Purely Commentary Sensation Seeking vs. Truth Probing - - Jack Anderson's most recent column negates all the established , facts in relation to the charge—Arab-manufactured—that Americans are fighting in Israel's armed forces against the Arabs. When this charge first was leveled, it was established, through figures obtained from the American embassies and the State Depart- ment, that there were less than three dozen American youths who had enrolled in the Israeli forces. But because there are 20,000 American Jews in Israel—he hasn't established how many Christians are among the 20,000, since many non-Jews are devotedly and devoutly pro-Israel —there is the assumption that American Jews are actively engaged in warfare against the Arabs. When a correspondent writes that U.S. draft dodgers are volun- teering for service in Israel he tells only an exaggerated story in a prejudice-creating fashion. Let it be set straight: of course, there are 20,000 Americans in Israel: and the hope of propagators of Aliya is that the number will increase 10-fold—for the obvious reason that there is a spiritual affinity between us and Israel, and there is the call of the ages and of our heritage for Jews to settle in Israel. If participation in Israel's defense through labor on the farms. enrollment in universities, the building of industries, it to be inter- preted as membership in defense forces, then the need can be inter- preted ideally, ethically, humanely. So be it! But the allusion of military participation that would subject enrollees in Israel's defense in an illegal role is a rather indecent thing to say. It is sensation-seeking, not fact-finding. Jack Anderson has been leaning for many years in the direction of sensation-mongering that has often been harmful to Jews. He had blundered previously, even in the years when he was the mere assistant to the late Drew Pearson whose successor he became when the eminent columnist died about two years ago. What he does hardly lends either dignity or honor to Drew Pearson's memory. • • By Philip Former State Department Official's Strong Stand for Firm Action by U.S. in Mid East . . Egyptian Position and the USSR Ambitions. SIOMOIritZ erent in Sensational Journalism Responsible Statesmanship Negates the Prejudices Inh decency in relationships between citizens in this country and Sensational journalism is undermining in our international relations. The Jack Anderson approach to the Middle East problem is alluded to by a note of all-too-evident prejudice in the Na- elsewhee in these columns. Now we are again confronted tional Observer which has pursued a policy so antagonistic to Israel and to Jewry that we are forced to give their views some attention. In its report of the statement on peace plans made last week by Secretary of State William P. Rogers (bylined in the Observer by Lawrence Mosher and Wesley Pruden Jr.), there appears this paragraph: "Said one State Department man: 'The Israelis have been told that nothing is for free anymore'. " This is so outrageous, so misleading, that it calls for challenge as well as condemnation. If a State Department official really made this statement then the department should investigate the attitude of a prejudiced employe. asked for will be fully paid for, The fact is-that Israel is not asking for free gifts, that the jets as have all previous orders. on to agree There is another untrue paragraph in theObserver report. "Israel has steadfastly refused meeting insisting instead to talks with the Aabs under the supervision of the UN or the big powers, the advantage the Arabs in direct head-to-head talks. Only by direct talks, the Israelis argue, can they use Arabs." in the Six-Day War to put the necessary pressure on the of their stunning victory that Israel has reiterated for some time that there could also be indirect talks, as at The truth is Dr. Gunnar Jarring and is willing to conduct Rhodes in 1948, and that Israel has had discussions with But the possibilities of talks become negotiations with the Arabs unto a point of eventually coming to terms. measure to the prejudices that are encouraged by enemies of Israel. more difficult due in great take into account the protection Israel provides for the American These enemies would do well to the Middle East by keeping the Suez Canal closed, by creating the obstacle to Russia's attaining position in control of the Mediterranean in defiance of the U.S. and as a menace to the New York Times U.S.. What needs to be done was outlined in the Sunday Magazine section, in an article, "Suez Is the Front to Watch," by former Un- dersecretary of State George W. Ball, who reviewed the complex situation and declared the following to be necessities in the present situation: "So long as the United States continues to watch the evolution of the chances events in the Middle East with her thoughts largely elsewhere, of reviving serious discussions looking toward an over all settlement seem quite remote. But now the deployment of Soviet pilots has added a new element of urgency, and--provided we have the realism and incisivenew The Russian Bear and Its Hug . . . Nasser . . . Naguib to react to the danger—effective common action may be possible this time. For the historical records, because of the vast amount of research "If we do face up to the problem, and the President gains the under- already done in accounting for the Russian aspirations in the Medi- standing and support of the American people, we should be in a position terranean and in the effort to include the Middle East among its to demand, on threat of direct American military involvement, that the captives, a significant approach to the issue is contained in C. L. SoViets remove most if not all of their military personnel from Egypt. At Sulzberger's report from Erivan. the USSR. Sulzberger's "Where the the same time we should insist on urgent action to develop an agreed-upon Middle East Begins" is a long report but its value justifies its being blueprint for the settlement of the Middle Eastern problem, including quoted: necessary guarantees for both sides. ERIVAN, U.S.S.R.