ZOA Convention Condemns Betrayals the United States to make it ex- • plicitly clear to the Soviet Union "The thinly masked Soviet that in our own national interest anti-Semitism which, under the we will not permit another guise of anti-Israel and anti- Czechoslovakian tragedy to engulf Zionist propaganda, engages in Israel." and encourages overt acts of Israeli leaders in addition to discrimination" w a s severely Ambassador Rabin who addressed condemn.2d in a convention resolution. the convention included members of the Knesset S. Z. Abramov, Major in the decisions of the an- Elimelech Rimalt and Leon Dult- nual ZOA convention were steps zin and Consul General Rehavem to assure a proper public relations Am i r, program to overcome the ma'ssive Other convention speakers in- Arab anti-Israel propaganda and eluded Secretary of Housing and renewed efforts for aliya— to en- Urban Development George Rom- courage settlement of American ney and Assistant Secretary of youth in Israel. State Alfred L. Atherton Jr. Cleve- (Continued from Page One) was presented by the national executive director, Leon Ilutovich. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 11, 1970-5 Arabist Dr. Pesach Shinar to Be Visitint, Professor at Dropsie U, who an PHILADELPHIA — Dr. Pessah "Readings in Arabic Historical "Three educational institutions utilizing as text his most ccmprise the newly expanded Shinar, professor of Arabic and Texts, - American center for pre-college Islamic studies at the Hebrew Uni- recent book. "Selections of Arabic education in Israel, established, versity, will join the faculty of Historical Texts," published in Dropsie University for, the coming Jerusalem in 1969. directed and maintained by the Dropsie University begins its 61st Zionist Organization of America, school year, it was announced by year Thursday with two new de- Dr. Abraham I. Katsh, president. near Ashkelon in southern Israel. They are the now famous Kfar One of the world's leading schol- partments added for the first time cog- Silver Agricultural High School (or ars in the field, Dr. Shinar joins to the college of Hebrew and Israeli students, the recently estab- Dropsie University's Middle East nate learning, Middle East Insti- lished Mollie Goodman Academic Institute as visiting professor of lute and division of education. The new departments are the Center High School for Americans and 1 Arabic and Islamic studies. for Manuscript Research and the Dr. Shinar, who taught at Drop- Joseph and Sally Randleman Corn- the just now opened David and Lil- lian Stern American-Israel Youth sie from 1956 to 1959 before return- munications Center. n Institute. The Kfar Silver Agri- i ing to Israel, will conduct three cultural School has an enrollment' new courses in Arabic and Islamic The role of Masada, the ZOA iind Amory addressed a special of 365 students, and is considered studies. youth organization, emerged as session devoted to the Jewish Na- among the three best in Israel." I He will teach the "History of the a vital factor in the delibera- tional Fund. In an important address to the I Islamic East" from 600 to 1250 tions, and the delegates resolved ZOA national leaders who had to strengthen the ycuth activities leading convention roles included delegates, Dr. Emanuel Neumann, I C. E.; "The Contemporary Magh- Rabbi Irving Miller, Rabbi Max ZOA honorary president, told of rib," which is the history of North in colleges and high schools and My kids give me orders and the new steps to reorganize the Africa; and an advanced course of in local community functions. Nusbaum, Dr. Harry Wechsler, my mother-in-law gives me Jewish Agency and stated that one The final sessions took place Harry Torczyner, Arnold R. Gins- orders. For the best in ad- of the chief figures in that effort burg, Mortimer May, Mendel against the backdrop of Israel's vertising why don't you give is Max M. Fisher of Detroit. He announcement that it would with- Fisher, Joseph W. Spector and me your order? Call called him "the chief spokesman draw from the peace talks at the others. Murry Kobtin Adv. and leader of our co-partners At a session conducted by Jack United Nations and the terrorist 5 4 8 - 5 6 0 0 (meaning non-Zionists) and prais- hijackings of four airliners, includ- Lefkowitz, ZOA treasurer, an i:n- ed Fisher's activities, stating: ,STE0 S•SNOS • DETROIT Y S ■ • 12 20001. ing an El Al airliner, over various portant analysis of ZOA activities "We have worked with him for parts of Europe with more than years in the United Israel Appeal. 600 passengers and crewmen on While he started out as a self- the four airliners. Israel's ambas- conscious non-Zionist — Friend of sador to the United States, Itzhak Israel—he has moved ever closer Over 1500 short, long, pant styles. For weddings, Rabin, condemned the hijackings parties, bridesmaids and mother-of-the-bride. Sizes to our positions until that term and told the ZOA dinner honoring •4 4 to 44. Priced from S29 to 5199. most of its significance. Torczyner: "I feel duty bound to Whether it was because of his Rus- 154 SO. WOODW ARD NEAR 15 MI. say that what has happened today Vi M. MICH MI. 2-4150 TEL AVIV—The most unique sian-Jewish ancestry or his own ( BIRMINGHAM is the result of the past tolerance native attraction to the state of and outright refusal of certain gov- diploma project recently at the Israel, we have been led to recog- ernments and international agen- ORT school in Givatayim was nize him not merely as a partner cies to treat these people as the Abraham Speizman's design for a but as a brother, as one with us in • criminals they are. It is the