THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, April 3, 1970 Eva Firestone to 11 "cd Steven Lipton in June omen's etas activities GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio AES CU LAPIAN PHARMACEU- EVERGREEN GROUP, Hadas- sah, will present Dr. Bruce Dan- TICAL ASSOCIATION LADIES neer Women, will meet noon Tues day at the Shalom Aleichem Insti to, psychiatrist, speaking on "Sex AUXILIARY will meet 12:30 p.m. and the Teen-ager" 8 p.m. Tues- Wednesday at the home of Mrs. lute. Reports will be given on the day at the Oak Park Community Jack Reitman, 27350 Sutherland, games night, and plans will be set Center. Members are invited to Southfield. The budget report in- up for the annual World's Child bring their husbands. Guests are cluding the Aesculapian Prescrip- Day canister drive. News and tion Fund, chaired by Mrs. Meyer views will be discussed. Refresh- welcome. Goldstein, will be presented by ments will be served. Kinneret Chap- Mrs. Edward Rothenberg, treas- FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, ter, Pioneer Wom urer. The Book Victory Dinner will en, will hear a be held at the Livonia Penthouse, Mizrachi Women, will meet noon April 13 at Cong. Beth Hillel, The May 4. For reservations, call Mrs. book review of Chaim Potok's Michael Wainer, EL 8-4783, or Mrs. annual donor luncheon will be held May 12 at Bnai Moshe. The mu- Asher Smith, GR 4-3855. "The Promise" sical program will feature Cantor by Adele Mondry, Hyman Adler accompanied by noon Wednesday BNAI DAVID- SISTERHOOD will at the Sholem hold its annual donor luncheon Bella Goldberg. All proceeds will go toward the Mizrachi youth proj- * Aleichem Insti- 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the syna- tute. Hostesses gogue. Entertainment will be by ects in Israel. CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, will be Belle Hal- Hal Gordon and Sammy Woolf. will hold a cultural meeting noon pern and Bertha For tickets, call Bell Eizenberg, Spectacles April 15 at the Sholem Aleichem MISS EVA FIRESTONE Mrs. Mondry Bricker. 545-7538. With a Spectacular Guarantee Institute. Sarah Friedman will dis- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Firestone of cuss the poefry of Rachel Korn. Rensellor Ave., Livonia, announce Brunch will be served. CHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, ZEDAKAH CLUB will meet noon the engagement of their daughter Pioneer Women, will meet noon April 13 at the Knob in the Woods PRESCRIPTION OPTICAL CO. Eva L. to Steven L. Lipton, son of ROSENWALD LADIES AUXIL- Monday at Sholem Aleichem Insti- club house. Election of officers 543-3343 26001 Coolidge Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Lipton of IARY, American Legion, will meet tute. Esther LaMed, Clara Marks will take place, and annual reports Canterbury Ave. 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Work- and Yetta Landy will discuss cur- will be given. Mesdames Arthur The bride-elect holds a BS de- men's Circle Center. A slate of rent events. Refreshments will be Feldman, Isadore Muskowitz and For Special Occasions gree from Wayne State University, officers will be appointed. served. Guests are invited. Sam Schreier will be hostesses. • That Require where she was affiliated with Delta • Announcements • invitations Phi Epsilon Sorority. She is cur- DIMONA CHAPTER, Pioneer • Stationery BATYA CHAPTER, Mizrachi, CITY OF HOPE CANCER rently working on her MS degree With The FIGHTERS will hold a general will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Women, will hold a luncheon meet- at the University of Michigan. Elegance of Luxury home of Mrs. Jack Zwick, 15221 ing 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Mr. Lipton holds a BS degree board meeting noon Monday at the Raleigh House. Pictures will be Dartmouth, Oak Park. Rev. Her- home of Mrs. Norman Leemon, from the University of Michigan Call 535-9179 . taken for the annual journal. Mrs. man Roth will discuss "Pesach 18945 Fairfield. A full-length film, and is working on his MS degree Invitations by Harry Cohen, chairman of