—In discussing "To be effective, such a 'demarche' would require as a prelude a George W. Ball Moscow's policy toward the Middle Ever since the first Soviet weap- message to the American people and full and urgent consultations with key members shipments to Cairo (disguised clear Presidential East, many people forget that the ons as a "Czechoslovakian" deal) Mos- of the Congress, for the President must make it clear to the leaders of the Kremlin not only that he is Soviet Union is itself a Middle cow's stock has been steadily rising determined to bring matters to a showdown but that he carries with him the support of the nation and Eastern power. The U.S.S.R. con- his words ino action. tains many Moslems and borders in Egypt. is thus able to translate This is not a "Zionist propagandist" speaking. These are the warnings and admonitions of a Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. Leg- Nor have the Russians neglected tested statesman who has represented the U.S. at the UN as well as at the State Department. If we endary heroes of the Middle East- other Middle Eastern areas, are to face the issue realistically there must be recognition of a serious American .stake whichis pres- ern past came from what is now But Egypt is the key country and ently protected by Israel, the only democracy of merit in the Middle East. Soviet territory. We are confident that serious-minded Americans will not ignore the facts. To accept them there there the Russians have played a , One is reminded of all this in the particularly subtle game, avoiding must be a rejection of the prejudices that often creep into speculative news commentaries. capital of Soviet Armenia, to all sponsorship of any Communist intents and purposes Middle East. revolutionary program and even in- ern. The Armenians live here, in refraining from complaint when was still in power there was the belief that he would strive for peace more serious than is frequently more Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. Right Nasser locks up local Communists. with Israel. That was one of the heatening reports that were brought dicated. Concern also is much back to us after he had met with the Egyptian deposed statesman by extensive. across the way in Turkey towers When the Egyptian revolution be- ZINS news agency this week car- F. Pierrot. the famous Armenian peak of gan with the ouster of King Farouk the eminent Detroiter, George ried an item datelined Naples, Italy On Nov. 8, 1952, upon his return from Cairo, Pierrot informed us: Ararat of Noah's Ark. and then, just seventeen years ago, which stated: Russia's traditional quest for in- Egypt was proclaimed a republic General Naguib does not remem• fluence to the south, a quest that under Mohammed Naguib, Moscow ber the Arab-Israel war with pride, disagreements with Israel can be U.S. Admiral Horatio Rivera, commander of NATO forces in became serious in the eighteenth laid low. A year later Naguib was He believes the faulty showing of settled without war. Jewish people can and do hold Southern Europe, uredicts that, if century, resembles other great ousted, Nasser moved from behind Egyptian troops was due to the power drives into contiguous areas the scenes to take open control. rottenness of King Farouk and his good positions in Egypt, and many war r out, the Soviet Medi associates higher up. Naguib spoke own thriving businesses. Ability is terranean fleet would be smashed —those of Germany into central I then uTote: Europe, China- into southern Asia, "The ouster of General Naguib with intensity about these matters. what counts in getting a Boob job, within a matter of six hours, ac- Yet, though he was three times not nationality or race, "Jewish cording to an interview with him. of or of America into Mexico. as Cairo's first President is part This historical Russian push saw a volcanic process whose end is wounded while fighting in the front people are not mistreated in EgYPt, published in the newspaper Eu. gradual extension of control over still uncertain. Naguib is the Keren- lines with his troops, he did not and as long as I am in authority, rona. Within 60 minutes, said the admiral, the Straits of Gibraltar huge non•Siavic areas in the Cau• sky of the Egyptian revolution; but seem to hold any rancor. He told they will not be." General Naguib said he feared and the Bosporus would be blocked, casus and central Asia until it ran he might not be the only Kerensky. us of corruption in higher staff into British opposition. Britain Before it runs its turgid course the pcsitions controlled by Farouk, of that some Jewish leaders have in Forcing the Russians to choose be- propped up Ottoman Turkey, built revolution on the Nile may devour grenades that contained only sand, the back of their minds further and tween two alternatives: surrender an Indian colonial army, and called others of its children." of ammunition that exploded Are- large expansion of Jewish territory or annihilation. If the Suez Canal a halt to the penetration of Iran. Naguib--the Kerensky with a fez maturely, killing