Moscow Jews Appeal to Brothers to Save Them; 2nd Note Goes to UN ests of the Jewish ethnic minority. We declare that forceful assimila- tion is the same thing as geno- cide." In Cleveland, the Jewish Com- munity Federation said Wednesday that it was planning a "construc- tive protest" against Soviet treat- ment of Jews when the Moiseyev Dance Company appears here this weekend. Under guidance of the federation's community relations That letter, and another address- committee, some 100 protesters ed to the delegates at the United will distribute pamphlets to pat- Nations General Assembly, was rons. (A similar protest was to be distributed to Western newsmen held in Detroit Thursday night, Tuesday. Both letters complained with heavy participation by youth of harassment and arrests of some groups.) Sidney Zilber, CRC chairman, Jews in other cities in recent said the pamphlets will extend a months and of house searches and welcome to the Soviet ballet confiscations of books of Jewish members but will also note that nature. They also complained that what the audience will be shown they were not permitted to live a "is but one side of the Russian full cultural and religious life in Russia or to emigrate to their story. There is another side, a side seldom seen, sordid, in- "spiritual homeland, Israel." humane and oppressive. The The letter to the UN was signed by 77 Jews, most of whom also story of oppression ef the Jewisb minority." signed the first letter. The pamphlet charges that "To The signatories channeled the be a Jew in the Soviet Union is to letters through foreign newsmen because, they. claimed; they had be subject to special repressive treatment," and it cites prohibi- no hope of delivery to the UN thri•igh the mails. One letter tions on Jewish education, religious reps-ted the arrest of 28 Jews observance and culture in the So in connection with a reported viet Union. Zilber said the CRC aircraft hijacking attempt at also will seek a meeting with Leningrad last June 15. Soviet Moiseyev troupe leaders. He said petitions would be cir- authorities have confirmed the culated at each of the three week Incident but have said nothing end Moiseyev performances to be sheet arrests ar searches. sent to the Soviet ambassador in According to reports from Mos- Washington "seeking release of cow, the number of Jews allowed the 28 Jews who have been arrest- to emigrate has declined in recent ed and permission for them to months to a "handful." leave so they can rejoin their There' is no free emigration for families." any SS-viet citizens, but applicants In Fontana, Wis., the 120 dele- are treated on an individual basis, gates to the international Pugwash LONDON (JTA) — Soviet Jews have complained openly that they are the only ethnic group in the USSR "who are ordered in plain terms, to assimilate, to dissolve, to disappear among other peoples." The charge was contained in a letter signed by 83 Moscow Jews appealing to "brother Jews" to unite "to save their brothers and sisters from the destruction that threatens them." and some have been allowed to conference on "Peace and Inter leave if their departure was not national Cooperation" were urged considered contrary to Soviet inter- "to take into your own hands and ests. Until recently, about 200 Jews hearts the oppression of the Soviet a month were permitted to leave Jews." The letter to "brother Jews" The appeal was delivered by a - complained that "The Soviet Union has long been without any kind of public organizations that could in some measure represent the inter- delegation of Jewish community leaders from Illinois and Wisconsin as 1,000 persons demonstrated in a downpour of rain outside the hotel Zeitlin Heads Quarterly Editorial Body PHIL.4DELPHIA=After serving their doctorates as graduates of a seditor-in-chief of the Jewish Dropsie University. The quarterly, which was the Solomon Zeitlin will continue his first Jewish scholarly publication association as chairman of the new in English, wa; originated in Eng- editorial board. A publication of land in October, 1888, by I. Abra- Dropsie University, the quarterly hams and G. G. Montefiore. After is considered the outstanding schol- 20 years, its publication was termi- arly magazine in the world pub- nated in July, 1908.,At that time, lished in the English language. the board of governors at Dropsie Dr. Zeitlin is Distinguished Pro- decided to take over the publica- fessor of Post-Biblical Literature tion of the quarterly. and Institutions at Dropsie