door-lo- Celebrations in Isolated Commu- "The Inheritance," will be shown. in biological sciences at Wayne Guests are welcome. For reserva- door, will report on preparations nities." Hostesses for the evening ETHEL State University. for the upcoming drive. Volunteers are Mesdames Perry Greenstein, tions, call Mrs. Henry Solomon, A June wedding is planned. Myra Selesny, and Shifra Zwick: LI 6-5269, or Mrs. David Shuster, may call Mrs. Cohen, LI 8-3712. Classified Ads Get Quick Results The annual donor dinner will be LI 7-1438. SISTERS of ZION MIZRACHI held 6:30 p.m. Sunday at North Park Towers. Max Sossin will en- r will hold a pre-Passover meeting Professional' Entertainment Wednesday at Cong. Shomrey tertain. For reservations, call Mrs. Emunah. A luncheon will be spon- Sheila Guyer, 353-4685, or Mrs. Ethel Parish, 535-9179. sored by Mrs. Jennie Weisman, ADAS SHALOM SISTERHOOD will culminate its current drive for Torah Fund and the Mathilde Schecter Residence Hall with a tea honoring contributors 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Sidney 'Schwartz, 32681 Inkster, Franklin. Proceeds help support the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and the residence, a home away from home for coeds. Mrs. Marvin Cherrin and Mrs. Sam Kobaker are Torah tribute chairmen. .Mrs. Barney Golden, Torah Fund chairman, advises that the program will be a pre- sentation of "Bits of Yiddish Hum- or" by Mrs. Irving Ackerman. THE WOMEN'S BICUR CHOLEM will meet noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Abe Bookstein, 10760 Corning, Oak Park. Plans for the May 4 donor luncheon at the Raleigh House will be made. Ticket chair- men are Mrs. Joseph Shifman, 358- 1576, and Mrs. Simon Shifman, 353- 7990. gnioy Our Spring-Ar-Xing Sale .1 u p to 50% ff o and more • Dresses • Costumes • All Purpose Coats • Accessories JEAN BLACKBURN "Fashions for Women" Merrillwood Mall Corner of Merrill and Woodward at the top of the escalator Open..Daily 10 to 5 P.M. Thursday to 9 P.M. Phone 646-4760 NEW STUDY CLUB will hold a luncheon noon Wednesd a y at Workmen's Circle Center. Host- esses are Mrs. Isadore Schwartz and Mrs. Louis Statfeld. Guests are invited. SHELDON ROTT ORCHESTRA Featuring Television Personality, Singer Vickie Carroll DI 1-8525' 545-2737 JEWISH WOMEN EUROPEAN WELFARE ORGANIZATION will hold a dessert luncheon meeting noon Monday at Cong. Ezras Achim. Members are asked to make reservations for the May 6, 50th anniversary luncheon at Cong. Beth Abraham. BETH SHALOM SISTERHOOD will hold its 17th annual honor roll luncheon noon Thursday at the synagogue. The theme of the lunch- eon will be "Blooming Astrology with Cleo." TEMPLE BETH EL SISTER- HOOD will hold its last book re- view of the season 10 a.m. Tues- day at the temple Sherry Wasser- man, adult librarian at the Oak Park Library, will review "An Estate of Memory" by Ilona Kar- mel. Marriages In a recent evening ceremony at Hotel Pontchartrain, Linda Dale Klein became the bride of Dr. Martin Bernard Berman. Rabbi Morton Kanter officiated. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klein of Youngstown, 0., and Mrs. Meyer Berman of De- troit. The bride wore a mini-length sheath of Alencon lace styled with a high ruffled collar. Her silk illu- sion bouffant veil was attached to a Dior bow of matching lace, and she carried a colonial bouquet of miniature sweetheart rosebuds. Diane Berman of Boston, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, and Richard Klein, brother of the bride, served as best man. Dr. Richard Lofman and Mark Rubin ushered. After a wedding trip to Hawaii. Dr. and Mrs. Berman will live in Southfield. Comet $23 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOOTS THE MOON Inspired by the moon shot, Town & Country shoes reflect the excitement of the moment with chrome-bright accents on a distinctive new pump. The silvery curved heel and tongue mirror the brilliance of this look in black, red or white patent. THE BOOTERY NEW ORLEANS MALL 15600 W. 10 Mile Road Southfield Phone: 353-7272 BLOOMFIELD COMMONS 3627 W. Maple Road Birmingham Phone: 647-5622