Purely Commentary Nelly Sachs . . . Symbolizer of Jewish Tragedy When Nelly Sachs was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, Oct. 21, 1966, sharing it with Shmuel Yosef Agnon, the chairman of , the Nobel Committee, Dr. Anders °sterling, described her poems as expressing the Jewish tragedy "in lyrical la- 11 ments of painful beauty," adding that they rose "above hatred of persecutors to reveal a deep sorrow at man's debasement." Miss Sachs herself had said: "Agnon rep- resents the State of Israel. I represent the tragedy of the Jewish people." This is a most significant way of evok- ing interest in the contrasting values of Jew- ish life, in the differences that mark those who found comfort in fulfillment of prophecy and the others who sought solace in what was to them the highest humanitarianism. Yet the two blend, and when Miss Sachs was personal- Nelly Sachs ly affected by the horror of the land of her , birth, citizenship of which she gave up for the Swedish, she cried out in a poem entitled "0 the Chimneys": "And when after my skin this. (dust) is destroyed, Then without my flesh shall 1 see God." —Job 19:26 O the chimneys On the ingeniously devised abodes of death, When Israel's body went through the air Dissolved into smoke— In place of a chimney-sweep It was received by a star Which turned black Or was it a sunbeam? . O the chimneys! Freedom pzths for Jeremiah's and Sob's dust— Who desiced you and built, stone upon stone, The road for fugitives made of smoke? O the abodes of death Attractively prepared For the host who used to be a guest- O ye fingers Farming the doorstep Like a knife between life and death- of Isaiah Valid Today . . • Bonds' Leadership Role . . . News Media Confuse Issues, Distort Zionism The Message Israel By Philip Slomovitz American Jewry's 'James Bond Role' of Providing Defensive Weapons for New-Born Israel Leonard Slater was here for an afternoon, last Sunday, to explain how he had gathered material for the fascinating story of American Jewry's support for newborn-Israel in the undercover activities of providing defensive war material, as related in his book, "The Pledge," just published by Simon and the art of many prominent people who could Schuster. It's an amazing account of a deep not let Israel be destroyed; who. forseeing the state three years before the declaration of Independence 22 years ago, commenced to purchase "illegal" boats and to secure armaments for the defense of the Jew- ish settlers. Slater tells of the role played by David Ben-Gurion who began to gather around him men of prominence who provided the funds and people of courage who risked a great deal both in purchasing vitally needed ammunition, in flying old planes, in manning the boats that were needed to rescue Jews from displaced persons camps in Germany and to transport them, contrarary to British regulations, to Palestine. Primarily, Slater tells the story of Rudolph G. Sonneborn, the dedicated leader of the 1940s and early 1950s, who formed the Sonneborn Institute to meet regularly to plan the activities that were "illegal" to the British and that were contrary to American regulations which forbade the shipment of arms to the Middle East. It is the story of the Swedish Christian, Carl Ekdahl, who designed "The Gun" was so helpful to Israel and who was helpful in the struggle for freedom in many ways. Slater that gathered interesting data about the activities of Jacob Distrovsky, who later became Yaacov Dori. Israel's chief of staff, and afterward was president of the Technion. Among the personalities recorded are Reuven Zaslani, who, as Shiloah, was a member of the negotiating team on the island of Rhodes where the armistice agreements were signed with the Arabs after the first was in 1948--Zaslani who was with us in San Francisco during the exciting months of the formation of the United Nations; Moshe Dayan, who came to the U.S. to seek encouragement for the Palestinian Jews; Danny Agron, son of Gershon Agron Agronsky), editor of the then Palestine Post; Teddy Kollek, now mayor of Jerusalem, who was here to seek help; Henry Montor, who was an important intermediary and an asso- ciate of Sonneborn, and many others. Slater's is not a complete record, while he tells in his book about machine tools having come from Detroit, and he lists the work of Harry Weinsaft, he does not list the services that were rendered here by Detroiters who were active in materials for Israel, in which Sally Fields was deeply involved, It should especially be noted that Detroiters were directly involved in financing at least one "illegal" boat that was used to take Jews into Palestine—before the rebirth of Israel—from DP camps. Louis Berry was the chief organizer of the local effort. The situation had became critical. Boats were needed to transport the Jews who had survived Nazism into their ancient homeland. Mr. Berry gathered a group of Detroit Jews and they contributed $70,000 