Rep. Ford Issues Strong Statement for Israel as Cash Mobilization Parley Hears Needs NEW YORK (JTA) — Louis A. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive in Jerusalem, is- sued a plea to the United Jewish Appeal to increase "radically" its financial aid to Israel. In response, the 1.1.TA held a cash mobilization conference here Sunday and Monday. Edward Gins- berg. UJA national general chair- man, emphasized the urgency of the plight. He called on American Jewish communities to initiate im- mediate emergency campaigns to buoy the Jewish Agency's growing ! immigration, health and humani-; tarian needs. In attendance at the conference were Detroiters Paul Zuckerman. Louis Berry and Sol , Drachler. ly move to strengthen our fleet. That is the best answer. "Let me state one conviction very simply: I firmly believe that the fate of Israel is linked with the national security of the United States." Rep. Ford said that on June 2 he sent a personal letter to President Nixon, stating that "in view of the dangerous and aggressive escalation of the crisis apparent in the intrusion of Soviet combat pilots and mis- sile battalions into Egypt, a new sense of urgency has developed among members of the House of Representatives regarding the necessit for a measured Amer- ican res ponse. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, June 12, 1970 Principle A man who prides himself upon acting upon principle is likely to be a man who insists upon having his own way without learning from experience what is the better a new sense of mutual respect in way.—John Dewey. their deserts bloom." "Instead of the cradle of civili- keeping with our dream of the The genius and productivity of the commerce and travel flowing Israelis could help others make across peaceful borders, and with zation becoming its grave, let the brotherhood of man under the cradle of civilization give rise to fatherhood of God. two peoples, Arab and Jewish, "I want to add a special and each in their own countries, with very personal word to this audi- ence. Many of you have devoted your lives to the Israeli cause. Kosher Meat Meals for All N.Y. Hospitals I Vernco ELECTRONIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER You have seen in Israel a re- demption of freedom and human dignity, the rebirth of a people. NEW YORK, (JTA) — Mayor But we are now witnessing John V. Lindsay has announced da ys, tragic d, that New York City plans to make which the powers and political available kosher meat meals to patients who ask for them in all trends and pressures of the in the city. world appear to be converging municipal hospitals on the Middle East. • • • • This is believed to be the irs Call Evenings Until 9 353-3284 "Israel was reborn in blood and iiiiiili••••••••••••••••••••• time that any municipal govern- Pincus wrote the UJA that a Calling for the sale of jets to ment in the U.S. has approved fire. Israel is today struggling in • "backlog of mounting unmet Israol, Rep. Ford said: such a program for observant Jew- an ordeal of blood and fire. But needs" of immigrants and the •• "There are compelling reasons ish patients in municipal hospitals. this time it is different. The state • • • underprivileged "r equires a to bolster Israel in such manner as Lindsay, in announcing of Israel has proved its mettle. Is- • massive increase in the present : to make the Russians think twice the Mayor rael is a nation among the na- • (Family Operated plan, noted that kosher food is rate of receipts from : before tackling the valiant Israeli now provided at Coney Island Hos- For 30 Years) • • pledges." He said the Jewish 1 air force. I also am convinced pital in Brooklyn, where a pilot "You can take pride, ride, as dedicat- : For Home, Office, • : Agent v, which relies solely on there is danger of a mood of des- kosher food program was start d • CJA for its projects. is "carry- peration in Israel, born of a sense in March 1969 to determine tehe ed supporters of Israel, in the na- • Industry ing this humanitarian work of abandonment, that might lead feasibility of making such a food tion you have helped to build. But •• •• • • Stereo fte S ys t em and in a situation growing more cri- the Israelis to launch pre-emptive service ova ilable • to all in-patients the watchman of Israel does not • -1 Intercoms tical from day to day." He add- operations that could bring about asking for it. sleep. • • • Paging Systems, Back • •• ed that "We have no doubt that ' open hostilities with Soviet mili- : City officials estimated the , o ground Music American Jewry despite all ob- tanforces. ! program will cost between 5 100-. ' "Trying days lie ahead. Yet, in !: 'your heart of hearts, you can !la st-cles will see us through these Master Antenna Systems • The President is aware that, 