country club Woods, and stream. not in a bar sing business district. Enjoy Oak- -land County's largest private community center, saunas, vast It e at e d pool, exquisite apart- merits. There's Clot to like. 2-Bedroom, 241lath Apartments $318 and 11320 2-Bdrm. Townhouses 5345$42S 3-Bdrm. Townhouses S3954515 OPEN 12 TO 5 DAILY AND SUNDAY 1 elk. No, of 14 MIL Spacious, fully carpeted, air- conditioned, all utilities except electric included. Swimming pool, ,ecr. area. Lease. Finest location. Open Daily 9 Mita Road Bet. Lahser and Telegraph In Southfield BEST APARTMEINT VALUE !! OPDYKE HILLS APARTMENTS LuxuryApartments at a Rental You Can Afford from Choose from 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom-2 batb, or 3 bedroom 2 bath luxury apartments ,ffs ISM fostering: onkel air condi- tioning. wall-to-wall carPatint. -lame closets and MI kitchen appliances Including dishwasher. • Recreational Inge metinelies A Month et. N X12 USE RR club house, moo bath and exercise room. • Children -am welcome. Illosiaield Rills sdiool MIL I Manager 351-1839 - 1 I — cluding an anonymous one by a 7-year-old girl — in this vol- ume; some very frank ones, un- hesitatingly four-lettered; and there is an essay by Charlotte Bonny Cohen on the subject " `Chung-kuo Fu nu' Women of • 1M 110. iminammo um imssoto.. Creative Salty luestwas, lac. 338-0243