Egyptian troops, at the expense of the Arabs. He were open, Admiral Rivera noted, The United States shouldered this —is still under what Nasser calls of medical supplies that arrived would like assurance on this point.' the Soviet flotilla could escape via He said that upwards of a mil. that route; but the Suez is blocked policy when Britain faded out of "palace arrest," meaning that he either too late or in insufficient the empire business and Moscow's has luxurious quarters but no lib-! quantity. He spoke angrily of an lion Arabs have been displaced and the Israelis are maintaining -a initial efforts after World War II erty. Meanwhile Nasser has con-'' 511,000,000 munition purchase deal from their homes in Israel by the watchful vigilance to make sure to gain pieces of eastern Turkey selidated his position despite mili- i n which Farouk profited hugely Jews. These Arabs are miserably i that it will not be onened. The pa- and northwestern Iran were frus- tare defeats in 1956 and 1967. But through the sale of faulty ammu- quartered in concentration camps. per. commenting editorially on the trated. Stalin, who v•as more con• —while tending more and more to nition and equipment to his oval set up by impoverished neighboring published interview, believes that Arab countries who cannot afford one of the goals of the escalating servative than his reputation, the left—he avoids Communism. troops. wished to avoid confrontation with Russian technicians, officers. Pi- We (Col. Homer F. Kellems and to maintain them. He believes the Soviet intervention in Egvnt is to U.S. maritime and air power in lots and soldiers have moved into I) asked the General whether or United States should use its good open the Suez Canal, and that the areas where Soviet communications Egypt; Nasser relies on the U.S.S.R. not he hated the Jews, whether or offices in bringing out a settlement 1Kremlin is prepared to nay a steep and military strength were weak. to defend him; and Moscow's skill- not the Jews were mistreated in of th is bl price to attain that objective. - , That's all he said that bore di- However, Stalin started massive ful envoy, Ambassador Yinogradov, Egypt, whether or not it was true naval and missile construction and is locally called "the high commis- that Jews could not obtain good rectly on the Israel Egypt question. -epeat—he impressed me as a by the time America had crystal- sioner." Yet Nasser still proclaims positions in Cairo. great in r possessing great quali- lized its own Middle East policy by his potential freedom of action. General Naguib's answers were sponsoring the Baghdad Pact (now The question therefore is, can immediate and emphatic. And he ties—gualiiies of courage, sincerity, unselfish devotion to country, com- CENTO), Moscow was in a strong. Moscow really depend on Nasser impressed both of us as being abso- plete honesty, an uncompromising er position to react. Surely for the moment The reaction was designed to Nasser seems to fill the Kremlin . lately honest. He said in substance: enemy of graft and corruption. He He himself has no enmity toward wants a strong Egypt, but a peace- leapfrog over this "northern tier" bill. This provokesrecollection (as Jews or Israel. ("I have many ful Egypt. He wants the common supposed to protect the Middle cited before in these columns) of the Jewish friends, and they are good man to share the good things of East, and to seek alliance with E. Housman's "Demise of an I friends"). He believes all present Egypt, leader of today's Arab A. life. Imperceptive Youth": . world. It is additionally interesting to note that in a followup note Pierrot The grizzly bear is huge and Moscow developed this strategy i•i/d: informed us: when Washington refused to sell "I have great faith in Naguib. His danger is assassination. I He has devoured the infant arms to Nasser, withdrew aid for child. think he is an honest man of vision who will keep his promises." The infant child is not his Aswan High Dam, and finally While all this is pagt history, it is worth recallng as an indication aware Britain and France joined Israel that prior to Gamal Abdel Nasser there may have been an excellent It has been eaten by the in the 1956 Suez war against Egypt. chance for peace, during the reign of Naguib. But, for that matter, bear For an understanding of the Russian role, it is necessary to know it has been said time and again that Nasser, too, was willing to make the aims of the Russian Bear to understand what the Communist regime peace with Israel. And in his case, as in Naguib's, to quote Pierrot, is assassination!" aspires to, to be aware of all the intentions of the Kremlin. the "danger There is much more to the Middle East and the Russian involve- Sulzberger's analyses recall many past events. The reference to Naguib and his "palace arrest" is especially noteworthy. When Naguib ment than appears on the surface. And the American position is much - This may sound like a warning. But the historical background is a matter of firmness with regard to the Middle East and American in- terests as opposed to the Russian aspirations. One factor appears certain: Rus- sia's main aim is to force Israel to open the Suez waterway. Israel will not budge from her present posi- tion, and apparently the United States must make certain that Israel's position on the Suez banks is a correct one for this country. Perhaps that is why 77 per cent of the U.S. Senate and a majority in the House of Representatives sup- ports Israel in the struggle for life. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2—Friday, July 3, 1970