Uni- The first issue published in the versity. United States was July, 1910, and Originally started in the late its first editors were the late Dr. 1880s in England, with a new Cyrus Adler, who was president of series initiated in 1910 by Dropsie Dropsie, and Dr. Solomon Schech- Quarterly Review for 30 years, Dr. University, the Jewish Quarterly Review is the only scholarly jour- nal published in English that re- flects the Judaica research proj- ects undertaken by Jewish and Christian students, professors and scholars the world over. The new editorial board under Dr. Zeitlin's chairmanship in- cludes: Dr. Irving A. Agus and Dr. Sidney B. Hoenig, professors of history at Yeshiva University; Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, professor of Bible, and Dr. Ellis Rivkin, professor of history at Hebrew Union College; Dr. Robert Gordis, professor of religion at Temple University and at the Jewish Theo- logical Seminary; Dr. Solomon Grayzel, professor of history, Dr. Leon Nemoy, scholar-in-residence; and Dr. Abraham I. .Katsh, presi- dent, all of Dropsie University; and Dr. Esra Shereshevsky, chair- man of the Hebrew Department at Temple University and associate professor of Hebrew languages and literature at Dropsie, who will serve as managing editor. Al] members of the board received ter, who was then president of the Jewish Theological Seminary and a member of the board of gover- nors at Dropsie. Over the years both Dr. Abraham A. Neuman, president emeritus, and Dr. Katsh, currently president, served as co- editors. "With the editorship in the hands of spirited men deeply devoted to scholarship," said Dr. Zeitlin, "I am confident that they will con- tinue the long tradition of the Quarterly, its high standard in scholarship and integrity. The Quarterly has always been a cita- del for true scholarship and it is my hope it will continue to serve as a beacon for enlightenment and growth of genuine scholarship." Dr. Zeitlin became the editor in 1940, and during his 30 years edi- torship he has made the Jewish Quarterly Review a vehicle for all branches of Jewish learning. Under his editorship, the quarterly is a vehicle for the publication by Jew- ish and Christian scholars in the field of the Bible and the inter- testamental periods. where the Pugwash Conference is being held. The demonstration, dubbed "Operation Exodus," was organ- ized by the Chicago Community Council of Jewish Organizations. The appeal was intended especial- ly for the notice of the 18 Soviet delegates to Pugwash. In Mexico City, 2,000 persons, most of them young, attended a public rally demanding permission for Soviet'Jews to emigrate to Is- rael. Resolutions to that effect were addressed to the Soviet gos- ernment. Soviet Writer Ends `Slander' Sentence THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, September 13, 1970 I claim not to have contzviled MOSCOW — Yuli M. Daniel, ar- rested and convicted for "slander- events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.—Abra- ing the Soviet state" with his short stories published under the pseu- donym, Nikolai Arzhak, was re- leased after serving his five-year prison term. Little known before their arrests, Daniel and fellow writer, Andrei D. Sinyaysky, became symbols to dissatisfied Soviet intellectuals for their valiant defense of the slan- der charge. Their trial in 1966 marked the beginning of Brezhnev- Kosygin controls on dissident intel- lectual activity. ham Lincoln. CARS TO BE DRIVEN To any state. Also drivers furnish- ad to drive your car anywhere. Lordly Insured and I.C.C. Ranged DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 9970 Grand River Detroit, Mich. 48204 — WE 1-0620-21-22 In Jerusalem, it was reported that Soviet Premier Kosygin apparently heeded Tina Brodet- skaya's appeal for permission to emigrate to Israel. The 36-year- old school teacher from Moscow arrived with her aged parents and a 20-year-old sister. Miss Brodetskaya addressed an open letter to Premier Kosygin last year which was published abroad.) A delegation representing the leadership of Canadian Jewry asked Premier Pierre Elliot Tru- deau to intervene on behalf of the rights of Soviet Jews when he vis- its Moscow next month. ' The delegation visited Trudeau and Foreign Minister Mitchell Sharp for two hours to discuss So- viet involvement in the Middle East, aerial hijacking and the sta- tus of Jews in the Soviet Union and Eastern Use our Check and Save Plan. 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