▪ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34-Frlfri, October 2, 1970 Sukot Celebration for Young Israelis ▪ When All Are Safe When the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe. -Thomas Jefferson. Labor Movement Issues Strong Statement on Piracy, Backs Israel Onaflogo A second statement from the la- Bias. Additional points called for boa movement condemning "inter- the safe return of all hijacking national gangsterism" in the skies hostages; immediate international and stressing that Israel's integrity action to guarantee safety of must be maintained has been international air traffic, including issued by the United Auto Work- a boycott of nations unwilling-or CALL ers international executive board. unable - to control air piracy; a launching of new peace efforts; The Jewish Labor Committee and enforcement by the U.S. and last week informed The Jewish nations of the terms of any News that AFL-CIO President other Meany had urged the U.S. govern- agreed-upon cease fire. The UAW also urged the proposal ment to take the initiative for inter- RESERVATIONS national action to stop piracy in of an immediate standstill cease fire for Vietnam, "so that the the air. 353-5811 United States can deal more ade- In the Michigan AFL-CIO News, quately with all of its problems ROUND-THE-WORLD the federation reiterated its policy abroad." calling for prompt aid to Israel and warning of the Soviet govern- ment's involvement in the Middle East. "It would be harmful," said .5) Only women's reducl na the News, "to America's vast WEST INDIES resort In the mldwest Loss Up to 10 Lbs. . international interests if the ad- a Week ministration were to hesitate and 101 Lake Shore Dr. continue its delay in providing Michigan City, Indiana 215-TR 24595 Israel with adequate economic assistance and the jets and other MEDITERRANEAN military equipment it so urgently needs for its defense and self- Acapulco, Mexico preservation." New modern completely furnished ardOGO The UAW international execu- 2 bedroom, 2 bath, air conditioned FALL AND WINTER tive board, which condemned villa for rent daily or weekly. Liv- Arab- air piracy back in March, ing, dining, kitchen areas, private pool, maid service. Magnificent repeated its concern in its new HARVARD ROW MALL bay location. Call (313) 861-8747 statement and additionally called 11 MILE and LAHSER or write: attention to the "blatant" viola- SOUTHFIELD - Ville Victoria, c/o 19373 Renfrew tions of the cease fire agree- Cruise Catalog Melted on Request Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48221. ment by Egypt. CRUISE CATALOG PRICES IN The statement expressed the view that "the Nixon administra- tion off-again, on-again vacillation on aid to Israel has further en- couraged Arab belligerency." Further, the UAW warned Wishes You against "imprudent intervention" A by the U.S. into inter-Arab con- DOltebOit JAI Travel Agency Cri'IMO@O SHERIDAN SPA CEME090 A group of Israeli youngsters are seen preparing for their Sukot celebration at Pioneer Women's Bet Rovina Community Center in Tel Aviv. Located in one of the older sections of the city, Bet Rovina is one of the first centers established by Pioneer Women more than 25 years ago. Since then, Pioneer Women has sponsored the building of 16 different community centers throughout Israel. JDC's Samuel Haber Describes Antwerp Center as 'Most Beautiful' NEW YORK - The Goldmuntz Community Center in Antwerp, Bel- gium, which opened last month. is the largest, most modern and one of the most beautiful community centers in Europe, it was reported by Samuel L. Haber, executive vice chairman of the Joint Distri- bution Committee. It is the only community center in Europe with an art gallery, Haber said. It also boasts the first Jewish library in Belgium, an underground parking garage, a discotheque