18 new stores just opened at Northland. And just like the new kid on the block, they're getting all the attention and public recognition. It isn't fair. There are 124 of us at Northland. We're experienced stores. And we've proven ourselves by growing with the community. By offering great convenience, and wide selections and good service. Those 18 newcomers had better be careful. While they're getting all the attention and publicity, they'd better consider one thing. We're bigger than they are. • The 18 new stores at Northland are getting all the attention. Alcove, Ladies & Juniors Wear, (New) ■ G. Q. Modern Shoppe, Ladies & Juniors Wear, (Coming) ■ Capper & Capper, Men's Wear, (Coming) ■ Four Seasons Suburban, Ladies and Juniors Wear, (New) ■ American Girl Uniforms, (New) ■ Al Harris, Men's Wear, (New) ■ Bache & Company, Stock Brokerage ■ Brides Showcase, (New) ■ Charles W. Warren and Company, Gifts and Jewelry, (New) ■ B. Dalton Firm, (Expanded) ■ Barclay Gallery, Ltd., (New) ■ Jo An Fabric Shops, (New) ■ Lane Bryant, Inc., (Moved) ■ Northland Optometric Booksellers, (New) ■ Deltons Shoes, (New) ■ Jarman Shoes, (New) ■ The Singer Company, (New) Services, (Moved) ■ The Plum Tree, Gift Shop, (Coming) NORTHLAND CE1•TrrEF2_.