to purchase an old boat which soon was put into action for the great humanitarian effort that was soon to be accomplished in defiance of the British mandatory power. The late Abe Kasle was very helpful in the task managed by Berry, and the Detroit effort must be linked with the story told in Slater's "The Pledge." O ye chimneys, O ye fingers, And Israel's body in the smoke through the air ! Mr. Berry recalls with pride the interest that was shown in his life- saving effort by the late Fred M. Butzel. The noted leader, who aligned himself with all Zionist tasks in Detroit, not only shared in the purchase of the boat: he told his young friend—Louis Berry—this was more than 25 years ago--how deeply moved he was by his dedication to a great human need and that Detroit' Jewry must value such efforts with deep apprecia- tion. Slater's "The Pledge" helps reconstruct an important chapter in American Jewish history when men of courage defied restrictions to come to the aid of persecuted Jews and to build a foundation for a homeland for them. The Detroit addenda to his story needs to be included in so valuable a record. There was sort of an atonement when the Exchange Association of the German Book Trade awarded her the 1965 Peace Prize. The world's most eminent personalities took note of her expressions of the agony of the suffers from Nazism in the deeply moving poem. Her work symobized the answer to the terrors of the 1930s and 1940s only a few weeks ago, commentedganization he worked for does not from one who escaped the tormentors and c:iose to speak for the Joseph Alsop, who was in Israel I tormented. What she had written will long he remembered and will in a recent column on the losses sustained by Israel. Compared to make that society a law-breaker. 1 ' those of the Arabs they are minimal. They are insignificant and would What is said about Bnai Brith serve as a major warning against the repetition of the crimes of be inconsequential from the viewpoint of an American. But Israel is could apply to ALL Jewish move- the land of her birth. a very small country, with a population of less than 3,000,000. and any , ments today—in the sense of the Miss Sachs' American publishers, Farrar. Straus and Giroux, have deep interest by Jews in Zionism of I just announced that her "The Seeker and Other Poems" will be pub- loss is serious. Alsop analyzed "the problem of scale—the weight • I and in Israel. The one Jew who is lished posthumously in December in a bilingual edition in which the numbers" and stated: quoted negatively, with charges people. whereas I German original and the English translations will appear on opposite "The United States has more than 205,000,000 GO to 90 men i that the United Jewish Appeal gets pages. The publishers state that this book will include all the poems Israel has only 2,600,000. For Israel, therefore, losing ,undue tax deductibly status, has not collected in "0 the Chimneys" and that the new volume will com- per month is like an American monthly loss of 5,500 to 8,000 men. himself been fired from the move- plete the publication of all of her works in this country. For Israel in short, this is a hemorrhage that must be staunched." ; ment that, alone, opposes Zionism This is valuable news for those who :lave read and have been Such are the realities of a situation that becomes daily • more in Jewish ranks. c moved by Miss Sachs' collections of poetry—"0 the Chimneys, Selected serious. But the more pressing the issue .the more determine Bnai Brith will surely explain its Poems and the Verse Play, Eli." "In the Habitations of Death," Israeli resistance—and that is understandable. It is this condition that demands unhesitating support for Israel 1:11r all who have a sense of position and there will be proper "Eclipse of the Stars" and "Flight and Metamophosis"—all published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. The Jewish Publication Society co- justice. Former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey expressed it refutation of the Observer article. At the outset it should be said that firmly when he wrote after his visit in Israel earlier this month: published "0 the Chimneys." "We have a moral commitment to the survival of Israel . . . It it is filled with distortions, that An important chapter in literature thus retains continuity by the maligns a great libertarian cause. publication of a noble woman's works and the perpetuation cf her is in our interest that Israel maintain her independence and tha that it is so unjust that there is no memory by publishers, readers and a generation that remembers the this struggle in the Middle East be settled as promply as possible. wonder that American Jews are The struggle cannot be settled if we show any weakness with the effects of the chimneys. outraged by it. There is one answer Soviet Union." to be given it: multiplication of commitment for mankind- to protect Israel's position support for UJA and mass enroll- Israel Bonds' Honor for Fishman It is a moral • Local History Reminiscent of U. S. Bond Drives in the world. How much more responsible to such a commitment, ment in the Zionist movement as a The Israel Bond honors to be accorded to Nathan Fishman on his therefore, is the Jewish people everywhere? , There must be no slacken- defense measure. 