000 and $200,000 annually for an difficult days." • Home Antenna Systems : unlike some other nations men- I 1 es timated 400 to 500 Jewish pa- ' draw faith and sustenance and re- • assurance from one fact: this is 1 2 It is estimated that Israel spends aced by Communism, Israel has tients expected to request the 1 WE SERVICE AND REPAIR • , the United States of America. This j 53.000.000 a day for defense and kosher food service. not asked for American man- • All STEREO EQUIPMENT The mayor reported that the ex- is our country and we, Jews and • S1.00,000 a day for immigration power. If the Israelis are willing needs. In addition, the country's to stand up for their own sur- perience at Coney Island Hospital non-Jews, peoples of all parts of foreign currency reserves have hit vival, we must at least provide had demonstrated conclusively that this country, the silent Americans a record low. Ginsberg emphasized provision of kosher food does not and the articulate Americans, will • the necessary arms." 215 W. Troy, Ferndale • not let Israel down." that the mounting need in Israel It would be timely for the Presi- create any special problems in or humanitarian seriices, immi- dent to send a special commission hospital feeding procedures and gration and health is so urgent to the Middle East to assess the that the pilot program had been that immediate cash is required. developing danger created by the enthusiastically approved by both h staff and patients at the In an address by Michigan Rep. Soviet escalation, said Rep. Ford. hospital hospital. cra (I R. Ford. the Republica For Israel, a nation of people The decision for the program leader in the U.S. House of Repre- whose suffering merits a life more followed evaluation of sentatives charged that Arab ex- a survey creative than perpetual service in made by Daniel Green, deputy tremists are adopting Viet Cong an armed camp, let there be commissioner of ports and termi- terrorist tactics. "I call your at- tention to a recent visit to Hanoi peace," he said. "For the Arabs, nals, an Orthodox Jew who under- whose poverty and frustration re- took the survey on his own last by a delegation representing the quire schools and hospitals and a October. top leadership of SPORN • • • • : • • • 4 • • 399 - 4645 i • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• r : the El Fatah Under the plan, participating Arab guerrilla movement. The decent life rather than the endless Arabs were invited by Gen. Giap, purchase of jets and guns, let hospitals purchase frozen pack- aged kosher meals, complete with the military leader of North Viet- there be peace. "Israel could be a light unto the utensils. These are heated in hos- nam," he said. Arafat, the leader of the rocket- nations of that region if the Arabs pital ovens and brought unopened would accept fellow human beings to the patient's bed. cers who aim at Israeli school Under this arrangement, no houses• told his Vietnamese Com- of the Jewish faith as entitled to i nationhood as any other people. cooking is necessary. munist hosts that the Arabs had 'henefitted a great deal from the I tactics of Chairman lio Chi Minh.' I "Gen. Giap went on to express unqualified admiration for 'the fighting spirit of the Palestinian people and the Arab people, and our unreserved support for your struggle.' He voiced confidence that the Arabs would destroy Is- , rael in the so-called 'liberation struggle.' Referring to the President's , announced capture of enemy weaponry,• in Cambodia, Rep. Ford said. "I could not help but think that a Russian-made or Chinese•made rocket or mine or mortar or artillery piece captur- ed by our troops diminishes the stockpiles from which the Com- munists supply the radical Arab forces. When Russia and China dig into their arms stockpiles to make up Hanoi's weapon losses, they obviously will have fewer new arms to send to the Arabs. If the life of a single Israeli child is spared, however indi- rectly, by the impact we have had upon Communist arms stockpiles and replacement ship- ments to various terrorist forc- es of the world, I would be even more appreciative of the heroism of our brave soldiers." "The Communists may learn that they have neither isolated nor neutralized the United States. In the Middle East, by giving mili- tary support to the Arab cause, Moscow is seeking to replace the United States as the dominant power in the 31editerranean. Mos- co• has demanded that the United States Sixth Fleet leave the Medi- terranean. We should immediate- McDONALD FORD Recapture all the beauty of your carpets. Most complete extraction of Dirt•Odor•Soil. ... in your home (wall-to-wall) or in our cleaning plant. •repair, alterations, spot removal •upholstery cleaning Leader Carpet Cleaners free pick-up and delivery call 567-3700