14—Friday, October 2, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS Rosh llashana Message 5731-1971 By ALFRED E. KLEIN President, Flint Jewish Community Council The Jewish New Year is traditionally a period of rededication to the spiritual values that have kept our ancient faith alive and vibrant for almost six millenia. As we reflect on the happenings of the past year and pray for better tidings in the year to come, the welfare of so many of our less fortunate co-religionists is very much in our thoughts. At the time this message is being written, there is a cease fire _ ingly violated at the agreement and a promise to "stand still," seem very moment the agreement was being made. Deadly and highly ef- fective weapons of destruction now threaten air space over the Suez Canal and Israeli defense positions. And on her other borders, Israel's people face daily harassment by terrorists who recognize no political agreements—let alone honor them. On this Rosh Hashana, we Jews of America must meet the crisis with equal determination. Human needs do not diminish In time of crisis. While the people of Israel are defending their bor- ders and settlements, 50,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel last year and some 50,000 more are expetced in the year ahead. These seekers of freedom from oppression must be clothed, housed and educated. They must be cared for and given medical attention. They must be given the opportunity to be self-supporting members of a free society. That is the very reason for Israel's existence. On behalf of the officers and board of governors of the Flint Jewish community Council, and the thousands of Jews in the free world who depend on you, I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a healthy and fulfilling New Year. — Let this truly be the beginning of a year of remembrance—where we give testimony to 'We are our brother's keeper." Flint News Communal Calendar Oct. 4—Willowood Meeting, 7 p.m. 5—Beth Israel Sisterhood Open Board Meeting, 12:30 p.m. —Council Community Relations Committee Meeting, 8:30 p.m., Temple Beth El 6—Temple Beth El Sister- hood Board Meeting, 12:30 p.m. —Council Executive Com- mittee Meeting, Noon, Council Office —Bnai Brith Meeting, 8:30 p.m., Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge 7—Israel Bonds Parlor Meeting, 8 p.m., home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schafer 8—JWVA Meeting, 8:30 p.m. —Cong. Beth Israel Board Meeting, 8:30 p.m. • * * Bnai Brith has undertaken spon- sorship of the Israel Bond Drive in Flint this year. Members will Best Wishes For A Year of Peace, Health and Happiness To All Our Relatives, Friends and the Entire Jewish Community Plans are under way for the 41st annual donor luncheon of Ann Lobster Chapter, Hadassah to be held Nov. 17. Co-chairman Mesdames Joseph Weinstein, Harry Katz and Jerome Arenson said a change from the usual location will be the Coun- try Squire Restaurant. Muriel Bach of Chicago, will bring her one-woman show, Madam, Your Influence is Showing" which she has written, costumed and produced. The show consists of monologues, with costume and makeup changes, portraying the mother of the Wright Brothers, Mahat- ma Gandhi, John Wilkes Booth and Henrietta Szold. For tickets, contact chairman Mrs. Sidney Hartman or her as- sistants, Mesdames Harry Katz, Abe Heitzner, Marshall Cossman and Murray Moss. Decorations are to be done by Mesdames Nelson Schafer, Gerald Remick, Sol Gaynor, Carl Ritt- man and Charles Silverman. This year's journal is in the hands of Mesdames Asher Marder, Joseph Megdell, Arthur Silverman and H. H. Kesten, with Mrs. Hy- man Loikrec and 'Mrs. Martin Gor- den as chairmen. Statements will be sent by Mrs. Morris Goldenberg. Mrs. Harry Weisberger will take memorials and tributes for the book. Pub- licity, Mrs. Samuel Cossman. MR. and MRS. MORRIS DORN and FAMILY The Officers and Directors of the MOIES CHETIM ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT wish to extend their best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to all Synagogues, Organizations and all of the Detroit and Suburban Jewry for helping to carry out the Mitzva of Moies Chetim so no Jewish family or indi- vidual in our midst shall be denied the necessities for Pesach. HARRY M. SHULMAN, MORRIS DORN, MORREY GOULD, 'ABE KATZMAN, BAER KEIDAN, ABE SATOVSKY, MRS. SAMUEL LEVE, MRS. JOSEPH M. MARKEL, _ BEN WEISMAN, attend the Bnai Brith meeting 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Howard Nibbling at Freedom Johnson's Motor Lodge on Miller Whenever you start nibbling Rd. away at freedom of the press, it's hard to know where to stop . . . We've got to have a free press, whether it's responsible or not .. . Comings ... —Bernard Kilgore. Honorary President President Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres.—Trea. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Fin. Sec'y. Secy. Secy. and ... Goings Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pelavin have spent the past two weekends speaking to yoing leadership groups in Houston and Albany. * * • Mrs. Harvey L. Elford was elect- ed president of the Flint Area Ostomy Group at a dinner meet- ing. The organization is comprised of persons who have had one of four types of ostomy surgery. Murray M Eisen has associated with the Flint Institute for Men- tal Health, Inc., which provides adult and child therapy, parental guidance and marriage counsel- ing. President's Message for New Year By RICHARD M. NIXON It is often thought and expressed that we in the modern world know all the problems faced by mankind but have lust to find the solutions. =And in looking -,:for ways to ease man's struggles, we are more like- ly to suggest what others might or should "do. Jewish tradition teaches that the Ayower to do good or evil is in our own hands, and NIXON the season of the Jewish High Holy Days holds a meaningful lesson for men of all ..r One-Woman Show to Highlight Nov..17 Hadassah Donor faiths. At this time, we are urged to look inward, to examine our own lives and to consider what each of us can do for the betterment of mankind. These days of atone- ment prod us to an awareness of man's own worth and dignity, and of the divine and human poten- tialities within each of us. They are days of great hope, for the driving force of man's freedom is in his ability to look inward, ap- praise his limitations, and seek means to widen his horizons. My thoughts are with you as you begin these days of worship and I send my warmest wishes to all Americans of the Jewish faith for a new year of peace and happi- ness. Shana Tovah! VIOPPy:Nr elv- 7' The Directors And Officers Of The Crown Life Insurance Company In Toronto. Canada Join With The Detroit Center Agency And Their Many Agents And Associates In The State of Michigan To Wish Policyholders, Clients And Other Friends HERB & MARY HARRISON The Very Best Wishes Extend Best Wishes For For A Healthful And Prosperous A New Year of Peace, Health Happy New Year and Prosperity. •• ••• ■ ••• •■■ •• •• • I •• • . 11.* •i• • 4,1. sow. ••• •••• ••••••• *