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August 14, 1970 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1970-08-14

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'Struggle for Power' in Israel's Religious Ranks

Jewish News Special Israel
TEL AVIV—Even during the ill-
ness of the late leader of the Na-
tional Religious Party (NRP),
Moshe Haim Shapiro, a silent
struggle was going on over his
succession. The NRP has passed
a great internal crisis, which
created three groups fighting for
this succession. The group of Dr.
Itzhak Rafael, which is supported
by the apparatus of the party, has
a majority of 53 per cent in the
party. The second group consists
of young functionaries of the NRP,
a part of the religious kibutz set-
tlements and the party leaders,
Michael Hazani (vice-minister of
education) and Dr. J. S. Ben-heir
(a former minister of the inte-
rior). The third group comprises
some dissatisfied leaders such as
the former Knesset member, Mo-
she Unna, the former member of
the Sokhnut Executive, David Ben-
Arye, and others, who support the
candidacy of Dr. Ben-Meir.

Just before the death of Bairn

Friday, August 14, 1970-9


AJCongress Backs Food Stamps for Needy Jews

NEW YORK — When New York a program for more than a year.
zani. In order to avoid further City institutes use of the Federal
member besides the minister for
In a letter to the city's commis-
frictions a n d confrontations Food Stamp Program for welfare sioner of social services, American
welfare, Dr. Josef Burg and the
within the party leadership, Dr. clients Sept. 1, it will have the sup- Jewish Congress noted that the
minister for religious affairs, Dr.
J. Burg should head the party port of the American Jewish Con- stamps will enable observant Jews
Zerah Warhaftig. It is more or
list in the next Knesset elec- gress, which has pressed for such on welfare to buy kosher foods. •
less certain that Dr. Burg will
become minister of the interior in
place of the late Haim Moshe Sha-
leaders suggest
Some party
piro. Dr. Itzhak Rafael seems to choosing the third minister "from
be the chief candidate for the outside". As candidates the direc-
third ministerial post, the portfo- tor of the prime minister's office,
lio of welfare. In this case, Dr. Dr. J. Herzog, the state control-
Rafael would give up his mem- ler, Dr. A. Nebenzahl, the party
bership in the Knesset in order leader of Haifa, Dr. Lifschitz,
Formerly at 7 Mile - Schaefer
to coopt the son of his chief com- were named, but there are hardly
petitor (Dr. J. S. Ben-:Mir), Dr. any prospects for them to succeed.
Shopping Center
Jehuda Rosenberg, as new Knes-
With the death of Haim Moshe
set member of the NRP. In this Shapiro, the position of the
10 1/2 Greenfield
case it is expected that Dr. Ben- "doves" in the leadership of the
Empire Koshered, Oven Ready Poultry
Nleir would come to an agreement NRP has been extremely weakend.
Cut Up or Whole
with Dr. Rafael. But against such The majority in the party leader-
an agreement are the party lead- ship and its Knesset faction con-
Serving the Finest Quality Meat and Poultry
er. Michael Hazani, and the reli- sists of "hawks", but they are not
Satisfaction Guaranteed
gious kibbutz movement. The dis- supporting the extreme position of
satisfied functionaries in the NRP Knesset member Rabbi Z. Neria
are strongly against the candida- and other leaders, who are against
ture of Dr. Rafael. They are sup- any concession regarding the oc-
porting either Hazani or Dr. Ben- 1 cupied territories.
Meir. An agreement between Ra-
Once the NRP had distinguished •
fael and Ben-Heir could lead to
I religious leaders like Rabbi Fish-

Moshe Shapiro, the groups of
Dr. Rafael and Dr. Ben-Meir
reached an agreement on divid-
ing the functions in the party.
Rafael was elected chairman of
the party's executive. and Dr.
Ben-Heir should head the new
political committee of the party.
But when the leaders of the reli-
gious kibutz, Moshe Una, David
Bat-Arie, the Knesset member
Simha Friedman and the secre-
tary of the religious kibbutz
movement, Shlomo Levy, heard
about this agreement. they an-
nounced their opposition to it.
The struggle in the NRP has

now turned from a struggle of
succession (as it became clear
that there is no suitable successor
to Ilaim Moshe Shapiro) into a
struggle for the third

Carl's Kosher

Meat & Poultry Market

a split in the party, as about 30
per cent of its members would
not accept such a develo2ment.
Therefore it looks as if the final
competition for the post of the
third minister would be between
Dr. Rafael and Dr. Ben-heir or
between Dr. Rafael and Hazani.
Rafael will he the candidate of
cne group and the second candi-
date ( Ben-Heir or liazanil would
he decided by a vote in the second
group. The other two ministers of
the party. Dr. Burg, and Dr.
Z. Warhaftig are trying not to be-
come involved in this issue.

The party favors a collective
leadership, consisting of the two
ministers, Dr. J. Burg and Dr.
Z. Warhaftig, and the three can-
didates for the post of the third
cabinet member. Dr. J. Rafael,

ed in Stephen Wise Congress
House, 15 E. 84th St., New York,
and is under the direction of Mr,.

Libby R. Adelman.
The new center is expected to
provide information on current
programs, activities and studies in-
volving Negroes and Jews, espe-
cially little-known efforts in com-
munities that may lend themselves
to duplication in other parts of the
Mrs. Adelman said that more
than 300 organizations, responding-
to an initial questionnaire, indi-
cated their desire to participate in

man (Maimon), Rabbi Berlin
(Bar-Ilan), Rabbi Zeev Gold. Rab-
bi Itzhak Nissenbau -n, Rabbi Brod.
Heshel Farbstein, etc.
After the death of Haim Moshe
Shapiro it looks as if the party
leaders, who are involved in a
fierce succession struggle for 2ow-
er, are more interested in pro-
moting their personal ambitions
and aims rather than the interests
and aims of the party.


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zations in the fields of housing, ed-
ucation and civil rights; local
Fine clothes for over 35 years y
groups engaged in similar activ-
ities. and universities.
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About a third of these, she said. *
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ll'e Accept Mach. Bankard •
responded that they are now or
• Sectirtty • Masters
have recently engaged in programs 71, - Dtuers
Open Daily 9:30 to 6 lg.
in which Blacks and Jews have
worked together.



onymous donor has provided the
Israel Museum here with a val-
uable collection of modern art
and will- provide funds for a new
wing to house the collection, it
was announced here.
The donor was described as a
widow living in America. She and
her husband started their collec- I
tion in London in the 19301 and
later moved to the United States. '


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the Information Center and receive
material on it. They include gov-

Anonymous Donor Gives
Art to Israel Museum

So much to see, so much
to do in Israel...GO!

To any state. Also drivers furnish-
ed to drive your car anywhere.
Legally insured and I.C.C. licensed

Dr. J. S. Ben-heir and M. Ha•

New AJCongress I nformation Center
to Funnel Race Relations Work

NEW YORK — Establishment of
an Information Center on Jewish-
Negro Relations that will funnel ,
details of cooperative efforts be-
tween the two groups nationwide
to an expected 1,000 institutions,
organizations and individuals work-;
ing in intergroup relations was an-
nounced by the American Jewish
Richard Ravitch, chairman of
the AJC's commission on urban
affairs, mane the announcement
and slated that the Center is locat-



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