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July 31, 1970 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1970-07-31

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Tisha b'Av Plea in Synagogues Launched by JNF

Boris Smolar's

'Between You
... and Me'

(Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, J.T.A.)
(Copyright 1970, JTA Inc.)

Maurice Plesser, chairman, and
Jesse Eisen, co-chairman of the
religious department of the Jewish
National Fund, announced the ap-
pointment of Rabbi Ascher Yager
as chairman of the 1970 National
Tisha b'Av Appeal for the Jewish
National Fund. Rabbi Yager is
spiritual leader of the Inwood
Jewish Center in New York.
In the past, more than 300 con-
gregations throughout the country
responded to this appeal. Rabbi
Yager aims to enlist the support of
many more synagogues. It is sug-
gested that the appeal be conduct-
ed during services, either on Shah-
at morning, Aug. 8, Shabbat
Hazon, the Sabbath before Tisha
b'Av, or on Tisha b'Av eve, Mon-
day evening before the Kinot pray-
ers, Aug. N.
Rubin Al. Dobin, coordinator of
the JNF religious department, sta-
ed that the proceeds of this year's
Tisha b'Av campaign will be direct-
ed towards the new reclamation
and tree planting program now be-

NIXON'S MOODS: You may be pro-Nixon or anti-Nixon, but one
has to admit that President Nixon is now beginning to live up to the
pro-Israel pledge which he made two years ago at a Bnai Brith dinner
in Washington where he appeared accompanied by his friend, Max 31.
Fisher, • the noted Jewish leader. Also, that he does it in the face of
formidable opposition from various directions.
President Nixon's stand at present vis-a-vis the Soviet position in
the Arab-Israel conflict—especially with regard to the Soviet attempts
to escalate the war at the Suez Canal—amounts to a confrontation.
Not a military confrontation, but one which Moscow will have to take
seriously. His stand now is a clear-cut warning to the Kremlin that
the United States is determined to back Israel in maintaining the
balance of power which the Soviet government seeks to change in
favor of the Arabs.
It seems to be clear now to President Nixon, and to some of his
close advisers, that Moscow is following in the Middle East the method
termed by Nikita Khruschev, the deposed Soviet leader, as "salami
tactics." This is a Soviet method of reaching the aim slice by slice in
foreign adventures. First a small move is made. If it meets with no
firm opposition, additional small moves are made. When the world
wakes up, the Kremlin has achieved its objective of complete control.
In Egypt, this started with financial and technical aid. Then came
military supplies, later came military advisers, and finally there are
now Russian troops to operate missile bases and Russian pilots to fly
Russian warplanes. If no firm opposition is shown to the Soviet inten-
tions at the Suez Canal, where the Russians are now building up strong
military installations for the purpose of crossing the canal, who knows
how far their "salami tactics" may go and whether we may not see
Soviet military installations very near to Tel Aviv?
WASHINGTON REFLECTIONS: All indications point to the fact
that President Nixon and his close advisers are beginning to realize
that the situation at the Suez Canal is at present very much similar
to that of the Soviet attempts to impose a blockade on Berlin in 1948
and to the crisis in 1962 when the Russians brought their missiles to
Cuba to establish themselves at the back door of the United States.
On both occasions they were forced to retreat when they were met by
determined American action.
Taking a leaf from history of dealing with Soviet tactics, it is now
more obvious than ever to many in Washington—although not to pro-
Arab elements in the State Department—that the United States has
to give Israel all possible support in putting up firm resistance at the
Suez Canal. This is imperative not only in the interests of Israel but
also in the interests of the United States, including the American oil
interests which would eventually fall under Soviet domination if Israel's
blocking of the Suez Canal were broken and Soviet penetration in the
direction of the Persian Gulf is thus made easier.
It is being realized in Washington that by meeting the Russian
challenge at the Suez Canal, Israel would be doing a job of crucial
importance to the West. However, to meet this challenge effectively,
it is obvious that Israel must have the unwavering support of the
United States. Only if Moscow knows that the U.S. is firmly committed
to help Israel—and is ready to do it now—will the Russians be deterred
from attempting brinksmanship at the Suez Canal. Nixon's former deci-
sion to forestall selling planes to Israel was read by the Russians as
sign of American hesitation.
President Nixon seems to be mindful now of these facts. He is
also aware of the fact that Israel is determined to outstare the Russians
on the bank of the Suez Canal—or even face military encounters—by
doing the job alone. And he apparently visualizes that if America does
not back up now Israel's attempt to make a firm stand against the
Russians, the American position in the Middle East and in the Medi-
terranean will be no less exposed in the future than the Israeli positions
are today. •
SOVIET DOUBLE - TALK: The feeling is now growing in Washington
that all the Soviet statements about reaching an Arab-Israel "political
solution" are mere double-talk, as long as Moscow fortifies its military
position in Egypt by pouring in there more and more war materiel and
military personnel.
On the other hand, Israel made it clear to Washington that in being
determined to hold the Suez Canal cease-fire line, she does not intend
to ask for American soldiers or pilots. All she wants is weapons from
the United States.
The Israelis need now more aircraft and replacement of aircraft
lost or damaged in battle, or made obsolete. They need more naval
craft to protect their long coast line. And they nef.d more modern tanks
to counter the latest Soviet tanks supplied to Egypt and Syria. This is
not much to ask for by a small country which today stands firmly as a
bastion of democracy in such a strategically important part of the world
as the Middle East.
There are now quite a number of influential men in the Nixon
administration who think that the Russian aims in the Middle East
must not go unchecked and that Israel should get all the American
aid she needs. But there are also isolationist elements in Washington.
It is certain, however, that Israel's request for American aid will not
go unheeded if the Russians will engage in brinkmanship at the Suez
Canal driving matters to the brink of danger for Israel.

Increase of Taxes Certain for Israel

TEL AVIV (JTA)—The chairman inevitable. He called for an urgent
of the Knesset finance committee, decision on the nature of such
Israel Kragmann, said in Haifa taxation. Possibilities include high-
that increasing expenditures for er fuel prices and higher taxes on
security have made tax increases airline and ship tickets.

people from

ing conducted in Greater Jeru- dorsed the 1970 Tisha b'Av appeal.
Headquarters for the appeal have
National rabbinical and congre- been established in JNF House, 42
gational organizations have en- E. 69th St., New York.

Friday, July 31, 1970--9


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