HIAS Helped 6,360 Migrants in 1969 NEW YORK (JTA)—United Hies Service assisted 6,360 men, wo- men and children to leave Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Cuba and to be reset- tled in the United States and otIL.r. free Western countries, it was re- vealed Monday by Gaynor I. Ja- cobson, the agency's executive vice president, in releasing his 1969 annual report. In addition, the agency helped some 55,000 others in such areas as: aid to aliens in the United rights for the 4,000 Jews in Syria, the 3,000 in Iraq and the 1,200 in Egypt. The agency resettled more than 1,600 refugees from the Mid- dle East and North Africa last year. "The plight of Soviet Jewry remained a constant priority of United Hias Service throughoa:. the year," Jacobson noted. "Our most important program Despite innumerable difficulties, in 1969 was that of assistance the agency was successful in re- to the thousands of Polish Jewish uniting 182 Soviet Jews with their refugees who continued to pour relatives during 1969 as compared into Western Europe," Jacobson with 96 in 1968. HIAS also reported stated. a registration of more than 3,000 During 1969, 5,144 Polish Jews Soviet Jews whose relatives in the Neo-Nazi Group Offers came to Vienna, of whom 3,411 United States are seeking family were transferred to United Hias reunion. Hate Via Telephone Service by the Jewish Agency for Last year, the agency assisted CLEVELAND (JTA)—A strident, Israel for resettlement assistance. 419 persons from Czechoslovakia, hysterical voice oozes messages of An additional 3,000 went directly hate against Jews and blacks 24 to Denmark and Sweden, some 172 from Cuba, 170 from Ro- mania and 105 from Hungary to hours a day. with United Hias Service help. emigrate and resettle. The ma- The voice, identified as belong. The plight of the thousands of jority of these have found new ing to one Charles Voros, is trans- Jews remaining in Arab countries homes in the United States, mitted on public telephones by a continued to deteriorate, according special recorded announcement to the report, and the security of The report indicated that during from the "Nationalist Socialist those in Moslem countries became 1969 the agency's expenditures to- taled $3,052,831. This was nearly Bookstore" in this city's West even more threatened. Side. United ,Hias Service made inten- $500,000 more than had been bud- The messages, changed weekly, sive efforts to secure emigration geted and was due primarily tc heavy and unanticipated expendi- deal with the drug scene, housing tures in assisting Polish Jews. problems and social ills, which are attributed to Jews and blacks. The 6 Notable Random Harold Friedman, president of disembodied recording tells the HIAS, in commenting on the an- listener to "compare our condi- Vintage Paperbacks nual report, stated that since its A series of important Vintage inception in 1884, United Hias tions to National Socialist Ger- many" to learn the answer to the Paperbacks have just been issued Service has assisted in the migra- by Random House. ills plaguing American society. tion and resettlement of close to Included in the new listings are: 4,000,000 men, women and children. "The differences are eye-open- Two volumes of "The Africa ing," the message recites in a monotone. "There were no dissent- Reader," under two titles: "Colon- ing, dissatisfied kids, no long- ial Africa" by Wilfred Cartey and Ancient Judean Coin haired grown men, no drugs, no Martin Kilson and "Independent blatant sexual rampaging, no Africa" edited by the same au- Goes to Calif. Museum BERKLEY, Calif.—One of the decadence. And no wonder: Na- thors. The rabbinic influence in tional Socialist Germany was free these areas is indicated by the co- six known Judean coins that were minted after the Jews had re- of the corruption of Marxist Jews." authors. John Womack, Jr., is the author turned from the Babylonian exile, To shore up this contention, of "Zapata and the Mexican Re- 440 BCE, but before the conquest the message continues "Adolph volution." Hitler put it another way. He of Israel by Alexander the Great, Another Vintage Random House 332 BCE, were recently presented said, 'Cut deeply into an abscess book is "Georg Lukacs—the Man, to the Judah Magnes Museum in our society, and crouching at His Work and Ideas," edited by here. the bottom you'll find a little G. H. R. Parkinson. A number of Jew boy often blinded by the Weighing only 0.6467 grams, the authoritative writers contributed silver coin made under the Per- sudden light.' " to this volume. sian rule, is the oldest Jewish The daily tape recordings have Among the most notable books coin that can be seen in the Unit- continued for months, providing appearing in the Randm series ed States. the latest "line" according to the em- of paperbacks is "The Lives of One side of the coin has "National Socialist White Peoples Chilcren" by George Dennison bossed design of an a vi Ath a Party." who offers a practical descrip- three - pronged plant, "iat is Discussions have been conducted tion of freedom in the story of thought to be a lily. The design with Ohio Bell Telephone officials the short-lived New York First was copied from the famous coins about the legality of using tele- issued by