for teenagers, a day care center for three- to five-year- olds, and an electronics laboratory where the youngsters can learn to make and repair their own TV sets and record players - under the guidance of an instructor, and other facilities. There are about 12,000 Jews in Antwerp, several hundred of whom immigrated recently from Eastern Europe, Haber continued. The community is mainly Orthodox and about 80 per cent of the children go to full-time Jewish schools. REV. SHALOM RALPH MOREL U 7-9489 zAltiliasH MOHEL 34114595 Rev. 7"`"" HERSIE ROTH ' Licensed-Certified Experienced Mohel t 352-3186 Rabbi A. M. COHEN Certified & Accredited MOHEL 542 - 6401 RABBI LEO GOILIMIAN Expert Yokel Serving Hospitals and Hamm U 2-4444 U 1-9769 Many of the Jews are diamond dealers and diamond cutters; Antwerp is one of the world's great diamond centers. The initial impetus for the con- struction of the center as well as funds to get it started came from the Joint Distribution Committee, Haber said. The Conference on Jewish Ma- terial Claims Against Germany re- ceived restitution funds from the German government for recon- struction programs in Europe, Haber explained. These were used for the construction of various community facilities - synagogue/ centers, homes for the aged. clinics, etc. Funds for JDC's health, welfare and rehabilitation programs are financed mainly by the campaigns of the United Jewish Appeal, Haber said. Oirth Announcements Sept. 12-To Mr. and Mrs. Allan Morton (Diane Kain), 30248 South- field, Southfield and Kirksville, Mo., a son Jerem:- Marc. • • • Sept. 9-To Mr. and Mrs. Sey- mour Rubenstein (June Levy), 17320 Madison, Southfield, a daugh- ter, Julie Lynn. • • • Sept. 2-To Dr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Goldberg (Marlette Zom. berg), 23530 Kenosha, Oak Park, a son, David. •S. • • Aug. 22-To- former Detroiter Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Weinstein (Alice C. Epstein), of Shaker Heights, 0., a son, Adam Joseph. Fuibright Peace Plan Brainchild of N.Y. Jew? NEW YORK (ZINS)-According to the UN Israeli correspondent of Haaretz stationed here, Senator Fulbright's highly publicized plan for bringing peace to the Middle East was the brainchild of a New York Jew by the name of S. Til- man. No information is available about Tilman, other than that he is list- ed as one of the senator's staff. It is noteworthy, they say, that the presumed author of the "Rogers Plan" also is Jewish-Henry Kis- singer, political adviser to Presi- dent Nixon. l . Happy New Year Have An Affair to Remember Sylvia's Fashions MORI LITTLE ma. Rd. 354-3554 (92 Slack West of Northwestern And Orchestra 26571 W. 12 Southfield, Mich. KE 4-5980 01115111A1k1 IOU is oak am am as al Size Description 4.141 1.44.14 Mom Womb 1•5 3.7 lonio• Price Price 3-34.3 304 444 D oom Dergosioi Doromimo 630.00 Goli Niko 644 141.• 1146•5-40 575.00 4115.00 150.00 14 11514 37514 2541 5541 255.00 255.00 15.00 645 bowl 273.00 1.1.114 1•113.11 Georm 355.00 205.00 543.00 75.00 1.34.1 Como Lormo 35.00 5.11144.1 0044 12405 11.11119.2 1149 Comorio 111.0.4. 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Cook= MIA 315.00 100.00 60111 456.00 8210 620.00 11100 14•3.00 141410 11113.00 • 4114.7 11.140/ 1114.11 0.4 • Limon kin 124 1534.11 14$11 531.00 tun 11014 1045.00 54 14.4.1151 loom• Imo kook WAS Mtn 14.74.11 11.111 115.545 110115 110.10 310.00 1755.00 555.00 1413.00 ma* 605 fonimo 111455 1015.00 Woo keeinmo N . Om loom 135.00 3.141.• 5500 &SAO 145.40 11141 41450 114,10 301.00 MAO 545.00 Mill 35100 51101 31 1.00 nen Mae - Ise:ell 6.11/111 . 11.130/ 01515 Ow 100 5.4 6.1.4 44 143512 1440 045510. 111. Mom 110 1110111 PLUS SAVE ON HUNDREDS OP OTHERS. ?MINN 11111110.1111111 14000 W. 8 MILE RD. 3 Wks. W. at Glandes • Oak Park S-2323 . c) HOURS FACISS..TNUIS-• gaL OPOI 'IN. • P.M., SUN. 12-5