75th birthday. next Thursday, brings back recollections of the important ink of efforts in Israel's behalf. In the years There is one more matter that before Israel's re-emergence into sovereign state- role Detroit Jewry played back in the U.S. Bond drives. needs treLanent. We had the high- Turning back the pages of The Jewish News to Sept. 18, 1942, we hood, whenever Arabs would uproot a single tree , est respect for John K. Cooley of by Detroit Jewry, during the planted by the Jewish National Fund, Jews would find :r record of serious efforts here the Christian Science Monitor who World War II activates for the sale of I' S Bonds. In that issue there mobilize to plant another forest. With lives being is headquartered primarly in Bei- is a description of one such effort—that of Knollwood Country Club— lost in a struggle for survival, the duty to 'help roe Zoete • sake, nit. We have followed his articles - sesall not keep where a 5.1000,000 Bond drive was conducted under the leadership of a people that is in danger is much greater than • Wen, rOe Ivey- with the keenest interest. But he salerns sake Nathan Fishman, and the co-chairmanship of the late Irving W. ever before. • ..II not res. certainly slipped when he wrote. Blumberg and Maurice Aronsson, Irving Dworman, George S. Seyburn That is why the Israel Bond drive is so ire- regarding the Middle East water portant now, why giving to the United Jewish and others. end resources, in the May 19 issue. The late Louis Luckoff directed the advertising, and the story Appeal is vital. Even with the Allied Jewish Campaign at an that "old Zionist maps" showed an states: "The Jewish News has volunteered its services to act as • it is logical to continue increasing gifts. And whenever Israel is attacked we must speak up in the state's aspiration for Israel to acquire a official organ of Knollwood Country Club for this Million Dollar War defense, adhering to the admonition in Isaiah: "For the sake of Zion lot of territory, including Lebanese Bond Party." The story declared that "THE EYES OF THE AXIS ARE UPON I shall not be silent . . . ." areas, "the Hasbani or even the , Litani rivers." US—WE DARE NOT FAIL is challenging Knollwoodians and their friends . . There were many such efforts here and there are historic links between the activities in 1942 and the leadership in Israel Bond drives which attracts men like Nathan Fishman in defense of the Jewish state that is again challenged by Nazi-like tendencies in the Middle East. The recollection of Nathan Fishman's efforts nearly three decades ago and his current interest add glory to his devotion to our community and to the need to protect the democratic forces everywhere. Arabs keep passing on the fable Remember the concern Jews showed in the early 1930s over the that there are maps in the Knesset constant emphasis on Jewish news in the headlines? The explanation that show Israel's aim to acquire was: Jews ARE News! territory past the Bosphorus. There The News Media and the Exaggerations We are back again to that status. The Wall-Street Journal's exten- is a story about an Arab group sive coverage of the Middle East, the day-in-day-out emphasis on Israel visting the Knesset who were em- barrassed when they were asked and her enemies in the Christian Science Monitor, the recent sensational to locate such a map. article in the New York Times analyzing (sic!) the functions of Zionist We know something about Zion- agencies, and now the National Observer confusion-worse-confounded ist aspirations and we'd like to see Tragic Losses for a Small Nation lengthy essay on a subject similar to that in the NYTimes. Attrition has become a menacing word in the Middle East and for the maps Cooley speaks of. He has It is the latter that Is disturbing many:Jews because it reads like Israel it is sort of a challenge. Nasser threatened attrition, Israel defies an expose, like an indictment, like an accusation. against that demon swallowed the vilest Arab propa- ganda. He must correct his accusa- it, foreign correspondents keep harping on it. Zionism. Actually, it is a pack of nonsense because it deals with half Perhaps it is a reality. In any event, for Israel the threats are not truths, and there Is nothing more difficult to deal with than a rumor or tion. Prove it, Mr. Cooley, produce the map you speak of, else apolo- minimal. They are unending. a half truth or the accusation by a Jew against a Jew. Just because a discharged employee files a law suit against an or- gize! 2—Friday, May 22, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS