U.S. Will Act to Keep M.E. Balance Sisco (Continued from Page 8) tack across the canal or in a flank- ing attack from the sea on the Israel-held Sinai coast. Sources here noted that in recent days Is- rael has muted its request for more Phantom and Skyhawk jets. They intimate that the Israelis are satis- fied, for the time being, with the arrangement reportedly ordered by President Nixon. State Department spokesman Earl E. Bartch said Tuesday that the American ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jacob D. Beam, met for 75 minutes last Friday in Mos- cow with Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. But he declined to disclose the content of their talk, which has been reported as part of an attempt by the United States to persuade the Kremlin to ease the tension in the Middle East caused by its military buildup there. Asked a bout Soviet-American progress on the Mid East, Bartch replied: "It's always difficult to talk about progress. so I have no comment." Bartch said he did not know when there would be an- other meeting between Dobrynin and Secretary of State William P. Rogers. He said there was no meeting scheduled between Dobry- nin and Sisco. Sisco acknowledged that the "heavy" Soviet involvement in the Middle East has "affected the balance" in that region and declared that "the United States is resolved to do anything neces- sary" to preserve it. Sisco made his remarks on the NBC television program, "Meet the Press." "The heavy Soviet involvement has injected a new qualitative fac- tor," he said. Ile declined to say whether the U. S. will provide Is- rael with the additional combat jets it has requested or to com- ment on a Newsweek report that additional planes have already been sold. Sisco referred to President Rich- ard M. Nfixon's pledge of July I to preserve Israel's deterrent strength and told the newsmen, "Just take President Nixon's state- ment at face value. Two U. S. senators, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, agreed in separate interviews that the Middle East was far more important to the United States than Vietnam and constituted a graver threat to the free world. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, spoke on the NBC television program "Searchlight," and Sen. Stuart Symington, Missouri Democrat, spoke on the CBS television pro- . gram "Face the Nation." Sen. Javits said the Middle East crisis has "infinitely greater urgency for the United States" than the situation in Vietnam. "The fundamental interest and in- deed the future of the entire free world" depends on the outcome of the Mid East conflict, he said, and "We're not going to let it go down the drain." Sen. Javits said he did not think Israel would launch a pre-emptive strike at Soviet missile bases across the Suez Canal, add- ing, "I hope they don't." Sen. Symington called the Mid East situation "infinitely more serious" and "more important to the U. S. than Vietnam." He said Soviet success in that region would make it the dominant factor in the Mid East and "the whole concept of NATO would fall on its face." He warned that the failure to sell more jets to Israel "would guaran- tee Israel's destruction." He said he didn't think the U. S. had a secret agreement to supply more jets to Israel. Sources in Washing- ton reported over the weekend that the Defense Department has warned the Nixon administration against military involvement in the Mid East. • According to the sources, the De- fense Department recognizes that the U. S. possesses no immediate military means of intervening ex- cept the Sixth Fleet, but use of the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 17, 1970-9 C 1--- i - -- T H. Grunt G fleet in the Mid East struggle would tion might be "a Russian missile tion with Egypt and other Arab .4. - ,, 7 not have the backing of America's umbrella over the (Suez) canal" countries." He added: "We would not ex- INCORPORATED , NATO allies. The Sixth Fleet pres- supplemented by Soviet air cover , ently is said to number 40 ships. for Egyptian artillery and even pect them to leave readily, but it --", two aircraft carriers and . a total ground offensives against the Is-'is conceivable that part of the set- - (1 of 153 planes. American naval doc- raeli-held east bank of the water- tlement under the Security Coun- trine calls for the dispatch of one way. He said that in contrast, cil resolution would be the removal or two additional carriers to crisis Israel threatens no new Vietnam of foreign troops from the area." On the question of more Ameri- I areas, but since this has not been for the United States. rtistry done in the Mediterranean, thei Israel's ambassador to the Ican jets for Israel, Rogers stated: ■- States, Gen. Itzhak 1"We stand where we stood when indications are that there is no United serious consideration of employ- Rabin emerged from a meeting I I had my last press conference." ing U. S. military power in that with Sisco Friday and told news- At that time, June 25, he held a area, the sources said. men that his country intends to jet decision further in abeyance and said, "I think for the moment maintain full freedom of action Secretary of Defense Melvin R. the emphasis should be on diplo- for its air force in the Suez com- Laird asserted that "We are go- 20010.JamesCouzensDrive ing to maintain a strategic and I bat zone It was clear that Israel math: initiatives, and such an an- Detroit 35, Michigan has informed the U. S. that it in- nouncement now would be counter- military balance" in the Middle - Asked whether he tended to sharply step up air Productive. East, adding: "We have said we Co.npate Octi,/atte.g.. raids on missile installations in thought Israel would launch a pre- would and we will deliver." Phone:342-5666 Egypt : emptive strike across the Suez Secretary Laird's statement, , United Nations Secretary General Canal, Rogers replied: "I hope made at a press conference, was not as strong as President Nixon's U Thant had an hour-long