result ski lodge . . . in Israel. The pro- our sacred task." of surrender to their blackmail posed locale is Mount Hermon in Detroiters elected as member s when murderers are allowed to go the Golan Heights. Since 1967, an energetic snow of the national administration for free to be received as heroes in sports program has become an im- the coming year included Philip Arab capitals." portant Israeli development activi- Slomovitz, who was named an Gen. Rabin told the delegates honorary vice president, Dr. Joel ty there. that "the time has come for Speizman, an architecture stu- Hamburger, Dr. Alex Friedlaen- drastic action to be taken against who had never der, Richard Kramer, Louis Pan- dent, is a sabra - the terrorists and against the seen snow until he went up to ush, Dr. Sidney Leib and Leonard Arab governments which arm were named mem- Mount Hermon to research his Radner, who them and which hold innocent bers of the national executive coun- travellers as hostages." Ile de- project. There, he surprised the cil, and Carmi M. Slomovitz, one Glared that Israel will not stand management of Kibutz Hagoshrim, of the personal selectees of Presi- idly by but would safeguard its on whose land the planned site of dent-elect Weisman for NEC mem- air routes "on the basis of the ski lodge is set, with his ex- • Complete Hearing Tests & Evaluations reciprocity." haustive knowledge of every archi- bership. Herman L. Weisman, the new tectural and construction require- and other quality Hearing Aids Fitted Ile urged all governments and ment that must be met in design- president of ZOA, a nationally international agencies and bodies ing a workable, beautiful ski prominent Zionist leader, is cur- • Hearing Aids Repaired (Loaners provided) concerned with freedom of the I d e rently president of the Jewish Na- • Batteries & Accessories for all makes of aids skies to "act for the immediate Much of this knowhow was the tional Fund of America. He is a release of all the passengers, the result of an extensive correspon- former national chairman of the • Convalescent-Home Service aircraft and the crews." dente carried on by Speizman with United Palestine Appeal and has SHELDON SEGEL NATHAN LIPSON Focusing on the cease-fire viola- winter resort operators, architects held important offices in national UCENSED HEARING AID AUDIOLOGISTS tions by the Egyptians and Soviets, and builders in Switzerland and Jewish movements. A prominent Gen. Rabin told the dinner guests other countries. He also read every New York lawyer, he has authored that "by duplicity, by double talk book on the subject he could lay important pamphlets on Zionist issues. and by sheer conspiracy, the his hands on. Egyptians and the Soviets have Detroit convention delegates in- His performance impressed the tried to hoodwink the authors of educational examining board no cluded Dr. and Mrs. Joel Ham- the peace initiative and place Is- less than it did the kibutzniks. The burger, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fish- rael in a position of political and board's members, including promi- man, Dr. and Mrs. Alex Friedlaen- . military retreat." PONTIAC MALL ' TEL-TWELVE MALL rent architects, didn't find a sin- der, Norma Hudosh, Dr. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gen. Rabin declared that. the .le element in Speizman's project Weston , OPTICAL CENTER OPTICAL CENTER peace talks were conceived by the to question. In awarding him the Slomovitz, Dr. and Mrs. Sanford _} U.S. government "as a corridor to top grade (10), they added a com- Bennett and Judge and Mrs. Ira peace, not as an instrument for mendation. Kaufman. intimidation and black mail." At the banquet, CongresSman Ried called on President Nixon to initiate direct personal commu- nication with Soviet Communist You are cordially invited to purchase your tires at BIG SAV- Party leader Alexsei Kosygin and INGS at UNION TIRE. Available are: Premier Leonid Brezhnev over the Truck Tires Middle East situation. Original Equipment Radial Wheel Alignment Earlier in the convention, New Premiums Wide Ovals York's Governor. Nelson A. Wheel Balancing Snow Tires with General Electric Set Belted Glass Rockefeller called upon the U.S. Carbide Studs to see to it that the Egyptian government "immediately with- Our huge warehouse is convenient to Carl's Chop House and strategically draws" the missiles and other located near all expressways. We promise to show our appeciation with military equipment moved into experienced factory trained service and the lowest prices. the 32-mile cease-fire zone. He also called on the U.S. to suppl" Israel immediately with planes and other essential military ALL TIRES AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT PRICES equipment Israel needs to defend herself against the threat posed by the missiles' deployment. Goldberg told the delegates that. Lodge Expressway to Temple—Grand the survival of Israel is vital to River exit then turn right. the best interests of the U.S. De- Detroit — Phone 321-1234 claring that all Americans fervent- ly hope for a negotiated agreement 3140 Grand River between Israel and the Arab states (N...t. to Carl's Chop House) that will bring a just and lasting AL STUTZ, YOUR FRIENDLY PROPRIETOR WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS peace, Goldberg added: "A pre- requisite to such a peace is for My Wife Gives Me Orders! Israeli Ski Lodge Designed by ORT Student Rates 1st GOWNS TO FIT YOU! lost 0 a, SHANDELS C. Cufonb Rios of Qua libd 4-learirkg s 353-1166 You Are Invited... The Stutz Family TELEPHONE 321-1234 NEVER, NEVER UNDERSOLD NION TIRE CO. 682-1113