Hopes to Be Clinical Psychologist 'Citron to Address Junior Division Coed Enters MSU Honors College By ROSEBIARY VOCINO Contrary to the typical image of constantly picketing and demon- strating college students, many are trying to change the world by put.' ting their energies into becoming future leaders in their chosen field. Maxine Thome, a junior at Mich- igan State University (31SU) is a ' good example of this type of uni- versity student Miss Thome, daughter of Dr. and 31rs. 31aurice Thome and a member of Pontiac's Temple Beth Jacob, was recently ad- mitted into 3ISU's Honors College on the basis of her outstanding academic achievement and work with professors in the psychology department. I During the winter term break.: Miss Thome spent three weeks in an observational internship pro- gram at the Pontiac State Hospital.: There, under the guidance of Dr. ' Selwyn Fidelman, she spent one week working with emotionally dis- turbedchildren and two weeks . talking with patients whose prob- ' lems covered the whole range of mental and emotional illnesses. This summer, Miss Thome will study humanities at the Univer- sity of London in an 31SU-s n- sity- r- sored travel-study program. will ing the eight weeks s spend in Europe, she also plans to do independent study. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I can stand brute force but UJA Young Leaders' Unit Plans Mission to Israel NEW YORK — Leaders of Jew- ish communities throughout the nation are being invited to par- ticipate in the Young Leadership Study Mission to Europe and Israel sponsored by the Young- Leader- ship Cabinet of the United Jewish Appeal July 6-26. Including four days in Rome, the mission is open to persons from age 25 to 40. James Nobil of Akron, chairman of the cabinet, describes the study mission as "a fine opportunity for American Jews to see Israel, re- ceive confidential briefings by the leaders of the country, and to really understand the tremendous things that are happening in Is- rael." As in past study missions to Israel, this group will visit kibut- zim and have opportunities to com- municate with Israelis from all walks of life. Ir. addition, there will be time for visiting with fami- lies and shopping. :Michael A. Pelavin, of Flint, general chairman of the confer- ence. announced that participation is expected from all of the East Central States. The general sessions as well as workshops and question and an- s•er periods will deal with the various aspects of the leadership of Jewish young adults in the Jew- ish and general 'community and concern with their role in solving modern problems. Serving with Chairman Pelavin on the local committee are De- troitersThomas I. Klein. associate general chairman: Joel Tauber and Barry Yaker, who head the program committee. A GIFT FOR EVERY OCCASION See Joel or Morris Watnick m caRaR.,m-w- Theologian Gets Hebrew U. Award F I NETH IR EINEVro GIFTS 283 Hamilton Birminggam 644 76261 9 PM - Suburban. GREEN-8 ONLY! NEW YORK (JTM — Daniel Mann will produce. and direct "Shattered Silence." based on a book by former Israeli journalist Zvi Aldoubi about the life and death of Eli Cohen, an Israeli secret agent who was hanged in Damascus as an Israeli spy. Mann has just returned from Israel where he obtained clear- ances from the government and from Cohen's widow, Nadia Cohen. Mann and associate producer Bill Cohen- said the book, being pub- lished by McCann• will be released this spring. Filming will begin in early 1971. Have An Affair to Remember From the Six-Day War to Jan. 19. 1970. 