14—Friday, August 14, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Wiesenthars Center Will Stay Open as Lon. , as Activities L e(ral Gov t. Says NEW YORK (JTA )—The office operation. Dr. Mussi state d: said he would he "pleased to rem of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky of "There is absolutely no truth to der any assistance I can, not only Austria has advised the American these rumors. Nobody in any of- as a United States senator, but as Jewish Committee that the closing ficial capacity and certainly no a human being who shares your of Simon Wiesenthl's Document- member of the Austrian Federal sentiments and admires your ation Center in Vienna "is not im- Government has demanded the steadfast determination to save pending or intended as long as Mr. closing of the center and no legal the interests of free men every- Wiesenthal's activities remain steps are intended as long as the where." New York's other Republican within the scope of Austrian lass." center's activities remain within senator, Jacob K. Javits, said in a Dr. Ingo Mussi, representing the the scope of Austrian law." letter to Harry Evans of New York At the end of his letter, Dr. vacationing Dr. Kreisky, replied io City that while he had no authority a letter from AJCommittee Presi- Mussi reiterated that "there is to act in the matter. He had writ- dent E. Hoffman, who had written therefore no truth at all to any ten to the State Department "far to the Chancellor last week "to in- rumors in this connection." The comment and a report." Sen. quire about the status" of the cen- Austrian spokesman added that • Javits said he understood the Gratz has "repudiated" Wiesen- ter. "deep concern" being expressed that's "unjust" attacks on him "Since this organization," Hoff- by friends of the center. other government officials. man wrote, referring to the AJColo- and Fifty-five persons held a mittee, "has enjoyed a fruitful Wiesenthal has charged that "silent witness" demonstration "five of the 11 Austrian minis- relationship with Mr. Wiesenthal. Monday afternoon outside the ters had h Nazi past." and we have also admired the assistance that postwar Austria regimes have given to the center's work, we are most anxious to clarify this issue." Wiesenthal has charged the Aus trian government with threatening to close his center and has singled out Socialist Party Secretary Leo- pold Gratz for having allegedly called the center—a "secret agent" This "criticism" of Wiesenthal "falls well within the scope of the democratic freedom of opinion," Dr. Mussi wrote. Sen. Charles E. Goodell, Repub- lican of New York, wrote to Wie- senthal Monday to voice his "great concern over the intended plans to close the historic Jewish Docu- mentation Center in Austria." Ile Israel Spy Relates His Adventures as Freind of Egyptian Officers .e memoirs of TEL A\ "champagne spy" Wolfgang Lotz. recently published here under the title "Mission to Cairo." read more like a novel than real-life exploits performed on behalf of the Israel government. Lotz. a West German who spied for Israel in Egypt until he was arrested in February 1965. was called the "champagne spy" by a superior in Israeli intelligence who had to approve his expense accounts. And they were some accounts. From January 1961 to 1965, Lot:: played the part of a wealthy, care- free foreigner who sympathized partied with with Egypt and They Egyptian officers. senior thought he was a free-spending horse breeder and riding enthm- iast. In reality, he was obtaining valuable hits of information from them. Lotz, who was released from Egyptian jail in 1968 and now Lotz and his wife once were de- tained near a secret missile base which they were investigating on instructions from Tel Aviv. But friends at Egyptian military intcl- :igence vouched for them and arranged their release. Later Lotz went to a party given by an armored corps colonel and attended by senior army and navy officers. He was embraced by a general in military intelligence who cried: "Long live the spy. Listen, friends, this story is fan- tastic. Our noble friend . . . went to have a picnic at one of our • rocket bases near the (Suez) Canal. and I had to extricate him when he was arrested . . ." Later that night, Lotz writes, the general asked him. as a per- sonal favor, to keep an eye on sonic German electronic experts connected with a missile project, Austrian Mission here carrying signs and lighted candles. A concentration camp survivor don- ned the striped uniform he had worn at Dachau. The fellow that says. "I may he wrong, but—" does not believe there can be any such possibility. —Kin Hubbard. Moscow, the Communist (In youth newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, accused Wiesenthal of run- ning an Israeli "spy center" fin- anced by the U.S. Central Intelli- gence Agency, the British Intelli- gence Service and the Shin Bet. It charged him with hunting Nazis who escaped to South America "while he displayed a strange helplessness in searching for such FREE NAPKINS With every invitation order of Wedding, Bar-Mitzvo, Shower etc. Back Door Gallery Zip Printing Nazis who are openly living in Vienna near his office." The paper 28631 SOUTHFIELD alse NORTHLAND SHOPPING CENTER also said the center has been mak- 352-6780 352-4114 For Further Information ing "utterly false" charges of anti- Semitic activities in socialist states. Flint News SUMMER SALE SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schafer were hosts at a cocktail party hon- oring her brother Daniel Winsen's engagement to Miss Hilda Siegel. JEWISH WAR VETERANS The Flint Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary received a citation from the department, for its outstanding contribution to the Tel Hashomer Hospital in Israel. ON TROPICAL SUMMER SUITS AND SUMMER SPORT COATS ALTERATION FREE VARIETY OF STYLES & COLORS OF It's Nice To Deal With Joe Slatkin's TUXEDOES, EDWARDIAN FLARE PANTS DEXTER CHEVROLET EXPERT ALTERATIONS ON LADIES, MEN'S AND CHILDRENS CLOTHES! 20811 W. 8 Mile between Southfield S. Telegraph 534-1400 Our Proaseso To You: BETTER SERVICE! RADOM TAILORS and CLOTHIERS 22141 COOLIDGE DAILY 9 A.M.-7 P.M. 398-9188 OAK PARK THURS. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. and to find out how they felt about the Egyptian government. Every man has his follies—and lives somewhere in Israel, re- calls that his Egyptian drinking , often they are the most interest- partners unwittingly protected him on occasien. ing things he has got. — Josh Billings. YOUR SCOTCH DOLLAR BUYS MORE WITH * Malben Gives Purpose to Israel Aged uF SCO r "400 DER'S ITCH LAUDEIt S World-wide Lauder's Scotch has a tradition of quality and smooth taste ... it's been around sines 1834. THE GROWINGEST SCOTCH FROM COAST-TO-COAST L AU I SCC Wir41 4:41 Authentic Scotch dollar G ULCGOil ±tR sSgeti vei (Crown) minted SCOTLYNN 0 it 55105 Appeal help support this network of old age homes, hospitals for-the chronically ill, rehabilitation centers and sheltered workshops in Israel. EST ri Caft4iO4 O SiweNSC et fro, efiaig j This elderly man leads a useful, productive life in a JDC-Malben home, creating graceful pottery vases. Gifts to the United Jewish gOOUCT I between 1603-1625 Symbol of Lauder's $ 5 18 FIFTH 52 " 45PINT AU TAXES INCLUDED 5 12 51 ' 1 GAL 100% BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKIES, IMPOR TED I BOETLED BY GOODERHAAt & Wan, DETROIT, ND H.