Sir John Glubb's Description of Muhammad's Quest for Jewish Support, > ventual Animosity Temple Israel Sets a Multi-Media Selihot Service THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Fddsy, -Septurber HI, 1970 Politics is the greatest of all sciences.—Vauvenargues. Muhammad— Mohammed— "th e of Muhammad, told by Glubb In to political causes or to the basic Arabian Messenger of God"—wh o his historical analyses, are accom- similarities of their faiths." in his earliest preachments sough t panied by outlines of incidents in Glubb thus introduces a subject The community is invited to STOCKING • Jewish support and cooperation which their condemnations of that remains cause for deep dis- Temple Israel's third annual Self- later became the enemy of th e Jews, retaliations, battles, the pute and division of opinion among hot service, which ushers in the : Largest Selection of Fine Jews, persecuted man% in som e tragic end to established Jewish historians and theologians. American & Imported High Holy Days, 11 p.m. Sept. 28. communities, inspired massacre s settlements. Glubb naturally adopts a mod- A 10:30 reception in the social in leading centers. Sir John Glubb Thus, Glubb describes "what erate view toward Islam and he the British general who trained might be called the rehabilitation declares in his summary: "On hall will precede the service. • the Jordanian army and led it to of Mecca" which began after the whole, we are obliged to ad- The Temple Israel Youth Group .: victory over Israel in the battle Muhammad's "breach with the I af hard-to-beat mit that, while Islam counte- will participate, and Rabbis of the Israel War of Independence Jews," when tbe Apostle changed nances war and, in certain cir- • EVERYDAY • Leon Fram and M. Robert Syme, —the only Arabian force to be sue cumstances, even orders it, the the Qibla, the direction of prayer, cessful against Israel — describes from Jerusalem to Mecca. together with Cantor Harold Or- Muslim religion was not Pri- prices I the Muslim-Jewish struggles in marily propagated by the sword. bach and the temple choir, will The siege of Medina, the debate On the contrary, the first Arab "The Life and Times of Muham- Cuesfa-Rrey , conduct the service, featuring • mad," published by Stein and Day. that preceded Jewish opposition conquerors were conspicuous for original readings. The author of this important biog- and the warnings of an impending their moderation and for the raphy, who became known as destruction, receive emphatic con- toleration which they showed A highlight will be a multi- (available in natural or macluro wrapper) Glubb Pasha, throws much light sideration in the Glubb story of for other religions. Their mill- media presentation, with narrative, • on the Mohammedan history and Muhammad and his time. From tary conquests were indeed rapid music and special lighting and : 'BUY THE BOX' I the Qoran '(Koran), Chapter his description of Muhammad's but the conversion of the con- film effects, prepared by the tem- relations with Jews is especially XXXIII, Verse 25, the author quered peoples to Islam was ple's newly-formed creative liturgy ISO COGA NLit ■ $ 1 4M :a i quotes the reference to Jews as slow and was not achieved by committee, under the chairman- enlightening. ship of Ronald Stone. Glubb describes how "Jews bad People of the Book and the descrip- fs o i r ' become increasingly hostile to him tion of the defeat of "the untie Because of the issue it raises, For information on the service, (Muhammad) as time passed." Revers" who refused to follow it is interesting to point to the membership or the religious school • TOBACCONIST : CaMosuo Sisedoil Pipe Tiaras He tells how the Messenger of God Muhammad, thus: following Glubb statement that programs of Temple Israel, call • • "God drove back the unbelievers preceded the last quotation: "originally hoped for Jewish sup- • 21178 GREENFIELD ROAD the office, UN 3-7769. • In elevien4 Sieepplenp Center port against idolatrous Arabs,ieven in their rage and they gained no "A few years ago, I was stag- Opea Eirathsgs NO Sowleys if they refused to accept him as advantage and God was a suffi: gered by a statement in a letter PACKAOR IJOUOR MAUER There is a politeness of the • their messiah. He made lavish use cient defence for the believers, so which I received from a Jewish of Old Testament stories, he that they did not have to fight for friend. 'Christianity,' he wrote, 'has heart. It is akin to love.—Goetbe. •••••••••••••••••••••••• prayed facing Jerusalem and bor- God was Mighty and Glorious. always been the most cruel and rowed many minor practices from And He brought low those of the bestial of religions? I could scarce- People of the Book who supported Judaic ritual. believe my eyes. Did not Chris- from their forts, some of ly Legends,?-historic fact, quota- them believe that peacemakers are you killed and some you tians tions from many documents are whom blessed, for they shall be called made captives." provided as data for much of children of God? Did not Christ Glubb describes Muhammad's say, 'Love your enemies, bless the record incorporated in this role in claiming, as the Messen- them that curse you, do good to important biography cf the Mus- lim prophet. There is, as an ger of God, "that it was his mis- them that hate you?' But when my A. few large luxury student apartments available for fall: site to restore the religion of friend went on to describe the example of the dominance of nicely furnished, air cond., 2 bathrooms per apt., fire- Abraham. He had hoped for persecutions suffered by the Jews Muhammad's rule, this annota- Jewish support in this task and in Europe, I began to realize how tion: "The following paragraph proof. Manager on premises; balconies. Roommate service. had declared Jerusalem to be easy it is to attribute crimes to is taken verbatim from Ibn the Holy City towards which other