meeting not. Everyone is quite aware of Classified Ads Get Quick Results on July 1, that the U. S. will "do with President Nixon Friday after- i the risks that would be involved." what is necessary to maintain Is- noon. Earlier, addressing a lunch- rael's strength" and "deter its eon given in his honor by mem- . neighbors from attacking." But it hers of Congress, Thant referred to was stronger than Secretary of Vietnam and the Middle East. State Rogers' June 25 statement He called the former the "most that "for the moment the emphasis colossal horror story ever written should be on diplomatic initia- by man" and intimated that he tives." felt the Middle East was poten- The Nixon and Laird remarks, tially as dangerous as Southeast , made in succession within two Asia. But Thant reiterated -the weeks of Rogers' news conference, statement he made a few days ' appeared to corroborate reports earlier in Geneva that both he and that the administration considers the UN's special Mid East envoy, • Rogers' comments too restrained Ambassador Gunnar V. Jarring, in view of the growing Soviet threat had agreed that there was at pres- I ent no basis for reactivating the in the Mid East. Secretary Laird reiterated the latter's peace-seeking mission. 14240 W. 7 Mile Road at the Lodge X-Way administration position that the Thant appealed to the permanent DI 1-3800 U. S. has no plans to send troops members of the Security Council to Israel's aid. But he noted that — United States, Soviet Russia. the American Sixth Fleet was "in Britain, France and Nationalist a good state of readiness" in the China—to exert all their efforts to Mediterranean. secure Mid East peace through Laird officially confirmed Israeli implementing the Council's Nov. 22, reports of SAM-3 activity in the 1267 resolution. Mid East. He included them in a Rogers Expresses Concern reference in which he said the So- With Edging of Soviet-Egyptian viets in that area "have gone for-i Missile System Closer to Suez ward with new anti-aircraft mis- LONDON (JTA)—Secretary of 5 siles." (On Tuesday, Bartch would State William P. Rogers left London say only that Washington had "no for Washington Sunday afternoon SEMI" •••4111kPaPAILJAPAIL reason to doubt the substance" of following two days of talks with the Israeli claim.) British government leaders which Sen. Charles Goodell said the were devoted largely to the crisis Middle East could become a "Rus- in the Middle East. sian Vietnam." The New York Re- The Jewish Telegraphic Agency publican referred to the growing learned from authoritative sources escalation of Soviet manpower and that the Middle East was a major military equipment in Egypt. item on the agenda of Rogers' "We know from our own bitter talks with Prime Minister Edward experience (in Vietnam) how easy Heath. it is for a great military power, It also figured in a larger dis- once it provides military advisers cussion that followed in which to an underdeveloped country with Rogers, ranking members of his little capacity or inclination for entourage and U. S. Ambassador self-defense, to slide from 'training' Walter Annenberg participated local forces to carrying out 'de- along with Heath, Foreign Secre- fensive' missions, to bearing the tary Sir Alec Douglas-Home and REG. $29.95442.50 — SIZES 14-20 main brunt of the fighting," he BELOW MANUFACTURERS' COST Defense Minister Lord Carrington. said. • At a press conference Saturday, Sen. Goodell, whose remarks were delivered at the convention Rogers stressed that the United of Brith Shalom, Jewish fraternal States was very seriously concern- order, at Kiamesha Lake, N. Y., ed by the apparent edging of the REG. $35-$69.95 — SIZES 36-44 said the next step in Soviet escala- Soviet-Egyptian missile defense BELOW MANUFACTURERS' COST system ever closer to the Suez • Canal zone. "There are SAM-3s in Israeli Nurses Call Halt BOY'S & MEN'S--REG. 9.95-24.95 that area, and we are concerned at the prospect that they (the Rus- LIGHTWEIGHT to Strike for 2 Weeks sians) may be deploying them $500 JERUSALEM. (JTA) — Israel's closer to the Suez Canal than pre- 11,000 nurses "suspended" their viously," he said. "Clearly the four-day old strike for a two-week situation is a serious one, as Presi- period during which negotiations dent Nixon said in his television ENTIRE STOCK on their wage claims will be re- appearance the other night." Ask- sumed. ed whether the U. S. would replace If negotiations proceed satisfac- Israeli aircraft losses, Secretary torially the suspension will be ex- Rogers - replied, "We shall resist Reg. 5.95 to 12.95 the temptation of commenting on tended. military matters." The central executive of the BOY'S & MEN'S Rogers said Wednesday that "We Nurses Union said they were sus- pending their strike "in view of expect a response some time soon" the fact that the prime minister. on the United States Middle East the ICnesset and the Histadrut peace initiative," possibly from have admitted the justice of our Arab rather than Soviet sources." case." He said he had obtained that word from Soviet Ambassador The nurses strike distrupted all Anatoly F. Dobrynin Tuesday. but emergency medical services in Israel's hospitals. Rogers, holding his first news conference since his return from GATEWAY CENTER, ROCHESTER Contributions to the United Foun- the international tour, called the 652-0300 dation Torch Drive underwrite op- SAM-3 missile activity in Egypt Look for Opening August First erating costs of 32 child care "a very serious development" in services, 25 health research cen- which "all parties are well aware Locations to Serve You! ! ters, 54 health and medical serv- of what the risks are." NORTHLAND CENTER OAKLAND MALL ices, 68 character-building services The secretary asserted: "I think SOUTHFIELD TROY for youths, 32 services for the their (the Soviet Union's) presence 357-4-433 588-8330 aging and 44 services for troubled there is part of their foreign policy. 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