St. John's Delightful South American Travelogue Robert St. John is famed as one of the pioneer radio broadcasters, as foreign correspondent, an inter- preter of world affairs. In the course of his coverage of world news, at the UN, in many coun- tries, he has become a traveler skilled in observing the customs, the habits, the characteristics of many peoples. He has not only authored impor- tant works on Israel, the Jordan River, Eliezer ben Yehudah, the fathter of modern Hebrew, David Ben-Gurion and "Jews, Justice and Judaism," but has also covered Latin American and other areas. In his last two ventures he has added the observations of his wife, Ruth, and becasue of the glamour she adds to his depicted experi- ences, his latest book, "South America More or Less" (published by Doubleday), gains special significance. South Amer ea More ROBERT ST. JOHN A Imai of trawl • dirt al;•iits+ of mad.. rotamila,...615,714 It's a delightful work. It is descriptive of many Latin American centers and their peo- ples Caracas, Belem, Recife, Bahia, Rio, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Asuncion, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Santiago, La Paz, Machu Picchu, Lima, Gua- yaquil . It is anecdotal, filled with adventure, historically in- structive, revealing in its anal- ysis of current developments. It is a highly imaginative work, as the reproduction of the cover picture indicates: the author utilized postage stamps from the areas he covered. As a travelogue it is superb— and the recollections of earlier events and of personal acquaint; ances, many related to Jewry and Israel, add the usual interest the St. John works have for Jewish readers. Indeed, his wife's role is woven in splendidly—although she is not listed as a co-author. But she cer- tainly is a collaborator. Pernambuco. Here they braved tropical tliseases, almost un- bearable heat and other jungle conditions in return for the right to worship as they pleased. But the arm of the Inquisition was long enough to reach across the ccean. Spies and agents provoca- teurs arrived to apprehend them and thousands were burned at the stake as a lesson to South Amer- ican natives about what would happen to them if they failed to show proper respect for their white-faced rulers. For years the Jews lived in fear. Any non-Jew who denounced a secret Jew was rewarded with a sizable percent- Sarah Reisman, Active in Mizrachi, Education Sarah Reisman, who for more than half a century had been active in behalf of educational circles and Mizrachi, died Saturday at age 90. She lived at 14801 Lincoln, Oak Park. Funeral services were held Sun- day at Kaufman Chapel. Surviving are three sons, Drs. Frank, Samuel and David; a daughter, Mrs. Max (Mildred) Steiner; 16 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Shortly after she arrived in De- troit from Poland, Mrs. Reisman assumed responsibility for many projects in Orthodox Jewish cir- cles and for many years was active in Mizrachi women's groups. She was primarily interested in the work of the United Hebrew Schools where her children and some of her grandchildren were educated. She aided Zionist and educational causes during many years of serv- ice for them. age of the apprehended man's confiscated property. "Then the Dutch sent an armed expedition to capture Pernam- buco, which was seized under cover of darkness and was re- named Recife. For the next 30 years under Dutch rule the Euro- pean Jews lived well, even be- coming owners of plantations, traders and engineers. But in 1654 the Portuguese retook the city and gave the Jews the choice ROBERT AND RUTH ST. JOHN of baptism or exile. With little hesitation most chose exile. Some friendship between the two coun- his head vigorously. When I left for the Netherlands on Dutch tries: asked what his interest was he ships, others on Portuguese ves- "Once the Israeli ambassador replied simply: sels. one of which was boarded "You are fighting for princi- gave a formal reception and sent in the Caribbean by Spanish pir- out 600 invitations. If it had ples that I believe in." ates, who might have put the 23 "'He was very unhappy when been an average turnout, 400 Jews aboard to death had not a might have appeared, but at the I told him his services could not French privateer, the St. Char- possibly be accepted. He spent appointed hour 900 were on les, arrived and rescued them. the night with us and then, very hand. The 300 who came without The French captain demanded reluctantly, went back to his being invited all said, in effect, 2,500 guilders to take them to the ranch.'" one way or another, I'm sure nearest port, which he said was