Athens for hundreds of Street School. phone lines for hate .propaganda. Officials have said they felt they J. David Greenstone, in "Labor years, starting in the 6th Century could not take legal steps to halt in American Politics," provides BCE. However, the other side is left the telephone service. -an important account of the labor It is estimated that hundreds of and social forces on the political blank so as not to desecrate the local residents dial the number arena and places a great deal of First Commandment: "Thou shalt daily—for various reasons includ- emphasis on Detroit personalities have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto me a in the labor ranks. ing curiosity. graven image." Before being placed into the museum, the coin will be displayed at several coin conventions. States; location of relatives in the U.S., Israel, Soviet Union, and other countries; resettlement as sistance in Latin America to mi- grants who arrived in prior years; and premigration services in the U.S. and Latin America to relatives and sponsors of prospective mi- . From Yemen on Eagle Wings Israeli-Druse Link Strong: Warhaftig JERUSALEM (JTA)—"The link between the people of Israel and the Druse community, including those living on the Golan Heights, is not coincidental or temporary —it has deep roots in the past and will continue for many generations to come for the benefit of both of our peoples, who have sealed their alliance with blood." So said Minister of Religious Affairs Dr. Zerah Warhaftig at the traditional ceremony at the grave of the Druse martyr, Al Yafouri, at Birket Ram on the Heights. Friday, September 4, 1970-35 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Medallic History of Jewish People Now entering its second year, "The Medallic History of the Jew- ish People" has proved a boon to rabbis and those who use each sculpted medal as a central start- ing point for discussion of a seg- ment of history. The medals issued to date show biblical figures, sites and events related to the heritage of the Jewish people. - The series, consisting of 120 medals, issued two a month, will be completed in 1974. The 3,200 Yemen is 1,000 miles and 500 years from Israel, but the age-old problem of anti-Semitic persecution plagued this Yemenite mother and her children. The Joint Distribution Committee, supported by the United Jewish Appeal, flew them on the legendary "wings of an eagle" to modern Israel where they will have a new life free from terror and hunger. FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT SAM EMMER And His Orchestra 358-0938 subscribers, whose personal series are struck in platinum, sterling silver or bronze, have- already received the first 24 medals. Their themes are: Abraham, Moses, Canaan, the 12 Tribes, Deborah, Samson, Samuel, Saul. David, Solomon Elijah, Jonah, Amos, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Rachel's Tomb, Ezekiel, Job, Re- turn from Exile, the Temple, Si- mon the Just, Ben Sira and the Maccabean revolt. Among the issues scheduled for MAX SCHRUT the second year of the project are medals commemorating Bar Kokh- For Good Photographs and Prompt Service Call Me at ba, Masada, the Mount of Olives. Rashi, Hillel and Shammai and Rabbi Akiva. Subscriptions to "The Medallic History of the Jewish People" are limited to those received by the BLAIR STUDIO Weddings - Bar Mitzvas We Come to Your Horne With Samples date of the closing of the rolls in June 1969. TY 5 -8805 Information about the availability UN 4-6845 MENTION THIS AD FOR SPECIAL GROUP RATES (5 ROOMS OR MORE) or BAR MITIVA! HAVING A WEDDING REGISTER YOUR OUT-OF•TOWN GUESTS AT THE BEAUTIFUL EMBASSY MOTEL Ideally Locted 1/4 Mile From Northland COLOR TV • Heated Pool - Hi-Fi - Restaurant Airport Transportation Available Ben Helpern, co - owner 14380 W. 8 MILE, OAK PARK NEXT TO VIC TANNY HEALTH CLUB r jis - • 41,, Me LI 8-1822 e. ......... Aawsawil ,t :. e t/ Norman Allan & Tux 17540 WYOMING • TEL 341-1330 • Men., Thur. Til 9 a•• JOE CORNELL SCHOOL OF BALLROOM DANCING IS NOW TAKING REGISTRATIONS FOR CHILDREN'S CLASSES. 1970-71 FUN-FILLED SEASON DANCE CLASSES INCLUDING THE LATEST FADS, PARTIES — NEW FRIENDS — SOCIAL ETIQUETTE All Classes Taught by "Uncle Joe" Cornell 25222 GREENFIELD at 10 Mile Rd., Oak Pork Dr. Warhaftig also spoke about the great economic development of the Druse villages on the Heights and about the organiza- tion of religious services. He announced that a special Druse kadi for the Heights would be appointed soon. The leaders of the Druse com- munity in Israel and on the Heights also addressed the gather- ing, expressing their appreciation. They included the Sheikhs Amin Tarif, Sliman Abu Salari and Labib Abu Rukn, as well as Kamal Mansour, the president's adviser on minorities. A former member of the Syrian Parliament, Kamal Kenj, presided at the ceremony. of subscriptions which may be re- linquished by present subscribers may be obtained from Fred Bertram, secretary, Judaic Heri- tage Society, Suite 4011, 866 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017. LI 3-0183 SERVING ONLY PRIME AND CHOICE MEATS SINGER'S K osher Me et K JACeK DATis i Kosher Meats v Poultry Mkt. PHIL SWARIN & 13721 W. 9 MILE at RIDGEDALE U 7-8111 WE DELIVER