427 Israeli soldiers Were killed by enemy action and terror- ism and 1430 were wounded. In addition, there were 89 civilidn deaths and 552 civilians wounded during this time. A similar rate in the. United States would approxi- mate 50.000 American death . or more men than we have lost sincc the beginning of our involvement in Vietnam. MORI LITTLE Look-Like-Linen Spring Costume Was $90, Now $45 SATURDAY SUNDAY! ea $22 5° Dress with new long jacket. Navy red with white. By a very famous maker. LIMIT- ED QUANTITIES, HURRY! with white or CHARGE IT Juliet, • Hankard, AnieriCard GREEN-8 ONLY! Saturday 9:30 to 9, And Orchestra KE 4-5980 and - Sunday 12 to 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 By Popular Demand We Repeat 3 DAYS ONLY 95 Sat. 9 to 9—Sun. 9 to 6—Mon. 9 to 9 IN A RECENT CALLOp POLL THE YEARNING FOR PEACE IS SMOKER IN ISRAEL THAN IN ANYCIRIER COUNTRY. TSAPIEL-91." GREECE-477- —7,7 7 : ISRTIAN — 51%1H 5 8 7 24 1. ;1:1"lP i4 5 ;6 ' OF x'10.00 I\ WE E K TO USA WILL PROVIDE 1 YEAR'S NURSERY DAY- SCHOOLCARE COVIRIBUTIO FORTHE CHI LD WIGS SOME HIGHER MUST SELL BELOW COST 100% HUMAN HAIR LL A Greenfield-8 Mile Roads! SATURDAY and SUNDAY Life of Agent Eli Cohen to Be Basis for Movie Israel's Losses s a fact... I hate vulgar realism in litera- 1) Regional l'oung Leadership Conference Ilere May 22-21 eration of Detroit. 1 The Junior Division of the Jew- brute reason is quite unbearable. ture. The man who could call a ish Welfare Federation of Detroit There is something unfair about spade a spade should be compelled will hold an open board meeting, its use. It is like hitting below the to use one. It is the Only thing —Oscar Wilde he is fit for. —Oscar Wilde 8 p.m. Monday, in the Communit y intellect. !louse of Whitehall Apartments, Southfield. Dr. Abraham Citron, associate MOTHER'S DAY MAN 10th professor of educational sociology at Wayne State University, will discuss the manifestations of "Jew- The most comprehensive line of men's and ladirs' gold - ish Anti-Semitism." bracelet watches sold and serviced throughout the world. Stanley D. Frankel, president of the division which is composed of young adults between 18 and 30 ( years, said that the meeting is open to all members, prospective BAUME & MERCIER members and guests. After earning a bachelor of arts' JERUSALEM — Dr. James She hopes to be a clinical psy- degree in August. 1971, she plans to continue her studies and earn Parkes, the renowned Britii'M chologist and, toward this goal, has assisted Dr. Andrew Barclay, as- masters and doctorate degrees in theologian and promoter of Chris- sistant professor of psychology, in clinical psychology. . tian - Jewish unclerstandin,, re administering several of his stu- Miss Thome was active in Jewish ceived an honorary fellowship dies. youth groups throughout her high award front the Hebrew Univer- sity. Currently, Miss Thome is Work- school years. She was president of Dr. Parkes, who has arrived in ing with him in a government- Pontiac Temple Youth during the Israel for a t•o-week visit, has financed study on "guilt and ca- 1967-68 year. worked actively on been active in the spheres of Jew- various committees of Michigan tharsis." She is also doing back- ish-Christian relations and Middle ground research work for Dr.. State Temple Youth and served - East studies for more than a gene- Albert Rabin in his current study , one year as a Michigan Temple , ration. His first revolutionary Youth board member. on mental institution patients. study. "The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue." was publish- ed as long as 35 years ago, at a time when it was most unusual to suggest a Christian involve- ment in anti-Semitism and its so- A regional young leadership peal Young Leadership Cabinet cio-religious antecedents. Among the honors bestowed upon Dr. conference under national spon- are sponsoring the meeting in Parkes for his endeavors was his sorship will be held here at the cooperation with the Young Lead-, election in 1949 as president of ership Institute and the Junior Di- Statler Hilton 3lay 22-24. vision of the Jewish Welfare Fed- the Jewish Historical Society. The leadership development committee of the Council of Jew- ish Federations and Welfare Funds and the United Jewish Ap- Friday, May 1, 1970-29 OF A WORI311& MOTHER 14 SRAEL. AND THE GREAT NEW SYNTHETIC • COME EARLY FOR GREATEST SELECTION ALL SALES FINAL 3.cmhionAj .bik ry 111: di 12111- Velinnut .1- pap ► ittg Tottrr Brquitthrg Eigilt