Jarring Talks 'Temporarily Postponed' (Continued from Page 1) Hussein and El Fatah chief Yassir rectification of the missile em- remains completely dedicated to Arafat in Cairo last Sunday, only placements by Egypt takes place the goal of a peaceful settlement a day before President Nasser died. was hailed Tuesday night by Israel in the Middle East based on im- Although the guerrillas were badly Foreign Minister Abba Eban as a plementation of Security Council mauled by Hussein's forces, the vindication of Israel's insistence Resolution 242 of Nov. 22, 1967, in king was unable to destroy them that the cease fire standstill accord all its parts. Moreover, we con- or to seize their strongholds in was being violated. tinue to subscribe to the concept northern Jordan. His re-conciliation Eban told the more than 700 per- of four-power meetings as set with Arafat was brought about by forth In the communique issued heavy pressure from other Arab sons attending a dinner sponsored Commit- countries, notably Egypt, Libya by the Greater New York Commit- by the four participants in New York on Dec. 2, 1969. However, and Kuwait. The latter two oil-pro- tee for State of Israel Bonds that we believe that the four powers during countries cut off their finan- despite Egypt's perfidy in negating should at this time accord first cial subventions to Jordan. Under e truce accord, "tearing it up in the agreement, the guerrillas will front of our eyes," Israel "is avail- priority to creating a situation in the for a new appraisal of ele- which it will be possible for nogo- withdraw from Amman and will ments in the Middle East," that tiations to resume under the concentrate in the western border she is ready to continue the cease auspices of Ambassador Jar- regions, their staging area for at- fire indefinitely and maintains a ring." tacks on Israel. flexible position on boundaries (In his address to the nation U.S. State Department Says within the context of security and proposing a cease fire in Asia, Egyptian Leaders Interested a lasting peace. President Nixon said: "By achiev- In Continuation of Truce But he asserted, "peace is not ing a cease fire in Indochina, and WASHINGTON (JTA)—The State compatible with the monstrous by holding firmly to the cease fire Department said that Egyptian idea divided cities." The audi- in the Middle East, we could hear leaders have expressed interest in once of burst into prolonged applause the welcome sound of peace a continuation of the 90-day Suez when Eban that "Jerusa- throughout the world for the first Canal zone cease-fire beyond its lem will never vowed again be torn apart" time in a generation"). Nov. 6 expiration date, Depart- and pledged that Israel would guar- • • • ment spokesman John King said antee freedom of holy places to all United Nations and United States the interest was conveyed to Sec- people. spokesmen continued to assert that retary of Health, Education and Eban mounted an eloquent plea. the Middle East mission of Dr. Welfare Elliot Richardson who for U. S. Jewry to aid Israel Gunnar V. Jarring was still alive headed the U. S. delegation repre- financially at a time when she despite its suspension. A UN senting Nixon at the stands at the crossroad of "destruc- spokesman said the mission had funeral President of Egyptian President merely been "temporarily post- Gamal Abdel Nasser in Cairo last lion or deliverance." He warned that unless American Jewry aids poned" by Dr. Jarring's two-week Thursday. on an unprecedented scale, return to Moscow, and that any King would not say which Egyp- Israel the military victories won by the pertinent developments here—that tian leaders had expressed inter- est. "I cannot say that this in- gallantry of its young people and is, any move toward resumption of the negotiations by Egypt or Israel v valves a promise. I can say that the tenacity of the Jewish people to survive would be squandered. — would be transmitted to Dr. their interest was expressed in a “ An previous goals are now irrele- Jarring while he is away. continuation of the cease fire," the vant of to Israel," the situation and to His the U. S. Ambassador Charles W. State Department official said. He needs he declared. Yost advised General Assembly added the U. S hoped that the plea met with enthusiastic re- President Edward I. Hambro of cease fire is extended "because it sponse as $5,000,000 in Israel Bonds Norway that as of -Oct. 4, the U. S. would be in the best interests of all was sold. had sent approximately 310 tons of concerned." Abraham Feinberg, president of King also disclosed at a briefing relief supplies to Jordan in ac- Israel Bond Organization. said cordance with a request for inter- for newsmen that Secretary Rich- the Israel can only rely on itself, "on ardson had "naturally discussed" national "humanitarian" aid made the young men in the army and air Sept. 24 by Dr. Hambro and Sec- the problem of rectification of force who are defending Israel cease fire violations with the Egyp - retary General U Thant. Yost noted the safety and security of our that President Nixon had "ear- tians while he was in Cairo. King and country." He said the Israel Bond marked $5,000,000 for emergency refused to spell out what the Organimtion and the United Jewish U. S. means by rectification but relief in Jordan." Appeal have jointly promised Is- he said it was made plain to the Observers here noted that the So- Egyptians that "we want it." Simi- rael they will need $1,000,000,000 viets lost no time in assuring the larly, King declined to say how the for Israel's defense needs. new Egyptian regime of its stead- cease fire might be extended, Eban declared that the "central fast support. The Kremlin is ap- whether by written agreement of theme of 1970" is "Jewish soli- parently striving to continue its the two parties or simply by con- darity and tightening intimacy be- close ties with Egypt developed un- tinned observance of it. tween Israel and the United der President Nasser which date King said the U. S. "hopes that States." He said it was illogical from 1955 when the Soviets first peace talks can be resumed and to think that the U. S. should show began delivering military equip- that to help prepare for these'taiks greater solicitude for Israel and her ment to Egypt. there should be rectifications of the needs than did the Jewish people (Israel Defense Minister Moshe standstill violations." He would not, and warned that despite Israel's Dayan said in Jerusalem Sunday comment on reported charges by Military victories "the last sanctu- that Egypt apparently had called Israel that the Egyptians and their ary, the refuge of a people who al- off its war of attrition against Is- Soviet backers were continuing to ready lost Six Million in an orgy rael before Nasser's death because increase their weaponry in the of violence in the inferno of it was going against Egypt. He truce zone. Nazism, Israel remains an island He said rectification was being in a sea of hostility. encircled by claimed that that was the reason why Nasser accepted the American discussed in Cairo, in Moscow and tanks,. Soviet forces." peace initiative and decided against here and that the discussions have The foreign minister said that ending the cease fiire because of gone on since Nasser's funeral. Israel's view, based on counsel news that the U .S. was going to King said that the United Nations by the U. S. and an international send more Phantom jets to Israel. envoy Gunnar V. Jarring's return body of political forces, is "no Gen. Dayan said that indications to his ambassadorial post in Mos- withdrawal from our present of Egyptian recognition of the cow last week did not imply that boundaries without peace," Israel, wutility of its war of attrition were Arab-Israeli peace talks would not he said, will not return to the "ter- the most hopeful development of be held under his auspices. He ritorial vulnerability of old boun- the past year. He said the Arab- said Dr. Jarring would return to dary lines." The frame of refer- Israeli conflict may have entered the UN in New York "should con- ease for Israel's daily agonizing its final phase but warned that this ditions warrant" decisions, Eban observed; is: didn't mean that the bloodshed was The Israeli Embassy here had no "Peace if we can get it or stand over. He expressed hope that the comment on Dr. Jarring's depar- fast until we achieve it and mean- Egyptians would agree to extend ture. But diplomatic sources here while grow in our dynamism." the Suez cease fire beyond the Nov. said the Israelis feel that were it But, he added, there is a price for not for Egypt's cheating on the standing fast—the price of young 5 deadline.) Observers here predicted a cease fire, the two sides might •blood being spilled. "Does anyone," have been sitting - down to talks he asked, "believe that if we with- period of quiet in Jordan in the aftermath of a savage civil war right now. According to these draw from the present areas we that ravaged that country last sources the Israelis regard the con- would, not be pursued to our most month. The new civilian govern- tinned presence of Soviet missiles concentrated areas of population?" ment in Amman has taken a con- in- the standstill cease-fire zone to The devastation wrought in Jor- ciliatory position toward El Fatah, be the only obstacle to the talks un- clan by the Palestinian guerrillas the largest of the Palestinian guer- der Dr. Jarring. The Israeli atti- these past few weeks, he said, rilla groups, though it is still bit- tude is that when the missiles are should be a forewarning of what terly at odds with the Marxist- wtihdrawn, the talks can begin, the Israel can expect if it loses its oriented, extremist Popular Front sources said. military superiority. • • for the Liberation of Palestion and The dinner, which opened the the Popular Democratic Front for fall Israel Bond campaign of the the Liberation of Palestine. Jor- committee paid tribute to four dan's new minister of information, prominent businessmen and their sons in New York. Abu Odeh, said in Amman last week that the government favored The recipients of the awards were a peaceful settlement of the Mid Abraham J. Gurevich and Ned East conflict but would nonetheless Gurevich, Maurice S. Hamper and By MURRAY ZUCROFF give guerrillas a free hand to Jerry S. Handler, Jack. 'Resnick Mount attacks against Israel. NEW YORK (JTA)—The with- and Burton P. Resnick, Max Stern That position apparently derived drawal of the United States from and Stanley E. Stern, And Leonard from the accord signed by King the Big Four deputies' talks until a N. Stern. no BUM. Ma* taws Friday, October 9, 1970-17 HOLIDAY GREETINGS NORTHLAND FORD LEADS THE WAY SO DOES GEORGE RUSKIN NORTHLAND FORD MILE & GREENFIELD Bill Kissicks diaph2t, edtp, Men's barbers & Stylists ... • Haircuts • Styling • Hairpieces • Manicures (custom made) Bill Kissicks Razor's Edge 829 Livernois 399-1550 1 /2 mile N. of 8 Mile Rd. Jack's Sunday-Safe 10-3 SUNDAY ONLY 10-3 Clothing Sale MEN'S BOYS' $40 $25 $20 $15 Snits Coats Suits Sport Coats Reg. to $95.00 Reg. to $65.00 Reg. to $65.00 Reg. to $40.00 Groups of Sweaters, Pants, Shirts & Jackets UP TO 7/2 OFF JACK'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 9 Mile (Corner of. Coolidge), Oak Park • - DESIGNER OF DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY VREDRICK JEWELERS et-6 4-v-ypit4t, P reient OPALS FOR OCTOBER OPAL & DIAMOND RING $600. OPAL BRACELET $250. 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