There are many more incidents you meant to invite me, too, but New Amsterdam. After six more somehow you failed to send me in the St. John story of great months at sea, the 23 were final- an invitation so I came anyway merit. In Lima he was suddenly ly put ashore at New Amster- in order to save you any embar- stopped by a man who reminded dam, then little more than a him he was Zeev Ardon, the Isra- rassment. village, with narrow dirt roads "Hagai told us that 15 Israelis eli who had traveled with him. and a few scattered houses, but were teaching Hebrew in various Ardon said he recognized him be- which someday would be New schools in Uruguay, while one cause "Only St. John dashes like Ycrk, with the largest Jewish public school had been named that!" He urged that he meet a population of any city in the the State of Israel School. Israel friend who wanted to "say hello" world." buys $2,000,000 worth of meat to the biographer of Ben-Gurion. From cover to cover St. John's a year from Uruguay and in ex- St. John makes note of Israel's change sends her fertilizers, "South America More or Less" is role in the world and in the Latin pharmzceuticals, chemical s, filled with interesting episodes. American countries, and it is tools and other manufactured It's a truly delightful book by a especially noteworthy to quote the goods. During the Six-Day War delightful man•, and his charming following from the report he offers of 1967, 12,000 people flocked to wife has a good role in the travel- on Asuncion: the city stadium to demonstrate ogue. "Paraguay is so poor that she is in favor of Israel. Among the able to afford diplomatic relations speakers were leaders of all po- with few of her fellow members litical parties except the Com- of the United Nations. It costs a munists. Just before the war small country a great deal of started, a 10-year-old Uruguayan money to maintain an embassy in Washington, London, Paris or even Damascus or Jerusalem. And if Paraguay can afford embassies in only a limited number of coun- tries, then only a limited number of countries will have embassies in Asuncion. That is why the only Middle Eastern country represent- ed in Asuncion is Israel and there is no Swiss ambassador and no Canadian ambassador. The only Communist country with an em- bassy in Asuncion is Yugoslavia, but Paraguay must share Yugo- slavia's ambassador with Argen- tina." The remarkably good relations established between Israel and Uruguay is credited to the able efforts of the Uruguayan ambassa- dor Hagai Dikan about whom St. John writes commendably. St. John describes the democratic spirit in Uruguay, the friendship with Israel, Uruguay's pioneering as the first country to have sent an am- bassador to Israel, the visit there of Israel's president, the studies about Israel in Uruguayan schools. St. John provides the following delightful facts in relation to this THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, August 14, 1970 girl, having heard by radio that Israel was about to be destroyed, came to the Israeli Embassy on Jewish Leaders Reject JDL Plans for Militant Rally Sophie Katz, 74 Sophie L. Katz, a member of many women's organizations, died Sunday at age 74. Mrs. Katz, 16500 N. Park, South- field, lived in the Detroit area for 50 years. She was born in Russia. A member of Temple Beth El and its sisterhood, Mrs. Katz also belonged to Women's American ORT, Hadassah, National Council of Jewish Women, Pioneer Women and the Jewish National Fund Auxiliary. Surviving are her husband, Saul A.; a son, Marvin; two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Helen) Silberstein of Columbus and Mrs. Albert (Joyce) Feurring; and 11 grandchildren. Florence Cohen, 74; Was ORT Leader Florence G. Cohen, first fund- raising chairman in Detroit for Worben's American ORT, died Sun- day at age 74. Mrs. Cohen, a member of Tem- ple Beth El and its sisterhood, also belonged to National Council of Jewish Women, was originator and first chairman of the council's re- sale shop and was a past officer of Music Study Club. Born in Chicago, Mrs. Cohen lived in the Detroit area for 55 years. She resided at 16210 W. Nine Mile, Southfield. Survivors are a son, Norman; a daughter, Mrs. Frederick (Elaine) Sauve; two sisters, Mrs. John (Sarah) Flesch and Mrs. Lilly Steinberg; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish community leaders in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn have attacked as "detrimental 'to the people of the community" the Jew- ish Defense League plans for a "But the best story of all," rally at the site of the Crown Hagai said with a large grin, 'is Heights Jewish