religions. Nothing in the lahaq: 'The Apostle said, "Kill RIVER EDGE—WATERS EDGE APTS. any Jew_ who falls into year prayer should be nude. He used New Testament can be taken to One Block-from e-Campus many Old Testament stories to authorize the abominable treat- power." Thereupon Muludyisa Det. Telephone illustrate his theses and adopted ment meted out to Jews in Europe. ibn Masood leaped upon Ibn 1050 Waters Edge Dr. 868-9659 Sunaina, a Jewish merchant ... prayer, fasting and alms as the The nations concerned were sav- (517) 332-4432 • E. Lansing 358-5656 cornerstones of his religious age, brutal, greedy and fanatical, and killed him . . . His elder rites, as the Jews had done. and behaved in a way exactly onsteeblieleninai.Voilmoleolow/ennol.nnalynaritionnosnoonotallionowineasenaolnieebonoeeeno,„. brother beat him, saying, "Did you kill him when much of the Many of the revelations which contrary to the teaching of Christ." fat off your belly comes from he received were couched in a Glubb's total approach is inte- his. wealth?" But Muhalyisa re- style similar to passages in the resting, enlightening, inspires For the plied, "Had the cue who told me Old Testament. The rules which further study into the vast subject Most Elegant be promulgated on food were to kill him ordered me to kill he introduces. Theologians and Bar Mitzva similar to these observed by the historians will differ with much you, my brother, I would have Suits in Town Jews." cut off your head." ' " that he says, and even on the sub- with the Then came the drastic changes ject of New Testament anti-Semi- Medina Jews were predominant in the era of Muhammad in the and the animosities, as outlined tism he is not the total authority. Finest Fit But in the main, he treats an im- seventh century and much of the by Sir John Glubb, as follows: Slims and Huskies "After the migration to Medina, portant subject brilliantly and his prophet's wrath was against them, causing much suffering, resulting the Apostle changed a number of Muhammad biography is a valua- Too! ble contribution to the subject of in struggles between the three these rules notably those con- known "Jewish tribes," together cerned with praying towards Jeru- Islam and its prophet. —P.S. with Arabs who opposed Muham- salem, Sabbath observance and the mad, and culminating In a massa- annual fast, in order to make them cre of Jews. differ from Jewish practice. The Beth Am in New Quarters Temple Beth Am, Livonia's only Glubb comments on this score: separation between the Muslims "If the Jews of Medina had been and the Jews, however, was not Reform congregation, moved this week from the United Hebrew due to divergences over religious men of wide outlook and generous wisdom, it is possible that they dogma. Except for the rejection of Schools building to 30025 Curtiss, Muhammad Livonia. as the Messiah, Juda- might have discovered a method High Holy Day tickets and mem- of peaceful co-existence, for, iron- ism closely resembled Islam. The ically enough, the Jews were to breach was due to the fact that bership information can be ob- the Jews of Medina insisted on tained by calling the temple, 476- 20072 W. 7 Mile ■ „,•,;,,,„, become the allies of the Muslims RE 3-4310 against the Christians for many pouring ridicule on the Prophet 4100, or Mrs. Philip Gersten, 474- and on trying 1453. to make him and years after the Apostle's death. But how could the . Jews of Medina his message appear to be absurd. be men of broadminded vision? The Messenger of God virtually . . . They were themselves prob. eliminated the Jews of Medina ably early Arab converts to Juda- because their activities were doing OPENING SEPT. 22 ism and their daily lives in their injury to his mission. "Once he had established un- desert oasis were spent as market gardeners or small artisans. It is questioned authority over the true that there were among them Hejas, however, he did not perse- rabbis and that many of them had cute them, and Jews continued to an intimate textual knowledge of live in the area unmolested until (previously the 7 Star Barber Shop) the Pentateuch. But it was this they were evicted by Umar (a very knowledge which was to violent opponent of Muhammad), announces it's new location at prove their ruin. They could not after the Apostle's death. It is resist the temptation to show their interesting to note that, once the superior cleverness by pointing Jews ceased to be a danger to the out the factual inaccuracies of the survival of Islam, the two faiths (Hem 121/2 Mite Rd.) Apostle's version of the Old Testa- once again became allies against ment stories. Thus they made the Christianity and were to remain so until the rise same mistake as the satirists of Zionism in the (Arab poets who ridiculed Muham- 20th century. It is interesting to Finest in Men's Hair Styling mad)—they made the Messenger speculate whether the time-hon- by John Accardo of God look ridiculous by catching ored friendship between Judaism him out on points of sdetail. Unpre- and Islam is to be attributed more • Manicuring pared to fight, they were foolish • Special attention to children enough to goad the Muslims to ENROLL—EARN YOUR DEGREE rage by their clever pinpricks." of ,anal,. of Baia Mangan (5.111.11.),'MUtto of Philibloroby Gradvato of Rib!, Phi- The role of Judaizers, before losophy (GYRO.), Canso of Alstotanin For Your Convenience, Please - Muhammad, conversions to Jude-, Decay of Dianai (0.0.). Clayton/ by Stott, Coo- Gunn eon. raw ants for FREE Call For Appointment — 354-3736 ism among Arabs, the emerging rnooadaco 11001(LET. AMERICAN BIBLE INSTITUTE strong role of Jewish communities 0/4.A., P.O. Iles 1744 Kenai City, Ile. 64114 and their destruction at the wrath •■■ •....m...111 ■ 10.1•1•1•• ■ Lai.4- ,• `Ithoteb• ' I CIGARS 1 • • No. 898 I • • • I rabowst.K. I - AT MICH. STATE IN EAST LANSING . The Southfield Plaza Barber Shop 29734 Southfield Rd.