THE DETROIT JEWS= NEWS Friday, Sapleadaer 18, 1970-11 Magen David Adorn performs these humanitarian acts, irresPecthre of which the State of Israel solidly stands" Jewish Area Begun in Hebron, First Project in Occupied Land JERUSALEM (JTA)—Construc- tion work started this week on Kiryat Arba, a residential quarter for Jews in the West Bank town of Hebron. The project, which has aroused controversy in Israel, is the first of its kind in any of the Arab towns in territory occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war. It was undertaken by the gov ernment under pressure from Orth- odox elements, supported by the hard-line Gahal faction which ad- vocates Israel's permanent reten tion of all of the occupied terri tories. Factions opposed have argued that the project would compromise Israel's bargaining position in future negotiations with the Arabs. Hebron, the site of the Patri- archs Tomb which Orthodox Jews consider sacred, has had no per- manent Jewish population sine 1936. Since 1967, it has been under the jurisdiction of the Israeli mili- tary government for the Judea Region. Two years ago, a group of Orth. —HON. ZALMAN SHAZAR President of Israel IN WAR AND PEACE BY DA Y AND NIGHT MAGEN DAVID ADOM SAVES LIVES odox families squatted in the town and defied military govern- ment orders to leave. Subsequent- ly, they were moved inside the military government compound, but they have been agitating for permanent housing. The disclosure that work on the project has begun was made Monday by Dr. Zerach Warhaf- tig, minister of religious affairs, who dedicated a ritual bath for Orthodox women. _ Dr. Warhaftig said the occa- sion was an opportunity to send Premier Golda Meir "living greet- ings" from Jewish settlers in Heb- ron on the eve of her departure for the United States. Mrs. Meir has supported the Hebron project, but claimed that she was not foreclosing the return of the area to the Arabs under terms of some future peace treaty. Mrs. Meir has said that once a genuine peace was established, there was no reason why Jews could not live in Hebron even if it is outside of Israel. Israeli Supertanker Reported Damaged 'by Russian Freighter In a special article in the De- troit News, its military analyst, Col. R. D. Heinl Jr., stated that "a principal Arab objective in the effort to annihilate Israel has long been to sever or constrict sea- borne communications." His article reveals that a Rus- sian freighter collided with and seriously damaged the 240,000-ton Israel supertanker, the Aquarius, and the suspicion is that it may have been aimed 'deliberately. The tanker is now under repair. On Sept. 12, Israel quietly ',re- leased 14 Egyptian sailors who were picked up in distress off Haifa when their ship caught fire. Israelis consider such occur- rences trivial and routine actions, but in view of the hijacking this assumed special significance. The Egyptians were crewmen on the Greek ship Christina Marina which had to be abandoned: "They were picked up from two lifeboats by Israel coastal patrols who inter- rogated and released them. Hebron Arab _Leaders Visit Hebrew University Faculty of Agriculture, Science Institute in Rehovot entire area with sufficient water JERUSALEM — Some 30 Arab and make it fertile. teachers and public figures from Hebron—part of a group of Heb- The participants agreed that it ronites who took up Hebrew Ian- would be desirable to continue S guage studies after the Six-Day such tours and retain contact be- War under the auspices of the He- tween the Hebrew University and of Hebron. The brew University's adult education the population center—recently visited the univer- Adult Education Center will now sity's faculty of agriculture in try to arrange a meeting in Jeru- Rehovot. salem between the Hebron group and some of the several hundred Also, taking part in the tour students, both Arabs and Jews, were three Arab students, two of who are studying each other's whom are studying in Amman and language at the Ecce Homo Con- one in Cairo,. currently visiting vent on Aria Dolorosa, in the Old Israel under the special arrange- City of Jerusalem, under the ment for summer visits for Arab auspices of the center. students from neighboring coun- Several hundred Hebronites tries. have learned Hebrew at an ulpan Later, the group visited the (intensive Hebrew language Weiznuum Institute of Science, course) which was initiated in Heb- where they were addressed by ron by the Adult Education Center the president, Prof. Albert Sa- and has since continued under the bin, who spoke about the power direction of the city's language of science for constructive and school. destructive purposes. He The Arab-Jewish cultural project cussed the possibility of a re- is sponsored by the Yad Avi Haye- gional water project using atomic shuv (Rothschild Foundation). energy which could supply the Invest in ON SAMSBK wommonst mums revenue bureau claims that Nathan has paid no income tax on his prop- erty since 1965. He gained international fame for two solo flights into Egypt to persuade President Nasser to negotiate peace with Israel—he was promptly expelled on both occasions. More recently, Nathan was involved in the Biafran re- lief movement. His "peace ship," a former Dutch coaster donated by private parties and now registered in Panama, was intended to cruise the Eastern Mediterranean beam- ing "peace messages" to Israel and the Arab countries. But Na- than needs money for shortwave radio equipment and a crew. One of his properties here is the Cafe California, which became popular at the time of his flights to Egypt and is now frequented mainly by a Bohemian crowd: Magen David Adorn performs these humanitarian acts, irrespective of time and international crisis, that goes deeper than politics or creed. BRIG. GEN. S. L. A. MARSHALL Honorary Chairman Michigan Region A.R.M.D. HON. EMANUEL CELLER Member of Congress National Chairman For information about how you can help, write or phone AMERICAN RED MOGEN DOVID FOR ISRAEL—MICHIGAN REGION -' Oak Park, Michigan 48237 21631 Gardner A ' LI 8-5398 or LI 8-6698 "He who saves one life is considered to have saved the entire world" A Taxing Time for Israel's 'Mr. Peace Mission' TEL AVIV (JTA)—Abbie Nathan, Israel's one-nfan unofficial '"peace mission," was barred from leav- ing the country Sunday because of unpaid income tax amounting to 40,000 pounds ($11,600). Nathan returned home two weeks ago to liquidate his property in order to finance the operation of his "peace ship" which has been berthed at a New York City pier for more than a year. The internal MDA is Israel's official Red Cross Service MDA is Israel's civil defense health agency MDA is Israel's nation-wide ambulance service MDA is Israel's blood bank and vital research institute MDA is Israel's auxiliary medical personnel MDA maintains 13 First Aid Medical Centers—ready 14 hours a day to serve all the people of Israel. MDA produces disease-conquering vaccines and serum MDA is Israel's alert ambassador of aid and humanitarian as- _ sistance throughout the world. - - Your Support Is Urgently Needed This Coupon Could Save A Life To American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel Michigan Region 21631 Gardner Avenue, Oak Park, Mich. 48237 Please accept my contribution of $-- to assist the vital programs of Magen David Adorn in Israel Nome Address Zip Code ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE (this serationswirse is ramie possilpis ,Isr.friesies csoositted.ts this coons) 1111••■••••...