Community Coun- something that happened late cil headquarters which was fire- one night that same week. Tam- bombed on July 21. Sarah Reisman, 89 ara and I were about to go to In announcing the rally, JDL bed when there was a furious Sarah Reisman, 89, a member of it would no longer tolerate There are some personal refer- pounding on our front door. said attacks upon Jewish persons and several communal organizations, ences by the author, but one is When I opened it there stood a property in Crown Heights and died last Saturday. of special interest. At Asuncion, gaucho who was in his seventies Born in Poland, Mrs. Reisman "retaliate in kind against he met a delightful couple: he, if he was a day. He had a three- would was a member of Shedlitzer Far- future assaults on Jews." American; she, a native of Asun- day beard and he seemed about any Stating ein, Pioneer Women, United He- that Jewish officials cion. They lived in New York, to collapse. We wouldn't let him cf poverty agencies had been brew Schools and Cong. Beth Te- she became lonesome for her talk until he sat down and Tam- filo Emanuel Tikva. She was an threatened, Jewish residents as- native land, and they moved back ara made some mate for him. saulted and Jewish religious in- active worker in the Israel Bond to Paraguay. St. John wonders Then he told us why he was drives. said, "The stitutions burned, JDL whether the husband, Pete, could here. He had walked 150 miles Mrs. Reisman, 14801 Lincoln, be happy away from the big city from his ranch to volunteer his key to these assaults upon Jewish Oak Park, leaves three sons, Dr. of New York. The author there- services as a soldier in the up- rights is the image of a Jew in- Frank, Dr. Samuel and Dr. David unwilling to fight capable or upon suggests that "most mixed coming Middle East war. In his of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Max marriages create complications." youth he had been an artillery- back." "If the goons and hoodlums who (Mildred) Steiner; 16 grandchildren and parenthetically he com- man in the Uruguayan army. and five great-grandchildren. ments: "Ours—Ruth's and mine Now he wanted to be sent to have been terrorizing the neigh- —was an exception." Israel "to help." When I asked borhood think that Jewish rights For him and his wife the Jewess whether he was a Jew he shook can be violated with impunity, we are prepared to teach them the there are some Jewish experi- kind of lesson that even they will ences, one of them in Recife, in be able to understand in its sub- Brazil, the center that figured so lime simplicity," it said. much in the story of the first Jew- Dr. Alvin S. Geffen, a dentist Jewish community leaders, who with offices at 530 Telegraph, ish settlers in America. The St. asked not to be identified, said the Dearborn for 22 years, died last Johns state frankly that they "dis- Messenger of Good Tidings JDL had not been invited by the Saturday at age 47. liked the city" but the author re- Golda promptly called for an community. lates the following: All because of a word, Gahal Dr. Gef fen, 22051 Ivanhoe, "This puts the fat in the fire," Southfield, was a native Detroiter. "In the 15th Century, when the leader Menahem Begin withdrew English dictionary, which revealed Jews were forced out of Spain from the Israeli coalition. When that the definitions for acknowl- one said, "The end result of the He was a member of Cong. Sha- by the machinations of Isabella U.S. Secretary of State William edge include "to recognize the rally will be to chase the rest of arey Zedek and Alpha Omega Den- and Ferdinand, they went first to Rogers called for—in his peace authority or claims of: recognize the Jews out of Crown Heights." tal Fraternity. Portugal and then, when life be- plan — "acknowledgment" of Is- in legal form." JDL has a right to do as it Surviving are his wife, Nori; a came uncomfortable for them rael's sovereignty, Begin protested Was Begin convinced? Or, more please, they declared, but it is a son, Bradley; two daughters, there, some of them moved, to Golda Meir that Nasser might importantly, how many Arabic "lot of nerve on their part to in- Cindy and Heidi; and two sisters, across the Atlantic to what is I acknowledge Israel's sovereignty interpretations are there of the volve the Jewish community. or Mrs. George (Frances) Moss and word? now Recife but then was called but he would never recognize it. Community Council in their plans." Mrs. Mildred Fox. her way to school and gave Am- bassador Dikan a diamond ring she had inherited on the death of her mother because she want- ed to help Israel. Ha' Mevasser 1 Dr. Alvin Geffen, Dentist, Dead at 47